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Price  One  Dollar  aDd  F^ftv 

COMl'II.EI)    AND    PUBLISH  K;.    B\ 

D.     B.     J^PtldEEE     &     WM.     T.     COLE 

'IMES     PRINT      FIJ-^TIJ     ;n"i  t  ii 







,J.    BSl^OCMEirSJKlR  ^Ac    OTiO.. 

Third  Avenue,  bet.  Fourth  and  Fifth  Streets, 




Foreign  and  Domestic  Fruits  and  Nuts, 


At  J^ew  York  FHeea.  jor  <jrfs/i. 

B  R  .;V  X  C  H    O  F  P"  il  O  "Fl 

0^■    'J  HE 


•J, 200,000.  B    e  n.Sf  :-t;rMr.!<  '/ 

■  idise  instil 

917.i,'.7-M  '^'^^^^'^^^^    ,^   651^-562" 

Morrisanla  and  Tremont 
directory,  1871-2* 


3  3333  10974  1757 





form  m0122  [i-22-53  Im] 

.-L  ....    — M'rwm 

USE  OriLY  'fia  MA»'   ■       Bl?  TAKEivJ 

'Ban  T:'F  mm. 

BRONXHisrow  /^  J)lffS^-S(o7, 


The  publishers  in  offurinj  this,  their  first  attempt,  at  Directory  work,  dc.  so  with.*" 
«ou3(5iousne3s  that  no  pains  and  no  expense  have  bean  spared  to  make  the  •vrork  per- 
fect and  complete.  For  canvassers  they  selected  the  very  best  men  they  could  And. 
In  consequence  of  the  ietusal  of  some  parties  to  give  their  names,  who  were  afraid  of 
"  jury  duty,"  the  canvassers  were  unable  to  obtain  several  names,  and  in  some  case* 
in  consequence  of  the  absence  of  occupants  of  houses  the  names  had  to  be  obtained 
from  neighbors ;  hence,  some  names  are  probably  wrong  in  spelling  or  initials.  The 
historical  part  of  th'?  work  bas  been  prepared  by  Myron  Finch,  Esq.,  a  gentleman  who 
was  among  the  earlier  settlers  of  the  place,  who  has  been  a  constant  resident  here, 
and  whose  pen  needs  no  commendations  from  thsm.  That  the  book  is  perfect  they  do  not 
claim,  but  they  do  claim  a  degree  of  perfection  that  will  make  it  of  great  value  to  t.h« 
people  of  the  town.  Hoping  that  the  work  will  be  well  received  by  the  public  and  that 
they  will  receive  the  necessary  encouragement  to  repeat  the  work  year  after  year,  and 
thereby  give  the  public  a  reliable  means  of  finding  out  each  other's  abiding  place,  a 
necessity  that  has  long  been  recognized  in  all  large  cities  and  villages  in  the  world  ; 
they  place  their  first  Morrisania  and  Tremont  Directory  in  the  hands  of  the  publie. 




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_J-^-_7    S     _JL  htmr^m 

Price  One  Dollar  and  Fifty  Cents. 

COMPILED   A:^:^'    ''UI'LISH'^D    ^v 

D.     B.     FTIISBRE     '^r     ^7^1      T      COLES 





■History    of     Mor^isania 

In  the  early  part  of  the  year  1848,  several  mechanics  and  laboring  men 
in  the  City  of  New  Yoric  began  to  discuss  the  feasibility  of  seeking  some 
place  near  the  city  where  they  could  erect  dwellings,  no  matter  how 
humble,  and  with  their  families,  settle  down  in  them  with  the  satisfaction 
of  knowing  that  they  were  not  at  the  mercy  of  landlords.  Nor  was  this 
the  only  reason  that  led  them  to  seek  "  homes"  in  the  country.  They 
were  weary  of  the  noise  and  bustle  of  the  city,  and  most  heartly  tired  of 
being  cooped  up  in  small  tenements  which  they  could  not  call  their  own, 
and  which  afforded  but  indifferent  accommodations  for  themselve*!  and 
their  households,  The  moi'e  the  subject  was  discussed,  the  more  feasible 
did  the  project  appear  and  discussion  led  to  action.  A  public  meeting 
was  called  of  those  interested  in  the  object,  at  Military  Hall,  No.  193  Bow- 
ery, and  here  the  matter  was  fullv  talked  over.  The  first  meeting  was 
succeeded  by  another  one,  and  that  by  another,  until  at  length,  it  was  re- 
solved that  the  object  was  attainable,  and  a  committee  was  appointed  to 
"  prospect"  in  the  vicinity  of  the  city  and  to  report  the  result  at  a  subse- 
quent meeting,  whenever,  in  their  judgment,  they  had  found  the  right  spot, 
on  which  to  locate  a  village. 

In  prosecuting  their  labors,  the  attention  of  tlie  committee  was  directed 
to  wh-Tt  subsequently  became  the  village  of  Morrisania.  The  land  was 
deemed  suitable  for  building  purposes  and  the  location  was  within  one 
hour's  ride  of  the  City  Hall,  by  the  Harlenl  Railroad,  which  at  that  time 
was  running  trains  no  farther  than  Croton  Falls.  The  [)roperty  was  owned 
by  Gouverneur  Morris  and  was  used  for  farming  purposps.  Could  the 
property  be  bought  at  a  reasonable  figure  and  would  t!ie  railroad  com- 
pany establish  a  depot  and  afford  traveling  facilities  for  the  people,  if  the 
land  was  purchased  and  built  upon  by  its  future  owners  1  Both  of  these 
questions,  so  intimately  connected  with  the  success  of  an  enterprise  of  this 
character,  was  soon  settled  satisfactorily  to  the  committee,  and  another 
meeting  was  held  at  Military  Hall  to  hear  the  report  of  the  committee. 
At  this  meeting,  the  report  of  the  committee  was  favorably  received  and 
steps  were  taken  to  efiect  the  purchase  (>f  the  land,  which  was  soon  after- 
wards done. 

The  plot  which  was  purchased  from  Mr.  Morris  and  which  subsequently 
became  Morrisania  proper,  was  bounded  on  the  north  by  a  stone  wall,  a 


short  distance  above  Eighth  Street ;  on  the  east  by  the  old  Boston  Posl 
Road,  and  on  the  south  and  west  by  Mill  Brook.  It  embraced  200  acres, 
and  the  consideration  money  paid  lor  it  was  $34,622,  or  about  ^173  per 
acre.  The  raising  of  the  money  for  the  purchase  of  this  land  and  the  div- 
ision of  it  into  building  lots,  were  the  result  of  harmonious  associated  effort. 
A  committee,  consisting  of  Messrs.  Jordan  L.  Mott,  Nicholas  McGraw  and 
Charles  W.  Houghton,  Esqrs.,  was  appointed  by  the  association  to  take 
charge  of  the  funds,  as  Ihey  were  paid  in  from  time  to  time  and  hold  them 
in  trust  for  the  association  with  which  to  purchase  the  land,  Mr.  Mott  be- 
ing the  treasurer.  The  avenues  and  streets  were  laid  out  and  worked  at 
the  expense  of  tlie  association,  wliich  also  paid  the  expense  of  surveying 
the  lots.  After  deducting  the  area  covered  by  the  avenues  and  streets  and 
three  public  lots  hereinafter  referred  to,  there  were  left  167  acres  of  the 
original  200  acres  purchased  from  Mr.  ]\Iorris.  Tliese  were  divided  into 
167  lots  of  one  acre  each.  An  ai)praise(l  pro  rata  valii?  of  each  lot  was 
then  made,  after  which  as  many  cards  as  tliere  were  lots,  were  numbered 
respectively  from  1  to  167.  These  cards  were  placed  promiscuously  in  a 
box  and  drawn  out  by  the  members  of  the  association,  eacu  member  being 
restricted  in  his  right  to  choose  a  lot  t(3  the  order  of  the  numbers  re- 
preseiited  oil  the  cards.  Tlie  member  who  dre'v  card  No.  1,  had  the  first 
choice  ;  No.  10,  the  tenth  choice,  and  so  on.  The  di'awer  of  No.  167.  had 
Ilobson's  choice:  that  or  nothing,  as  that  number  re{)resented  tlie  only  lot  to  be  taken. 

After  tiie  ownership  of  each  lot  had  been  thus  determined,  Mr.  ]»IorfiS, 
who  had  meiir.while  been  ];ai(l  the  piu'chase  money,  executed  a  deed  to 
each  lot  owner  separately.  The  deeds  all  bore  date  Se{)tember  8,  1848, 
and  contained  a  proviso,  that  each  lot  owner  should  erect  a  dwelling  on  his 
lot  within  three  years,  at  a  value  of  not  less  than  S300.  Each  lot  owner  was 
granted  a  iree  transit  for  horses  and  vehicles  over  the  old  Harlem  bridge, 
which  at  that  tim,e  and  for  several  j-ears  alterwards,  was  a  toll  bridge. 
This  bridge  was  subsequently  replaced  by  the  beautiful  iron  structure 
which  now  greets  the  eye,  and  wliich  is  free  to  all  travelers. 

There  were  three  reserved  lots  within  the  area  purchased  from  Mr- 
Morris,  to  wit :  The  lot  on  wliich  the  depot  is  situated  ;  the  one  on  which 
School  House  No.  3  is  built  and  the  lot  directly  in  the  rear  of  the  latter, 
fronting  on  Fulton  avenue,  and  which  was  intended  for  a  public  square. 

The  growth  of  the  village  for  the  first  few  years  after  it  was  laid  out, 
was  rapid.  The  railroad  facilities,  to  which  the  village  was  almost  wholly 
indebted  for  its  prosperity,  were  all  that  could  have  been  desired.  The 
city  offices  of  the  Harlem  Railroad  Company  were  then  in  the  building 
now  undersoiiig  demolition  on  Tryon  Row.  From  this  point,  fifteen  trains 
were  run  daily,  early  and  late,  to  and  from  the  village,  at  a  commutation 
of  only  $37.50  a  year  ;  including  one  train  each  way  for  the  especial  ac- 


^oinmodation  of  working  men,  at  a  commutation  of  only  $30  a  year.  B»t 
t.hese  facilities  have  been  gradually  reduced  to  less  than  one  half  the  num- 
ber of  trains,  while  the  commutation  rates  have  been  increased  consider- 
ably more  than  one  hundred  per  cent.  The  effect  of  this  policy  on  the 
part  of  the  Harlem  Railroad  Company,  has  been  just  what  might  have  been 
expected.  "VYe  have  few,  comparativei.y  very  few  laboring  men  amongst 
us  whose  occupations  require  them  to  be  in  the  city  at  an  early  hour  in 
the  morning.  The  New  Jersey  Railroad  Companies,  by  adopting  the 
liberal  policy  towards  the  working  classes  which  has  been  abandoned  by 
the  Harlem  Railroad  Company,  are  diverting  population  from  Westchester 
€ount3  and  rapidly  studding  their  lines  with  numerous  suburban  villages, 
ol  which  Morrisania  was  the  model. 

At  the  time  of  which  we  write — 13-18 — tbero  were  only  two  dwellings 
within  the  whole  area  embmced  in  the.  boundaries  herein  described.  One 
was  the  old  stone  house,  &till  standing  on  the  rear  of  a  lot  on  Fordhani 
avenue,  near  Mr.  Mohring's  cigar  store.  The  other  a  frame  building  now 
standing  on  First  Street  and  owned  by  Mr.  Georgi.  All  the  rest  of  the 
tract  was  devoted  to  farming  purposes,  except  the  upper,  or  Iiilly  portions 
vhich  were  covered  with  a  heavy  growth  of  -  • -t'---  •--' I  on  v,];;ch  are  now 
ocated  some  of  our  most  expensive  and  be;i  rices.     Xor  did  oar 

.'ilJage  assume  its  present  name  until  neatly  ivco  years  after  it  was  laid 
)iit.  It  was  known  as  "  New  Village,"  and  was  so  designated  on  the 
time  tables  and  tickets  of  the  Harlem  Railroad  Company.  What  is  now 
lif^tt  Haven,  was  known  as  Morrisania,  and  for  more  than  a  century,  had 
been  so-called  in  honor  of  the  several  branches  of  the  Morris  family.  In 
this  connection  the  following  historical  facts  may  prove  interesting  : 

"  The  county  of  Westchester  was  organized  with  its  present  boundaries, 
Novemb.T  1,  1683.  Tiie  county  courts  vvt-se  held  at  Westchester  village 
until  1759.  A  court  house  was  built  ar  V  :':  I'iains  in  1760,  at  a  cost  of 
£-1,000,  and  another  at  Bedford  in  1786  c.L  a  <jj.:L  of  £2,000.-  Bedford  was 
r.  iialf  shire  town  of  the  county  tor  several  years  before  the  erection  of  the 
court  house  at  that  place,  but  the  courts  were  held  in  the  Presbyterian 
church.  The  present  court  house  at  White  Plains  was  completed  in  1859» 
and  cost  with  the  jail  $120,000.  In  1712,  Morrisania  and  Fordhara  were 
manors,  and  the  population  of  Morrisania  was  62.  Morrisania,  West 
Farms,  Fordham  (which  is  in  the  town  of  West  Farms,)  and  Westchester, 
vv-ere  all  one  township,  the  town  of  Westchester.  Their  united  population 
in  IS-tO,  was  4,154,  and  in  1850  only  6,928." 

At  a  united  meeting  of  the  inhabitants  of  Mott  Haven  and  the  New  Vil- 
lage, held  at  Mott  Haven  in  the  Spring  of  1850,  the  two  villages  were 
given  the  names  which  they  now  respectively  bear. 

The  clause  in  the  deeds  requiring  the  erection  of  a  dwelling  on  each  lot, 
within  three  years  from   the  date  of  the   ])urchase,  was   nearly  complied 


with ;  but  not  in  all  cases,  by  the  original  owners  ;  for,  so  little  confidence 
had  some  of  the  members  in  the  practicability  of  the  project,  that  a  lot 
containinoj  ap  acre  and  valued  at  only  $50  way  without  a  purchaser !  To 
heal  the  difficulty  and  thus  secure  the  success  of  the  measure,  several  of 
the  members  of  stronger  faith  duplicated  their  purchases. 

During  this  period  of  our  history,  we  often  experienced  the  emotions  of 
hope  and  fear  in  their  widest  extremes.  When  in  our  "  mind's  eye"  we 
saw  the  future  of  our  village  rise  up  before  us  in  its  attractive  proportions, 
"a  thing  of  beauty,"  we  were  highly  elated  and  the  large  bull-frogs  in  the 
marshes  on  the  west  side  of  the  railroad  track  would  seem  to  say  to  us  in 
their  loud  croaking  voices,  "A  big  thing!"  ''A  big  tuing!"  "  A  big 
THING  !"  But  when  some  unforeseen  calamity  befell  us.  such  as  a  new 
and  an  onerous  exaction  of  the  Harlem  Railroad  Company,  and  some  of 
our  number  would  threaten  to  abandon  the  enterprise  and  return  to  the 
city,  our  spirits  would  flag,  and  the  frogs  of  lesser  size  and  weaker  lungs 
would  seem  to  taunt  us  in  our  dejection  by  squeaking  out.  '•  I  don't  see  it .''' 
**  1  dortt  see  it .'  "  "  1  donH  see  it .'" 

In  the  autumn  of  1848,  the  late  Andrew  Cauldwell,  Esq.,  father  of  Senator 
Cauldwell,  erected  the  first  dwelling  on  the  east  side  of  Washington  aveoiue, 
about  midway  between  Seventh  and  Eighth  streets.  But  in  the  spring  of 
1850,  the  village  had  become  an  established  fact.  The  land  was  all  paid 
for  and  the  several  lots  were  in  the  possession  of  parties  disposed  to  im- 
prove them.  We  here  introduce  the  report  of  the  treasurer  of  the  asso- 
ciation, as  showing  the  condition  of  the  enterprise  at  that  date : 

PURSUANT  TO  EESOLUTIOX,  the  property  owners  of  the  village  of  Mon-isauia, 
Westchester  County,  N.  Y.,  present  the  following  synopsis  of  the  Report  of  their 
Treasurer,  Jordan  L.  Mott,  Esq.,  to  whom  the  unexampled  prosperity  of  their  enter- 
prize,  it  is  no  more  than  just  to  say,  is  mainly  to  be  attributed  : 

Moi:r.:sANiA  Village  Association  in  Accot'NT  with  Joudan  L.  iloTx, 
Presented  May  1,  18aO. 

From   subscribers,  including  the  assessment  of  two  p-n-  cent  for  grading 

streets  and  avenues, $39,708  GO 

From  subscribers   for  deeds,  recording  deeds  and  acknowledgements  of 

deed s 468  37 

From  subscribers  for  sectional  suiveyiug, 117  GO 

From  Parker  &  Lodge,  the  street  contractors,  for  lumber, 7  50 

Total, 640,301  47 


To  Gouverneur  Morris,  tor  the  land  in  full, .*34,622  00 

'*  Jones  &  Newman,  for  maps  of  tlie  property, 34  00 

*'  Parker  &  Lodge,  tor  grading  streets  and  avenues, 4,038  83 

"  Rutherford  &  Co.  for  deeds 220  00 

"  M.  I.  Lockwood,  Clerk  of  County  of  Westchester,  for  recording  deeds,  22.5  00 

Amount  carried  forward, $39,139  73 


Amount  brouijht  forward, $39,139  83 

♦'  A.  Findlay,  for  surveying-  the  property 470  25 

"  Ditto,  for  superintending  grading  streets, 200  00 

•*  Ditto,  for  sectional  surveying 117  00 

"  Ditto,  for  acknowledging  deeds, 26  37 

*'  Sundry  law  expenses  incurred  and  examining  title,  release  deed,  &c.,. .  123  00 

"  G.  I".  Bunce,  for  sundry  printing, 15  50 

"  L.  S.  Mott,  for  duties  as  Clerk,  &e., 25  00 

"  Sundry  advertising, 4  87 

*'  Sundry  purchases  ot  lumber  and  materials  for  staking  out  lots,  &c, 76  26 

"  T.  C.  Kelly,  toward  cutting  down  Seventh  street, 104  38 

Total $40,301  47 

Audited  April  16, 1850. 

D.  R.  HARRISON,  ) 

JAS.  HERALD.        }  .Auditors. 

r,p]NJ.  J.  TIMMS,   ) 

During  the  ensuing  summer,  the  enterprise  prospereil  ra])iilly.  Many 
buildings  were  erected  and  t!i^  new  village  witnessed  a  large  accession  to 
its  population.  On  the  eighth  day  of  September  of  that  year,  the  citizens 
celebrated  the  second  anniversary  of  its  setdenient  by  appropriate  public 
exercises.  The  number  «»f  persons  present  at  the  festivities,  was  variously 
estimated  ?.t  o,00i)  to  5,0131),  and  were  from  both  city  anil  coui^try,  t'ai"  anc\ 
near.  A  procession  was  formed  in  front  of  tlie  hotel,  then  keiit  by  Henr}^ 
Durell.  lil'^q.,  and  under  the  direction  of  Myroii  Finch,  Esq.,  asciiainnan  of 
the  Committee  of  Arrangements,  led  b}'  a  band  of  music,  marclr^il  throigh 
Fourth  street,  to  Boston  road  ;  thence  to  Eiglith  street ;  thence  to  Wash- 
ington avenue,  and  thence  down  the  avenue  to  a  point  on  the  wester!}'  side 
of  the  avenue,  about  midway  between  Fifth  and  Sixtli  streets,  where  a 
large  platform  had  been  erected  for  the  accommodation  of  the  speakers. 
On  passing  down  Washington  avenue,  the  procession  halted  in  front  of  the 
residence  of  Andrew  Cauldwell,  Esq.,  and  gave  three  rousing  cheers,  which 
made  the  welken  ring.  The  platform  was  erected  in  the  midst  of  what  was 
then  a  dense,  but  very  beautiful  ceilar  grove.  What  took  place  after  the 
procession  reached  the  platform,  is  thus  briefly  told  by  the  Westchester 
Gazette,  of  September  13,  18-30,  whicli  paper  was  then  published  in  the  vil- 
lage of  West  Farms  : 




Prayer,  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Gerard,  of  Morrisania. 


Report  on  the  Rise  and  Progress  of  the  Village,  by  Benj.  J,  Timms,  Esq., 

of  Morrisania. 



Address  by  Era  stub  B.^ooks,  Esq.,  of  the  N.  Y.  Ezp'-«»t. 


Address  by  James  Stillman,  Esq.,  of  Morrisania. 


Address  by  C.  A.  Dana,  Esq.,  of  the  N.  Y.  Tribune. 


Addi-esKby  R(?v.  Dr.  Armitage,  of  tiia  Norfolk    sfeet  Baptist  Chureh   of 

New  York. 


Benediction  by  Rev.  Mr.  Suimball,  of  tlie.  Presbrterian  Church, 



The  exersises  wero  commenced  by  a  few  appropriatf*  remarks  by  xMyron 

Finch,  Esq.,  the  President  of  the  (lay.     Isi  the  course  of  his  remarks  Mr. 

Finch  stated  that  two  years  ago  tiiat  day,  the  deeds  for  ihe  properly  were 


Mr.  Timms  introduced  the  report  by  a  few  r.ertineijt  remark-i.  lie  al- 
ludei  to  the  short  time  he  had  to  prepare  the  Reporr,  as  liie  one  submit- 
ted to  the  Qommitteo  last  evening  contained  more  rhetorical  flourishes 
than  historical  truths,  and  after  the  adjournment  of  the  Committee,  he  had 
to  prepare  this.  He  then  alluded  to  Political  Free  S  ul.  Ic  was  a  mere 
humbug — a  contest  between  the  slave  holders  of  Louisiana,  and  the  Capi- 
talists of  New  York  and  Lowell.  He  preferred  to  own  a  homestead.  Now 
we  are  but  in  the  beginning  of  the  project.  We  ou-n  homes  and  should 
cultivate  them.  The  laboring  man  ought  not  to  b-  obliged  to  labor  as 
long — he  needs  more  time  for  his  own  use.  It  is  nece.-<sary  for  onr  wel- 
fare that  tlie  rising  generation  be  attended  to.  Here  wa  liave  raised 
.$5,000  for  educational  purposes.  In  New  York  our  children  learn  a  city 
education — to  chew  tobacco,  lie  and  steal  and  (inisli  their  education  at  tlie 
Academy  at  Sing  Sing.  The  amount  that  we  have  raised  f>)r  the  purposes 
of  education  here  is  unprecedented  in  a  village  only  two  years  old.  But 
time  admonishes  raeto  be  brief,  and  I  will  put  my  brief  in  my  pocket,  not 
that  I  am  timid  or  bashful,  but  I  see  so  many  beautiful  ladies  that  are 
fond  of  dancing,  and  the  gentlemen  are  fond  of  dinner. 

Fiom  the  Report  we  glean  the  following  statistics; — In  October,  1840 
there  were  441  inhabitants;  now  there  are  OGl,  making  an  increase  of  520 
in  less  tlian  a  year;  then  there  were  68  houses,  worth  $61,000;  now  140, 
worth  §105,000.  Tlie  church  property  is  now  worth  ^11,000,  the  school 
property,  ^0,000.  $225  liavo  been  spent  in  street  improvement ;  107  acres 
of  land  have  increased  in  value  §103,806,  making  a  total  increase  in  the 
value  of  the  properly  in  the  village  of  $225,071  in  a  year 

Thus  much  for  the  report  from  the  Gjzrtte.  After  the  in  the 
grove  wtM-e  concluded,  a  large   number  of  the  com;>any  repaired  to  the 


hotel;  where  Mr,  Durell  had  preparod  a  sumptuous  dinner  for  two  hun- 
dred guests,  the  tables  being  spread  out  door  in  the  rear  of  the  house. 
Ample  justice  was  done  to  the  good  things  provided  by  Mr.  Durell,  after 
which  the  company  separated  in  groups,  and  walked  about  tha  village, 
exi)ressjng  their  admiration  of  the  great  success  of  the  new  enterprise.  A 
large  number  remained  at  the  platform,  underneath  which,  ample  arrange- 
ments had  been  made  for  '•  tripping  the  light  fantastic  toe.''  By  9 o'clock 
in  the  evening,  the  large  number  of  visitors  present  during  the  day  had 
returned  to  their  homes  and  our  new  village  had  resumed  its  wonted  quiet. 

Oil  the  8th  of  September,  1851,  the  celebration  of  (he  third  anniversary 
of  the  settlement  of  the  village  took  place  on  the  Public  Square.  The  fes- 
tivities were  similar  in  all  respects  to  those  hereinoefore  described.  Hon. 
William  Cauldwell  was  tlie  President  of  the  day  and  Colonel  Henry  C.Todd 
was  the  Marslial.  The  exercises  were  opened  with  prayer  by  Rev.  Mr. 
Cookson,  of  the  Biptist  Church,  after  v/hich  an  interesting  sketch  of  the 
rise  and  progress  of  the  village  ui)  to  that  date  was  read  by  B^njamia  J. 
Timrns,  Esq.  From  this  sketch,  it  a-ppeared  that  the  original  167  lots  of 
one  acre  each  had  increased  in  number  to  210,  some  nf  the  lots  having 
been  divided,  and  that  all  had  bp-\'i  built  upon,  save  two.  The  value  of 
tlie  buildings  on  these  lots  v,T!S  far  in  excess  of  what  was  required  by  tiAe 
terms  of  the  deeds,  many  of  them  having  cost  several  tliousand  dollars 
each.  The  report  of  Mr.  Timms  contained  a  large  number  of  interesting 
ficts  relating  to  the  prosperity  of  the  enterprise,  which  were  received 
with  the  highest  manifestations  of  satisfaction  by  the  very  large  assem- 
blage present.  The  principal  address  was  delivered  by  George  H.  Purser, 
Es(j.,  of  New  York,  and  abounded  in  most  excellent  sentiments,  witii  oc- 

■ional  fiuslies  of  wit  and  mei'riinent,  which  ke!)t  his  audience  in  the  best 
'..  huiuor.  At  th.':  close  of  the  exercises,  the  audience  was  waiting  for  the 
benediction,  and  as  Mr.  Cookson  had  left  the  piatforin,  the  President  said 
he  would  dismiss  them,  whicli  lie  proceeded  to  do  in  the  following  words  : 
"  Friends,  may  God  bless  you  all,  especially  tlie  ladies."  This  happy  re- 
mark of  the  Senator  was  well  received  by  tlie  audience  and  •'  brought 
down  the  house.''  The  proceedings  were  published  in  full  at  the  tiu-e  in 
the  Westchester  Gazette,  and  the  New  York  Herald  ^\\^  the  Evening  Pout; 
but  we  have  no  copy  of  either  of  these  i)apers  at  hand,  and  what  we  have 
v/ritten  above  is  from  memory.  Mr.  Timms  also  read  the  names  of  the 
])rojectors  o(  the  enterprise  and  of  those  who,  up  to  that  date,  had  erected 
dwellings  on  their  lots.  He  has  kindly  furnished  us  with  an  alphabetical 
list  of  these  names,  which  is  herewith  appended.  The  following  are  the 
names  : 

Althouse,  Joseph  Anderson,  N.  P.  Allen,  Henry  A. 

Ayres,  Daniel  Austin,  David  Arnold,  Thomas 

Anderson,  Alexander       Allendorph,  Andrew        Anderson,  Moses 



Andrews,  John 
Baclitler,  Augustus 
Barker,  James  W. 
Banning,  A., 
Bausher,  Henry 
Biele,  Fred'k  F. 
Bloomer,  A. 
Bescliormann,  A. 
Brotl:erton,  Elisha 
Baker,  S.  F. 
Bluminstiel,  Isaac 
Babcock,  Henry 
Bovey,  A.  E, 
Burstrand,  E.  S, 
Black,  John 
Bruding,  Ernest  F. 
Cooper,  James 
Cantrell,  John 
Candy,  George 
Copland,  Kolert 
Cauldwell,  Andrew- 
Charters,  James 
Chave,  Barnartl  M. 
Cook,  John 
Chambers,  Miles 
Chesnut,  Benjamin 
Collins,  William  R. 
Cox,  AVilliam  A. 
Delevan  William 
Deltz,  Chas. 
Dodworth,  Thos. 
Daniels,  William 
Devling,  Francis 
Dupuy,  Guitian  B. 
Dale,  Elizabeth 
Ditchett,  George  W. 
Dodd,  John  J. 
Dodd,  E. 

Drummond,  Sarah 
Dcnnison,  Peter 
Dennant,  Samnel 
Denniston,  Hance  P, 
Ellis,  Eliza  Ann 

Folmer,  Alexander  A. 
Franch,  Theodore 
Fill,  James  B. 
Finch,  Myron 
Georgi,  Christian  D.  E. 
Gilder,  John  S. 
Griffith,  Joh-i  W. 
Grinton,  George 
Greener,  Thos. 
Grinton,  David 
Golder,  John  J. 
Gilmore,  Francis 
Hettinger,  John 
Hoffminster,  Chas.  A. 
Heckel,  John 
Hellmuth,  C.  B. 
Hurley,  Cornelius 
Kurd  man,  Ann 
Halsey,  Moses  E. 
Hardwick,  James  B. 
Hanptman,  Arthur  B. 
Hart,  Felix 
Hyde,  Tlios.  W. 
Herald,  James 
Harrison,  Chas. 
Hill,  David  A. 
Harrison,  David 
Hyde,  Thos. 
Hyde,  John 
Hy^e,  Joseph 
Hellmuth,  H.  W. 
Hull,  James  S. 
Ives,  Joseph  S. 
Ingersoll,  Loring 
Ives,  Ira  A. 
Jaynes,  Thos. 
Knight,  Ebenezer 
Kelley,  Timothy  C. 
Kampman,  Chas.- 
Knight,  John 
Kay,  William 
Logan,  John 
Lord,  William 

Lant,  Joseph  M. 
Lassen,  L.  J. 
Lyon,  Edward  W. 
Myer,  John 
Mieurmann,  Adolphus 
Mills,  John| 
Middleton,  Alexander 
Mohring,  John  W. 
Miller,  Edwin  M. 
Mullany,  P. 
Murden,  Joseph 
May,  Andrew 
Middleton,  John 
Mykius,  John 
Maxwell,  John  G. 
Morton,  Thos. 
Mott,  Jordan  L. 
Murry,  John 
Myrick,  John  W. 
Murphy,  John 
Muesmann,  Henry 
Moody,  Winfield  S. 
Mott,  De  Witt  C. 
Mott,  Lawrence  S. 
McFadden,  John 
McGraw,  Nicholas 
McDufi;  James 
McCoy,  Robert 
McFaddn,  Alex. 
McDonald,  Chas.  H. 
Naumanne,  Adolphus 
Paidoe,  Thos. 
Parshall,  James  L. 
Pridham,  Wm. 
Provost,  Reuben  M. 
Pollock.  Julius 
Ridley,  John 
Russell.  John  F. 
Reed,  William  H 
Riley  Edward  C. 
Rehfield,  William  F. 
Ilushby,  John 
Reborn,  Fred'k 


:  Smith,  Mary  Ann 
:Strange,  P.  J. 
Spinning,  Edward 
Smith,  Jolin 
Shook;  Nelson 
Stilhnan,  James 
Schwab,  Michael 
Soria,  Joseph 
Schenck,  John  A. 
She])pard,  William 
Suydam,  Anna 
Solms,  Henry 
Stowell,  Jose[)h 
Squire,  Anderson 
Sommer,  William 

Scardilield,  George 
Sanger,  Theodore 
Schwoppe,  Gustavus 
Spearing,  Thos,  P. 

Tirams,  Benj,  J. 
Van  Pelt,  Trena  M. 
Van  Doren,  Mathew  D. 
Von  Cort,  C.  C. 

Stodder,  Wentworth  K.  Wicks,  Thos. 

Smith,  Willowby  Winsor,  John  R. 

Scherpe,  Lebericht  F.      Witfleld,  George  B. 
Sennor,  John  G.  Walter,  Nicholas 

Sanhop,  Henry  Weeks,  Sarah 

Tomkins,  Samuel  E.        Wilson,  A.  D. 
Tremper,  George  R.         W^illiams,  Henry 
Therune,  Nicholas-A.       Whiting,  Davis  J. 
Turner,  William  Wiley,  Joseph 

Taylor,  Henry  W.  Voung,  John  C. 

Timpson,  Thos.  W. 
Mr.  McGraAV  was  killed  daring  the  winter  of  1864  by  a  railroad  collis- 
ion in  the  State  of  Ohio,  he  being  a  passenger  on  one  of  the  trains  which 
collided.  Mr.'Mott  died  at  his  residence  on  Fifth  avenue,  in  New  York, 
in  the  month  ot  May,  1866.  His  death  was  caused  by  a  sudden  attack  of 
hemorrhage  from  a  bursted  blood  vessel.  Both  began  the  world  in  com- 
parative poverty,  and  both  had  amassed  handsome  fortunes  by  their  own 
unaided  exertions.  To  their  disinterested  efforts  in  various  ways,  is  the 
town  of  Morrisania  greatly  indebted  for  its  present  prosperous  condition. 
Each  was  emphatically  the  "  poor  man's  friend,"  and  ever  ready  to  re- 
sp(»nd  to  the  call  of  charity.  Our  town  could  ill  afford  to  lose  two  such 
men  ;  but  they  have  left  behind  them  fragrant  memories  which  we  love  to 
cherish,  and  which  rise  up  before  us  like  "  a  sweet  smelling  savor." 
"  None  knew  them  but  to  love  them  ;  none  named  them  but  to  praise." 
The  anniversary  of  the  settlement  of  the  village  was  celebrated  each 
year  up  to  and  including  1857,  at  which  time  the  last  public  demonstra- 
tion in  honor  of  that  event,  took  place.  The  exercises  were  held  on  Pub- 
lic Square,  and  ended  in  the  evening  by  a  display  of  fire  works,  at  the 
junction  of  Franklin  and  Fordhani  avenues,  and  bj^  a  ball  at  Morrisania 
Hall.  Like  all  of  the  preceding  celebrations,  it  was  "  well  done"  and  was 
every  way  worthy  of  the  occasion  ahd  of  the  event  which  it  commemor- 

It  was  several  years  after  the  settlement  of  the  village,  before  the  Har- 
lem Railroad  Company  erected  a  depot  on  the  lot  which  had  been  given 
them  for  tliat  purpose.  The  company  thought  that  "  one  good  turn  de- 
served another,"  and  that  the  villagers,  having  pre.'-ented  them  with  a  site 
for  a  depot,  should  also  proceed  to  the  erection  of  a  depot  building  on  it ! 
But  the  villagers  "  couldn't  see  it "  They  thought  that  they  had  done 
their  full  share  towards  securing  so  necessary  and  so  desirable  an  im- 


provement,  by  giving  the  lot  to  the  company  f<jr  that  purpose.  Tlie  sob- 
ject  was  the  occasion  of  several  public  raeetinas,  and  of  a  very  spicy  cor- 
resj)ondeiice  between  a  committee  of  the  villagers  and  the  acting  Presi- 
dent of  the  Company.  One  of  the  letters  from  this  functionary,  in  which 
he  maintained  the  position  above-  stated,  was  framed  and  hung  up  in  a 
public  place  ;  not  only  as  a  literary  curiosity,  but  also  as  an  indication  of 
*he  very  just  and  liberal  policy  which  governed  railroad  corporations,  gen- 
erally and  the  Harlem  Railroad  Company  in  particular.  An  intimation 
from  the  villagers,  that  legal  steps  would  be  taken  to  regain  possession  of 
the  lot,  brought  the  company  to  terms  and  the  present  depot  was  erected 
soon  afterwards.  George  R.  Tremper,  Esq.,  then  one  of  our  fellow  towns- 
men, was  the  first  Station  Agent  appointed  to  take  char'Te  of  the  "  new 
Morrisania  depot."  It  is  due  to  Gouverneur  Morris,  Esq.,  to  say  that, 
while  he  was  officially  connected  with  the  Harlem  Railroad  Company, 
that  gentleman  used  his  best  endeavors  to  secuie  equal  and  exact  justice. 
as  between  the  company  and  the  villagers.- 

The  cause  of  religion  and  of  education  received  early  attention  from  the 
new  villagers.  There  are  now  six  churches  within  the  boundaries  of  the 
original  tract  purchased  from  Mr.  Morris. 

There  was  no  school  of  any  kind,  in  what  is  now  the  town  of  Morrisania 
except  a  district  school  taught  in  the  old  brick  school-house  iu  Mott 
Haven.  In  1851,  a  frame  school-house,  which  cost  $5,000,  was  erected  on 
the  village  school  lot  where  No.  3  now  stands.  The  house  was  built  and 
the  school  was  taught  under  the  provisions  of  the  Common  School  law  of 
the  State.  It  filled  up  rapidly  and  soon  outstripped  the  financial  nbility 
of  the  villagers  to  conduct  it  tind(?r  the  tlien  existing  system.  A  Board  of 
Education,  styled  "The  Board  of  Education  of  School  District  No.  1  of 
the  town  of  West  Fij.ins."  was  incorporated  by  the  Legislature  of  the 
State,  in  the  Spring  of  1852.  The  first  members  of  the  Board  were 
Edward  W.  Lyon,  Jame.v  L.  Parshall,  Lewis  K.  Osborn,  Matthew  1).  A'an 
Doren,  Gouverneur  Morris,  Harry  M.  Morris  ajid  Myion  Finch.  These 
last  two  named  gentlemen  were  appointed  by  Governor  Hunt,  to  fill  va- 
cancies occasioned  by  two  of  the  corporate  members  declining  to  serve. 
The  organic  law  of  the  Board  made  no  pr(»vision  for  filling  vacancies,  ex- 
cept by  a  vote  of  the  ]>eoplf»  at  the  Minual  school  election.  Hence  these 
two  appointments.  The  law,  which  was  hastily  drawn  up,  and  passed  at 
the  "  tail  end"'  ot  the  legislative  session  of  that  year,  Avas  defective  in 
many  important  features;  and  in  June,  1853,  the  present  law,  as  it  now 
stands  in  the  ALinual  of  tne  Board,  was  passed  at  a  s{)ecial  session.  The 
"  District"  contaitied  a  large  territory.  It  embraced  nearly  all  of  Tremont 
and  tlie  present  station  house  in  that  village,  was  then  one  of  the  school 
houses  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Board.  A  few  amendments  have  been 
made  t(>  the  law,  one  of  wliich  changed  the  corporate  title,  so  as  to  make 
it  conform  to  the  boundaries  of  the  town  of  Morrisani.n.     Under   the   ]n-o- 



TisioDS  of  this  lavr,  the  schools  of  our  towu  have  reached  their  present  high 
skandarcl,  which  it  is  to  be  earnestly  hoped  they  will  lonir  maintain. 

Until  near  the  close  of  the  jear  1849,  the  yillagers  were  destitute  of 
post  office  facilities.  West  Farms  was  the  post  office  address  for  a  terri- 
tory which  how  contains  more  than  30,000  inhabitants.  There  was  then 
no  post  office  at  Fordham,  Williams'  Bridge,  nor  Tremont.  The  first  Post 
Mastor  of  Morrisania  was  John  W.  Myrick,  of  the  firm  of  Hyde  &.  Myrick, 
grocers,  on  the  north  east  corner  of  Railroad  avenue  and  Fifth  street, 
where  the  office  was  kept  for  several  years  after  it  was  first  established. 
Stimulated  by  the  example  of  the  Morrisanians,  the  people  of  the  olher 
locRlities  named,  sopn  afterwards  established  post  offices  in  their  respecl,- 
ive  villages. 

Encouraged  by  the  success  of  the  Morrisania  enterprise,  several  p'-rsons 
purchased  plots  of  land  adjoining  and  in  the  immediate  vicinity  of  the  new 
Tillage,  and  caused  them  to  be  surveyed  and  laid  out  in  streets  and  build 
ing  lols^  and  sold  the  lots  at  an  advance  of  many  hundred  per  cent  above 
ilie  original  cost  of  lots  of  the  same  size  in  "  our"  village.  We  have  now 
within  the  Hraits  of  our  town,  no  less  than  eiffhieen  such  "enterprises," 
which  have  distinct  names  and  which  are  designated  on  our  Asseysnient 
Kolls  as  distinct  localities.  Mr.  Timms  pre{)ared  a  table  which  was  pub- 
lis])ed  in  the  Westchester  Times  of  April  2,  1869,  showing  the  ni:mber  of 
dwellings  in  these  several  villages,  including  our  own,  in  the  years  re.'^pect- 
ively  named.  As  this  table  forms  an  interesting  part  of  our  history,  as  a 
town,  we  herewith  re-prodnce  it: 

gho^Tifiij  the  Nuiaber  of  Dwelliii2--noiises  built  in  the  several  Villageb  in   the  town 
of  Morrisania,  between  the  years  1848  and  1868  inclusive  : 

18  <  9 


■  1^50 

I  1857 


(  18r7 

[  1868 







i     g 






















;       183 

'       113 






















IMelrot'p   I'-outh 






iiorrisaina,  ^A^est 


Melrose,  Xorth .... 






If  ighbrid  Seville 





Grove  Hill 





Noith  New  York 












Note.— In  the  foregoing  enumeration  all  buildings  in  course  of  erection  at  each 
period  were  excluded  excepting  the  village  ot'  Morrisania,  for  the  years  1849,  '50,  '56, 
and  '57,  when  the  writer  was  instructed  to  count  all  buildings  for  all  purposes  finished 
or  tiufinished. 

All  of  the  above  named  villages  are  within  the  corporate  limits  of  the 
town  of  Morrisania.     Mr.  Timms  adds: 

"  This  Table  shows  that  between  1849  and  1868,  two  thousand  three 
hundred  dwelling  houses  were  erected,  allowing  fifty-six  houses  to 
have  been  erected  previous  to  that  time,  which  is  more  than  the}'-  were  at 
that  period.  If  we  add  to  the  above,  all  the  houses  that  have  since  been 
finished,  and  all  the  dwellings  in  course  of  ei'ection,  also  churches,  schools 
store  houses,  factories,  work  shops,  offices,  &c.,  we  have  a  grand  total  of 
three  thousand  buildings,  and  these  structures  ranging  in  value  from  five 
hundred,  to  thirty  thousand  dollars  each." 

This  of  itself  would  be  a  fair  exhibit  for  a  town  no  older  than  ours. 
But  we  have  made  some  progress  since  the  interesting  statistics  in  this 
table  were  collected.  We  herewith  give  the  following  figures  on  the  sev- 
eral subjects  named,  from  the  official  enumeration  as  made  by  Milton  C. 
Lowden,  Esq.,  Assistant  U.  S.  Marshal,  dating  on  the  first  day  of  June, 
1870 : 

No.  of  Dwellings 3,393 

No.  of  Families 3,960 

Assessed  value  of  real  estate $3,712,(-;89  00 

Assessed  value  of  personal  estate 8."),000  00 

Town  Tax,  1870 $167,587  93 

County,        "       , 30,065  80 

State,  " 34,022  66 

School,  "       42,452  44 


West  Farms. 

We  have  endeavored,  as  far  as  possible,  in  writing  this  sketch,  to  speak 
of  Morrisania  as  it  was,  before  it  became  a  distinct  town;  for  at  the  time 
of  commencing  the  new  village  and  for  several  years  thereafter,  the  whole 
territory  now  embraced  within  our  town  limits,  was  in  the  township  of 
West  Fainis.  An  old,  weather-beaten,  battered- faced  mile-stone  theu 
stood  and  is  still  standing  on  the  south  west  corner  of  Sixth  street  and  the 
old  Boston  Post  road  (we  dislike  the  name  of  "Broadway"  given  to  this 
ancient  thoroughfare,)  which  informs  the  passer-by,  that  it  is  "  10  milks 
FROM  New  York."  This  must  have  heen  before  the  city  had  stretched 
its  length  above  Chambers  street ;  for  it  is  well-known  that  when  "  )^e 
ancient  Knickerbockers  of  New  York"  built  the  City  Hall  on  its  present 
site,  they  located  it   ({uite   outside  of  the    compact  part   of   the  city,  not 











i 0,044 






dreaming  that  large  stores,  warehouses,  hotels,  palaiial  residences,  &c., 
would  ever  be  built  above  that  limit.  So  much  for  the  far-seeing  wisdom 
of  the  sleepy  old  Knickerbockers!  But  at  as  early  a  period  as  1848,  we 
were  not  "10  miles  from  New  York,"  and  we  are  much  nearer  to  it  now 
then  we  were  then.  We  are  now  as  near  the  northern  boundary  of  the 
Central  Park,  as  is  all  that  portion  of  the  city  lying  below  Houston  street, 
to  its  southern  boundary.     Yet  we  were  -'in  the  country." 

Not  only  in  our  village  that  was  to  be;  but  all  around  it  were  fields  of 
waving  grain,  potato  patches,  meadows,  corn  fields,  apple  orchards  and 
cow  pastures.  These  were  fenced  with  heavy  stone  walls,  along  whose 
sides  grew  luxuriantly  sumach,  hazelnut,  and  (out  of  which  our  mas- 
culine juveniles  made  pop-guns,)  elder  bushes,  and  raspberry  and  black- 
berry vines,  from  the  latter  of  which  we  have  picked  many  a  basket  of 
delicious  fruit.  Our  numerous  cedar  groves  abounded  with  the  winter- 
green  plant  and  beautiful  wild  flowers.  Snakes,  of  different  species,  were 
plentiful;  and  the  land  turtle,  which  the  Irishman  told  his  fellow  country- 
man was  '-'an  animal  with  a  saddle  on  his  back,  and  that  he  swallowed  his 
iiead  with  his  mouth  "  was  in  the  fields,  gardens  and  in  the  public  streets. 
Toads  would  hop  around  in  our  door-yards  and  would  be  found  even  in 
thf^  ai-eas  and  cellars  of  our  houses,  nor  is  the  "race"  yet  extinct.  Our 
ears  would  be  sahited  by  day  with  the  lowing  of  kine  and  the  bleating  of 
sbeej).  and  by  night  with  the  shrill  hooting  of  the.  screech  owl  and  often 
deliiii)ted  with  the  softer,  sweeter  notes  of  the  whippoorwill,  perched  in 
somp'  neighboring  grove.  As  we  walked  along  the  streets  with  a  friend 
from  the  city,  a  large  "  sarpint,"  with  his  forked  tongue  protruded,  would 
saddenly  cs'oss  our  path,  frightening  our  city  cousin  out  of  his  wits  and 
<iarrying  his  thoughts  back  to  the  time  when  one  of  these  reptiles,  "  more 
■subtile  than  any  beast  of  the  field,"  held  a  fascinating  and  seductive 
-dialogue  with  our  ancient  mother  in  the  Garden  of  Eden,  in  which  she 
was  beguiled  into  partaking 

a  *     *     *     *     Of  the  fruit  of  that  forbidden  tree. 

Whose  mortal  taste  brought  death  into  the  world  and  all  our  woe." 

We  remember,  as  late  as  the  summer  of  1851,  Chas.  S.  Stearns,  Esq., 
who  resided  on  Fulton  avenue,  near  Seventh  street,  brought  a  huge  black 
snake  to  the  depot,  one  morning,  which  he  had  killed  in  Seventh  street, 
near  Fordham  avenue.  His  snakeship  was  an  old  "  socdolager,"  and 
measured  3  feet  and  11  inches  "from  the  tip  of  his  nose  to  the  end  of  his 
tail."  Then  again,  "oft  in  the  stilly  night"  when  we  were  enjoying  "  Na- 
ture's sweet  restorer,"  the  weazle  and  the  "pole-cat."  alias  a  "Weathers- 
field  kitten,"  alias  an  "essence  peddler,"  would  enter  our  hen-roosts  and 
"  suck  the  life's  blood"  from  our  favorite  Bantums  and  Dorkings.  On  a 
srarm  summer's  evening,  numerous  fire-flies  would  flit  through  the  air, 


emitting  a  light  of  which  the  dim  flicker  of  one  of  our  present  street 
lamps,  is  but  a  feeble  imitation.  Surely  tve  tvere  "in  the  country,''  and  not 
only  in  the  country,  but  in  the  sleepy  old  town  of  West  Fai-ms,  whose  in- 
habitants had  been  stationary  for  a  hundred  years,  never  forgetting  any- 
thing and  never  learning  anything  new  !  We  were  subject  to  its  local  town 
laws — we  mean  the  town  laws  of  these  sleepy  West  Farmers.  If  we 
wanted  a  little  of  tlie  town's  money  for  any  public  improvenjent,  such  as 
cutting  down  Seventh  street  hill,  the  matter  had  to  b?  submitted  to  a  town 
meeting,  and  there  v/ere  nine  chances  out  of  ten,  against  our  obtaining  it. 
They  veri'y  thought,  these  V/est  Farmers  did,  that  the  demands  of  these 
new  villagers  would  ruin  them  by  excessive  taxation,,  tliat  they  would  be 
"  dead  broke,- sure ;"  forgetting  that  the  establishing  of  our  village  in 
their  town  had  already  increased  the  value  of  their  property  more  than 
one  hundred  per  cent. !  TFe  were  a 'dive,"  wide-awake  people.  We  be- 
lieved in  progress  and  we  "showed  our  faith  by  our  works."  Many  of  us 
were  up  and  in  the  city  in  the  morning  at  our  work-shops  and  other  places 
of  business  long  before  these  drowsy  West  Farmers  had  done  yawning,  af- 
ter liaving  taken  their  first  matutinal  nap  !  Again,  all  of  the  town  offices 
were  located  in  West  Farms  village,  and  all  of  the  town  officials  resided 
there.  Our  business  frequently  demanded  that  vv^e  sho'^ld  go  to  the  village 
aud  we  always  felt  a  sense  of  drowsiness  come  over  us  on  our  return,  with 
an  irresistible  desire  to  go  to  bed.  Indeed,  a  wag  of  a  fellow  once  sug- 
gested to  us,  with  a  wicked  twinkle  of  the  eye,  that  Irving  wrote  "  IVcsi 
Farms''  instead  of  "Sle?py  JIolloic,'"  in  his  sketch  of  Rip  Van  Winkle,  and 
that  the  suostitution  of  the  latter  name  for  the  former  v»-as  simply  an  error 
of  the  printer. 

The  reade.-  will  refdily  conclude  that  two  sucli  "  iVoples  "  could  not 
"dwell  together  in  peace  and  unity."  Conflict  of  interests  and  sometimes 
petty,  local  jealousies,  disturbed  the  pleasant  relations  which  ought  to 
exist  between  neighbors,  and  in  1855  the  town  of  West  Farms  was  divided. 
Morrisania  being  given  its  present  name,  and  assigned  its  preseiU  bound- 
aries, according  to  law.  The  division  was  satisfactory  to  both  ••communi- 
ties," and  we  believe,  was  mutually  beneficial. 

We  ought  to  state,  in  justice  to  the  ])resent  residents  of  West  Farms, 
that  our  somewhat  rose  colored  sketch  of  that  locality  does  not  apply  to 
them.  We  intend  it  to  apply  to  the  West  Farms  of  18-18-55  and  not  to  the 
West  Farms  of  1871.  That  town  is  now  sensibly  alive  to  local  enterprise 
and  public  improvements,  and  the  time  is  not  far  distant,  when  its  numer- 
ous suburban  villages  will  rank  amongst  the  most  beautiful,  enterprising 
and  prosperous  of  any  in  the  country. 

Our  town  has  been  the  theatre  of  several  singular  and  fatal  railroad  ac- 
cidents. Indeed,  for  the  first  few  years  after  our  settlement,  it  was  known 
as ''the  slaughter  ground,"  and  the  office  of  coroner   was   the   only  towm 


office  worth  having.  Life  insurance  companies  "played  shy"  of  all  appli- 
cants for  insurance  from  Morrisania  who  were  known  to  be  daily  passen- 
gers on  the  Harlem  railroad,  and  demanded  an  extra  premium  when  exe- 
cuting an  insurance  policy  on  their  lives. — Seriously,  the  frequency  of 
death  and  injury  from  so-called  "  accidents"  on  the  road,  became  a  sub- 
ject of  common  remark  and  caused  a  sense  of  insecurity  of  life  and  limb 
to  be  felt  in  the  minds  of  many  villagers.  The  trains  of  both  companies, 
the  Harlem  and  New  Haven,  w^re  run  at  a  higher  rate  of  speed  than  at 
present  and  with  a  recklessness  which  rendered  it  necessary  for  persons  in 
the  cars  or  on  or  near  tlie  track,  to  "stand  from  under,"  We  give  a  few 
of  the5ie  accidents,  written  from  memory  vritliout  much  regard  to  their 
ciironological  order :  Early  one  morning  in  October,  1849,  during  the 
prevalence  of  a  dense  fog,  a  Harlem  train  moving  north,  and  a  New  Haven 
train  moving  south,  both  run'iing  at  a  high  rate  of  .speed,  collided  just 
above  Eigiith  street,  in  consequence  of  running  into  a  drove  of  cows, 
which  were  being  driven  across  the  track.  Result :  One  passenger's  leg 
broken,  nine  cows  killed,  eleven  cars  wrecked  anii  piled  up  in  a  mangier 
that  beggars  description  and  tliat  could  not  have  beeii  done  by  all  the 
meclianics  in  the  universe  awl  everybody  surprised  that  hfly  persons  had 
not  been  inslauLly  killed  and  as  many  more  maimed  for  life.  Tlie  writer 
was  at  the  sceae  a  few  minutes  after  the  collision.  On  the  afternoon  of 
the  eleventh  day  of  August,  1859,  a  local  up  train  while  discharging  pas- 
sengers at  the  Morrisania  depot,  was  run  into  at  the  rear  by  an  up  express 
train,  moving  at  a  high  rate  of  speed.  Result:  Cars  of  the  local  train 
"telescoped."  one  passenger  instantly  killed  and  several  others  injured  ; 
amongst  them,  the  writer,  who  was  a  passenger  on  the  local  train.  The 
engineer  and  fireman  of  the  express  train  leaped  "for  dear  life"  an  instant 
before  the  collision  and  escaped  unhurt.  On  the  evening  of  December  24, 
1851,  during  the  prevalence  of  a  blinding  t>no\v  storm,  three  men,  wlio 
wjre  walking  on  the  east  track,  near  the  Melrose  deijot,  8tep;)ed  on  the 
opposite  track  to  avoid  an  up  train  when  they  were  struck  by  a  down 
New  Haven  train,  and  all  three  were  instantly  killed.  On  a  beautiful 
afternoon  in  October,  1852,  an  up  Boston  train  ran  off  the  track  at  Melroae 
in  consequence  of  a  misplaced  switch.  Several  of  the  passengers  were 
injured  by  the  breaking  of  the  glass  of  the  cars,  as  they  were  plunged 
end  foremast  down  the  embankment,  and  the  locomotive  careened  over, 
taking  with  it  the  engineer,  who  was  crushed  to  death  beneath  its  pond- 
erous weight.  The  event  was  witnessed  by  the  writer,  who  was  standino- 
on  the  piazza  of  his  house.  It  may  be  of  "  historical  interest"  to  some 
who  read  these  pages,  to  be  informed,  that  at  this  period  of  our  hintory, 
there  were  six  svTitches  and  a  turntable  at  Melrose  and  four  passengor 
trains  were  run  daily  to  and  from  Port  Morris.  It  was  over  this  road  that 
th»  paflgengera  of  the  Great  Eastern  were  brought  on    th»   flrftt   arrival  of 


that  vessel  to  our  shores,  as  she  became  disabled  when  off  Port  Morris, 
where  she  lay  for  several  days,  during  which  time  she  was  visited  by 
thousands  of  persons  from  the  city  and  elsewhere.  Early  on  the  morning 
of  January  1,  1853,  the  weather  being  dark  and  rainy,  a  down  Harlem 
freight  train,  while  in  the  act  of  switching  off  on  the  Port  Morris  track,  a 
little  below  Fourth  street,  was  run  into  at  the  rear  by  a  down  New  Haven 
train.  Result;  Conductor  of  freight  train,  who  was  asleep  in  the 
"caboose,"  instantly  killed ;  a  brakeman  on  the  same  train  crushed  to 
depth  between  the  cars  ;  a  car  on  the  freight  train,  filled  with  whiskey  in 
barrels,  was  set  on  fire  from  the  locomotive  of  the  New  Haven  train,  and 
consumed,  and  a  "smash-up"  and  burning  of  cars,  generally.  The  writer 
was  present  a  few  minutes  after  the  collision.  The  mangled  bodies  of  the 
conductor  and  brakeman  presented  a  sickening  sight.  In  March,  1852,  a 
local  up  train,  in  which  the  writer  was  a  passenger  as  far  as  Morrisania, 
stopped  at  Williams'  bridge,  before  proceeding  further,  for  the  Alban)^ 
down  express  train  to  pass.  (There  was  then  only  one  track  above  that 
point.)  Presently,  a  New  Haven  train  passed  down,  mistaking  which  for 
the  Albany  train,  the  conductor  of  the  local  train  ordered  the  engineer  to 
go  on.  Before  proceeding  two  miles  it  was  met  by  the  Albany  train,  both 
trains  moving  at  a  high  rate  of  speed,  and  a  fearful  collision  ensued.  Re- 
sult:  Three  persons  killed  and  many  others  severely  injured,  amongst 
them  Conductor  Sharpe  of  the  down  train,  and  the  locomotives  and  cars 
of  both  trains  badly  "smashed  up."  On  seeing  the  result  of  his  careless- 
ness, the  conductor  of  the  up  train,  who  was  uninjured,  started  off"  at 
"double-quick,"  and  has  never  been  heard  from  since;  he  may  be  running 
yet!  Early  one  morning  in  the  autumn  of  1853,  a  down  local  train,  con- 
taining a  large  number  of  our  townsmen,  while  standing  near  Fiftieth 
street,  in  the  city,  was  run  into  by  a  down  New  Haven  train,  killing  six 
passengers  and  wounding  many  others.  Early  one  morning  of  the  same 
year,  a  down  local  train,  in  which  the  writer  was  a  passenger,  ran  off'  the 
track  at  Forty-second  street,  in  consequence  of  a  misplaced  switch,  and 
jolted  over  the  ties  for  quite  a  distance.  Result :  Several  women  fainted, 
others  screamed  and  many  of  the  men  lost  all  presence  of  mind  and  be- 
haved themselves  in  such  a  manner  as  to  render  the  whole  scene  a  most 
magnificient  farce  !  Had  there  been  an  embankment  at  that  point,  the 
result  might  have  been  different.  It  should  be  stated,  that  at  this  time, 
all  of  the  cars  were  drawn  from  Tryon  Row  by  horses  to  Thirty-second 
street,  where  they  were  coupled  and  the  locoinotive  "hitched"  to  thetrain^ 
Stewart's  magnificent  iron  building  now  covers  the  ground  where  then 
stood  the  engine  house  of  the  Harlem  Railroad  Company.  The  tunnel  at 
Thirty-second  street  was  not  then  built.  During  the  erection  of  the  stone 
bridge  on  Harlem  Flats,  one  dark  night  in  the  winter  of  1853,  two  Harlem 
trains,^ moving  in  opposite   directions,   collided   on   a   temporary   trestle 


work  built  on  the  west  side  of  the  track.  But  the  collision  was  too  slight 
to  throw  either  train  off  the  track,  which  was  forty  feet  above  the  ground 
and  supported  only  by  upright  posts.  During  one  afternoon  in  the  winter 
of  1854,  an  up  Harlem  train  approached  Harlem  bridge  while  the  draw 
was  open.  The  engineer  did  not  perceive  the  signal  of  danger  until  the 
train  was  Avell  on  the  bridge.  He  reversed  the  engine,  "whistled  down 
brakes,"  and  stopped  the  train  just  as  the  engine  was  within  three  feet  of 
the  f'3arful  abyss  !  Early  one  morning  in  March  of  that  year,  a  Morrisania 
train,  on  which  the  writer  was  a  passenger,  on  his  way  to  Philadelphia, 
ran  off  the  track  in  the  middle  of  the  old  Yorkville  tunnel  in  consequence  of 
an  obstruction  caused  by  a  large  lump  of  ice  which  had  frozen  during  the 
night.  Result:  Nobody  hurt,  but  cars  thrown  across  both  tracks  in  a 
zig-zag  direction,  from  under  which  we  were  compelled  to  crawl  out  as 
best  we  could,  in  pursuit  of  daylight !  It  was  an  exciting  scene  in  the 
darkness  of  that  tunnel  and  one  well  calculated  to  make  us  feel  how  pro- 
videntially we  had  been  preserved  from  a  horrid  death.  In  the  summer 
of  18-)4,  one  afternoon,  a  man  who  had  just  left  the  rear  end  of  un  up  train 
then  standing  on  the  track  at  Melrose  depot,  in  attempting  to  cross  on  the 
west  side,  was  struck  by  a  down  New  Haven  train  and  instantly  killed.  It 
was  accidents  and  hair-breadth  escapes  from  causes  like  this,  which  led 
both  companies  to  adopt  the  rub,  now  in  force,  requiring  a  train  approach- 
ing a  station  where  another  train  is  discharging  passengers,  to  come  to  a 
full  stop.  The  Harlem  bridge  event  also  led  to  the  ado[)tion  of  a  rule  re- 
quiring all  trains  to  come  to  a  full  stop  before  crossing  a  bridge.  The 
legislature  of  Connecticut  had  compelled  the  New  Haven  company  to 
adopt  the  same  rule  in  that  State  in  consequence  of  the  Norwalk  disaster ; 
but  the  adoption  of  it  by  that  company  in  this  State  was  the  result  of  a 
mutual  agreement  between  the  two  companies.  From  the  foregoing  in- 
stances, which  are  not  all  that  might  be  given,  the  reader  will  form  some- 
idea  of  the  "perils  by  land"  which  we  encountered  daily,  in  going  to  and 
,from  our  places  of  business  in  the  city,  during  the  early  period  of  our 

Amongst  the  conductors  on  the  road  during  this  period,  we  call  to  mind 
the  following :  Messrs.  Edwards,  Blackledge,  Keese,  Sharpe,  Latour, 
Ostrom,  James  and  Richard  Murphy,  Burchell,  Coutant,  Barton,  Banta, 
McAnanna,  Kelly,  Jennings,  Marx,  Bennett  and  Cummings.  The  first  six 
named  are  still  in  the  service  of  the  company.  Mr.  Edwards  is  the  cour- 
teous and  efficient  Station  Agent  at  Morrisania;  Mr.  Blackledge  is  the 
"  Starter"  of  trains  at  Twenty-sixth  street ;  Messrs.  Keese,  Sharpe  and 
Latour,  are  conductors  on  express  trains,  and  Mr.  Ostrom  is  conductor  on 
the  city  line. 

In  1864,  our  town  was  incorporated  by  an  act  of  the  Legislature  and 
divided  into  four  wards.     Each  ward  elects  two  trustees  ;  and  the  Super- 


visor  of  the  town,  is  ez-qffido,  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Trustees,  thus 
constituted.  Under  the  provisions  of  the  act  of  incorporatior,  we  have 
been  favored  with  many  local  public  improvements,  amongst  which  are 
several  fire  cisterns,  streets  newly  graded,  curbed  and  guttered,  and 
lighted  with  gas;  side  walks,  cross  walks,  a  more  efficient  police  system, 
&c.  These  improvements  cost  something  in  the  shape  of  taxes  and  as- 
sessments, yet  we  do  not  think  there  are  many  amongst  us  who  would  be 
willing  to  return  to  the  old  system  of  town  government, 

A  few  years  since,  a  lad  of  seventeen  summers,  who  came  here  with  his 
parents  in  1850,  and  who  appeared  to  take  a  pardonable  pride  in  speaking 
of  himself  as  "  one  of  the  oldest  inhabitants,"  was  walking  around  the  vil- 
lage with  a  city  cousin.  This  "  old  inhabitant'"  pointed  out  to  his  city 
comrade  some  cf  the  principal  improvements  of  the  place  and  expatiated 
exultingly  upon  the  wonderful  progress  the  village  had  made  "  since  he 
was  a  hoy  P'  Oar  town  is  still  in  its  infancy  ;  yet  few  places  can  present 
■more  tangible  evidences  of  growth,  in  so  young  a  town,  of  all  that  goes  to 
make  up  an  enterprising  and  a  prosperous  comrauniiy.  But  he  who  un- 
dertakes to  write  its  history  a  half  a  century  hence,  will  have  a  task  to 
perform  quite  different  from  that  which  the  writer  of  the  present  imperfect 
and  hastily  written  sketch  is  about  to  bring  to  a  close.  He  will  trace  its 
rise,  as  we  havedoi:e,  to  the  efforts  hereinbefore  referred  to,  of  tliose  few 
determined  men  who,  in  1848,  in  the  city  of  New  York' originated  the  en- 
terprise, lie  will  speak  of  the  erection  of  the  first  house  in  our  village  by 
the  Jate  Andrew  Cauldwell,  Esq.,  in  1849,  and  will  tell  his  readers  that  this 
house  v\'as  not  the  commencement  of  a  single  village  only,  but  the  begin- 
ning of  a  siicces.sion  of  densely  populated  villages  which  may  then  be 
Been  in  the  towns  of  West  Farms,  Westchester,  Eastchester,  Pelham,  New 
Pvochelle,  Mamaroneck,  Rj^e,  Yonkers,  and  White  Plains;  how  large  plots 
of  ground,  dating  from  the  corumencement  of  Morrisania,  continued  to  be 
laid  out  in  the  lower  end  of  the  county,  for  villages  and  suburban  resi- 
dences, and  that  the-re  is  no  such  thing  as  "  a  farm"  south  of  White 
Plains.  He  will  speak  of  the  numerous  facilities,  cheap  and  quick,  for 
reaching  the  lower  end  of  the  city;  of  steam  ferry  boats  running  from  the 
banks  of  the  rivers  which  line  our  shores;  of  numerous  viaduct  railways 
starting  from  a  i)oint  fifteen  miles  above  Harlem  river  and  running  to,  and 
converging  at  the  Battery  ;  of  Harlem  river  as  dredged  and  lined  with 
docks;  of  '-spurs"  constructed  from  the  Spuyten  Duyvil  and  Harlem 
river  road,  now  being  built  down  to  the  docks  on  the  north  side  of  the 
river,  where  vessels  of  heavy  tonnage  will  be  in  waiting  to  receive  the 
numerous  products  brought  by  rail  from  the  great  West  and  convey  them 
to  Europe  without  trans-shipment,  and  of  the  Sound  boats  from  Boston 
and  the  gi-eat  ocean  steamers,  as  landing  at  Port  Morris. 

He  will  speak  of  the  lower  end  of  Westchester  county  as  the  homes  of 


the  toiling  thousands  who  earn  their  bread  in  that  part  of  the  city  lying 
below  Harlem  river ;  of  the  spacious  grounds  and  stately  mansions  of  the 
wealthy  who  have  made  this  portion  of  the  county  their  dwelling  places ; 
of  magnificent  diives,  boulevards  and  parks,  such  as  the  world  has  never 
seen  ;  of  a  population  within  fifteen  miles  north  of  the  Harlem  river  as 
large  as  that  then  in  the  city  south  of  it :  of  our  town  as  one  of  the 
densely  populated  wards  of  the  city  ;  of  the  Harlem  river  as  being  to  New 
York  what  the  river  Thames  is  to  London,  the  dividing  water  line  between 
two  portions  of  a  great  city  connected  by  numerous  bridges,  and  of  Mor- 
risania  as  forming  the  center  of  population  of  this  division.  Call  this  a 
dream  if  you  will,  but  he  who  shall  write  a  faithtul  history  of  our  town 
fifty  years  hence,  will  record  it  as  an  accoraplisiied  fact.  M   F. 

West  MoRrasAxiA,  May  25,  ISTl. 

House  of  Eest  for  CoitsmnptiYes,  Tremoiit. 

In  the  summer  cf  1869,  tha  Lady-in-Charge  of  this  institution  applied 
to  the  Rev.  Dr.  Rnmney  and  a  few  other  gentlemen,  to  assist  in  establish- 
ing a  Home  where  Consumptives  might  be  specially  cared  for.  The  plan 
•submitted  to  these  gentlemen  was  so  excellent  and  desirable,  that  they 
gladly  ofiered  her  their  warmest  sympathies  and  assistance,  and,  associa- 
ting with  themselves  others  who  felt  a  like  interest  in  tlie  undertaking,  the 
Board  of  Trustees,  as  now  constituted,  was  organized  in  October  of  the 
same  year,  and  on  the  first  day  of  November  the  "  House  of  Rest"  h&- 
asime  an  established  fact — and  thus  to  Miss  Bogle  belongs  the  honor  of  the 
establishment  of  an  institution,  which,  we  trust,  will  soon  become  one  of 
best  charities  of  our  land,  as  it  is  the  only  one  of  its  kind  in  this  country 
— except  that   established  by  Dr.  Cullis  in  Boston. 

The  institution,  is  situated  in  Tremont,  and,  as  its  name  implies,  has 
been  established  for  the  purpose  of  affording  the  benefits  and  com- 
forts of  medical  aid  and  kind  nursing  to  those  who  are  suhering  from 
Pulmonary  Complaints,  and  cannot  obtain  the  relief  they  so  much  need 
for  themselves.  It  is  designed  to  give  the  inmates  of  this  charity  the  ad- 
vantages of  a  Home,  where  the  disease  may  be  made  a  specialty,  and 
treatsd  as  having  a  hope  of  improvement,  if  not  of  complete  restoration, 
and  also  to  provide  them  with  the  ministration  of  the  Gospel  according  to 
the  forms  and  doctrines  of  the  Protestant  Episcopal  Church. 

The  last  annual  report  states  that  during  the  past  year  38  patients  have 
been  admitted— 21  male  and  17  female.  Of  these  14,  have  been  dismissed, 
the  most  of  them  so  much  benefitted  as  to  be  able  to  take  care  of  them- 
selves. 12  have  died  and  12  remain  in  the  House.  The  number  of 
■deaths  may  seem  to  be  a  large  ratio  ;  but  it   must  be   remembered  that  a 


large  proportion  of  the  patients  when  received  are  so  far  gone  that  no  hope- 
exists  of  prolonging  life — and  the  only  desire  is  to  soothe  their  pathway 
to  the  grave,  and  endeavor  to  bring  them  nearer  to  the  Saviour.  Of  the 
whole  number  admitted,  15  were  Roman  Catholics,  and  the  others  were 
from  the  various  evangelical  denominations.  Average  •  attendance  during 
the  year,  20. 

The  report  of  the  Treasurer,  Hon.  Edward  Haight,  shows  that  the  ex- 
penditures for  the  year  amounted  to  .$9,373.95,  and  the  receipts  to  $8,210.10, 
leaving  a  debt  of  $1,163.85.  The  county  has  granted  the  institution 
$4,000.  a  most  timely  and  well  merited  donation. 

Donations  in  money,  furniture,  clothing,  bedding  and  bed  linen,  veget- 
ables, groceries,  laundry  articles,  canned  fruits,  jellies,  Bibles,  testaments^ 
prayer  books,  and  any  suitable  readi.:g  matter,  will  be  thankfully 

The  following  are  the  officers,  for  the  current  year  ; — lit.  Rev.  Horatio 
Potter,  D.D.,  LL.D.,  D.C.L.,  President,  ex-officio.  Trustees  :  President, 
Henry  J.  Cammann,  8  Wall  street,  N.  Y.,  or  Fordham  ;  Yice-PresidentSj 
Rev.  A.  B.  Carter,  D.D.,  112  East  16th  street,  N.  Y. ;  W.  C.  Wetmore,  9 
Pine  street,  N.  Y.,  or  Fordham;  Hon.  Ed.  Haight,  9  Wall  street,  N.  Y.,  or 
AVesichester.  Secretary,  Rev.  C.  C.  Tiffany,  Fordham.  Treasurer,  Hon. 
Edward  Haight.  Collector,  S.  L.  Douglas,  (care  E.  P  Datton  &  Co.,)  715 
Broadway,  New  York.  Pastor,  R'^v.  T.  S.  Rumney,  D.D.,  White  Plains, 
Rev.  T.  Galloudet,  D.D.,  9  West  18th  street,  N.  Y.  ;  Rev.  T.'  M.  Peters,  D. 
D.,  Broadway  and  100th  street,  N.  Y.  ;  Messrs.  W.  B.  Osden,  Fordham  ; 
S.  A.  Martine,  71  Warren  street,  or  White  Plains;  R.  G.  Rolston^  26  Ex- 
change place,  N.  Y. ;  Woodbury  G.  Langdon,  51  West  36th  street,  N.  Y.  ; 
A.  M.  Stanton,  Fordham  ;  H.  N.  Camp,  149  Pearl  street,  or  Fordham ;  I. 
C.  Buckout,  Harlem  R.  R.,  N.  Y.,  or  White  Plains;  J.  H.  Wheatley,  101 
Wall  street,  or  128  Remsen  street,  Brooklyn.  Attending  physician.  Dr. 
Sprague,  Fordham.  Consulting  physician,  Dr.  Leaming,  310  West  23rcl 
street,  N.  Y.     Lady-in-Charge,  Miss  E.  A.  Bogle. 

Patients  applying  for  admission  must  procure  a  certificate  from  the- 
consulting  physician.  Dr.  Leaming.  310  West  23d  street.  New  York,  and; 
present  the  same  to  the  President,  at  No.  8  Wall  street,  or  at  the  House. 

Congregationalism— History  of   tlie   First   Congregational 


Congregationalism,  as  a  system  of  church  polity,  may  be  defined  as  "  a 
pure  democracy  ;  a  government  of'  the  people,  by  the  people  and  for  the 
people,"  composing  each  individual  church,  in  which  all,  both  male  and 
female,  have  equal  rights  and  in  which  the  majority  rules.  Members  are 
admitted  on  giving  satisfactory  evidence  of  their  Christian  experience  by 


a  majority  -^^ote  of  the  whole  church  ;  and  each  member,  including  the 
minister,  stands  exactly  on  the  same  platform.  Each  has  rights  \vhich  are 
common  to  all  and  each  is  amenable  to  the  same  ecclesiastical  tribunal, 
to  wit:  TO  THE  Church  itself,  whose  decision,  by  a  majority  vote,  on 
all  matters  coming  before  it  is  final.  Under  the  Congregational  system  of 
church  government,  a  body  of  Christain  believers  may  organize  them- 
selves into  a  church,  adopt  Articles  of  Faith,  institute  measures  for  the 
maintenance  of  public  worship,  call  a  minister  and  settle  him  and  on  his 
own  request  dismiss  him  to  the  pastorate  of  another  church,  without  the 
aM2!Z!on*i;«^/ve  intervention  of  either  Presbytery,  Classis,  Diocese,  Conference, 
Priest,  Potentate,  Bishop  or  King  ;  and  all  the  civil  rights  which  inhere  in 
any  church  organization,  are  sacred  in  the  eye  of  the  law  in  a  church  thus 
constituted,  and  as  such,  the  organization  will  be  legally  protected.  It 
is  customary,  when  forming  a  church,  or  when  settling  or  dismissing  a 
pastor,  to  call  a  council,  composed  of  neigliboring  ministers  and  laymen 
for  consultation  and  advice,  and  while  the  decision  of  a  council  is  always 
respected  and  generally  followed,  it  has  no  binding  obligation  on  the 
church,  which  still  retains  and  exercises  its  individual  independence. 
Such  a  system  of  church  government,  while  it  certainly  does  not  hinder 
the  usefulness  of  its  members  in  the  gieat  work  which  Christ  has 
given  them  to  do.  secures  to  each,  perfect  individual  freedom  and  leaves 
the  church,  as  a  united  body,  untrammelled  by  outside  ecclesiastical 
authority.  The  Articles  of  Faith  and  the  forms  of  public  worship  in  the 
Congregational  Church,  are  identical  with  those  in  the  Presbyterian  Church  ; 
the  only  difference  in  the  two  bodies  beingtheir  respective  forms  of  church 

The  First  Congregational  Church  of  Morrisania  was  organized  in  the 
summer  of  1851,  under  the  oiinistry  of  Pvev.  Edward  F.  Ross,  then  just 
completing  his  studies  in  the  Union  Theological  Seminary,  New  York.  Its 
beginning  was  "the  day  of  small  things."  It  met  in  a  building  next  to 
and  south  of  Morrisania  Hall,  in  a  small  room  used  for  the  double  purpose- 
of  a  land  office  and  railroad  depot.  The  membership  was  small  in  num- 
bers and  the  congregation,  including  the  members,  did  not  exceed  fifteen 
persons.  Amongst  its  projectors  (we  were  not  then  connected  with  it  nor 
have  we  any  record  at  hand  as  we  write)  we  call  to  mind,  Charles  Speaight, 
George  Pollock,  Daniel  Desmond,  Joseph  S.  Ives,  Philo  Price  and  John  A. 
Henry.  We  think  that  all  of  these  gentlemen  constituted  its  first  Board 
of  Trustees.  Mr.  Ross  was  formally  installed  as  its  pastor  in  September 
of  that  year,  and  continued  as  such  until  his  resignation,  which  took  place 
in  March,  1853. 

Prior  to  the  resignation  of  Mr.  Ross,  the  church  and  congregation  had 
largely  increased  in  numbers,  and  that  pan  of  the  present  church  edifice 
which  forms  the  transcept,  was  erected  and  used  until  the  summer  of 


1864.  On  the  28th  day  of  July  of  that  year,  the  corner  stone  of  the 
present  commodious  and  beautiful  house  of  worship  was  laid  and  the  edifice 
was  dedicated  on  the  18th  day  of  Dacember  following.  The  enlargement 
of  the  building  was  mainly  due  to  the  efforts  of  Rev.  Washington  Gladden, 
then  pastor  ot  the  church. 

The  seating  capacity  of  the  church  is  432.  It  is  neatly  and  tastefully 
finished  inside,  and  has  the  largest  and  finest  organ  of  any  church  in  the 
place,  if  not  in  the  county.  The  singing  is  good,  and  the  preaching  serv- 
ices such  as  to  attract  audiences  respectable  in  numbers,  in  the  morning 
and  a  very  lai-ge  attendance  in  the  evening.  The  present  acting  pastor 
has  ministered  to  the  church  since  the  first  Sunday  in  November  last,  at 
which  time,  the  attendance  was  very  small,  and  the  prospect  somewhat 
discouraging.  At  various  times,  since  January,  1866,  the  church  has  suf- 
fered from  the  withdrawal  of  about  twenty  members  and  nearly  as  many 
pewholders,  and  several  teachers  and  entire  classes  in  the  Sunday  School, 
Avho  went  to  a  neighboring  church,  and  who  have  contributed  very  ma- 
terially to  the  numerical  strength  and  financial  prosperity  of  that  church. 
It  has  also  furnished  nearly  the  entire  membership  of  the  Second  Congre- 
gational (colored)  Churc'i  in  Melrose,  as  also  the  scholars  in  its  Sunday 

Notwithstanding  these  large  drafts  upon  the  church,  the  cot)gregation 
and  Sunday  school,  it  is  able  to  j'resent  a  very  creditable  and  en- 
couraging record.  One  male  member  has  recently  been  added  to  its 
communion  on  profession  of  faith,  making  its  prese'it  membership  87  ; 
pews  are  being  taken  quite  fi-equently.  and  the  audience^,  both  morning 
and  evening  are  constantly  increasing  in  numbers.  It  has  just  extended 
a  unanimous  call  to  Rev.  V/m.  Westerfield  to  become  its  permanent  pas- 
tor, which  it  is  understood  he  will  accept.  Both  the  church  and  congre- 
gation are  perfectly  united  in  love  to  Christ  and  love  to  one  another,  and 
their  chief  desire  appears  to  be  to  glorify  God  and  to  Imild  up  tlie  Re- 
deemer's kingdom  here  upon  earth. 

The  Sunday  School  is  large  and  flourishing,  and  is  accomplishing  a 
good  work,  both  at  home  and  elsewhere.  It  has  a  register  number  of  173 
scholars,  and  the  attendance  for  several  SuiKlays  past,  has  seldom  been 
less  than  130.  It  has  19  teachers,  besides  the  superintendent  and  an  as- 
sistant, and  two  librarians  and  two  secretaries.  It  has  recently  lost  one 
te?cher — Miss  Sanford— by  death,  for  which  reason  its  banner  was  draped 
in  mourning  during  the  procession  on  Tuesday  last.  The  library  contains 
400  choice  volumes,  300  of  which  are  nearly  new.  It  has  contributed  $75 
during  the  past  year  towards  tlie  .support  of  a  Sunda)'  School  Missionary 
at  the  West,  and  ^52  towards  the  support  of  a  little  girl— Sophia  Hutner — 
in  the  Howard  Mission  School,  and  at  this  date,  is  not  orily  out  of  debt, 
but  has  $39  in  the  treasury. 


The  church  has  had  the  following  named  pastors  since  it  was  organized  : 
Rev.  Edward  F.  Hoss,  who  resigned  in  1853  and  died  in  1854;  Rev.  Chas. 
0.  Reynolds,  now  pastor  of  the  Presbyterian  Church,  St.  Augustine, 
Florida ;  Rev.  Edwin  S.  Fairchild,  now  pastor  of  the  Reformed  Church, 
Flushing,  L.  I.  ;  Rev.  Washington  Gladden,  subsequently  pastor  of  the 
Congregational  Clinrch,  North  Adams,  Mass.,  and  now  religious  editor  of 
The  Independent,  and  Rev.  Henry  G.  Blinn.  now  pastor  of  the  Presbyterian 
Church,  Cambrid2;e,  N.  Y.  The  church  was  without  a  pastor  from  the 
time  Mr.  Blinn  left,  April  1,  1^70,  until  November  1st,  of  the  same  year, 
at  which  time  Mr.  Westerfield  commenced  his  labors  as  stated  supply. 
With  the  permanent  settlenjent  with  us  of  Mr.  AVesterfield,  we  hope  and 
pray  that  the  church  may  enter  upon  a  new  career  of  usefulness  and  pros- 
perity, in  expectation  of  which  we  will  "thank  God  and  ^ake  courage." 

M.  F. 

West  Morrisaii'ia, 
Thursday  Evening,  June  1,  1871. 

First  Presbyterian  Ghurcn  Morrisania. 


In,  or  about  the  year  1851,  three  lots  (one  on  Fordham,  and  the  other 
two  on  Washington  avenues.)  were  given  in  order  to  establish  a  Presby- 
terian Church  in  Morrisania.  Upon  the  Fordham  ave.  lot  a  very  small 
building  was  erected  in  which  services  were  held  for  about  two  years. 

The  congregation  was  mixed  in  character,  being  composed  of  various 
denominations,  which  had  no  place  of  worship  of  their  own,  so  that  when 
certain  causes  arose,  the  small  congregation  melted  away,  the.  enterprise 
was  discontinued,  and  the  property  was  placed  in  the  hands  of  the  New 
York  Presbytery,  who  held  it  for  the  future  church  in  Morrisania. 


During  the  Winter  of  1865,  the  attention  of  the  Rev.  Arthur  Pott's,  of 
New  York  City,  was  called  to  the  fact  that  tlie  Presbyterian  Church  was 
not  represented  in  our  rapidl}^  growing  town. 

After  a  consultation  with  some  of  the  older  members  of  the  Presbytery 
of  New  York,  and  with  the  co-operation  of  a  few  gentlemen,  among  whom 
were  Messrs.  A.  F.  Douglass,  N.  P.  Ferris,  and  J.  F.  Remmy,  a  third  story 
room  was  hired  in  the  Exchange  building,  corner  of  Washington  ave.  and 
Fifth  street,  and  an  afternoon  preaching  service  commenced  January  8th, 
1865,  being  the  first  Sabbath  in  the  New  Year. 

After  five  weeks  of  experiment,  it  was  determined  to  ask  the  New  York 
Presbytery  to  organize  the  church,  which  they  did  on  the  7th  of  March, 
1865.  About  this  time  the  Disciples  Church  was  hired  for  their  religious 
services,  and  a  few  weeks  later  the  building  was  purchased,  so  that  on  the 


1st  of  May,  this  courageous  organization,  onl>  two  months  old — occupied 
their  own  building.  At  the  time  of  this  organization  two  elders  were 
elected,  and  at  the  same  time  a  formal  call  made  out  by  the  congregation, 
for  the  services  ot  the  Pastor,  who  had  thus  far  led  the  infant  church 
rapidly,  and  isuccessfully,  through  the  steps  preliminary  to  their  organiza- 
tion. This  call  was  placed  in  the  hands  of  the  Pwev.  Arthur  Potts  by  the 
New  York  Presbytery,  and  formally  accepted  by  him. 

The  church  was  originally  organized — under  a  board  of  three  trustees — 
with  the  title  of  "The  First  Presbyterian  Church,  Morrisania."  which  title 
gave  them  the  possession  of  the  lots  then  held  by  the  Presbytery.  These 
lots  were  soon  disposed  of  and  three  others  purchased  adjoining  their 

Shortly  after  the  commencement  of  this  enterprise,  the  congregation  of 
the  University  Place  Church,  corner  of  Tenth  street,  hearing  that  the  son 
of  their  late  Pastor — the  Rev.  George  Potts,  D.  D., — was  engaged  in  this 
work,  made  an  offer  of  a  sum  sufficient  io  pay  for,  and  repair  the  building 
which  had  been  already  purchased,  on  the  condition  that  the  name  of  the 
church  was  altered  to  "  The  Potts  Memorial,''^  which  they  desired  should  be 
a  tribute,  and  monument  to  the  memory  of  their  Pastor.  Accordingly 
they  received  $9,000  and  the  title  was  changed. 

The  "  Potts  Memorial"  was  tlms  extensively  altered  by  the  addition  of 
a  new  spire,  a  fine  toned  ))e]l,  while  the  finisli  both  of  the  exterior  and-'in- 
terior  was  altered  beyond  recognition 

There  is  no  need  of  more  than  stating,  that  from  the  first  inception  of 
the  enterprise,  the  progress  has  been  constant  and  healthful,  in  all  the  de- 
partments of  church  work. 

The  present  property  of  the  church  is  estimated  at  about  ^30,000  in 
value,  while  tlie  original  outlay  and  improvements  have  cost  a  little  over 

The  officers  of  the  church  at  this  time  are  :  Pastor,  Pvev.  Arthur  Potts  ; 
Elders — N.  P.  Ferris  and  Wm.  TL-orburn ;  Trustees — Mr.  Henry  Bailey, 
Mr.  N.  P.  Ferris,  Mr.  J.  H.  Mason,  Mr.  H.  W.  Shaw,  Captain  J.  W.  Porter. 

Janes  &  Kirtland's  Iron  Works. 

In  1857,  the  Foundry  and  Iron  AVorks  of  Janes  &  Kirtlaud,  then  Janes, 
Beebe  &  Co.,  was  removed  from  the  corner  of  Reade  and  Center  streets, 
New  York,  to  Morrisania,  since  which  time  it  lias  been  in  uninterrupted 
operation.  This  concern  was  establisiied  in  1844,  by  Adrian  Janes,  Wil- 
liam Beebe  and  Charles  Fowler,  and  from  a  small  beginning  has  grown  to 
be  one  of  the  largest  establishments  in  the  country,  the  workshops  being 
three  hundred  feet  square,  or  if  placed  in  a  line  would  be  1,000  feet  long. 


by  50  feet  wide,  giving  employment  to  a  large  number  of  hands,  many  of 
whom  have  been  with  the  firm  for  years. 

In  this  establishment  was  cast  the  iron  dome  of  the  Capitol  at  Washing- 
ton, a  work  of  stupendous  magnitude,  the  largest  and  most  perfect  Iron 
structure  of  the  kind  in  the  world,  weighing  10,000,000  pounds.  Much 
other  work  for  the  Government  has  been  done  here.  The  Congressional 
Library,  the  ceiling  of  the  Senate  Chamber  and  House  of  Representatives, 
and  tl',e  ceilings  and  sky  lights  of  the  grand  stair  ways,  the  Patent 
Office,  General  Post  Office  and  the  Treasury  Building,  besides  work  for 
the  Government  in  different  parts  of  the  country,  a  contract  having  just 
been  completed  for  the  United  States  Court  House  and  Post  Office  at  Port- 
land, Maine.  Indeed  no  one  year  of  the  last  twenty  has  passed  without 
orders  for  work  from  the  General  Government.  The  beautiful  Iron  Bridges 
in  the  Central  Park  were  also  made  here. 

Besides  this  department,  the  celebrated  Beebe  Kitchen  Ranges  form  an 
important  branch  of  the  business,  for  notwithstanding  the  many  new  in- 
ventions their  popularity  is  so  well  established  that  the  sale  is  constantly 

The  ornamental  work  for  gardens  and  grounds  has  within  a  few  years 
become  an  irnporiiuii  branchof  the  i>voduction  of  this  Foundry.  Messrs. 
Janes,  B'^eb-^  &  C  >.,  sput,  ati  aisfn^j  to  Europe  twenty  years  ago  to  get  an  in- 
sighj.  into  the  inannfaciu'-e  of  .imaments  of  this  kind  and  were  the  first  to 
produce  anrl  oft^r  the' woik  to  tlie  public.  Since  that  time  the  designs 
and  f)attf^rns  havf  l;ee!i  tnultipliod  to  an  extent  that  a  sample  of  each 
would  make  a  display  as  attrMCtive  as  an  ordinary  fair.  Fountains  of  the 
most  b^autitul  d^^siops  nre  sent  to  distant  countries,  including  Cuba, 
Hjyti,  the  Sandwich  Islands,  Mexico,  South  America  and  China,  Vases 
for  fl  )wers,  su'nn)er  houses,  and  animals,  such  as  dogs,  deer,  lions,  foxes 
-and  mythological  figures  are  also  manufactured  in  this  pstablishment. 

Adrian  Janes,  tbe  head  of  the  establishment  for  many  years,  and  WiL 
liam  Beebe  the  Inventor  of  Beebe's  Ranges,  are  both  deceased.  Mr. 
Charles  Fowler,  now  past  sixty  years  of  age,  is  still  in  the  enjoyment  of 
excellent  health,  living  upon  the  fruits  of  many  years  successful  business, 
acquired  by  close  attention  and  fair  dealing  with  customers,  for  which  this 
firm  has  made  a  permanent  reputation. 

The  wages  paid  to  the  workmen  amount  to  many  thousand  dollars 
yearly,  and  with  the  taxes  paid  is  of  great  importance  to  the  town  of 

Mr.  Edward  R.  Janes,  son  of  the  late  Adrian  Janes,  and  Mr.  C.  A.  Kirt- 
land  having  been  connected  with  the  firm  since  1850,  have  in  consequence 
of  the  death  and  retirement  of  the  other  members,  succeeded  to  the  pro- 
prietorship and  management  of  the  entire  bujiness.  Mr.  H.  L.  Barker,  for 
auany  years    foreman  of  the  Foundry,   and  Mr.  J.   S.  Sanson,   General 


Superintendent,  are  both  skilled  in  their  occnpations,  S"  that  there  is 
nothing  in  Iron  work  tliat  cannot  be  done  in  the  best  manner  at  these 

Clmrcli  E.  Gates  &  Co.,  Lumber  Dealers. 

This  luiaber  yard  was  established  in  1848,  at  the  commencement  of  the 
Tillage  of  Morrisania,  by  Col.  Henry  B.  Todd,  who  was  joined  the  follow- 
ing year  by  H.  H.  Robertson,  and  tlie  business  conducted  under  the  firm 
of  Todd  &  Robertson.  The  firm  was  dissolved  in  1855,  the  business  being 
continued  by  Mr.  Robertson.  In  the  summer  of  1865,  the  yard  passed 
into  the  hands  of  Church  E.  Gates  &  Co.,  the  present  proprietors,  who 
have  built  a  commod'ous  dock  and  made  other  arrangements  for  conduct- 
ing a  large,  first-class  business.  The  firm  is  connected  with  the  extensive 
and  wealthy  lumber  producing  firm  of  Gates  &  Co.,  in  the  State  of  Maine, 
and  have  rare  facilities  for  keej)ing  their  yard  constantly  stocked  with  all 
kinds  of  lumber  of  the  very  best  quality,  which  is  sold  at  the  cheapest 
market  i-ates. 

Location  of  Streets  and  Avenues. 

Anderson  and  Third  avennes,  from  Courtland  are.  to  town  line,  Ciarcmont. 

Arculiirius  Place,  from  Walton  avenue  to  (ierard  avenue,  Invrood. 

Alexander  avenue,  from  Harlem  riv.3r  to  3.i  avenuf».  North  New  York. 

Buttern\it  avenue,  from  Cedar  to  Ella  streets,  West  Morri=ania. 

Bronx  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  Harlem  Railroad,  Mott  Hav^n. 

Beach  aveniie,  from  141st  street  to  Westchester  Railroad  srt-eet,  Ea*t  Mon-isania. 

Benson  street,  from  3d  avKnue  to  Harlem  Railroad,  Melror.e. 

Beach  street,  from  L'nderoliff  aver-'je  to  Union  street,  Hi^hbridg-eville. 

Bremer  avenue,  from  Central  avenue  toHit^hhridfre  streoc,  Hig-hbridgeville. 

Bock  street,  from  Carr  avenue  to  Avenue  C,  Grove  Hill. 

Cliff  street,  from  3d  aA-enue  to  Concord  avenue,  Morrisania. 

Cotta;:^e  street,  from  ^d  avenue  to  Macomb  avenue,  Mort  Haven. 

Courtiand   avenue,  from  od  avenue  IVJott  Haven  to  Branch  R  R,  Melrose. 

Courtlft-nd  avenue,  from  William  street  to  Ella  street.  West  Morrisania. 

Concord  street,  from  3l  avenue  to  Ridker  avenue,  Mo'-t  Havcu. 

Cfirr  avenue,  from  Westchest^^r  avcTiue  nortJierly  to  3d  avenue. 

Central  avenue,  from  Central  Bridge  to  town  line,  Hig-hbridgeville. 

Clarke  Place,  fioni  Walton  avenue  to  Central  avenue,  Inwood. 

Catherine  street,  from  II  irlem  Railroad  to  Lewis  strotit.  West  Morrir^ania. 

Concord  avenue,  from  (jrove  street  to  liCxin'^^ton  street,  East  Morrisania. 

Cypress  avenue,  from  132d  street  to  Southern  Boulevard,  Wilton. 

College  avenue,  from  8meeman  street  Mott  Haven  to  Alott  street,  Melrose. 

Clinton  street,  from  Seventh  street  to  Jetferscn  street,  Morrisania. 

Carr  street,  from  Benson  avenue  to  Carr  avenue 

Cromwell  avenu<-.  from  Doiiirhty  street  to  Central  aventie,  West  Morrisania. 

Cedar  street,  from  avenue  A  to  avenue  C,  Grove  Hill. 

Cedar  street,  from  Butternut  avenue  to  Central  avenue,  West  Morrisania. 

Devoe  street,  from  Harlem  river  to  Bi^nson  avenue,  ni;;hbridgeville. 

Denman  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  Harlmn  Railroad,  Melrose. 

Douprhty  street,  from  Gerard  avenue  to  Central  avenup,  West  Morrisania. 

Division  avenue,  from  St.  Ann's  avenue  to  Southern  ]5oulevard,  Wilton. 

Elm  street,  from  Concord  avenue  to  Prospect  avenue.  East  Morrisania. 

Elton  street,  from  3d  aveniie  to  Harlem  Railroad,  2di'lrose. 

Kdsall  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  Harlem  RailroaTt,  Mott  Haven. 

Ea^le  avenue,  from  WcrstohcRter  Railroad  street  to  Westchester  »<▼,  East  Morriiani» 

Blla  utraet,  from  Harlem  Railroad  to  Central  avenue.  West  Mo;  m  inia. 


Ea^t  Sixth  street,  t'roni  Eo.-ton  Road  to  Union  avenue,  Morvisania, 

Eirlith  street,  from  Franklin  avenue  to  Harlem  Kailroad,  Morri^ania. 

F  )urth  street,  irora  d'\  avenue  to  Harlem  Railroad,  Morrisania. 

Fifth  street,  from  Bo^-fOQ  Eo\d  to  Har^'ni  Kailroid,  Motrisanin. 

Findlay  Place,  from  Walton  avenue  to  Central  avenue.  In-wood. 

Findlay  street,  fiom  William  street  to  Harlem  Eailroad,  Meliose. 

First  street,  fiom  Grove  avenue  to  Court  land  avenue,  Morrisania  and  Melrose. 

Cierard  avenue,  froia  Cedir  street  to  Central  avenue,  West  M'U-risania. 

Governeur  s^treet,  fr(»m  3  1  avenue  to  Harlem  Eailroad,  Melrose. 

Gerard  street,  from  3  1  avenue  to  Mill  B  o;)k,  Kast  Melrose 

Geortce  street,  from  Boston  Real  to  Union  avenue,  ilorrisania. 

Garden  street,  from  31  avenue  to  Main  street,  Mott  Haven. 

Grove  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  Mill  Brook,  East  Melrose. 

Grove  street,  from  Macomb  aveniie  to  Harlem  River,  Buena  Ridge. 

Grove  street,  from  Butternut  avenue  to  Sprii.g  street,  West  Morrisania. 

Grove  stieet,  from  Bobbins  avenue  to  Prospect  avet^ue.  East  Morrisania 

Henry  street,  from  Gerard  avenue  to  Harl'-^m  river.  West  Moi-iisania. 

Hendrick  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  College  avenue,  Mott  Haven. 

HiErhbridge  street,  from  iiighbridge  avenue  to  Fourth  avunue,  Highbridgeville. 

Kighbrirlgo  avenue,  from  Central  avenue  to  town  line,  HighbridgeTille. 

Helen  street,  from  Harlem  Eaiiioad    o  Spring  street,  West  Morrisania.  • 

Halsey  street,  from  Hailcm  Kaih'iad  to  Morrisania  avenue,  AVest  Morrisania. 

Home  avenue,  from  134ih  street  to  138th  street,  Wiltou. 

Home  street,  from  Boston  Road  to  Union  avenue,  ivloirisania. 

Hejiry  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  Mill  Brook,  East  jVlehosc. 

Invrood  avenue,  from  Cromwells  Creek  to  town  line,  Inwood. 

Irving  Place,  from  Harlem  R.  R.,  to  Fleetwood  P;u-k,  Morrisania. 

James  street,  from  Walton  avenue  to  (;entral  avenue,  We^^t  Morrisania. 

Jolmyireet,  fron;  C»vi  aventie  to  avenue  A,  Grove  Hill. 

Jefferson  street,  from  Franklin  avenue  to  Boston  Road,  Morrisania. 

Juliet  street,  from  Harlem  Railroad  to  River  street,  West  Morrisania. 

Lexington sireet,  fiom  Passage  avenue  to  Kouthern  Botdevird,  East  Morrisania. 

Lexington  avenue,  irom  Van  Soil  street  to  Main  street,  Mott  iiaven. 

Lincohi  avenue,  trom  Harlem  river  to  3d  avenue,  North  New  York. 

Lewis  street,  from  I  le  Fond  to  Spring  street,  We^t  Morrisania. 

Locust  avenue,  from  134th  street  to  Port  Morris  Railroad,  Port  Morris. 

Liberty  street,  from  Gerard  avenue  to  Harkm  rivf^r,  West  Morrisania. 

Lind  avenue,  irom  Harlem  river  to  Beach  ^trtx-t.  Iliglibridgtvilie. 

Lowell  street,  fiom  3d  avenue  to  Rider  aveir.if.  M.  tt  Hi'.yen. 

Morrisania  avenue,  ii'om  Ice  Pond  to  Ella  stret;t,  West  Morrisania. 

Morris  avenue,  from  Mott  to  Melrose  strpets,  Melrose 

Morris  avenue,  trom  Harlem  river  to  138th  street,  North  New  Yoiji. 

Morris  Place,  from  Harlem  Railroad  to  b'leetwo^d  P:uk,  West  Morrisania. 

Maple  avenue,  from  132d  street  to  lofith  street,  Wilton. 

3Iott  stre.^t,  from  3d  avenue  to  Harlem  Pi.-i,ilroad,  Melrose. 

Macomb  avenue,  from  Harlem  Railroad  northerly  to  iltn-ris  farm. 

Mott  street  Mott  Haven,  froiu  3d  av  -vrest  150  ft.  nortli  (v'  J.  1-.  Mott's  residence. 

Main  street,  from  3d  avenuo  to  Macomb  avenue,  iic't  IJ  iven. 

Melrost  street,  from  Washington  avenue  to  Harieni  P  iilroad,  Melrose. 

Mary  street,  from  Wa:>hington  avenue  to  Hailem  Railroad,  Melrose. 

Milion  &treei-,  from  3d  avenue  to  Harlem  Railroad,  Mt^lrose. 

Nev\-  street,  from  Concord  avenue  to  L'nion  avenue,  Morrisania. 

Orchard  street,  from  -Ith  avenue  to  3d  avenuf,  (;iar«mont. 

Oak  avenue,  from  134i:h  street  to  Mist  atrert,  PorfM  orris. 

Prospect  street,  from  Washington  a'.enu(-  to  Harlem  Railroad, 

Pi'ospect  avenue,  from  Grove  street  to  Willow  street.  East  Morrisania. 

Pontiac  street,  fiom  Robins  avenue  to  Prospect  avenue,  East  Morrisania, 

Passage  avenue,  from  Terrace  place  to  Ugden's  residence,  Wilton. 

River  street,  from  Cedar  street  to  Gerard  aveu'.ie.  West  ilorrisania. 

.River  avenue,  trom  Ella  street  to  Central  avenue,  West  Morrisanin. 

Jlobbins  avenue,  from  Grove  street  to  Westchester  av,  East  Morrisania. 

Eae  street,  Irom  Benson  avenue  to  Carr  aA  onue. 

Rider  avenue,  from  Van  Corlear  street  to  Main  street,  Mott  Haven. 

Retreat  avenue,  from  147th  street  to  Grove  street.  East  Melrose. 

Rose  street,  fron\  3d  avenue  to  Retreat  avenue.  East  Melrose. 

Se  ;ond   treet,  trom  Giove  avenue  to  Railroad  avenue,  Morrisania. 

Sjrini^fieid  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  Harlem  Railroad,  Melrose. 

Schuyler  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  Harltm  Railroad,  Meho-te. 

Sjjring  street,  nom  lee  Pond  to  Ella  street.  West  Morrf-ania. 

Hmeeman  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  Railroad,  Mott  Haven. 

Strong's  avenue,  from  Fore-;t  avenue  to  Union  av;>nue. 


Second  avenue,  from  town  line  south,  Highbridg'eville. 
Sedgwick  avenue,  from  Central  avenue  to  town  line,  Highbridgeville. 
Summit  avenue,  from  Central  avenue  to  Devoe  street,  Highbridg-eville. 
Southern  Boulevard,  from  3d  avenue  at  Harlem  Bridge,  eastwardly  and  northeast- 
wardly xo  town  line. 
St.  Ann's  avenue,  from  132d  street  to  Westchester  avenue.  East  Morrisania. 
Sixth  street,  from  Boston  Road  to  Harlom  Railroad,  Morrisania. 
Seventh  stree*^,  from  Bost'  n  Road  to  Harlem  Railroad,  Morrisania. 
Third  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  Harlem  Railroad,  Morrisania. 
Terrace  Place,  from  Molt  street  to  William  sti  eet,  Meh-ose. 
Tinton  aveuue,  from  Grove  street  to  AVilliam  street.  East  Morrisania. 
Terrace  Place,  Enciixles  "  View  Mount,"  East  Morrisania. 
Uncas  street,  from  Robbins  a.venue  to  Prospect  avenue.  East  Morrisania. 
Union  street,  from  Lind  avenue  to  Bremer  avenue,  Highbridge. 
Union  street,  from  Washington  avenue  to  Courtlaud  avenue,  Melrose. 
Villa  Place,  from  3d  avenue  to  Cottage  street,  Mott  Haven. 
Van  Stoil  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  Harlem  river,  Mott  Haven. 
Van  Corlear  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  College  avenue,  Mott  Haven. 
Willis  avenue,  from  Harlem  river  to  147th  street.  North  New  York. 
Waverly  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  Harlem  Railroad,  Melrose. 
William  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  Spring  street,  Melrose  and  West  Morrisania. 
Walton  avenue,  from  Buena  Park  to  Grove  street,  Buena  Ridge. 
Walton  aveuue,  trora  Buena  Ridge  to  north  town  line,  West  Slorrisania, 
Wasliingtoii   avenue,   from  3d   avenue  Meh-ose  to  town  line,  Morrisania. 
Willow  avenue,  from  Bronx  Kills  to  136th  street,  Wilton. 

Willow  street,  from  Westchester  avexiue  westward  to  town  line.  East  Morrisania. 
AValnut  avenue,  from  134th  street  to  Port  Morris  Pi,ailroad,  Port  Morris. 
Wall  street,  from  Boston  Road  to  Union  avenue,  Morrisania. 
130th  street,  from  Willis  avenue  to  Morris  avenue,  North  New  York. 
131st  street,  from  Alexander  aveniie  to  Mill  Brook,  North  New  York. 
132d  street,  Irom  Lincoln  avenue  to  Willow  avenue,  Nortli  New  York. 
133d  street,  from  3d  aveuue  to  Mill  Brook,  North  New  York. 

134th  street,  Irom  3d  avenue  to  St.  Ann's  ave  and  from  S.  Boulevard  to  E&st  river. 
135th  street,  from  3d  av  to  S.  Boulevard  and  from  Oak  av  to  East  river. 
136th  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  East  river. 

137 fch  street,  from  3d  av  to  Home  av,  and  from  Oak  av  to  East  river. 
138th  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  East  river. 

139th  street,  from  3d  av  to  Mill  Brook,  and  from  Oak  av  to  East  river. 
140th  street,  from  3d  av  to  Mill  Brook,  and  from  Oak  av  to  East  river. 
141st  street,  from  31  av  to  St.  Ann's  av,  and  Irom  Beach  ave  to  East  river. 
142d  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  St.  Ann's  avenue,  North  New  York. 
143d  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  St.  Ann's  avenue,  North  New  York. 
144th  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  St.  Ann's  avenue.  North  New  York. 
145th  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  St.  Ann's  avenue,  North  New  York. 
146th  street,  from  3d  av«uue  to  St.  Ann's  avenue.  North  New  York. 
147th  street,  from  3d  avenue  to  St.  Ann's  aveuue.  North  New  York. 
148th  street,  fi-om  Retreat  avenue  to  St.  Ann's  avenue.  North  New  York. 
14Uth  street,  from  Retreat  avenue  to  St.  Ann's  avenue,  North  New  York. 


of  Abbreviations  not  obvious  by  their  form  :— r,  residence  ;  n  e  c,  north  east  corner, 
see,  south  east  corner ;  n  w  c,  north  west  corner ;  s  w  c,  south  west  corner  ;  av'» 
avenue;  h,  house;  n,  north ;  s,  south;  e,  east ;  w,  west;  Wr  Railroad,  Westchester 

The  word  "  street"  is  omitted  in  all  cases  and  the  name  given,  as  Third  for  Third 


ABRAMS  &  DANFIELD,  hardware,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Fifth 
Abrams  Albert  T,  hardware,  n  s  Wall  '2d  h  e  Boston  road 
Aberle  Christian,  tailor,  n  Denman  2d  h  w  Courtland  av 
ABEECEOMBIE   BEOS,  plumbers,  e  s  Courtland  av  Ist  h  s 

Abercrombie  John,  teas,  n  a  Seventh  4th  h  e  3d  av 
Abercrombie  Charles  (Eev,)  w  s  Wash'n  av  4  h  n  First 
Abercrombie  John,  w  s  Wa8hing:ton  av  4  li  n  First 
Abel  Charles,-  builder,  s  s  146th  1st  h  e  Willis  av,  r  n  s  144th 

8th  h  e  WiUis  av 
Ackerman  Abram,  carpenter,  r  s  s  142d  4th  h  w  Willis  av 
Adair  Patrick,  Ibr,  Port  Morris 

Adams  John,  Ibr,  n  s  143d  bet  Passage  av  &  St  Ann's  av 
Adams  John,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Tinton  av  Ist  h  n  Lexington  av 
Adams  Chas,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Tinton  av  Ist  h  n  l-iexington  av 
Adams  Charles,  Ibr,  n  s  144th  6th  h  e  3d  av 
Adams  John,  Butcher,  sec  141st  &  3d  av 
Adams  Thomas,  Ibr,  s  s  Denman  2d  h  e  Morris  av 
Adams  John,  bookpeddler,  s  s  William  1st  h  w  Washington  av 
Adlung  Ferd.,  coachman,  w  s  Eobbins  av  5th  h  n  AYr  Eailroad 
Alwaise  Mrs.  Emma,  wid.,  n  s  Jefferson  1st  h  w  Boston  rd 
Alwaise  Frank  P.,  butcher,  Jefferson  1st  h  w  Boston  rd 
AUwise  J.,  hop  dealer,  N.  Y.,  n  s  139th  1st  h  e  Alexander  av 
Allendorph  Andrew,  furniture,  N.  Y.,  r  e  s  Franklin  av  bet 

Spring  pi  &  Fifth 
Allison  Geo.  H.,  twines,  N.  Y.,  see  William  &  Morris  pi 
Althome  Jacob,  w  s  3d  av  7th  h  s  Milton 
Alber  Cornelia,  wid.,  laundress,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Eose 
Alexander  C,  boat  bdr,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Gouverneur  3d  h  w  Cour- 

land  av 
Alexander  Edward,  stoves  &  tinware,  w  s  3d  av  7th  h  s  Mott 
Albright  Eliza,  washerwoman,  w  s  E  E  av  1st  h  s  Seventh 
Aldrich  Lewis,  butcher,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Seventh 
Allen  Maria,  wid.,  dressmkr.,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  ha  Melrose 
Allen  John,  Ibr.,  Port  Morris 
Allen  John  E.,  Ibr.,  Port  Morris 
Allen  A.,  dry  goods,  N.  Y.,  w  a  Tinton  av  2d  h  n  Lexington 


Allen  Charles  J.,  drugs,  n  w  c  Franklin  av  &  Sixth 

AUexs  Julius,  brewer,  w  s  3d  ay  6th  h  n  Third 

Althome  Fred.  D.,  machinist,  n  s  R  R  av  2d  h  w  3d  av 

Althome  Joseph,  Ibr.,  n  s  Springfield  2d  h  e  Courtland  av 

Altman  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  Clifton  av  2d  h  s  144th 

Alf  John,  hardware,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  147th 

Almendinger  Wm.,  hardware,  w  s  Courtlandtav  Istlis  Findley 

AJtro  Edmund  W.,  Insurance,   N.  Y.,  n   s   Waverly  3d  h  w 

Wash'n  av 
Albert  Michael,  machinist,  n  s  AVilliam  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Amnion  John,  brewer,  n  s  Eighth  let  he  3d  av 
Amos  AVm.  E.,  nifr.,  N.  Y.,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Railroad  av 
Ambecli  Frank,  tailor,  s  s  Denman  2d  li  av  Cortlandt  av 
Ambach  Conrad,  tailor,  n  s  Groverne\ir  5ta  h  w  3d  av 
Angel  James   R.,  lawyer,  office  s  s  Fifth  nr  Yv^ash'n  av,  res 

Fulton  av  2d  h  s  Seventh 
Angel  Henry  B.,  printer,  N.  Y.,  n  s  142d  2d  h  e  3d  av. 
Angeline  C,  widow,  w  s  Carr  Ist  h  s  Rae. 
Anthes  Philip,  tailor,  n  w  c  Gouverneur  &  Morris  av 
Andra  John,  tailor,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Milton 
Anthony  Peter,  carpenter,  e  s  3d  av  5th  h  n  Grove 
Andt  Gustave,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  3d  av  &  Elton 
Angrich  Joseph,  carriage  mkr.,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Henry 
Anderson  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  Mott  5th  h  w  Morris  av 
Anderson  Jacob,  piano  mkr.,  nee  Mary  &  Courtlandt  av 
Anderson  J,  carpenter,  s  s  Springfield  1st  h  w  Courtlandt  av 
Anderson  James  C,  lawyer,  s  e  c  3d  av  &  146th 
Anderson  Charles  M.,  nee  Gerard  av  &  Ella 
Anderson  Robert,  Ibr.,  n  s  Wr  Railroad  2d  h  e  Robbins  av 
Andrew  John,  moulder,  e  s  Courtlandt  av  Ist  h  s  Melrose 
Aniehe  Julius,  Ibr.,  s  s  139th  1st  li  w  3d  av 
Andres  George,  carpenter,  s  w  c  S  Boulevard  &  Elm 
Appleton  G.  W„  bookeeper,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Sixth  2d  h  w  Union  av 
Appleton  Wm.  G.,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Franklin  av  Ist  h  n  Fifth 
Arnold  Thomas,  milk,  w  s  Fulton  av  3d  h  n  Sixth 
Arnold  Henry,  pianomkr,  n  s  Melrose  1st  h  w  Courtlandt  av 
Arnold  D.  P.,  provisions,  N.  Y^.,  ss  135th  6th  h  e  Alexander  av 
Arnold  George,  brewer,  e  s  3d  av  8th  h  s  Seventh 
Armbrecht  John,  upholsterer,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Fifth 
Arbecker  Peter,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Fourth 
Arm  Jacob,  brush  mkr.,  s  s  Mary  Gth  h  e  Cortlandt  av 
Armstrong  Jas  M.,  revenue,  N.  Y.,  n  w  c  Wash'n  av  &  Fifth, 
Armstrong  James,  dry  goods,  N.   Y.,  e  s  Wash'n   av  2d  h  n 

Arcuiarius  G.  P.,  Fleetwood  hotel,  entrance  Fleetwood  Park 


Arion  Piano  Manufacturing;  Co.,  Wr  Railroad  bet  Retreat  & 
St.  Ann's  avs  ;    Wm.   Simpson,  Jr.,  President ;  George  C. 
Manner,  Superintendent. 
Archer  Jarvis,  w  s  St.  Ann's  av  Ist  h  s  Westchester  rd 
Arneau  Joseph,  teamster,  n  s  Ed  sell  9th  h  w  3d  av 
Archibald  John,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Concord  2d  h  w  College  av 
Armann  Jacob,  iron  moulder,  e  s  College  av  4th  h  s  Main 
Ash  Fred'k,  artist,  w  s  Boston  rd  1st  h  s  Jefferson 
Aston  Fred'k,  painter,  n  s  Denman  2d  h  e  Morris  av 
Aspel  William,  finisher,  n  s  Elton  4th  h  e  Morris  av 
Astang  Henry,  brewer,  s  s  14Gth  3d  h  e  Mill  Brook 
Ashman  Henry,  segar  mkr,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  146th 
Ashfield  William,  broker,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Willis  av  3d  h  n  139th 
Attmann  Adolph,  piano  mkr,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Elton 
Attera  James,  laborer,  R  R  av  2d  h  s  Van  Stoll 
Austin  D.,  iron  moulder,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  144th 
Austin  Valentine,  billposter,  n  s  Wash'n  av  5th  h  n  Second 
Austin  Henry  C,  billposter,  n  s  Wash'n  av  5th  h  n  Second 
Austin  John  J.,  ca  penter,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Milton 
Austin  Edward,  car  driver,  n  s  Prospect  3d  h  w  Wash'n  av 
ATitner  Henry,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Cottage,  14th  h  w  Colleo-e  av 
Auerswald  Charles,  e  s  Rob  bins  av  4th  h  n  Uncas 
Auburg  Charles,  brass  finisher,  s  s  Union  2d  h  e  Cortlandt  av 
Avery  Thomas,  coppersmith,  e  s  Courtlandt  av  2d  h  n  Denman. 
Ayme  Henry,  physician,  e  s  3d  av  5th  h  s  Eighth 
Ayres  Benjamin,  Ibr  ,  n  w  c  Gouverneur  &  Morris  av 
Azner  Charles,  piano  mkr,  e  s  Courtlandt  av  1st  h  s  Eltoa 


Baker  Wm.  C,  machinist  &  engr,  Boston  rd  opp  Wall 
Baker  M.  C,  machinist,  w  s  Union  av  1st  h  n  Wall 
Baker  R.  B.,  carijeuter,  w  a  Union  av  1st  h  n  Wall 
Baker  John,  ma«oii,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Fourth 
Baker  H.  S.  rmiidtir,  s  s  143d  8th  h  e  3d  av 
Baker  Christian    mason,  w  s  3d  av  lOth  h  s  Milton 
Baker  Mary,  seamstrnss,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  144th 
Baker  Daniel,  c  >  u;  im  iii,  e  s  Walton  av  4th  h  s  Ella 
Barnum  Jereini  la,  jr.,  (carpenter,  es  Fulton  av  3d  h  n  Sereulh. 
Barnum  JorMiiu  l  i  G.,  e  s  Boston  rd  bet  Union  av  &  Seventh 
Barry  Tho.uas,  ■  t  oj  i,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Saieeman 
Barry  Thomas,    a.  t=«i\  N.  Y.,  w  s  Villa  pi  1st  h  s  Home 
Barry  J.,  Sec  ^  0         ,  i  Ins.,  N.  Y.,  n  w  c  135th  &  Willis  av 
Ball  Thoma .  i  u  »rellas,   N.   Y.,  e  s  Forre^iC  av  2d  li  n 



Bauer  John,  blacksmith,  e  s  od  av  1st  li  a  Sixth 
Bauer  Henry,  printer,  30  Mott 
Bauer  Frederick,  n  e  c  3d  av  &  146th 
Bauer  George,  cabinetmkr,  s  s  Fourth  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Bauer  Philip,  Ibr.,  s  s  Springfield  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Bauer  Martin,  carpenter,  n  s  Schuyler  6th  h  e  ^torris  av 
Bauer  John,  tailor,  s  s  Findley  3d  h  s  Courtland  av 
Barenstecker,  Ibr,  e  s  3d  av  5th  h  s  Sixth 
Bachtler  August,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Fourth 
Bachtler  Margaret,  milliner,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Fourth 
Bachtler  John  M.,  police,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Fifth 
Barnett,  Gr.  A.  C,  lawyer,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Franklin  av  2d  h  n  Fiftb 
Barth  Alber,  segar  mfr,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Third 
Backus  Wm.  M.  turner,  N.  Y.,  e  s  3d  av  bet  Cliff  &  First  pi 
Backus  Henry  M.'  turner,  N.  Y.,  e  s  3d  av  bet  Cliff  &  First  pi 
Bachman  Wm.,  t]:ilder,  e  s  Franklin  av  1st  s  Seventh 
Bayer  Frederick,  clerk,  s  w  c  Franklin  av  &  Seventh 
Bawelker  Frank,  cigar  mfr,  e  s  3d  av  4th  s  Fifth 
Bathgate  Alex.,  farmer,  s  s  Seventh  opp  Clinton 
Bathgate  William,  butcher,  n  s  145th  1st  h  e  3d  av 
Bachem  Mathias,  stone-cutter,  n  s  Prospect   5th  h  e   Court- 
land  av 
Baldwin  Charles,  E  E  conductor,  n  s  Prospect  4th  h  e  Court- 
land  av 
Baldwin  WilUam  H.,  broker,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Willis  av  3d  h  n  135th 
Baenisch  Carl,  cigarmkr,  o  s  Cou»*tland  av  1st  h  n  Prospect 
Bawmet  Frank,  cigarmkr,  s  s  Milton  8tli  h  o  Courtland  av 
Barth  Jacob,  peddler,  s  s  First  3d  h  w  E  E  av 
Baas  Francis  J.,  mason,  s  s  AVilliamlst  h  w  AVash'n  av 
Batey  Joseph,  newsdealer,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  William 
Barnes  Horace,  Port  contractor.  Port  Morris 
Bancroft  L.  F.,  diver.  Port  Morris 
Baity  John,  contractor,  n  s  134th  2d  h  e  3d  av 
Ballow  John,  iron  moulder,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Smeeman 
Bachman  John,  iron  moulder,  w  s  Concord  opp  Elm 
15achman  Jacob,  tailor,  s  s  Waverly  4tli  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Bachman  John,  Ibr.,  n  a  Springfield  oth  h  e  Courtland  av 
Bauman  Henry,  gardener,  w  s  S  Boulevard  1st  h  a  Lexington 
Baylan  James,  laborer,  s  s  Mott  1st  h  w  College  av 
Barnegan  Elizabeth,  wid.,  s  s  ]\[ott  Ist  h  w  College  av 
Balcom  Henry,  butcher,  N.  Y.,  n  sMain  let  h  w  3d  av 
Balcom  Henry,  jr.,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  n  s  jSIain  1st  h  w3d  av 
Bassford  Wm.  Xipp,  musician,  nee  College  av  &  Concord 
Bates  George  M.,  mfr.,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Concord  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Bailey  James,  laborer,  s  s  146th  2d  h  e  Mill  Brook 


'Barnes  William,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  s  s  147 th  1st  li  e  Clifton  av 
Bartell  Martha,  wid.,  n  s  144th  4th  h  e  Willis  av 
Baxter  Patrick,  Ibr.,  s  s  144tli  2d  h  w  Willis  av 
Balcom  John,  iron  moulder,  s  s  144th  2d  h  w  Willis  av 
Barrett  Mr.,  surveyor,  s  s  140th  3d  h  w  Willis  av 
Bache  W.  M.,  carpenter,  w  s  Willis  av  1st  h  s  143d 
Baumann  Stephen,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  141st 
Baxter  Julia,  boarding,  e  s  od  av  5th  h  n  147th 
Barrice  Wm.,  brewer,  w  s  AVash'in  av  4tli  h  n  Sixth 
Balz  Frederick,  barber,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Melrose 
Bandel  Elizabeth,  wid.,  seamstress,  s  s  Elton  3d  h  e  Court- 
land  av 
Bahrens  Henry,  clerk,  sec  Governeur  &  Courtland  av 
Barrow  John,  plumber,  n  s  Governeur  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Barnes  Charles,  carpenter,  e  s  Morris  av  2d  h  n  Benson 
Bagnall  C.  &  E.,  drygoods,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Westchester  rd 
Barllinger  Wm.,  bone-boiler,  w  s  Gerard  2d  h  s  Juliet 
Bailey  Henry  M.,  mer.,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Walton  av  1st  h  s  Ella 
Baer  Jacob,  Ibr.,  w  s  Eetreat  av  4th  h  s  Grove 
Barker  Henry  L.,  foreman,   e   s  St.  Ann's   av   Ist  h   s  AVest- 

chester  rd 
Banigan   Thomas,  coachman,  w   s  Eagle  av  4th  h    s   West- 
chester rd 
Batey  Thomas,  boatman,  n  w  c  Eindley  &  Courtland  av 
Bach  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  Waverly  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Bale  Thomas,  collector,  n  s  Milton  1st  li  e  Terrace  pi 
Bale  Frank,  pianomkr,  n  s  Milton  1st  h  e  Terrace  pi 
Barker  Wm.  H.,  moulder,  nee  Washi'n  av  &  Milton 
Bell  Middleton,  w  s  Macomb  av  3d  h  s  Grove 
Bell  A.,  hardware,  nee  3d  av  &  140th,  r  w  s  E  E  av  opp  4th 
Bell  Tatus,  contractor,  n  s  145th  4th  h  e  3d  av 
Bell  Wm.,  w  s  E  E  av  2d  h  n  Irving  pi 
Bell  George  S.,  builder,  N.  1^.,  sec  Boston  rd  &  Sixth 
Bell  George  W.,  carpenter,  N.  Y.,  sec  Boston  rd  &  Sixth 
Bell  George,  Ibr.,  w  s  E  E  av  1st  h  s  Wash'n  av 
Berence  John,  saddler,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Mott 
Bieck  Louis  H.,  carriagemkr,  N.  Y.,  n  s   Springfield   2d  h  e 

Morris  av 
Beck  John  M.,  real  estate  agent,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Edsell, 
BEALS  WILLIA:M  E.,  Sec'y  AVestchester  Co.,  Gas  Co.,  s  e  c 

142d  &  Alexander  av 
Beals  Christopher  D.,  mer.,  N.  Y.,  n   w    c    Grove  av  &  2d  pi 
Beals  Harry,  Ibr.,  e  s  Forest  av  1st  h  s  Wall 
Belzner  Frederick,  grocery,  n  s  147th  1st  h  e  3d  av 
Beeck  Charles,  crgarmkr,  s  s  Concord  2d  h  w  College  av 


Beeck  Edward,  bartender,  s  s  Concord  2  h  w  College  av 
Beach  Charles,  carpenter,  w  s  College  av  2d  h  n  Lowell 
Behring  Henry,  carpenter,  n  s  145th  2d  h  w  Mill  Brook 
Becker  Henry,  polisher,  n  s  145th  3d  h  w  Mill  Brook 
Betz  Henry,  teamster,  n  s  144th  Ist  h  w  Clifton  av 
Bender  Joseph,  carpenter,  n  s  143d  4th  h  w  AVillis  av 
Bender  Philip,  ins.  agent,  e  s  3d  av  opp  Fourth 
Bender  John,  tailor,  n  s  Waverly  8th  li  w  Wash'n  av 
Berenice  Charles,  blacksmith,  s  s  144th  1st  h  w  Willis  av 
Benson  Eodney,  drygoods,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Willis  av  2d  h  n  14l6t 
Becker  John,  painter,  e  s  3d  av  6th  h  n  146th 
Benzler  John,  tailor,  n  s  Grove  1st  h  e  3d  av 
Bellion  John,  teapacker,  w  s  Retreat  av  Isth  s  Grove 
Bellion  Michael,  teapacker,  n  s  Eetreat  av  1st  h  s  Grove 
Bee  Jacob,  junk,  s  s  Gerard  2d  h  e  Eetreat  av 
Betzig  Edward,  tailor,  e  s   8t.  Ann's   av  1st  h  ii  AVr  Eailroad 
Bentell  Christian,  clerk,  n  s  Wr  Eailroad  3d  h  e  St.  Ann's  av 
Berrien  Geo.  H.,  mason,  s  s  Prospect  2d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Beirmeister  Conrad,  drygoods,  nee  Milton  &  Courtland  av 
Beatty  Mary,  wid.,  s  s  William  3d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Beetman  E.  L.,  tobacconist,  N.   Y.,   e   s   Wash'n  av  1st  h  s 

Beguir  Luke,  waiter,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Milton  7th  li  e  T  ourtlaud  av 
Bennett  John,  mer.,  N.  Y".,  n  w  c  Morris  j^l  &  William 
Bennett  Emerson,  plumber,  n  w  c  Morris  pi  &  AA'illiam 
Bennett  Eli,  broker,  jN".  Y.,  e  s  Second  2d  h  e  E  E  av 
Belmont  Francis,  cigarmkr,  nee  Wash'n  av  &  First 
Betz  Jacob,  M'eaver,  s  s  Fourth  2d  h  w  3d  av 
Beath  George,  macliinist,  N.   Y.,    e    s  Wasli'n    av    1st    h  n 

Benchine  George,  Ibr.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Fourth 
Becker  Michael,  tailor,  n  s  Schuyler,  4th  h  e  Morris  av 
Bean  John,  liostler,  n  s  Elton  5tli  h  w  3d  av 
Benzler  Matthew,  dye]-,  n  s  Elton  5th  h  w  3d  av 
Bertrand  Alex.,  painter,  s  s  Mary  1st  h  w  AVash'n  av 
Bemer  Frederick,  baker,  n  s  Springfield  7th  he  Courtland. av 
Berg  Henry,  pianomkr,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Springfield 
Bede  Eichard,  blacksmith,  s  s  Dennian  3d  h  s  Courtland  av 
Berger  Jeza,  actor,  n  a  Govorneur  4th  h  w  Courtland  av 
Berlew  James,  teamster,  sec  Govorneur  &  Morris  av    - 
Bezy  Alfred,  Ibr.,  sec  Govorneur  &  Morris  av 
Beckhaus  William,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  9th  li  s  Milton 
Bee  John,  2)eddler,  av  s  3d  av  2d  li  s  Henry 
Beirmeister  Henry,  Ibr.,  n  s  Benson  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Berdett  Wash'n,  gardener,  e  s  Boston  rd  bet  Homo  A  Georo^.- 


Besemer  Jacob  H.,  blacksmith,  w  s  3d  av  nr  Second,  r  n  s  Second 

let  h  w  3d  av 
Bergen  Patrick  J.,  liquors,  w  s  3d  av  opp  Boston  rd 
Bergert  Charles,  brewer,  w  s  3d  av  6th  h  s  Third 
Berdaner    Wentxel,  cigarmkr,  w  s  Washington'   av   1st  h  n 

Begg  Wm.,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  n  a  Eighth  3  h  w  Waah'n  av 
Birdsall  John,  bartender,  n  e  c  S  Boulevard  &  3d  av 
Birdsall  Sol.  S.,  G.  H.  officer,  s  e  c  St.  Ann's  av  &  138th 
Birdsall  Henry,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  s  e  c  St.  Ann's  av  &  138th 
Birdsall  Herman,  carpenter,  n  w  c  Mott  &  3d  av 
Bingham  Samuel,  printer's  rollers,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Garden  1st  h  w 

3d  av 
Bingham  Leander,  printer's  rollers,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Garden  Isth  w 

College  av 
Bingham  M.  Tillmore,  printer's  rollers,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Garden  1st 

h  w  3d  av 
Birney  John,  brass  founder,   N.  Y.,  e  s  College   av  2nd  h  a 

Bionki  Francois,  stone-cutter,  s  s  l44:th  3d  h  w  Willis  av 
Birchall  Nathan,  coal  &  dye  woods,  Port  Morris 
Birchall  Henry,  coal,  Yv^est  Farms,  Port  Morris 
Birchall  Nathan,  jr.,  clerk,  Port  Morris 
Birchall  &  Chapman,  coal  &  plaster,  w  s  3d  av  6th  h  n  Edsell 

&  Port  j\Iorris 
Bisland  William,  milkman,  s  s  144th  od  h  e  3d  av 
Birch  Geo  B.,  n  s  Melrose,  3d  h  n  Courtland  av 
Bittel  Mary  M.,  wid.,  nee  Findley  &  Terrace  pi 
Binder  Frederick,  bakery,  e  s  3d  av  3  h  s  14Gtli 
Binder  John,  barber,  w  s  Courtland  av  Ist  h  s  Waverly 
Binder  Joseph,  brewer,  w  s  E  E  av  opp  Seventh 
Binder  (Mr.,)  brewer,  nee  AVash'n  av  &  Seventli 
Bishop  Philip  H.,  butcher,  e  s  Eobbins  av  1st  h  n  Uncas 
Bishop  Edward,  real  estate,  N.  Y^.,  w  s  Boston  rd  2d  h  n  Sixth 
Bishop  F.  W.,  book  keeper,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Boston  rd  2d  h  n  Sixth 
Bishop  Yv^  H.,  book  keeper,N.   Y.,  w  s  Boston  rd  2d  h  n  Sixth 
Bishopberger  Charles,  upholsterer,  w^  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Fifth 
Bishopberger,  tailor,  vf  s  Fulton  av  7th  h  s  Eighth 
Bigelow  A.  J.,  physician,  office  Fifth  st,   3d  h  e  E  E  av,  r  w  s 

Boston  rd  1st  h  n  Fifth 
Biggs  Fred.,  express,  e  s  3dav  1st  h  n  Fifth 
Bissinger  Wm.,  tailor,  s  s  Springfield  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Bischotf  Henry,  butcher,  n  s  Schuyler  3d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Bischoft*  Philip,  butcher,  n  s  Schuyler  :>d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Bittner  Mary,  seamstress,  s  w  c  Benson  c^i:  3d  av 


Biecker  Peter,  tailor,  c  s  8d  av  5th  h  n  Grove 
Birnstid  August,  carpenter,  s  s  Cliff  2d  h  w  Eorest  av 
Blauvelt  Mrs.  Emma,  wid.,  s  s  Sixth  od  h  e  Boston  rd 
Blauvolt  John  J.,  sash  &  blinds,  w  s  Wash'n  av2d  h  s  Seventh 
Blauvelt  Joseph  J.,  clerk,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  s  Seventh 
Blauvelt  Edwin  J.,  builder,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Elton  8d  h  e  Morris  av 
Blessing  John  A.,  saloon,  e  s  8d  av  7th  h  s  Eighth 
Blake  Charles,  agent,  e  s  Eranklin  av  7th  h  n  Sixth 
Bloomer  John  H.,  carpenter,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Eighth 
Bleecker  Anthony  J.,  auc'r,  N.  Y.,  w  s  AVash'n  av  8d  h  n  Sixth 
Bleecker  Anthony  J.,  jr.,  auctioneer,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Wash'n  av  3d 

h  n  Sixth 
Blackard  Erancis,  carver,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Eirst  4th  h  w  3  av 
Blackett  James,  machinist,  w  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  n  Mott 
Blair  AVm.,  porter,  s  s  Melrose  5th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Blankenburg  William,   cabinetmkr,   s   s   Springfield  5th   h  w 

3d  av 
Blume  Alguin,  music  teacher,  e  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  s  Spring- 
Blanth  Peter,  jr.,  painter,  n  s  Schuyler  2d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Blanth  Peter,  tailor,  n  s  Schuyler  2d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Blankenberger  Christian,  mason,  n  s  Schuyler  !*^th  h  ^v  3d  av 
Blount  Henry,  Ibr.,  Port  Morris 
Blaxham  John,  n  s  Cottage  15th  li  w  College  av 
Black  Edward,  lawyer,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Lexington  2d  h  e  Eobbinsav 
Blaney  Hugh,  iron  moulder,  s  w  c  S  Boulevard  &  Lexington 
Blaney  Mary,  dressmkr,  s  w  c  S  Boulevard  &  Lexington 
Blakely,  Thomas,  blacksmith,  N.  Y.,   s  s   Willow  pi  1st  h  e 

College  av 
Bleil  Philip,  fish,  N.  Y.,  s  s  146th  1st  h  e  Mill  Brook 
BLYTHE   J.  H.  G.,  lawyer,  e  s  3d   av    1st  h  s  145th,  r  s  e  c 

Willow  pi  &  College  av 
Bleiger  Henrj^,  Ibr.,  e  s  Eobbins  av  4th  h  n  Uncas 
Bleicher  Henry,  foreman,  s  s  Westchester  rd  2d  h  e  Eagle  av 
Blume  Ernest,  buttons,  s  s  Eirst  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Bleulcr  Charles,  grocer,  n  s  Union  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Bohnifolk  J.  T.,  n  s  Cottage  10th  h  w  College  av 
Bowen  James  (Capt.,)  saloon,  n  e  c  S  Boulevard  &  3d  av 
Bolton  Henry,  mason,  av  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Edsell 
Bohtram  August,  iron  moulder,  w  s  3d  av  5tli  h  n  Smeeman 
Bohlen  Charles,  grocer,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  140tli 
Boyle  Adam,  Ibr.,  e  s  Concord  2d  h  s  Elm 
Boulard  J.  M.,  musician,  e  s  College  av  1  h  n  Concord 
Boulard  James,  jr.,  clerk,  N.  J.,  e  s  College  av  1st  h  n  Concord 
Bottz  Charles,  Ibr.,  s  s  144th  Ist  h  w  Wilhs  av 


Bogart  AVilliam,  silversiiiith,  N.  Y.,  s  s  lootli  4tli  li  e  Alex- 
ander av 
Bogart  Wm.,  carx^enter,  s  s  "Williani  Ist  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Bonnett  Jacob,  carpenter,   N.   Y.,    s   s  lootli   10th  h  e  Alex- 
ander av 
Boss  E.,  tailor,  w  s  Willis  av  1st  h  n  144th 
Bose  Carl,  saloon,  s  s  Uncas  3d  h  w  Tinton  av 
Borsig  Herman,  locksmith,  w  s  Conrtland  av  1st  h  n  Melrose 
Botalish  Catharine,  wid.,  Conrtland  av  2d  h  s  Milton 
Bolton  John,  Ibr.,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Milton  8th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Boyer  Henry,  Ibr.,  w  s  Conrtland  av  1st  h  s  Waverly 
Bohling  H.,  milkman,  e  s  Eetreat  av  6th  h  n  Westchester  av 
Boscher  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  Grove  2d  h  e  3d  av 
Bodley  Mr.,  coachmkr,  s  s  Gerard  1st  h  e  Eetreat  av 
Bohme  Leypold,  grocer,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Sixth 
Bolmer  William,  paper  hangings,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Fourth 
Bostwick  B.  C,  w  s  Franklin  av  od  h  s  Eighth 
Bostwick  S.  B.,  broker,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Franklin  av  3d  h  s  Eighth 
Bostwick  W.  E.,  broker,  N.  Y.,  w  s  FrankHn  av  3dh  s  Eighth 
Bostwick  George,  Ibr.,  s  s  Third  2d  h  e  E  E  av 
Bourne  Francis,  carpenter,  s  s  Sixth  2d  h  w  Franklin  av 
Booth  Charles  L.,  express,  n  s  Seventh  2d  h  w  Franklin  av 
Bowen  Wm.,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  s  w  c  Wash'n  av  &  Second 
Bossart  Amandus  J.,  carriagemkr,  ^y  s  Conrtland  av  2d  h  s 

Boyd  Eobert,  gardener,  n  s  Springfield  8th  h  w  3d  av 
Bonekaw  Eobert,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  s  s   Springfield  1st  h  w  Court- 
land  av 
Borhman  Caspar,  painter,  n  s  Schuyler  2d  h  w  3d  av 
Both  Jacob,  cigarmkr.,  n  s  Governeur  2d  h  w  Morris  av 
BOWES  A.  &  J.,  grocers,  3d  av  &  Mill  Brook 
Bowes  James,  grocer,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  w  St.  Ann's  av 
Boske  Conrad,  dealer  second  hand  goods,  w  s   3d  av  12th  h  s 

Bondy  AVm.,  cooper,  s  s  Fifth  2d  h  w  3d  av 
Bourbon  James,  n  s  Ella  3d  h  e  Morris  pi 
Bowman  John  P.,  carpenter,  w  s  E  E  av  2d  h  n  Fourth 
Braudlacht  Anthony  J.,  hardAvare,  s  w  c  3d  av  &  Denman 
Brinckman  Fred'k.,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Westchester  rd 
Brown  Hannah,  wid.,  w  s  Conrtland  av  1st  h  s  Melrose 
Brown  William,  Ibr.,  n  s  Springfield  6th  h  w  3d  av 
Brown  H.,  wid.,  laundress,  s  s  Schuyler  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Brown  Thomas,  police,  s  w  c  AVestchester  rd  &  Eagle  av 
Brown  Francisco,  grocer,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Prospect 
Brown  Olivia,  laundry,  n  s  Waverly  4th  h  e  Conrtland  av 


Brown  Edward,  carpenter,  w  s  Eranklin  av  3d  li  n  Eighth 

Brown  Eobert  I.,  real  estate,  n  s  Fifth  2d  h  eE  E  av 

Brown    Geo.,   B.,  carriage-trimmer,  w  s  Wash'n   av   1st  h   n 

Brown  James  B.,  shoemkr,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Fourth 
Brown  Thomas,  Ibr.,  Port  Morris 
Brown  EUza,  wid.,  s  s  Cottage  2d  h  w  College  av 
Brown  irermann,  grocer,  Port  Morris 
Brown  Timothy,  saloon,  n  s  Van  Stoll  1st  li  e  E  E  av 
Brown  William,  iron  moulder,  n  s  Mott  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Brown  Ann  E.,  wid.,  n  s  Mott  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Brown  Henry,  mason,  w  s  3d  av  3d  li  s  Edsoll 
Brown  Thomas,  Ibr.,  e  s  Eobbins  av  2d  h  s  Wr  Eailro^d 
Brown  Eliza,  bonnet  frames,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  144th 
Brown  Albert,  confectioner,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  146th 
Brown  Wm.  F.,  lawyer,  off  3d  av  opp  Westchester  rd 
Bray  Wm.,  H.,  editor,  X.  Y.,  e  s  Yilla  pi  2d  h  s  Home 
Bray  'Mrs.  Susan,  s  s  Spring  pi  1st  h  e  3d  av 
Bray  Arthur,  tailor,  n  w  o  Fulton  av  &  Fifth 
Brady  Michael,  Ibr.,  n  s  Governeur  2d  h  w  Morris  av 
Brady  Edward,  Ibr.,  w  s  Morris  av  1st  h  n  Denman 
Brady  James,  plasterer,  e  s  Morris  av  3d  h  n  Benson 
Brady  James,  Ibr.,  Port  Morris 
Brady  Hugli,  Ibr.,  n  s  Cottage  iTtli  h  w  College  av 
Brady  Phillip,  grocer,  n  w  c  3d  av  &  Edsell 
Brady  James,  stone-cutter,  w  s  3d  av  5th  h  n  Concord 
Brady  John,  gardener,  e  s  Wash'n  av  4th  li  s  Milton 
Brixner  Banro,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  l^oston  rd  &  Spring  pi 
Bristow  George  F.,  music,  sec  Forest  av  &  George 
Brandow  Mrs.  Mary  A.,  dressmkr,  s  e-c  Seventh  c\:  3d  av 
Bruder  Eliza,  w  s  3d  av  6th  h  s  Seventh 
Brann  John  xV.,  brewer,  e  s  3d  av  5th  h  s  Se^-ent]l  (rear) 
Brant  Mrs.  Magaret,  w  s  3d  av  6th  h  n  Fifth 
Brentty  George,  brewer,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Fourth 
Britton  Alex.,  mason,  w  s  Franklin  av  2d  h  s  SeAcnth 
Brickie  Matthias,  Ibr.,  e  s  3d  av  7th  h  s  Fifth 
Brinkerhoff  J.  Dewitt,  photographer,  av  s  Fulton  av  1st  h  n 

Brodhead  John,  nnxl  estate,  e  s  Fulton  av  2d  h  s  Eighth 
Brandt  C.  F.  G.,   leather  &    finding,  e   s    Wash'n  av  2d  h  n 

Brunner  Julius,  t(jy  nif'r.,  w  s  E  E  av  3d  h  s  Sixth 
Breslin  John,  coachman,  e  s  E  E  av  2d  h  n  Third 
Brunt  Miss  Jane  A.,  s  s  Third  1st  h  e  Wash'n  av 
Brindle  Henry,  driver,  nee  Wash'n  av  &  Fourth 


Brisener  Frederick,  hostler,  n  w  o  ]3ostoii  rd  &  Spring  pi 
Brigerman  Charles,  cigarmkr,  nee  Wash'n  av  &  First 
Bradbury  Charles  B.,  teacher,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  n 

Brusto  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  s  Governeur  I2d  h  w  Morris  av 
Brophy  James,  Ibr.,  n  s  Denman  2d  h  w  Morris  av 
Bromoon  James,  Ibr.,  s  s  Benson  -1th  h  e  Morris  av 
Bryan  Morris,  Ibr.,  Port  Morris 
Bryan  John,  Ibr.,  P  P  av  1st  h  s  Yan  Stoll 
Briggs  George  (Capt.,)  Grove  &  Harlem  river 
Briggs  Augustus,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  Grove  &  Harlem  river 
Briggs  Samuel,  carpenter,  N.  Y.,  n  s  139th  od  h  e  3d  av 
Briggs  James,  butcher,  IS.  Y.,  n  s  Waverly  7th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Britton  Charles,  engineer,  s  s  Edsell  6th  h  ^y  3d  av 
Brittain  John,  carpenter,  s  s  William  5th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Braund  E.  M.,  wid.,  confectionary,  w  s  odav  6th  h  n  Smeeman 
Brennan  John,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  7th  h  n  Smeeman 
Brennan  Patrick,  carpenter,  w  s  Clifton  av  2d  h  s  143d 
Brennan  James,  sash  &  blinds,  s  s  l'13d  2d  h  av  Clifton  av 
Brennen  Dennis,  carpenter,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  s  Waverly 
Brennan  John,  tailor,  s  s  Edsell  2d  h  w  3d  av 
Brenner  John,  ongr.,  av  s  Tinton  av  1st  h  n  Wr  Pailroad 
Brenner   Christian,   crockerymkr,   n    s  Wr  Paih-oad  tJth  h  e 

Pobbins  av 
Brenner  Anton,  crockerymkr,  n  s  AYr  Pailroad  5th  h  e   Pob- 
bins av 
Brenner  Jacob,  fi-amer,  n  s  Union  2d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Brenner  Johann,  crockerymkr,  n  s  Wr   Pailroad  4th  h  e  Pob- 
Brandt  George,  Ibr.,  s  s  Springfield  6th  h  av  3d  av 
Brooks  Joseph,  shoemkr.,s  e  c  Springfield  &  Courtland  av 
Brien  Jacob,  mason,  s  s  Schuyler  3d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Bruggeman  Joseph,  tailor,  n  s  Elton  12th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Bradbrook    John,  hotel,  sec  Gerard  av  &  Cedar,  r  o  s  Gerard 

2d  h  n  Juliet 
Brabham  Robert,  brass  finisher,  n  s  Milton  5th  h  av  Wash'n  av 
Brabham  Henry,  moulder,  s  s  Union  3d  h  av  AYash'n  av 
Brabham  Wm.  S.,  mason,  s  s  Union  3d  h  av  Wash'n  aA- 
Brook  Samuel,  carpenter,  n  s  Union  7th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Bruckner  Geo.,  breAver,  sec  Wash'n  av  &  William 
Bruckner  Louis,  breAver,  sec  Wash'n  av  &  William 
Bruckner  John,  Ibr.,  av  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Prospect 
Bronchette  Joshua,  optician,  s  s  Milton  3d  h  w  AVasli'n  av 
BroAvel  John,  cooper,  av  s  Retreat  av  3d  h  s  Rose 

bins  av 
Braun  Henry,  shoemkr,  s  s  144th  1st  h  av  AYillis  av 


Braun  Ilemy,  sash  &  blinds,  n  s  1-i^kl    1st   li   e  od  av,  r   n  s 

143d  2d  li  e  8d  av 
Bradley  Christy,  Ibr.,  e  s  Eobbins  av  2d  h  s  Wr  Eailroad 
Brockner  Jefferson  &  Bros.,  grocers,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Fifth 
Brmidage  E.,  carpenter,  e  s  odav  4tli  h  n  14Gtli 
Biichannan  Pat.,  carpenter,  e  s  Clinton  1st  li  s  Jefferson 
Buchannan  Thomas,  lather,  e  s  Clinton  1st  h  s  Jefferson 
Buchannan  John,  carpenter,  e  s  Clinton  1st  h  s  Jefferson 
Burgert  John,  cigar  mfr,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  fSixth 
Buckhout  Henry,  teller,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Franklin  av  1st  h  n  3d  av 

BurroAvs  Ealph  E.,  s  s  Spring  pi  1st  h  e  3d  av 
Burgman  Ed.,  engineer,  w  s  3d  av  opp  Spring  pi 
Buhling  John,  butcher,  w  s  E  E  av  3d  h  n  Eighth 
Buhler  Geo.,  saloon,  n  s  AVr  Eailroad  '2d  h  e  St.  Ann's  av 
Buhler  Joseph,  stationer,  n  s  Eif'tli  3d  h  e  E  E  av 
Bultra  Anton,  cigarmkr,  e  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  n  Sixth 
Busch  Fred.  AV.,^^clerk,  n  s  Third  2d  h  w  3d  av 
Busch  Michael,  cabinetmkr,  n  s  Elton  12  th  h  w  3d  av 
Bush  Amanda,  wid.,  s  s  Findley  1st  h  av  Wasli'ii  av 
Burt  John,  contractor,  e  s  "Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Eighth 
Burgler  Christoph.,  tailor,  s  s  Elton  3d  h  e  Morris  av 
Butler  Thomas,  Ibr.,  e  s  E  E  av  1st  h  n  Elton 
Butler  Edward,  carpenter,  n  s  Benson  2d  h  e  Morris  av 
Butler  Theodore,  brass  finisher,  n  s  Wash'n  av  1st  hn  Melrose 
Butler  Wm.,  Ibr.,  s  s  William  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Butler  James,  civil  engineer  &  surveyor,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  loCth 
Burger  John,  carpenter,  n  s  Schuyler  5th  h  e  Morris  av 
Bullman  Edwin,  pianomkr,  N.  Y"".,  n  s  Elton  8tli  h  w  3d  av 
Burkhardt  Mary,  Avid.,  s  s  Schuyler  5tli  h  e  Courtland  av 
Burkhard  Joseph,  carpenter,  sec  Tinton  av  6c  Pontiac 
Butt  Polkhard,  pianomkr,  s  s  Melrose  5th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Butt  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  Melrose  Gth  h  e  Courtland  av 
Buser  Mr.  machinist,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Mary  8th  h  av  Wash'n  av 
Burns  Michael,  teamster,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  av  St.  Ann's  av 
Burns  Edward,  iron  moulder,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  141st 
Burns  Thomas,  iron  moulder,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  141st 
Burns  Joseph,  horseshoer,  n  s  Westchester   rd   4th   h   c   Ee- 

treat  av 
Buchelberger  Bernard,  saluon,  n  av  e  3d  av  &  Elton 
Buscher  Charles,  painter,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Eose 
Buhler  Charles,  machinist,  av  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Denman 
Burr  Oliver,  cigarmkr,  e  s  Courtland  av  nth  h  n  !Mott 
Bullman  Arthur,  junk,  s  s  Prospect  Oth  h  e  Courtland  av 
Buddenieh  Chas.  A.,  builder,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Ella  1st  h  s  Morris  pi 


Burke  Patrick,  teamster,  Port  Morris 
Burke  James,  Ibr.,  E  E  av  1st  h  s  Van  StoU 
Burke  Patrick,  Ibr.,  s  s  Benson  8d  li  w  Morris  av 
Burke  Jolm,  marble-cutter,  s  s  Union  4th.  h  e  Courtland  av 
Bulger  John,  gardener,  nee  138th  &  St.  Ann's  av 
Bullock  Susan,  wid.,  nee  189th  &,  Alexander  av 
Bullock  John,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Alexander  av  4th  h  s  140th 
Burgoyne  James,  machinist,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Garden  9th  h  w  Col- 
lege av 
Burgoyne  Henry,  porter,  N.  Y".,  n  s  Milton  4th   h   e  Court- 
land  av 
Bunting  Henry  P.  L.,  w  s  College  av  5th  h  n  Concord 
Butner  Lewis,  bookkeeper,  N.  Y^.,  s  s  146th  2d  h  e  Mill  Brook 
Burnett  Charles  P.  A.,  cashier,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Pulton  av  od  h  s 

Burnett  John  L.,  ins.  office,  nee  145th  &  3d  av 
Burnett  William  H.,  physician,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  14(3 th 
Bussing  Prancis,  saw  mill,  N.  Y".,  n  s  139th  2d  h  e  139th 
Butter  Charles,  stone-mason,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  141st 
Burritt  James,  painter,  sec  141st  &  3d  av 
Bunker  Willam,  painter,  e  s  3d  av  5th  h  n  146th 
Buxton  Thomas  Ix,  carpenter,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  nPindley 
Buxton  Thomas  B.,  jr.,  Ibr.,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Pindley 
Buxton  Wm.,  Ibr.,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Pindley 
Burrell  Wm.,  porter,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Waverly  4th  h  s  Courtland  av 
Bundschuh  Anton,  tailor,  w  s  Eobbins  av  (5th  h  n  Uncas 
Bude  Diedrich,  Ibr.,  w  s  Eobbins  av  6th  h  n  Uncas 
Byrnes  James,  bridge-tender,  s  s  Edsell  6th  h  w  3d  av 
B\i-ns  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  Mott  1st  h  w  College  av 
Byrns  Patrick,  Ibr.,  s  s  Mott  6th  h  av  College  av 
Byrns  John,  Ibr.,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  141st 
Byrns  Patrick,  Ibr.,  e  s  3d  av  3d  li  n  141st 
Byrne  A.  L.,  lic^uors,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  143d 
Byrne  Catherine,  wid.,  boarding-house,   n  s  Mott  Ist  h  w  Col- 
lege av 
Byrne  Daniel,  Ibr.,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Waverly 
Byrnes  James,  Ibr.,  Wash'n  2d  h  n  Waverly 
Byrnes  James,  Jr.,  laborer,  Vvash'n  av  2d  h  n  Waverly 


Caulfield  William,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Cottage  8th  h  w  College  av 
Carr  Patrick,  milkman,  n  s  Cottage  1  st  h  e  E  E  av 
Carr  Austin,  livery  stable,  E  E  av  ft  Pourtli,  r  w  s  E  E  av  let 
h  n  Pourtli 


Carr  William  S.  &  Co.,  foundry,  nee  Eyder  av  &  Smeeman 
Garr  Frank  H.,  livery  stable,  E  E  av  ft  Pourth,  r  n  e  c  E  E 

av  &  Third 
Carr  Alonzo,  grocer,  s  ^v  c  AVash'n  av  &  Second,  &  w  8  3d  av 

2d  h  s  138tli  r  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Second 
Carney  Patrick,  n  w  c  Macomb  av  &  Grove 
Carley  B.,  oyster  dealer,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Macomb  av  Gth  h  s  Main 
Carter  James,  li  engineer,  s  s  Edsell  od  h  tv  3d  av 
Carey  Clarence,  lawyer,  N,  Y.,  n  s  134tli  1st  h  w  St.  Ann's  av 
Caine  Patrick,  laborer,  n  s  Hendrick  1st  h  w  od  av 
Caiolin  Terence,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  -Itti  h  n  139tli 
Carey  Patrick,  laborer,  e  s  Eobbins  av  1st  Ii  s  Lexington 
Carrissa  John,  peddler,  e  s  Eobbins  av  2d  h  s  Lexington 
Cassalina  Couki,  stone  cutter,  s  s  144th  2d  h  w  Willis  av 
Calvert  William,  builder,  s  s  143d  1st  h  e  3d  av 
Carey  Thomas,  carpenter,  s  s  143d  2d  h  e  3d  av 
Cannon  Harrison,  indexer,  n  s  139  th  4th  h  w  Willis  av 
Cannon  Le  Grand  B.,  s  s  134th  1st  h  w  Willis  av 
Cannon  U.  A.,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  s  s  134th  3d  h  w  WilHs  av 
Carey  Thomas,  laborer,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  141st 
Cairns  James,  laborer,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  14l8t 
Carney  Peter,  laborer,  w  s  3d  av  Gth  h  s  Mott 
Callaghan  Chris.,  harness,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Elton  8th  h  s  Morrie  av 
Callagban  Ellen,  laundress,  sec  Governeur  &  Courtlandt  av 
Callaghan  Patrick,  laborer,  s  s  Benson  7th  h  e  Morris  av 
Callaghan  Pat.,  laborer,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Waverly 
Carroll  John,  laborer,  ^v  s  3d  av  10th  h  s  Milton 
Castello  Jose  G.  del,  n  s  Mott  8th  h  ^v  Courtlandt  av 
Carew  M.  J.,  carpenter,  n  s  Mott  3d  h  w  College  av 
Calder  John,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Prospect  Gth  h  e  Courtlandt  av 
Carlile  Horace,  merchant,  N.  Y".,  sec  Morris  pi  &  Helen 
Carlile  N.  D.,  merchant,  N.  Y"".,  sec  Morris  pi  &  Helen 
CAMPBELL  A.  M.  &  A.,  masons  &  builders.  Spring  plnr  Bos- 
ton rd 
Campbell  H,  S.,  gents  furnishing  goods  and  agt.  Staten  Island 

dye  works,  nee  143d  &  3d  av 
Campbell  Andrew  D.,  carpenter,  w  s  3d  av  5th  h  n  139th 
Campbell  Geoi-ge,  carpenter,  n  s  Concord  3d  h  w  College  av 
Campbell  AVm.,  engineer,  n  s  Milton  2d  h  ^v  Wash'n  av 
Campbell  Allen  Isi.,  builder,  s  s  Home  1st  h  w  Union  av. 
Campbell  John  M.,  carpenter,  n  s  Spring  pi  2d  h  w  Boston  rd 
Campbell  Alex.,  builder,  n  s  Spring  pi  2d  h  w  Boston  rd 
Campbell  Wm.,  mason,  e  s  av  A  1st  h  s  Cliff 
Campbell  Bridget,  wid.,  nee  Courtlandt  av  &  Union 
Campbell  Hugh  J.,  stoves  &  tinware,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Sixth 



Carroll  Edward,  laborer,  w  s  Willis  av  1st  h  s  145th 
Carroll  Pat.,  shoemkr,  w  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  s  Fiftli 
Carroll  Pat.,  mason,  e  s  E  E  av  1st  h  s  Union 
Carroll  Pat.,  driver,  esEEavlsths  Union 
Cassien  Patrick,  machinist,  n  s  Union  5  th  h  e  Courtlandt  av 
Cassien  Edward,  brassfinislier,  n  s  Union  5tli  li  e  Courtlandt  av 
Cane  James,  gardner,  s  s  William  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Campion  Dennis,  gardener,  nee  Eobbins  av  &  Pontiac 
Cahall  Timpson,  Ibr.,  e  s  Terrace  pi  1st  h  n  Wr  Eailroad 
Callahan  James,  gardner,  n  s  New  2d  h  w  Union  av 
x  Callahan  Wm.,  Ibr.,  n  s  Strong's  av  3d  h  e  Forest  av 
Callahan  James,  mason,  s  s  Third  1st  h  e  E  E  av 
Carpenter  Higbie,  hotel,  s  e  c  E  E  av  &  Fifth 
Carpenter  Thomas,  milk,  n  s  Strong's  av  2d  h  w  Union  av 
Cashman  Pat'k,  trackmaster,  w  s  8d  av  4th  h  n  Fifth 
Calm  Fred.,  gardener,  s  s  Sixth  2d  h  e  Boston  rd 
Castle  Geo.,  butcher,  n  w  c  3d  av  &  Fourth 
Carrigue  P.  D.,  DeGraaf  House,  e  s  3d  av  bet  Cliff'  &  First  pi 
Carrigan  Thomas,  fireman,  e  s  E  E  av  2d  h  n  Third 
Cailer  Michael,  laborer,  s  s  Third  2d  h  e  E  E  av 
Cammerden  Henry  E.,  n  s  Seventh,  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Cannon  John,  tailor,  n  s  Eighth  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Casbarie  Eosina  Mrs.,  s  s  First  6th  h  w  3d  av 
Carber  Charles,  soda  water,  n  w  c  Wash'n  av  &  Fourth 
Casey  Oliver,  messenger,  s  s  Mary  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Carnage  Augustus,  dry  goods,  w  s  Courtlandt  av  1st  h  s  Melrose 
Campion  Frederick,  grocer,  w  s  Courtlandt  av  Ist  h  s  Melrose 
Cambers  &  Co.,  grocers,  s  w  c  Schuyler  &  Courtlandt  av 
Cambers  Louis,  grocer,  s  w  c  Schuyler  &  Courtlandt  av 
Cauldwell  William,  publisher,  N.  Y.,  sec  Boston  rd  &  George 
Caldwell  John,  Ibr.,  nee  Elron  &  E  E  av 
Caldwell  Wm.,  carpenter,  n  e  c  Elton  &  E  E  av 
Cessely  John,  liquors,  sec  Eobhins  av  &  Uncas 
Chapman  W.  IT.,  dye  wood-,  Port  Morris 
Chapman  Wm.  S.,  banker,  N.  Y.,  sec  Grove  av  &  Wall 
Chegwidden  Alexander,  cotfen  r<.a-ter,  N.  Y.,  s  s  141st,  3d  he 

Alexander  av 
Chegwidden  Thos.,  coffee  r.a-t'n-,  n  s  i40th  4th  h  w  Willis  av 
Chamberlain  Geo.  A.  W.,  Li  ,  w  s  Boston  rd  1st  h  s  Jeffer- 

Challis  James  C,  w  s  Bost-m     ;      -i  h  s  Sixth 
Chamber  Jas.,  s'one  cutter,  N       .,  ^  -  Clinton  1st  h  n  Seventh 
Chave  Bernard  M.,  builder,  iv  od  h  s  Fifth 

dherodcan  August,  sculptor     ^        .,   -  >  Seventh  Ist  h  e  Frank- 




Child  Edmund,  insurance,  N.  Y.,  us  Seventh  od  h  w  Erank- 

lin  av 
Chudoba  Erank,  shoemkr,  s  s  Third  3d  h  w  od  av 
CHISHOLM  WALTEE,  Je.  &  Co.,  grocers,  s  s  Eifth  1st  h  w 

od  av 
Chapin  Charles  C,  express,  s  ^y  e  AVash'n  av  &  Sixth 
Charlton  George  T.,  w  s  od  av  2d  h  s  Elton 
Chaurd  Ered'k,  Ibr.,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Henry 
Chrystie  Thomas,  plumber,  n  w  c  Mott  &  Morris  av 
Chick  John,  mason,  e  s  Courtlandt  av  Ist  h  s  Springfield 
Chormann  Ered.,  brewer,  w  8  av  A  4th  h  s  cliff 
Champion  Joseph,  miner,  n  s  William  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Chase  Geo.  G.,  letter  carrier,  s  s  Eindlay  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Christoph  Edmund,  whitewasher,  n  s  Prospect  2d  h  e  Court- 
landt av 
Chrispil  Charles,  coachman,  e  s  Walton  av  8d  h  s  Ella 
Clifford  Michael,  saloon.  Port  Morris 
Clahan  Patrick,  laborer.  Port  Morris 
Clair  Bernard,  laborer.  Port  Morris 
demons  Charles,  vv'aiter,  s  s  Van  StoU  2d  h  w  3d  av 
Clendening  Willard,  Ibr.,  w  s  Macomb  av  2d  h  s  Van  Stoll 
Clarke  John,  bakery,  e  s  8d  av  4th  h  n  147th 
Clarke  L  E.,  carpenter,  n  s  loOth  4th  h  "w  od  av 
Clarke  John,  carpenter,  n  s  lo9th  4th  h  w  od  av 
Clarke  John,  peddler,  n  s  Elton  1st  h  e  E  E  av 
Clark  Eobert,  w  s  av  A  1st  h  s  Cliff 
Clark  Jane,  wid.,  n  s  Westchester  rd  2d  h  w  Union  av 
Clark  John  J.,  clerk,   Board  of  Education,  Office,  Townhall,  r 

n  8  AVestchester  rd  2d  h  w  Union  av 
Clark  Erederick,  waiter,  w  s  Courtlandt  av  1st  h  s  Eindley 
Clark  Thomas,  Ibr.,  w  s  Courtlandt  av  4th  hn  Union 
Clark  Geo.,  whitewasher,  n  s  Prospect  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Clark  ]S[ildred  C,  w  s  College  av  3d  h  n  Lowell 
Clarke  George  A.,  furniture,  N.  Y.,  s  s  14(>th  3d  h  e  Alexan- 
der av 
Clark  J.  T.,  stair  builder,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  13r)th,  r  n  s  134th 

3d  h  w  A\'illis  av 
Clark  J.  P.,  stair  builder,  e  s  3d  av  4tli  h  s  135th,  r  n  B  134th 

3d  h  w  Willis  av 
Clark  Thnothy,  Ibr.,  s  s  149t]i  2d  h  w  Clifton  av 
Clark  Jolui,  clork,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Garden 
Clinton  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  s  139th  5th  h  w  3d  av 
Clock  J.  M.,  carpenter,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Willis  av  1st  h  s  142d 
Clare  James,  Ibr.,  s  e  c  3d  av  &  141st 
Claflin  Otis  M.,  cartman,  e  s  E  E  av  1st  h  s  Eifth 


Claus  Jordan,  tailor,  w  s  3d  av  5tli  h  s  Seventh 

Cline  Philip,  blacksmith,  w  s  od  av  4th  h  s  Third 

Cline  John,  gardener,  w  s  Union  av  1st  h  n  Sixth 

Classon  Ed.,  machinist,  w  s  E  E  av  1st  h  n  EightHi 

Clauson  Mark,  Ibr.,  w  s  od  av  M  h  s  Third 

Closter  Mary,  dress  mkr.,  sec  Springfield  &  Courtlandt  ar 

Clifford  Eichard  W.,  mason,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Schuyler 

Clancy  Thdmas,  s  s  Governeur  1st  h  e  Morris  av 

Class  Adolph,  tailor,  s  s  Eindley  6th  h  w  AVash'n  av 

Cyrus  John,  framer,  n  s  Waverly  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 

Coling  G.  W.,  shoe  fitter,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Cottage  8d  h  w  College  a-s- 

Collins  James,  car  driver,  w  s  od  av  1st  h  s  Mott 

Colwell  Thomas,  clerk,  s  s  Edsell  5th  h  w  3d  av 

Converse  Frank,  musician,  n  s  137th  1st  h  e  St.  Ann's  av 

Conovor  L.  V.,  iron  founder,  N.  Y'.,  s  s  Union  1st  liw  Wash'n 

Conover  George,  plumber,  N.  Y''.,  n  s  Lowell  3d  h  e  College  av 
Conley  Bernard,  watchman,  N.  Y.,  w  s  3d  av  2d  hn  Smeeman 
Connelly  Barney,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Van  StoU 
Connelly  Mark,  stone  cutter,  n  s  145th  2d  h  e  Willis  av 
Connell  James,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Garden 
Coon  George,  builder,  N.  Y'.,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  139th 
Cooney  Mr.,  gardener,  s  s  Eirst  5th  h  w  3d  av 
Cottell  John,  peddler,  g  s  Concord  av  1st  h  s  Lexington 
Concress  Henry,  nee  Willis  av  &  145th 

Colange  Leo.  D.,  editor,  N.  Y".,  s  s  136th  4th  h  e  Alexanderar 
Cobell  ( ^onstantine,  blacksmith,  n  s  148th  1st  h  s  Eetreat  av 
Connigham  Wm.,  Ibr.,  w  s  Eagle  av  1st  h  s  Westchester  rd 
Corcoran  Eatrick,  ibr.,  e  s  Terrace  pi  1st  h  n  Wr  Eailroad 
Conrad  Wm.,  stone  cutter,  s  s  Mary  5th  h  w  AVash'n  av 
Coleman  August,  Ibr.,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Schuyler 
Coleman  l^rotliers,  saloon,  nee  139th  &  3d  av 
Coleman  Bernard,  w  s  Courtlandt  av  3d  h  n  Union 
Coleman  Eatrick,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  4tli  h  n  Sixth 
Coleman  Albert,  framer,  e  s  Benson  av  1st  h  n  Westchester  rd 
Cole  Eussell,  w  s  Carr  av  4th  h  s  156th 
Cole  Sarah,  n  s  Main  5th  h  e  E  E  av 
Cole  Elizabeth  C,  dressmkr.,  n  s  Elton  lOth  h  w  3d  av 
Cole  Edwin  E.,  clerk,  e  s  E  E  av  2d  h  n  Eightli 
Cole  Isaac,  carpenter,  e  s  Wash'n  av  5th  h  n  Seventh 
Coles  Daniel,  furniture,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Forest  av  3d  h  n  Clift* 
Coles  James,  foreman,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Grove 
Coles  Wm.  T.,  printer,  s  s  Sixth  1st  h  w  Boston  rd 
Coughelan  Jeremiah,  carpenter,  n  w  c  Schuyler  &  jMorris  av 
Coughelan  Michael,  e  s  E  E  av  1st  h  n  Elton 


Cody  Wm.,  Ibr.,  e  s  Governeur  1st  h  er  Morris  av 

Coppell  Herman,  moulder,  s  s  Denman  8th  h  w  Courtlandt  av 

Cooley  John,  mftson,  n  s  Denman  2d  h  e  Morris  av 

Condon  Bridg;et,  widow,  e  s  William  1st  h  s  Wash'n  av 

Condon  John,  carpenter,  e  s  WiUiam  1st  h  s  Wash'n  av 

Condon  Wm.,  printer,  e  s  William  1st  h  s  Wash'n  av 

Condon  John,  stone  cutter,  s  s  Seventh  nr  Fulton  av 

Connor  Thomas,  carpenter,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Waverly 

Connor  Patrick,  police,  w  s  od  av  2d  h  n  Waverly 

Connor  James,  Ibr.,  n  s  Mott  3d  h  av  College  av 

Conner  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  Seventh  opp  Clinton 

Connors  Mary,  wid.,  e  s  Bobbins  av  3d  h  n  Pontiac 

Collins  Samuel,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Milton 

Collins  Wm.  E,.,  cabinet  mkr.,  Boston  rd  opp  Wall 

Cooney  Peter,  laborer,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Denman 

Conzen  Peter,  grocer,  sec  Benson  &  Courtlandt  av 

Corey  May,  seamstress,  s  s  William  3d  h  e  Courtlandt  av 

Corporal  Pobt.,  bookkeeper,  s  s  Prospect  4th  h  w  W^ash'n  av 

Corning  Amos,  physician,  s  w  c  Morris  pi  &  Juliet 

Corbett  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  s  AVestchester  rd  4th  h  e  Eobbins  av 

Corbett  John,  marble  polisher,  w  s  Forest  av  5th  h  n  Cliff 

Corbett  John,  Jr.,  clerk,  w  s  Forest  av  5th  h  n  Cliff 

Corbett  Mary,  seamstress,  w  s  Forest  av  5th  h  n  Cliff 

Corbett  James  C,  liquors,  e  s  P  R  av  1st  h  s  Union 

Coberg  Charlotte,  boarding  house,  n  s  Eighth  1st  h  e  3d  av 

Cornell  Thomas,  Ibr.,  \v  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Eighth 

Cornell  Matthew,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Eighth 

Cornell  Richard,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Eighth 

Cornell  Martha,  wid.,  nurse,  n  s  Springfield  4th  h  e  Morris  av 

Cornell  Wm.  A.,  petroleum,  c  Fifth  &  3d  av 

Cornell  C.  W.,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  First 

Connell  John,  Ibr.,  w  s  av  C  3d  h  s  Cliff 

Cook  Elizabeth,  confectionery,  w  s  3d  av  opp  Spring  pi 

Cook  Louis,  saw  filer,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Eighth 

Cook  Andrew,  moulder,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Fourth 

Cook  Albert,  moulder,  s  s  First  5th  h  w  3d  av 

Cooper  Thomas  H.,  upholsterer,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Franklin  av  1st  hs 

Cooper  Henry,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  145th 
Cooper  J.  T.,  waiter,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Waverly  7th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Cosgrovo  Patrick,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  5th  h  s  Third 
Coscoe  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  Mott  6th  h  w  College  av 
Costello  Patrick,  laborer,  e  s  Morris  av  1st  h  n  Benson 
Comfort  John  E.,  physician,  w  s  Franklin  av  3d  h  n  Seventh 
Corey  Mrs.  Maria,  w  s  Franklin  av  2d  h  n  Seventh 


-Cochrane  James,  furniture,  N.  Y.,  DeGraaf  House,  3d  av  bet 

Cliff  &  First  pi 
Cochran  James,  n  s  Cottage  17th  w  College  av 
Coffee  John,  shoemkr,  e  s  R  R  av  2d  h  s  Sixth 
Coffee  Thomas,  surveyor,  e  s  R  R  av  2d  h  s  Sixth 
Coffee  James,  mason,  e  s  R  R  av  2d  h  s  Sixth 
Coffee  John,  Ibr.,  e  s  3d  av  odh  n  141st 
Coyle  Brogne,  butcher,  n  w  c  Robbins  av  &  Terrace  pi 
Coyle  Miss  J.  A.,  teacher,  sec  Fulton  av  &  Eighth 
COMBES  LOUIS  H.,  saloon,  e  s  R  R  av  1st  h  s  Fifth 
Cordes  Christopher,  Ibr.,  w  s  Forest  av  2d  h  n  Cliff' 
Cordes  Frederick,  grocer,  sec  Wash'n  av  &  First 
Cordes  Henry,  clerk,  sec  Wash'n  av  &  First 
Conklin  Jonas  F.,  n  s  140th  6th  h  w  Willis  av 
Conklin  Mrs.  Sarah  A.,  widow,  n  s  First  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Conklin  Harry,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  n  s  First  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Crawford  Franklin,  insurance,  s  w  c  Boston  rd  &  Sixth 
Crabe  George  R.,  carpenter,  v/  s  RJi  av  0th  h  s  Eighth 
Creamer  Mrs.  Mary,  laundress,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Eighth 
Creamer  Dennis,  laborer,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Sixth 
Grittenton  Wm.  M.,  patent  medicines,  N.  Y.,  e   s  Franklin  av 

7th  h  n  Sixth 
Crittenton  Fritz,  segar  mkr.,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Fifth 
Crow  George,  w  s  R  R  av  4th  h  n  Eighth 
Crow  James  N.,  w  s  Macomb  av  opp  Main 
Crow  John,  saloon,  s  w  c  3d  av  &  Edsell 
Orowe  Charles,  carpenter,  e  s  Morris  av  1st  h  n  Denman 
Orowe  Michael,  blacksmith,  n  s  Mott  3d  h  w  Courtlandt  av 
Crowe  Thomas,  glass,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Mary  1st  h  e  Morris  av 
Croby  Louis,  moulder,  n  s  Westchester  rd  3d  h  e  Robbins  av 
Craigie  Bedford,  painter,  e  s  Courtlandt  av  1st  h  s  Milton 
Orosby  F.  P.,  n  s  Cottage  1st  h  w  College  av 
'Crosby  James,  laborer,  n  s  Benson  2d  h  w  Morris  av 
Oross  John  R.,  civil  eng,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Franklin  av  8th  h  n  Sixth 
■Cross  Samuel  A.,  fireman,  s  s  Edsell  6th  h  w  3d  av 
-Crane  John  J.,  teas,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Division  av  Ist  h  e  St.  Ann's  av 
Curran  Patrick,  agent,  n  s  Denman  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Cutler  Wm.  S.,  upholsterer,  N.   Y.,  e  s  Franklin  av   Ist  h  n 

Outler  Wm.   H.,   salesman,  N.    Y.,  e  s  Franklin  av  1st  h  n 

^Cummings  Thomas,  carman,  s  s  Seventh  opp  Clinton 
'Currie  David,  tea  dealer,  n  s  Seventh  4th  h  e  3d  av 
Cutty  Michael,  blacksmith,  e  s  Morris  av  1st  h  s  Schuyler 
<!unningham  Bridget,  wid.,  esRRavlsths  Elton 

20  ]SLOiaJLSAKlA  DlL'KCTOliV. 

Cuuningliam  James  ('.,  w  s  Boston  rd  1st  h  s  >Sixtli 

Cunningham  M.,  boiler  ins.,  N.  Y.,  s  w  c  William  &  Findlay 

Cunningham  Chris.,  liquors,  s  w  c  AVilliam  &  Findlay 

Cunningham  J.,  milkman,  n  s  ]^)ronx  Jst  li  ^v  >>d  av 

Cummings  John,  baker,  e  s  Morris  av  1st  h  n  Mott 

Cuddy  Joseph,  laborer,  n  s  Mott  r)th  h  w  Morris  a^■ 

Cuddy  John,  machinist,  n  s  Mott  1  st  h  w  (  ollege 

Cuddy  Thos.,  foreman,  n  w  c  Mott  cK:  Morris  av 

Cuppy  Daniel,  Ibr.,  nee  AVestchester  rd  &  Benson  av 

Curly  Patrick,  Ibr.,  sec  Eobbins  av  &  T'ncas 

Curtis  Erank,  bookkeeper,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Milton  od  h  w  Wash'n  av 

Curtis  Lafayette,  surveyor,  H  B  av  3d  h  e  Tan  Stoll 

Curtis  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  s  Seventh  5th  h  n  od  av 

Cushing  William,  publisher,  e  s  Macomb  av  1st  h  n  Main 

Cushing  Jerusha,  e  s  Macomb  av  1st  h  n  Main 

Culhane  Patrick,  laborer,  e  s  Eobbins  av  1st  h  s  Lexington 


Daring  George,  grocery,  w  s  od  av  1st  h  »  Edsell 
Daberkoro  &  tSohr.  wheelwrights,  n  s  looth  1st  h  e  od  ar 
Da^'is    Charles,    bartender,    N.    Y.,   n    s     Springfield  "id  h 

Morris  a^' 
Davis  Joseph,  carpenter,  n  s  14Uth  "Jd  h  e  3d  av 
Davis  C'harles  P.,  watchman,  n  s  Springfield  4tli  h  e  ISIorris  av 
Davis  ^latilda,  fancy  goods,  n  s  Main  4th  h  e  li  K  av 
Davis  Samuel  P.,  tea  1)roker,  s  s  Concord  4th  h  w  ')d  av 
Da\  is  K.  D.,  printer,  s  s  Pourth  '2]i  e  H  P  av 
Davis  Eambert,  mariner,  s  s  Pindley  '2d  h  w  William 
Davison  John,  custom-house,  e  s  College  av  1st  h  n  IMain 
Daley  Thomas,  Ibr.,  sec  141st  &  3d  (i\ 
Daley  David,  grocery,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Mott 
Daley  James,  Ibr.,  w  s  AVr  Eailroad  lid  h  w  Eagle  av 
Dayly  Thomas,  Ibr.,  n  s  Gerard  1st  li  e  Eeti'eat  av 
Daly  James,  mason,  n  s  Denman  .3th  h  w  ( 'oui-tlaud  av 
Daly  Henrv,  actor,  n  s  137th  '2d  h  w  Home 
Danley  S.  B.,  photographer,  s  s  Pifth  '2d  h  e  WaslTii  av 
Daller  Prank,  Ibr.,  n  s  Grove  1st  h  o  3d  a\ 
Dale  James,  grocer,  s  e  c  Eobbins  av  &  Lexington 
Darrendinger    Jac<jb,    Ibr.,    e    s    Eetreat    av    Oth    h  n    West- 
chester rd 
Dascher  Peter,  cabiiictmkr.,  u  s  Uncas  1st  li  c  Eobblu--  av 
Darr  Wm.,  horse-trainer,  e  s  Porest  av  '2d  h  s  Wall 
Dawson  Joseph,  stone-cutter,  n  s  Governeur  '2d  h   w   Court- 
land  av 



Dawson  Henry  B.,  historian,  n  s  H(3nie  1st  h  e  Boston  r  1 
Dawson  Henry  B.,  jr.,  printer,  n  s  Home  1st  li  e  Boston  rd 
Danfield  Robert,  ins.,  N.  Y.,  nee  (.'ottage  pi  &  Eighth 
Daniield  Robert,  jr.,  hardware,  nee  Cottage  pi  &  Eighth 
Danfield  Thomas,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  nee  Cottage  pi  &  Eighth 
Danfield  Edward,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  n  e  c  Cottage  pi  &  Eighth 
Damm  Christoph.,  tailor,  w  s  3d  av  7th  li  s  Eighth 
Damni  Richard,  baker,  w  s  Hd  av  4th  h  n  Seventh 
Damm  John,  cigarmkr,  w  s  --kl  av  4th  h  n  Seventh 
Damm  Conrad,  tailor,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Seventh 
Daniels  Mrs.  Cath.  M.,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Sixth 
Daniels  Sanuiel  C,  l)ookkeeper,  N.  Y.,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Sixth 
Daniels  AVm.,  bntcher,  N.  Y.,  w  s  AVash'n  av  1st  h  n  Fifth 
J)ayto]i  Gilbert,  c.  h.  insp.,  N.  Y.,  s  8   Seventh   1st  h   w  Ful- 
ton av 
Daevlen  John,  scissor  grinder,  w  s  Courtland  av  0th  h  n  Union 
Daab  Fred.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  1st  li  n  Fourth 
Damn  G.,  baker,  e  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Seventh 
Damn  Henry,  baker,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Westchester  rd 
Dagner  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  s  Mott  (3th  h  w  Morris  av 
Delahanta  John,  iron  moulder,  e  s  College  av  2d  h  s  Main 
])eury  Frederick,  car  starter,  s  s  145th  0th  h  w  Mill  Brook 
Dernis  Joseph,  carpenter,  s  s  144th  2d  h  e  3d  av 
Delaney  Thomas,  teamster,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  141st 
Decker  William  H.,  boatman.  Port  Morris 
Demarest  John,  stoves  &  ranges,  N.  Y^.,  e  s  Macoml)   av  2d  k 

s  Main 
Decker  Marshall,  contractor,  R  R  av  3d  li  s  Van  Stoll 
Deuznieyer  August,  Ibr.,  e  s  R  R  av  2d  li  s  Van  Stoll 
Demarest  Warren,  real  estate  ag't.,  w  s  3d  av  4th  li  n  Smeemau 
Delamar  James  C,  lawyer,  N.  Y^.,  s  s  Concord  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Deuznieyer  Charles,  Ibr.,  e  s  R  R  av  2d  h  s  Van  Stoll 
De  Lever  Antony,  distiller,  N.  Y.,  n  s  137t]i  3(1  li  w   S   Boule- 
Delaney  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  147th  1st  h  e  3d  av 
I3elgado  Gose,  e  s  Eagle  av  2d  h  s  AVestchester  rd 
Dendelin  Mr.,  gardener,  w  s  Eagle  av  2  h  s  Wr  Railroad 
Deckson  Wm.,  n  s  Westchester  rd  2d  li  e  Retreat  av 
]3esks  Daniel  C,  nee  Westchester  rd  &  Benson  av 
Devinne  Daniel  (Rev.,)  n  s  William  1st  li  w  Morris  pi 
Demarsen    Henry,   publisher,   N.  Y^.,    s   s   Catharine   2d    li    e 

Morris  pi 
Deicker  Edward  S.,  lithograpli,  s  s  William  5th  h  e  Morris  pi 
Devoe  Sarah,  w  s  Boston  rd  4th  h  s  Spring  pi 
Devoe  James,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Boston  rd  4th  li  s  Spring  pi 


Bearing  Thomas,  Ibr.,  w  s  FoiTest  av  Ist  h  n  Strong 

Denicke  Henry  W.,  drugs,  s  e  c  3d  av  &  Sixth 

Delue  Benjamin,  cigar  pkr,  av  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Third 

De    Graaf  Henry   I*.,  furniture,  N.  Y.,  e  s  3d   av  bet   Cliff  & 

First  pi  . ' 

Deglar  Frank,  Ibr.,  s  w  c  3d  av  &  First 
Delette  Geo.  H.,  chief  of  police,  o  s  od  av  opp  Fourtli 
Dellette  August,  conductor,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  AVestchester  rd 
Dillett  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  Mott  4th  h  w  3d  av 
Delany  Geo.,  grocer,  e  s  R  Eav  5th  h  n  Fiftli 
Dean  Thoo.  M.,  carpenter,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Sixth  1st  h  ^v  Boston  rd 
Dean  Charles  11.  carpenter,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Sixth  Ist  h  av  Boston  rd 
Dean  Eichard,  Ibr.,  n  s  Union  4th  h  vr  Wash'ii  av 
Dennerlein  Margaret,  milk,  n  s  Findley  3d  h  e  Courtland  av 
De  Nobriga,  pianomkr,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Findley 
Delnoce  Louis,  mer.,  sec  Waverly  &  Terrace  pi 
Delnoce  Angelo,  clerk,  sec  Waverly  &  Terrace  pi 
Deinhard  Godfrey,,  varnisher,  n  s  Milton  lid  li  w  Wash'n  av 
Decker  John  L.,  saloon,  w  s  Courtland  av  '2d.  h  s  Milton 
Deibhn  George,  shoemkr,  av  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Prospect 
Deiblin  Mary,  midwife,  av  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Prospect 
Deets  John,  s  s  Second  1st  h  a\'  3d  av 
Deats  Fred.,  moulder,  s  s  Third  4th  h  e  E  E  av 
Decker  Peter  P.,  agent,  N.  Y".,  av  s  Forest  ay  opp  New 
Dempsey  Gerald,  Ibr.,  s  s  Benson  1st  h  \E  E  av 
Deinhart   Henry,  x^ianomkr,  N.    Y".,  e  s   3d   aA'    1st  h    a\'-    St. 

Ann's  av 
Debold  Michael,  tailor,  ii  s  Benson  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Debold  Jacob,  tailor,  n  s  Benson  1st  h  av  3d  av 
Demeer  Adam,  mason,  s  s  Springfield  9th  h  av  3d  av 
Denner  Fred.,  Avagons,  n  s  »Schuyler  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Donner  Franlc,  Ibr.  n  s  Elton  5th  h  av  3d  av 
Dinsmore  George,  11  jr.,  n  av  c  Clifton  aA'  &  144th 
Dixon  Thomas,  tailor,  e  s  3d  aA"-  3d  h  s  141st 
Dixon  Elizabeth,  seAving-machines,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  141st 
Dixon  Frances,  laundress,  n  s  Mary  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Diebz  Henry,  Ibr.,  e  s  E  E  av  2d.  h  s  Van  Stoll 
Dietz  John,  carpenter,  n  s  147th  :2d  h  e  3d  av 
Diohl  Louis,  flour  &  feed,  s  e  c  3d  av  &  134th,  r  n  n  141st  lath 

AV  AVillis  aA' 
Diehl  Frederick,  broAver,  av  s  Eetreat  av  1st  h  s  Henry 
Diehl  John,  broAvcr,  n  s  Westchester  rd  1st  h  o  Eetreat  ar 
Diehl  Balthasar,  kindling  wood,  n  s  Grove  2d  h  e  3d  av 
Diehl  John,  jr.,  mason,  n  s  Wr  Eailroad  l2d  h  o  Tinton  ar 
Diehl  John,  mason,  n  s  Uncas  l2d  h  av  Tinton  av 


Diehl  John,  brewery,  n  s  Westchester  rd  nr  Eagle  av 

Diehl  John,  jr.,  brewery,  n  s  Westchester  rd  nr  Eagle  av 

Diehl  Martin,  mason,  s  s  Melrose  3d  h  w  Wash'n  av 

Diehl  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  Schuyler  2d  h  e  Courtland  av 

Diehl  Jacob,  shoemkr,  s  s  Schuyler  8h  h  w  Wash'n  av 

Diehl  Margaret,  wid.,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Grove 

Diber  John,  Ibr.,  s  w  c  Eobbins  a\;  &  Terrace  pi 

Dietsch  John,  milk,  e  s  av  A  8th  h  s  Cliff 

Ditchett  Geo.,  keeper,  sec  Gerard  av  &  JuUet 

Ditchett  Geo.  W.,  real  estate,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Boston  rd  c  Seventh 

Dice  Wm.,  Ibr.,  nee  od  av  &  Seventh 

Diesel  Valentine,  marble-cutter,  w  s  3d  av  5tli  h  s  Third 

Dietze  Wm.,  painter,  w  s  E  E  av  8th  h  s  Eighth 

Dietz  Matthew,  Ibr.,  w  s  E  E  av  opp  Eighth 

Dietz  John,  bartender,  s  e  c  3d  av  &  Grove 

Dillmuth  John,  s  s  William  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 

Dillmuth  Frederick,  baker,  sec  William  &  Courtland  av 

Dietrich  Charles,  barber,  n  s  Fifth  nr  3d  av,  r  s   s  Findley  5th 

h  e^ Court] and  av 
Diearief  Henry,  bookkeeper,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Fourth  4tii  h  e  E  E  av 
Dilbert  Frederika,  wid.,  n  s  Melrose  3d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Dickson  James,  printer,  N.  Y.,  w  s  EE  av  1st  h  s  Seventh 
Dill  Mrs.  Margaret,  fancy  store,  w  s  AVash'n  av  5tli  li  n  Second 
Dillon  Mary  Miss,  dressmkr,  n  s  Third  od  h  w  3d  av 
Dillon  Annie  Miss,  dressmkr,  n  s  Third  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Dillon  Wm.,  Ibr.,  e  s  Courtland  1st  h  n  First 
Dilhma.n  Charles,  shoemkr,  w  s  3d  av  opp  Spring  pi 
Dick  Wm.,  dry  goods,  s  s  Fifth  1st  he  Wash'n  av 
Divine  James,  Ibr.,  n  s  Eiglith  2  li  w  Wash'n  av 
Dingel  George,  moulder,  w  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  s  Benson 
Dingel  Elizabeth,  wid.,   seamstress,  w  s   V/ash'n   av   1st    h  n 

Dingel  Megeor,  crockery,  n  s  Uncas  1st  h  n  Eobbins  av 
Dietsch  Leonard,  teamster,  s  s  Benson  10th  h  w  ( 'ourtland  av 
Dobbs  Washington,  carpenter,  N.  Y.,  n  s  11-lth  2d  li  o  8d  av 
Dolfoot  M.,  Ibr,  e  s  WiUis  av  2d  h  s  14Gth 
Donnelly  Patrick,  grocery,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  141st 
Donnelly  Mr.,  Ibr,  e  s  3d  av  1st  n  141st 
Donnelly  Eichard,  Ibr.,  n  s  Cottage  17th  li  w  College  av 
Donnelly  Frank,  Ibr.,  n  s  Lowell  2d  h  e  E  E  av 
Donnelly  Peter,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  6th  h  n  Van  Stoil 
Donnelly  Thomas,  Ibr.,  w  s  Eobbins  av  2d  h  n  Wr  Eadrcad 
Donally  John,  gardener,  n  e  c  3d  av  &  First  pi 
Doerr  Charles,  saloon,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  14l8t 
Dopfar  John,  baker,  N.  Y.,  nee  3d  av  &  l;')2d 


Dodge  Peter  H.,  elerk,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Cottage  :]d  li  av  College  av 

Dorr  AVilliam,  saloon,  e  s  3d  av  7th  h  s  1  'MHYl 

Dolan  Michael,  Ibr.,  AVr  Railroad  l2d  h  w  Eagle  av 

Doubliii  Joseph,  Ihr.,  s  e  e  8  Boulevard  &  Elm 

]3ohn  Ilermanii,  lithographer,  s  s  Mott  1st  h  w  Courtland  ar 

Derail  Charles,  florist,  s  w  c  Ella  &  Butternut  av 

Dooper  xYugust,  builder,  N.  T".,  s  s  Helen  'id  h  e  ^Morris  j)! 

Donahue  Daniel,  moulder,  n  s  Gerard  2d  h  e  Retreat  av 

Doll  Jolm,  express,  av  s  Retreat  av  lid  h  s  Grove 

JJonly  Patrick,  nee  AVestchester  rd  &  Benson  av 

Donavan  Martin,  w  s  Union  av  1st  h  s  Home        • 

Dodin  Joseph,  dentist,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Boston  rd  1st  h  s  Spring  pi 

Dorey  Thomas  A.,  mason,  e  s  Villa  pi  1st  h  n  George 

Dooley  Michael,  tailor,  w  s  8d  av  3d  h  s  Third 

Doughty  Wni.,  gardener,  n  w  c  8d  av  &  Second 

Doughty  Charles  H.,  kindhng  wood,  n  s  Edsell  6th  h  av  3d  av 

Doughty  James,  horseshoer,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Eourth 

Donavan  John,  carpenter,  av  s  R  R  av  opp  SeA'enth 

DonoA^an  James,  Ibr.,  av  s  Courtland  av  4th  h  n  Union 

Doepp  Jacob,  builder,  e  s  Pulton  av  1st  h  n  Fifth 

Dod^A'orth  Harvey,  musician,  av  s  Fulton  av  5th  h  n  Fifth 

Dominick  Francis,  s  w  c  Fulton  aA^  &  Sixth 

Dougherty  Daniel,  carpenter,  av  s  Mott  4th  h  av  3d  aA^ 

Donlan  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  s  Union  3d  h  av  AVash'n  av 

DoAvney  Thomas,  ll)r,,  s  s  Findley  4th  h  av  AYash'n  aA- 

Dosier  Isaac,  Ibr.,  n  s  Findley  '2d  h  av  AVash'n  av 

Donoliue  Patrick,  Ibr.,  av  s  AVash'n  av  1st  h  n  WaA'erly 

Donohue  John,  Ibr.,  av  s  AYash'n  av  1st  h  n  AYaverly 

Donohue  Patrick,  tailor,  av  s  Courtland  av  '2(1  h  n  Melrose 

Donohue  Philip,  Ibr.,  n  s  Mott  1st  h  av  3d  av 

Donahue  Henry  F.,  painter,  s  e  c  R  R  av  &  Sixth 

Dougherty  James,  Ibr.,  nee  AVaA'erly  &  Wash'n  av 

Dobias  Joseph,  Ibr.,  n  s  AYaA^erly  8tli  h  av  Wash'n  av 

Doremus   Abraham,  builder,  N.  Y.,   n   s    Springfield   -ith  h  e 

Morris  aA' 
Doyne  Michael,  n  s  Eighth  2d  h  a\'  A\^ash'n  av 
Donegan  Thomas,  shoemkr,  av  s  Morris  av  2d  li  n  Denman 
Doonan  Patrick,  carpenter,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Morris  av  1st  li  n  Benson 
Dooley  Timothy,  Ibr.,  s  s  Benson  9th  h  e  iNEorris  av 
Doyle  John,  blacksmith,  s  s  Benson  3d  h  av  Courtland  av 
Doyle  Gerald,  ti\amster,  av  s  3d  av  ^^th  h  s  Milton 
Doyle  Patrick,  Ibr.,  Port  Morris 
Doyle  Patrick,  Ibr.,  av  s  Walton  av  1st  li  n  Ella 
Doyle  AVm.,  ll)r.,  av  s  AValton  av  1st  li  n  Ella 
DoA'le  Patrick,  Ibr.,  s  s  Go\-crn<>ur  1st  li  f'  Morris  av 

MORIMSANIA   i>riJK(T<)liY.  •_.-) 

Doty  Euinia,  skirtiiikr,  w  s  od  av  lOth  h  s^Miltou 

Dorii  Kobert,  optician,  N.  Y'.,  e  s  od  av  od  li  s  AVestekestor  rd 

l)orii  Augusta,  drygoods,  o  s  -id  av  .'kl  li  s  AVestchester  rd 

Donne  AVilliam,  machinist,  w  s  'Id  av  1st  li  n  Mott 

Dorsett  Isaac,  moulder,  ii  s  Benson  1st  h  w  8d  av 

Drake  David,  ins.,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Tulton  av  8tli  li  s  Eiglitli 

Drake  Alfred,  engineer,  s  s  140tli  od  k  w  AVillis  av 

Drexlin  Jacob,  conductor,  n  s  Eigktk  "Id  k  w  Cottage  pi 

Drnmmond  Peter,  liver}^  stable,  s  s   1^'iftk  nr  Postoflice,  r  s  s 

Fiftli  1st  k  w  Wask'n  av 
Drummond  Ckarles,  mason,  s  s  l-lotk  -Itk  k  w  Mill  Brcjok 
Drulie  August,  tailor,  e  s  3d  av  r)tk  k  n  14(>t]i 
Driver  AVni.,  skoes,  ws  E-obbins  av  1  k  n  AVr  Railroad 
Dunn  Reuben,  mason,  n  w  c  College  av  &  Lowell 
Dubois  Isaac,   real  estate   agt,   N.   Y.,   s  w  c  College   av  & 

Duncan  Koert,  bricklayer,  sec  College  av  »S:  Main 
Dugan  Jolin,  Ibr.,  n  s  145tli  1st  k  ^v  iSt.  Ann's  av 
Dugan  Jokn,  slate-roofer,  e  s  8d  av  4tk  k  n  S  Boulevard 
Duer  AVilliam,  s  s  145tk  otk  k  e  od  av 
Dulmier  Henry,  gardener,  s  s  144t]L  1st  k  e  '-Id  av 
Durfus  George,  cai-penter,  s  s  144tk  'id  k  w  Willis  av 
Duderstadter  Jokn,  cigarmkr,  w  s  8d  av  2d  k  n  Garden 
Dutck  Reformed  C'kurck,  s  w  c  3d  av  &  Cottage 
Dunn  Sarak,  e  s  3d  av  1st  k  s  14(Jtk 
Dunn  Gilbert  K.  AV.,  turner,  s  s  Tkird  '2d  h  w  3d  av 
Dun  Fred.,  vender,  nee  3d  av  &  8eventk 
Dunkam  Edward,  brass  worker,  n  w  c  Edsell  vS:  3d  av 
Dunsmore  Isaac,  kerosene,  n  s  Lowell  '")tk  ]i  w  3d  av 
Durrell  Henry,  n  s  Halsey  1st  k  e  Morris  pi 
Dutkie  James,  engraver,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Grove  av  '2d  k  n  First 
Dunkley  Josepk  R.,  carpenter,  e  s  Cottage  pi  '2d  k  n  Eigktli 
Duckardt  H.  J.,  butcker,  s  w  c  3d  av  &  »Seventk 
Duckardt  Jokn,  butcker,  w  s  3d  av  '2d  k  n  Sixth 
Duskanek  Frank,  cigarmkr,  w  s  3d  av  opp  Spring  pi 
Dukme  Claus,  grocer,  n  e  c  R  R  av  &  Eigktli 
Duffy  Brian,  plasterer,  n  s  First  3d  k  e  Courtland  av 
Duffy  Wm.,  moulder,  n  v\^  c  Benson  &  Courtland  av 
Duffy  Eliza,  wid.,  laundress,  n  s  Springfield  !)tli  k  w  3d  av 
Duncan  Mrs.  Ellen,  wid.,  fancy  store,  w   s   Wask'n  av  3d  li   s 

Dusel  Jokn  N.,  skoemkr,  n  s  Governeur  l^d  k  w  ( 'ourtland  av 
Duck  Hugk,  milkman,  w  s  3d  av  1st  k  n  Mott 
Dworalc  Jokn,  cigar  mfr,  w  s  3d  av  opp  Spring  pi 
Dyer  Geo.  IL,  real  estate,  3d  av  nr  First,  r  w  s  av  A  3d  li  s  Clilf 
Dyer  Oliver,  reporter,  n  s  Concor<l  '2d  li  w  3d  av 



Eaton  AVilliam,  boats,  Harlem  Bridge,  r  n  a  14r)th  1st  h  ir  St. 

Ann's  av 
Eaton  Cavice,  C.  H.  officer,  s  s  144th  4th  h  e  3d  av 
Eaton  Eben,  contractor,  Port  Morris 
Eagan  Daniel,  laborer,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Mott 
Eagan  John,  laborer,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Edsell 
Eagan  Michael,  iron  moulder,  s  w  c  139th  &  3d  av 
Eaglan  Benjamin,  teamster,  n  s  134th  1st  h  w  St.  Ann's  av 
Earley  Patrick,  laborer,  s  s  Henrick  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Earl  J.  Thomas,  jeweler,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Garden  1st  h  w  3d  ar 
Eagle  Alex.,  s  e  c  3d  av  &  Fifth 

Earp  Moses,  barber,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Denman  4th  h  w  Courtlandt  ar 
Ebele  Gustavo,  conductor,  s  s  AVilliam  Gth  h  w  "VVash'n  av 
Eberhardt  Christoph,  painter,  s  s  Melrose  1st  h  e  Terrace  pi 
Eberhardt  Jacob,  blacksmith,  s  s  Third  4th  h  e  P  P  av 
Eberhardt  John,  tailor,  n  s  Denman  1st  h  e  Courtlandt  av 
Eberhardt  Nicholas,  hotel,  Macomb  av  c  Yan  Stoll 
Ebert  Ernest  E.,  cigar  mfr.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Sixtli 
Eblir.g  Theodore,  drugs,  e  s  3d  av  '2d  h  n  14Gth 
Ebliug  Philip,  brewer,  nee  loGth  &  Carr  av 
Ebling  Wm.,  brewer,  nee  15Gth  &  Garr  av 
Ebling  Ph.  cS:  Wm.,  brewej,  e  s  Carr  av  bet  John  Oc  156th 
Eckel  William,  milkman,  e  s  C'ourtlandt  av  1st  h  s  Findlay 
Eckel  John  B.,  drugs,  e  s  Courtlandt  av  1st  h  s  Prospect 
Eckert  John  IL,  finisher,  n  s  Mar}'  1st  h  w  Courtlandt  av 
Eckert  Adam,  sec  Mary  &  Courtlandt  av 
Eckenfelder  Jolm,  upholsterer,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Pose 
Eckes  Michael,  shoemkr.,  Pandell's  Island,  e   s   Courtlandt  ay 

1st  h  n  Mott 
Eckerman  Joseph,  upholsterei-,  Harlem,  s  s  14lJth  -d  h  e  Wil- 
lis av 
Edeubregher  Christian,  confectioner,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  i\[ain 
Eddy  Edward,  actor,  s  s  138th  4th  h  e  St.  Ann's  av 
Ederly  William,  shoemkr.,  s  s  139th  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Edwards  Pufus,  merchant,  w  s  Tinton  av  3d  h  n  Lexington 
Edwards  George,  mason,  s  s  Vv^illiam  7th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Edwards  Pobert,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  n  s  ]\Iain  1st  h  w^  P  P  av 
Edwards  Thomas,  station  agent,  nee  Fifth  &  P  P  av 
Edw^ards  Anna  Mrs.,  w  s  AVash'n  av  4th  h  n  Sixtli 
Edmund  Pudolph,  cigar  mkr.,  n  s  Schuyler  1st  h  w  Court- 
landt av 
Edel  Charles,  bookkeeper,  e  s  od  av  5th  h  s  Seventh 
Edel  Mrs.  L.,  s  w  c  Franklin  av  &  Seventh 


Eder  Ohristoph,  tailor,  s  s  Schuyler  8d  h  e  Morris  av 

Eells  J.  T.,  bookkeeper,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Waverly  3d  h  w  Wash'n  ar 

Egan  Michael,  laborer,  n  s  Eindlay  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 

Egan  Peter,  laborer,  w  s  Forest  av  2d  h  ii  Cliff 

Egan  Ann,  wid.,  s  s  Benson  4th  h  ^v  Morris  av 

Egs  Frank,  gardener,  w  s  Spring  opp  William 

Egbert  Bernan,  cooper,  n  s  Prospect  5th  h  w  Wash'n  av 

Egger  Henry,  cigar  mkr.,  n  s  140th  4th  h  e  3d  av 

Eggleston  Geo.  W.,  carpenter,  n  s  Garden  5th  h  ^y  College  ar 

Ehardt  George,  jeweler,  N.  Y.,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Edsell 

Ehron  Herman,  grocer,  sec  Elton  &  Morris  av 

Ehmenn  Christian,  mason,  n  s  !Mott  1st  h  w  od  av 

Ehler  Christoph,  "Jaborer,  n  s  Elton  6th  hw  3d  av 

Ehrick  Henry,  painter,  e  s  St.  Ann's  av  1st  h  n  Wr  Eailroad 

Eisele  Charles,  mason,  av  s  Courtlandt  av  4th  h  s  William 

Eisele  John,  mason,  w  s  Courtlandt  av  4th  h  s  William 

Eisele  John,  builder,  w  s  Wash'n  av  '2d  li  s  Fifth 

Eisele  Charles,  mason,  n  s  Third  3d  h  e  11  K  av 

Eickel  Francis,  milkman,  e  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  s  Milton 

Eichler  Anton,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  s  Milton 

Eichler  John,  brewer.  3d  av  bet  Sixth  &  Seventh,  r  w  s  Fulton 

av  5tli  h  n  Sixtli 
Eiclier  Fred.,  moulder,  ii  s  Denman  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Eiciier  Fred.,  moulder,  n  av  c  Mott  &  3d  av 
Eigeland  John,  laborer,  e  s  Y\'asli'u  av  4tkli  s  Milton 
Eldridge  llichard  S.,  police,  n  s  14nt]i  'id  h  vv'  St.  Ann's  av 
Eldridge  Charles,  carpenter,  n  s  14btli  'Id  li  w  St.  Ann's  av 
Eldridge  AndroAV,  polisher,  n  s  14()th  lid  h  -w  St.  Ann's  av 
Eldridge  Samuel,  plumber,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  '2d  h  u  First 
Eliine  John,  carman,  e  s  Wash'n  aA'  1st  h  s  Fiftli 
Elk  Caspar,  cooper,  n  s  145th  1st  h  e  Willis  av 
Ellote  Jason,  n  s  Main  3dh  av  College  aA^ 
Eisner  Mr.,  n  s  (ilorard  0th  h  e  lletreat  av 
Ellis  Henry,  carpenter,  n  s  Milton  3d  li  e  Courtlandt  av 
Elmendorf  James  H.,  contractor.  N.  Y.,  w  s  Fulton  av  11th  lis 

Elmendorf  James  E.,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Waverly 
Elliott  Paty,  n  s  Springfield  5 tli  h  av  Wash'n  av 
Ernes  John,  grocer,  n  w  c  3d  av  &  Fourth 
Emery  Wm.,  gilder,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Wash'n  av  l2d  h  n  Fifth 
Emerick  Solomon,  carriage  mkr.,  n  s  Springfield  2d  h  w  Court- 
landt av 
Emerick  Jacob,  clothier,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Elton  Isth  av  Courtlandt  ar 
Engerbauer  Joseph,  sculptor,  n  s  144th  6th  h  e  AVilhs  av 
English  James,  iron  moulder,  n  s  145th  7th  h  e  Willis  av 

s  14:^d  bet  St. 

Ami's  &  Pas- 

s  U:klbet  St. 

Anil's   «Jc  Pas- 

n  s  14:]d  bet  .St 

.  Anil's  &  Pas- 

?  14;](1  bet  St. 

Ann's  &  Pas- 

s  14:kl  bet  St. 

Ann's  &  Pas- 


Entwistle  Picliard,  painter,  s  s  141st  Gtli  li  e  Alexander  av 
Entwistle  John,  painter,  s  s  141st  0th  li  e  Alexander  av 
Entz  John  P.,  life  ins.,  X.  Y.,  n 

saf2;e  av 
Entz  Wm.,  dry  good.s,  N.  Y.,  n 

sage  av 
Entz  Eerdinand,  banker,  X.  Y., 

sage  av 
Entz  Angust,  banker,  X".  Y.,  n  i 

sage  av 
Entz  Adolph,  banker,  X".  Y.,  n 

sage  av 
Entnii  Arthur,  cigar  nikr.,  n  s  loKtli  1st  h  e  od  av 
Eiigel  John,  laborer,  e  s  Wash'n  av  od  h  n  Milton 
Engeholm  Eerdinand,  w  s  od  av  1st  h  n  Eifth 
Ennis  Daniel.  lal)orer,  e  s  Eorest  av  od  h  n  Xew 
Eniiis  Patrick,  laborer,  e  s  Eorest  av  1st  h  n  Strong 
Endress  Martin,  gardener,  e  s  P  P  av  8th  h  n  Seventh 
Enwenter  Anton,  laborer,  w  s  Eiilton  av  Ttli  h  n  Eighth 
Engelhard  Sebastian,  barber,  w  s  Courtlandt  av  1st  h  n  Mott 
Epstein  Julius,  clerk,  X.  Y".,  P  P  av  '2d  h  e  Van  StoU 
J]ppenheiiner  Henry,  peddler,  P  P  av  2d  h  s  Van  StoU 
Eppinger  Daniel,  macliinist,  X.  Y".,  w  s  :->d  av  5th  h  s  Eighth 
Eppinger  Wm.,  stoves,  w  s  8d  av  5th  h  s  Eighth 
Erbe  Adam,  hatter,  w  s  Courtlandt  av  1st  h  n  Waverly 
Ernow  Charles,  fresco  painter,  X^.  Y''.,  n  e  Cod  av  &  Fifth 
Ernst  Mrs.  I'liihp,  w  s  Franklin  av  od  h  n  Fifth 
Ernst  John  F.,  saloon,  e  s  od  av  2d  h  s  (irrove 
Ihiiest  Peter,  mason,  s  s  Third  8d  h  w  od  av 
Ernest  John,  cooper,  s  s  Second  5th  h  e  P  P  av 
Errick  J'rank,  l)aker,  sec  AVash'n  av  &.  Fourth 
Erler  Herman,  laborer,  n  s  ]Mott  1st  h  w  Courtlandt  av 
I'h-dman  John,  actor,  sec  Springtield  &  Courtlandt  av 
Erl>  Henry,  tailor,  n  s  Governeur  2d  h  w  -id  av 
Erliard  Jjav/rence,  gardener,  e  s  P)eiison  av  5tlrn  n  Westches- 
ter rd 
Jasper  IMiilip,  butclier,  sec  Gerard  av  »fc  od  av 
Etelhausor  John,  harness,  X.  Y.,  s  s  Denman  2d  li  w  ( 'ourt- 

landt  av 
Etchell  James,  watchman,  w  s  :)d  av  Kt  Ji  n  Mott 
Eulner  Valentine,  police,  X.  Y^.,  s  s  Schuyler  <»th  h  w  Court- 
landt av 
Everett  Oscar,  clerk,  X\  Y.,  n  s  1 44th  1st  li  e  .'id  av 
l"A'erd(-ll  Cliarles,    engraver.   X.   Y.,    s   s  Springtield   1 -^t  h  w 
<  \)urtlandt  av 


Eve^t  Nicholas,  carpenter.,  s  s  Schuyler  Gth  h  av  Courtlaiidt  av 
Ewen  AVilliam,  tailor,  s  s  Deninan  'Id  h  e  Courtlaiidt  av 
•  Eysel  Ct.  W.,  saloon,  e  s  Willis  av  od  h  s  147th 


Eagan  I'atrick,  mason,  e  s  Eorest  av  2d  h  n  Strong 
Eallot  Henry,  tailor,  w  s  Cottage  pi  2d  h  n  Eighth 
Eanshaw  Samuel  K.,  artist,  e  s  Fulton  av  4th  h  s  Eighth 
Eay  Patrick,  laborer,  w  s  C*ourtlandt  av  od  h  ti  Union 
Eaigle  Charles,  fruit  dealer,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  n  Milton 
Falconer  Hugh  M.,  printer,  N.   Y.,  w  s  AVash'n  av  (3th   h  n 

Falk  Louis,  builder,  Third  bet  -kl  av  &  Wash'n  av,  r  w    s  od 

av  1st  h  n  Third 
Falk  John,  tailor,  s  s  Mary  2d  h  e  Courtlandt  av 
Folk  Henry,  e  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Fourth 
Falk  John,  carpenter,  e  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Fourth 
Talks  Morris,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  e  s  od  av  5th  h  n  s  Boulevard 
Fash  W.  I).,  carver,  w  s  AVash'n  av  Gth  h  n  Sixth 
Farrell  Eose    Mrs.,    wid.,    dressnikr.,    sec    Groverneur   and 

Morris  a^' 
Farrell  John  J.,  clerk,  e  s  od  av  2d  h  w  St.  Ann's  av 
Farrell  Frank,  liquors,  s  w  c  o  d  av  &  S])ringheld 
Farredl  Dan'l  F.,  liquors,  s  w  c  od  av  &  Fourth 
Farrall  James,  coachman,  e  s  AValton  av  1st  h  s  Ella 
Farrell  James,  laborer,  w  s  Coui'tlandt  av  2d  h  n  Union 
Farrier  Alfred,  jeweler,  n  w  c  Fifth  &  Fulton  av 
Farrier  A^'m.  T.,  n  w  c  Fifth  &  Fulton  av 
Farrer  Samuel,  niaeliinist,  X.  A'.,  s  e  c  av  A  &  Cliff 
Farrer  (xeorge,  machinist,  N.  A'.,  s  e  c  av  A  &  Cliff' 
Farrie  Jacob,  driver,  n  s  Seventh  4th  h  e  od  av 
Farron  Lewis,  engineer,  i^ort  Morris 
Farriugton  John  1).,  s  s  Willow  pi  2d  h  e  College  av 
Farrington  Moses,  salesman,  n  s  Marv  2d  h  e  Courtlandt  av 
Farriugton  Wesle}^,  bookkeeper,  X.  Y.,  n  s  Mary  Ist  h  e  Court- 
landt av 
Farmer  Henry,  tailor,  w  s  Courtlandt  av  od  h  s  Melrose 
Farlord  Eichard,  roofer,  e  s  od  av  1st  h  s  144th 
Fallender  Anton,  tailor,  n  s  Springfield  6th  h  w  od  a\ 
Fath  Jacob,  saloon,  s  s  Elton  4tli  h  e  Courtlandt  av 
Faulhaber  ISIieiiael,  saloon,  nee  8d  av  cK:  144th 
Farewell  John,  boatman.  Port  Morris 
Fagefka  Frederick,  blacksmith,  w  s  od  av  od  h  n  INlott 
Faustin  Emil,  carpenter,  n  s  147th  2d  h  e  od  av 


Paverau  Francis,  tin  smith,  8  s  Willow  pi  'id  h  w  3d  av 
Fassert  Charles,  brewery,  e  s  Carr  av  let  h  b  John,  r  e  s  av  A 

6th  h  s  Cliff 
Fast  Martin,  gluemkr.,  e  s  Retreat  av  4th  h  n  Westchester  rd 
Fandron  Chris.,  carpenter,  e  s  Retreat  av  Ist  h  s  Gerard 
Faust  Lucy,  wid.,  s  s  Melrose  0th  h  e  Courtlandt  av 
Fels  August,  cigars,  N.  Y.,  w  s  3d  av  6th  h  s  Seventh 
Ferris  AVm.  E.,  clerk,  w  s  Fulton  av  3d  h  s  Eighth 
Ferrigan  Hugh,  liquors,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Fifth  bet  Franklin  &  Ful- 
ton avs 
Ferris  Mrs.  Eliza,  e  s  Fulton  av  3d  h  s  Eighth 
Felter  Conrad,  laborer,  s  s  William  6th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Feiss  Henry,  bartender,  nee  William  &  Courtlandt  av 
Feeney  Rosana,  wid.,  n  w  c  Milton  &  Wash'n  av 
Federer  Ludwig,  milkman,  n  s  Prospect  1st  Ji  e  Courtlandt  av 
Felix  John,  milkman,  n  s  Melrose  3d  h  e  Courtlandt  av 
Ferdon  John  J.,  meat  market,  w  s  Wasli'n  av  1st  h  n  Seventh 
Ferdon  Jacob,  fancy  store,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  s  Second 
Fether  Mrs.,  washerwoman,  w  s  Wash'n  av  9th  h  n  Second 
FECHNER  WM.,  German  American  Institute,  w  s  Wash'n 

av  6th  h  n  Fourth 
Fey  Joseph,  butcher,  nee  Courtland  av  &  Denman 
Fenine  Anton,  machinist,  s  s  Governeur  3d  li  e  Morris  av 
Feiss  George,  grocer,  nee  Morris  av  &  Governeur 
Feehan  James,  plumber,  n  s  Mott  1st  h  s  Morris  av 
Fencker  Henry,  cabinetmkr,  w  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  s  Melrose 
Fetzner  Herman,  cabinetmkr,  s  s  Sprino^field  lOth  h  w  3d  av 
Felsing  John,  tailor,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Schuyler 
Ferring  Anton,  grocer,  e  s  Retreat  av  1st  h  n  Westchester  rd 
Ferring  Ignatius,  carver,  e  s  Retreat  av,  1st  h  n  Westchester  rd 
Feeney  James,  stone  mason,  w  s  College  av  5  th  h  n  Lowell 
Fealy  James,  laborer,  n  s  l-t3d  3d  h  e  od  av 
Feely  William,  shoemkr,  e  s  Willis  av  3d  h  s  147th 
Feely  James,  laborer,  s  s  139th  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Ferris  N.  P.,  n  w  c  Courtland  av  &  Helen 
Fields  Eliza,  wid.,  w  s  College  av  4th  h  n  Lowell 
Fitzgerald  Wm.,  proof  reader,  w  s  College  av  1st  h  n  Cottage 
Finger  Henry,  n  s  145th  4th  h  w  Mill  Brook 
Finlay  Elizabeth,  wid.,  saloon  Port  Morris 
Finlay  Edward,  boatman,  Port  Morris 
Finlay  Charles,  laborer,  Port  Morris 
Finlay  Andrew,  o  s  Robbins  av  4th  h  s  Wr.  Railroad 
Finley  Wm.,  carpenter,  o  s  Robbins  av  1st  h  n  Wr  Railroad 
Fienken  J.  H.,  liquors,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Cottage  4th  h  w  College  av 
Fienken  Henry,  liquors,  N.  Y.,  n  s  C  >ttage4th  h  w  College  ay 


Filgee  Henry,  confectioner,  e  s  3d  av  6th  h  s  136th 

Fisher  Thomas,  coal  &  wood,  s  s  Bronx  1st  h  e  College  av,  r  b 

e  c  3d  av  «fc  Bronx 
Fisher  Henry  A.,  painter,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Franklin  av  2d  h  g  Sixth 
Fisher  Frank,  blacksmith,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Melrose 
Fisher  Henry,  painter,  n  s  Melrose  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Fisher  Robert,  crockery,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Milton 
Fisher  James,  carpenter,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Denman 
Fisher  Doc,  hotel,  r  n  s  First  2d  h  e  R  R  av 
Fisher  John,  tailor,  n  s  Springfield  2d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Fisher  Frances,  laundress,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Milton 
Fischer  Oswald,  tailor,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Governeur 
Fischer  Adam,  barber,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Mott 
Fischer  John,  cigars,  w  s  3d  av  5th  h  n  Henrick 
Fielm  Peter  N.,  laborer,  e  s  Retreat  av  6th  h  n  Westchester  rd 
Finch  Myron,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Ella 
Fitch  James  P.,  boots  &  shoes,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Boston  rd  4th  h  n 

Finegan  Peter,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Eighth 
Fichter  Frank,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  6th  h  s  Third 
Fitting  Charles,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Spring  pi 
Fite  Frank,  cigar  mkr,  nee  AVash'n  av  &  R  R  av 
Fisher  Jacob,  saloon,  e  s  R  R  av  4th  h  n  Fifth 
Fiegle  Peter  B.,  saloon,  w  s  R  R  av  opp  Seventh 
Fingel  Henry,  peddler,  s  s  First  8th  h  w  R  R  av 
Fitzpatrick  Peter,  Ibr.,  n  s  Union  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Fitzpatrick  James,  Ibr.,  e  s  R  R  av  2d  h  n  Union 
Fitzpatrick  John,  Ibr.,  w  s  Morris  av  1st  h  n  Elton 
Fitzgerald  Wm.,  Ibr.,  s  w  c  Robbins  av  &  Terrace  pi 
Fitzgerald  James,  Ibr.,  s  s  Governeur  10th  h  w  Courtland  av 
Fincke  George,  painter,  n  s  Melrose  1st  h  e  Terrace  pi 
Fisk  Seth,  dry  goods,  n  s  Melrose  4th  h  e  Terrace  pi 
Fincke  &  Bros.,  grocers,  n  w  c  Wash'n  av  &  Sixth 
Findlay  Alex.,  moulder,  n  s  Mary  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Fidlaar  Henry  C,  grocer,  n  s  Mary  3d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Finegan  James,  liquors,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Findley 
Firsing  John,  w  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  s  Benson 
Flood  Christopher,  Ibr,,  s  s  Governeur  1st  h  e  Morris  av 
Flood  Christopher,  revenue,  n  s  Fourth  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
FHck  Christian,  brewer,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Fifth 
Flostroy  Alfred,  hops,  w  s  Fulton  av  2d  h  n  Fifth 
Flagg  Andrew,  cooper,  w  s  Fulton  av  7th  h  n  Eighth 
Flaherty  Michael,  Ibr.,  w  s  Courtland  av  5th  h  n  Union 
Flanagan  Julia,  wid.,  washerwoman,  s  s  Union  5th  h  e  Court- 
land  av 

•j-j  MoIMMSAMA  DIlv'KCTOl^Y. 

Flynn  KiLhard,  Ibr..  ts  s  William  ;]d  li  e  ( 'oiirtland  uv 

Frviin  Patrick,  ll)r.,  w  s  I'orest  ar  4th  h  n  ( 'litl' 

Flynii  Win.,  Ibr.,  s's  Third  4th  h  e  K  E  av 

Flyiin  David  II.,  shoemkr,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Mott  lid  li  w  College  av 

Flyiiu  Joseph,  bar  tender,  e  s  od  av  r)th  h  ii  S  Boulevard 

Flinu  Tatrick,  Ibr.,  n  s  Wr.  Jiailroad  btli  h  e  Eobbins  av 

Flow  Joliii,  carpeutor,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Wash'ii  av  :Jd  h  s  Melrose 

Flegler  George,  Ibr.,  w  s  Wash'ii  av  1st  h  s  Springfield 

Flanagan  John,  lawyer,  n  av  c  Macomb  av  «S:  Grovi* 

Flinner  John,  tailor,  w  s  IJobbin.s  av  ')th  h  n  Wr.  liaihoad 

Flannery  John,  Ibr.,  av  s  ( 'arr  av  '>d  h  s  Eay 

Ford  John  Tl,  machinis^t,  e  s  1*  J*  av  '2d  h  n  Fourth 

Ford  Eleanor,  teacher,  e  s  Ii  1*  av  i^d  h  n  Fourth 

Ford  Mrs.  Anna,  washerAvoman,  e  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  F^irsc 

F'ord  Alexander,  milkman,  n  s  144th  KHh  h  e  Willis  av 

I'oy  John,  Ibr.,  e  s  od  av  '2d  h  n  Seventh 

Fox  Wm.  J.,  cigar  mkr,  n  e  c  Sixtli  »!v:  AN'ash'u  aA" 

Foyle  Henry,  cooper,  e  s  ^Id  av  7th  h  s  Eighth 

Folk  wen  Wm.,  boarding  house,  av  s  >)d  av  .")th  h  s  Sixth 

F'ogal  John,  carpenter,  n  av  c  Findlay  &  Wash'n  av 

Foley  James,  mason,  nee  AVaverly  &  Wash'n  av 

l\js>ing  Frank'L.,  jeweler,  N.  Y".,  s  s  Melrose  lid  h  o  Terrace  pi 

Folks  Thomas,  ])iano  mkr,  s  s  Melrose  od  h  w  Wash'n  av 

Foster  IMiss  Charlotte,  seamstress,  av  s  1'  11  av  opp  Sixth 

I'orbes  Wm.,  photographer,  e  s  A\'ash'n  av  1st  h  s  Fourth 

Foley  Kicha-'d,  civil  eng.,  av  s  AVash'n  av  4th  h  n  F'ourth 

Fonbaum  PoAvei,  Ibr.,  s  s  Melrose  6th  h  av  Wash'n  av 

I'owler  Henry  B.  ins.,  N.  Y".,  e  s  11  K  av  1st  h  av  F'irst 

FoAvler  J.  IL,  messenger,  X.  Y'.,  s  s  ^lary  4th  h  av  A\'ash'n  av 

F'owh'r  Solomon,   carpenter,   N.    Y'..  n  s  Springfield  -Ith  h  av 

Gourtland  av 
FoAvlei-  Wn\.    printer,    n  s  Springfield    Itli  h   av  (  ourtland  av 
F«»ls  Julius,  lope  mkr,  av  s  Wdsh'n  av  1st  h  n  Schuyler 
Foshay  Abraham,  peddler,  e  s  Morris  ar  1st  li  s  (rOAerneur 
l*'ollos  Peter,  tailor,  av  s  ^Jd  av  '2d  h  n  Elton 
l'\)gel  IVter.  butcher,  h  s  (Jerard  ."'th  h  e  Ivetrcat  av 
Fogi'l  II.  I>ewis,  s  s  Gerard  1st  h  e  od  av 
F'ogel  Jacob,  carpenter,  s  s  I'ontiac  4th  h  e  Tiutou  av 
Foitz  (Jhristian,  Initcher,  n  s  Westchester  rd  1st  h  e  Benson  av 
l''ox  J(»hn,  tin  ware,  N.  Y.,  s  s  P).")th  ^'th  h  e  Alexander  av 
l''oster  Ellen,  Avid.,  e  s  od  av  .')d  h  n  !Hth 
Foster  James  S.,  ]>roker,  N.  Y.,  av  s  Macomb  av  .')th  h  s  (irove 
Foulke  JosejJi,  tailor,  e  s  od  av  '2d  h  n  ]4*ttli 
Fox  John,  laborer,  av  s  Passage  av  'Jd  h  n  14od 
Folks  Wm.,  cijrar  store,  w  s  .'Id  av  .'jth  h  n  Smeeman 


Friedgen  Georgo,  painter,  w  s  E  E  av  1st  h  n  Fifth 
rriedg-en  Henry,  sylvan  park,  w  s  E  E  av  ft  Fiftti 
Froleigli  Elizabeth,  seamstress,  n  s  Eourtli  1st  h  e  E  E  av 
Eroleigh  George,  tailor,  s  s  Governeur  4th  h  e  (]!ourtland  av 

WESTCHESTEE  TIMES,  s  s  Fifth  nr  E  E  .av,  r  w   s 

Wash'n  av  2d  h  n  Fourth 
Frisbee  Benj.,  carpenter,  e  s  AVash'n  av  1st  h  n  First 
Frisbee  David,  carpenter,  e  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  First 
France  Frederick,  cigarmkr,  e  s  3d  av  opp  Fourth 
France  Eobert,  actor,  n  w  c  Home  av  &  130th 
French  Andrew,  fishing  tackle,  N.  Y.,  s  s  142d  3dh  v/  WiiUsav 
Freeman  Harriet  A.,  wid.^  n  s  Elton  3d  h  e  Morris  av 
Franaf  Louis,  tailor,  n  s  Elton  2d  h  ^v  Courtland  av 
Frentel  August,   blacksmith,   N.   Y.,  n  s  Governeur   1st  h  e 

Courtland  av 
Fruin  Patrick,  blacksmith,  s  s  Benson  9th  h  e  Morris  av 
Freese  John  H.,  grocer,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Grove 
Fronhafer  Wm.,  clerk,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Elton 
Fruchtnicht  John,  e  s  College  av  4th  h  n  Lowell 
Freeze  John,  gardener,  w  s  Forest  av  opp  Strong 
Frawley  P.,  stone  cutter,  N.  Y^.,  n  s  Jeti'erson  3d  hw  Boston  rd 
Frawley  E.,  stone  cutter,  N.  Y^.  n  s  Jefferson  3d  h  w  Boston  rd 
Franish  James,  blacksmith,  N.  Y.,  e  s  3d  av  Gth  h  s  Eighth 
Friederich  Emil,  e  s  3d  av  6th  h  s  Seventh 
Fredericks  Francis,  carpenter,  w  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  s  Mary 
Frederich  August,  tailor,  s  s  Elton  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Frederichs  Dietrich,  grocer,  s  w  c  Wash'n  av  &  Schuyler 
Frederich  Conrad,  tailor,  s  s  Fifth  2d  li  e  Wash'n  av,  r  w  s  3d 

av  opp  Spring  pi 
Friday  Wm.,  marine  store  keeper,  w  s  E  E  av  Gth  s  Eighth 
Freeland  Mrs.  Philus,  w  s  E  E  av  Ist  h  n  Seventh 
Francis  Mrs.,  dressmkr,  w  s  E  E  av  1st  h  s  Eighth 
Froy  John,  Ibr.,  w  s  ("ourtland  av  3d  h  n  Laiion 
Freeborn   Christopher,    pianomkr,  w  s    Courtland    uv  1st   h  s 

Freele  Daniel,  Ibr.,  n  s  Findley  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Franley  John,  miner,  Vr'  s  Yv^ash'n  av  1st  h  n  Waverly 
Frank  Christopher,  tailor,  s  s  Waverly  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Frank  John,  mason,  s  s  Denman  4th  h  w  Courtland  av 
Frank  Joseph,  polisher,  n  s  Benson  let  h  e  E  E  av 
Franklin  Homer,  n  s  Milton  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Fritclie  Edward,  carpenter,  n  s  Milton  2d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Friese  John,  mason,  s  s  Melrose  2d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Frees  l^ernhard,  mason,  n  s  Mary  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 


Frees  Valentine,  mas^jn,  s  s  Mary  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Frees  Jolin,  Ibr.,  n  s  Elton  11th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Frank  John,  saloon,  s  w  o  Courtland  av  &  Schuyler 
Fritz  Christian,  butchnr,  n  s  Westchester  rd  1  st  h  e  Port  Mor- 
ris K  K 
Fritz  Charles,  cigar  mfr,  w  s  od  av  8d  h  s  Denman 
Freiz  Xaver,  carpenter,  e  s  Passage  av  *Jd  h  n  Wr  liailroad 
Frendenberg  Hermann,  gardener,  w  s   Tiobbins  av  6th  h  n. 

Friedman  H.,  liquors,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Beach  av  2d  h  s  Lexington 
Fory  Xaver,  carpenter,  e  6  Terrrace  pi  2d  h  n  AVr.  Eailroad 
Freudenberg  Hermann,  gardener,  w  s  Bobbins  av  6th  h  n 

Fullgraff  Dr.,  e  s  Forest  av  1st  h  n  George 
Fuess  Gnstave  W.,  upholsterer,  w  s  Fulton  av  2d  h  n  Fifth 
Fuess  Emil,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Fulton  av  2d  h  n  Fifth 
Fuhr  Powentz,  shoemkr,  n  s  143d  od  h  e  8d  av 
Fuilet  Christopher,  grocer,  e  s  od  av  2d  h  n  141st 
Fuhrst  Frederick,  blacksmith,  w  s  od  av  1st  h  n  Edsell 
Fulton  William,  stone  cutter,  nee  137th  &  St.  Ann's  ay 
Fullen  Mary,  wid.,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  139th 
Fuilen  Ferdinand  J.,  painter,  e  s  Ive treat  av  2d  h  n  Henry 
Fullen  Henry  A.,  justice,  office  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Denman  res 

3d  av  2d  h  n  146th 
Fuller  George,  contractor,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Cliff  1st  h  w  Forrest  av 
Fuller  Benj.  F.,  sewing  machines,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Willis  av  3d  h  « 

Fuselehr  Martin,  saloon,  8  w  c  S  Boulevard  &  Elm 
Fuselehr  Martin,  grocer,  nee  Beach  Jiv  &  Lexington 
Fuchs  Magdelene,  wid.,  s  s  Waverly  1st  h  e  Courtland  ar 
Fuchs  George,  baker,  s  w  c  Milton  &  Wash'n  av 
Furh  Jacob,  piano  rakr,  n  s  Mary  3d  h  e  Courtland  av 


Gassier  William,  brewer,  s  s  147th  1st  h  e  Clilton  av 

Galaney  Patrick,  Ibr.,  s  s  147th  2d  h  e  Clifton  av 

Gatfney  John,  machinist,  N.  Y.,  n  s  143d  7th  h  w  Willis  av 

Gafihey  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  143d  3d  h  e  3d  av 

Gaffncy  Richard,  leather,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Macomb  av  9th  h  s  Main 

Gaffney  Timothy,  saloon,  nee  134th  &  3d  av 

Galfaey  Bryan,  saloon,  n  w  c  3d  av  &  Van  StoU 

Gayner  George,  mineral  waters,  s  s  Third  1st  h  w  3d  av 

Gay  nor  Edward  J.,  contractor,  s  8  140th  1st  h  e  Alexander  av 

<i^arri8on  Samuel,  carpenter,  w  8  3d  av  2d  h  n  Garden 


Oarrison  John  B.,  N.  Y.,  stair-builder,  n  s  Cottage  9th  h  w 

College  av 
Oarrison  John,  teamster,  n  s  Edsell  2d  h  w  3d  av 
Garrett  Edward,  Ibr.,  n  e  Cottage  17th  h  w  College  av 
Garvey  John,  liquors,  N.  Y.,  e  8  Macomb  av  8th  h  s  Main 
GATES   CHURCH  E.  &  Co.,   lumber,  junction  Macomb  & 

R  R  avs 
Gates  Church  E.,  lumber,  r  s  e  c  Main  &  Macomb  av 
Garlock  Jane,  wid.,  n  s  Edsell  7th  h  w  3d  av 
Gannon  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  Henrick  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Gannon  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  s  Henrick  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Gallagher  James,  iron  moulder,  n  w  c  3d  av  &  Van  Stoll 
Gallagher  Patrick,  iron  moulder,  n  w  c  3d  av  &  Van  Stoll 
Gabelow  Antoine,  e  a  Robbins  av  5th  h  s  Wr  Railroad 
Gaylor  Eugene,  conductor,  s  s  Mott  2d  h  w  College  av 
Garvin  P.,  carpenter,  w  s  av  B  1st  h  s  Cliff 
Garrigue  Rudolph,  ins.,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Boston  rd  2d  h  e  Eifth 
Gauff  Jacob,  butcher,  w  s  3d  av  8th  h  s  Eighth 
Gallon  James,  conductor,  w  s  3d  av  8tli  h  s  Eighth 
Gander  Joseph,  tinsmith,  w  s  3d  av  7th  h  s  Fifth 
Gandanburger  Geo.,  cigarmkr,  e  s  3d  av  opp  Spring  pi 
Gard  David  L.,  mason,  n  e  c  R  R  av  &  Union 
Gard  Edward  L.,  mason,  n  e  c  R  R  av  &  Union 
Gaylor  George,  paper  stainer,  w  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  s  William 
Gardener  Wm.  W.,  architect,  e  s  Wash'n  av  6th  h  n  Seventh 
Garey  Leander,  sup't.  car  works,  w  s  Wash'n  av  3n  h  n  Eighth 
Garey  C.  E.,  foreman  car  works,  n  s  Eighth  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Gayer  Charles  (Rev.,)  w  s  Fulton  av  3d  h  n  Seventh 
Garey  Timothy,  Ibr.,  e  8  R  R  av  1st  h  n  Denman 
Garey  Patrick,  moulder,  w  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  n  Mott 
Gallahue  A.  C,  s  s  Second  3d  h  e  R  R  av 
<xamrock  Jacob,  Ibr.,  w  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  s  Springfield 
Gabriel  Andrew,  grocer,  s  s  Elton  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Gamier  Peter,  Ibr.,  n  8  Elton  8th  h  w  3d  av 
Gabriel  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  Elton  Otli  h  w  3d  av 
Gainer  Jacob,  finisher,  e  s  Elton  11th  h  w  3d  av 
Galey  Frank,  Ibr.,  n  s  Elton  2d  h  w  Morris  av 
Gasberi  Frank,  tailor,  s  s  Governeur  3d  h  w  Courtland  av 
GEORGI  C.  L.  &  SON,  real  estate  &  furniture  warerooms,  w 

8  3d  av  1st  h  8  First 
Geib  George  H.,  agent,  e  s  Terrace  pi  1st  Ji  n  Milton 
Gehr  George,  tailor,  e  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  IMilton 
Geiotz  Clii-is.,  8  8  Fourth  2d  h  e  Wash'n  av 
Gerwent  Charles,  carpenter,  s  8  First  5th  h  w  3d  av 
Gesner  Joseph,  mason,  n  s  Sprmgfield  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 

86  •  MCJiafLSANlA  i)ll{E('T()liY. 

Geiger  Alicliacl,  tailor,  n  s  Elton  '2d  li  e  Courtlaud  av 

Gebc  Georj^e,  saloon,  nee  ( 'ourtland  av  &  Denman 

Geneko,  Ferdinand,  o  «  Morris  av  1st  li  n  Governeur 

GERMAN  SAVINGS  BANK,  n  w  c  Milton  ^c  :]d  a^- 

Gorkin  Andrew,  o  s  od  av  <)th  h  n  Grove 

Gelthardt  Erederiok,  cigars,  e  s  M  av  1st  h  s  Ui^d 

Gorthn  liobcrt,  boatman,  Port  IMorris 

Gearon  William,  boots  &  shoes,  e  s  od  av  1st  li  a  Kititli 

Geary  James,  iron  moulder,  w  a  iid  av  od  li  s  Edsell 

Gearv  John,  iron  moidder,  n  s  I4:i)d  od  h  e  od  av 

Gent  ^Michael,  mineral  waters,  w  s  Bd  av  4th  li  n  Smeeman 

Geoghegan  Andrew,  n  s  Heurick  1st  li  w  od  av 

Geneh  (,'harles,  grocery,  s  w  e  Lexington  iS:  Bobbins  av 

Genther  Andrew,  slioomkr,  s  w  c  Beaeli  av  A;  Lexingtoi; 

Geieler  George,  rope  walk,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Mott  od  h  w  .'Jd  av 

Geis  Adam,  foreman,  s  w  c  av  A  &  Clifl' 

Gehrig  Geo.,  Ibr.,  e  s  Carr  av  2d  h  s  John 

Gerhard  Wni.,    blacksmith,    e    s    I'etreat    av    od   h  n   AVest- 

cliester  rd 
Geeks  Anna,  wid.,  v>-  s  Tvetreat  av  -!d  li  s  IJose 
Geraghty  Martin,  Ibr.,  w  s  T'onrtland  av  5th  h  n  Union 
Geraghty  James,  Ibr.,  w  s  Eag-le  av  od  li  s  Westchester  rd 
Gergahty  jMiciiael,  builder,  w  s   od  av  5 1  th  h  s  Milton  r  n  - 

Strong  lid  h  e  Forest  av 
Gent  Jc)lin  J.,  contractor,  s  s  I^ncas  1st  h  w  Tinton  av 
Gerhard  Philip,  (engineer,  e  s  l(obbins  av  2(1  h  n  Uncas 
Gilligham  Pat.,  Ibr.,  w  s  Forest  av  T^th  h  n  Strong- 
Gilbert  John  M.,  ins.,  w  s  od  av  2d  li  s  Eighth 
GIFFOPI)  SILAS  1)..  kwyer,<)ff.  it  r  n  s  Fifth  Ist  h  e  P  P  av 
Giering  George,  driver,  e  s  od  av  1st  h  s  Third 
Giles  (ieorge,  Ibr.,  n  s  Waverly  od  h  w  Courtlaiid  av 
Gilger  Mattliew.  tailor,  w  s  AVash'n  av  od  h  n  Milton 
Gijger  Anthony,  li([Uors,  w  »  od  av  2d  h  n  Seventh 
Gillespie  James  Y.,  w  fi  Wash'n  av  ikl  Ji  n  I'^irst 
GilHs  Charles  J.,  mfr.,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Wnsh'n  av  5th  h  n  Fifth 
Gicks  Fred.,  moulder,  n  s  Mary  1st  li  n  Wash'n  av       ' 
Giriug  Jolii^carver,  n  s  Springfield  od  h  w  ('ourtland  av 
Gietsel  Fred.,  tailor,  g  s  S(^hiiyler  1st  h  o  (ourtland  av 
Gill(»r  Matthew ,  tailor,  s  s  Elton  2d  h  e  ^Lorris  av 
Gi])p  (ie(»rge,  tailor,  n  w  c  (h)verneur  &  ]\[orris  av 
Giose  John,  shoemkr,  e  s  :>d  av  oM  h  s  Grove 
Gilligan  I^licliael,  moulder,  e  s  .'id  av  oth  h  s  ( Jrore 
GriiliE\  FPANivLlN  W.,  (scho(d  commissioner,)  auctioneer 

iV  real  estate,  w  s  od  av  2d  h  n  Waverly,  r  n   e   c  William 

&  Morris  pi 





Insurance  C I D  C        Companies, 

Capital  $  1 2, 200,000.  rlllL  Surplus  $,550,000, 


JOHISr  L.   BURNETT,   -^g't, 
Boston  Road,  cor.  14:th  St.,  North  New  York. 

Buildings,  Furniture,  Stock  and  Merchanrlise  insured  at  reasonable  I'ates     Otflce 
hours,  from  7  A.  M.  until  9  P.  M. 

illBil  M.  §Af  IS  &  it. 

Manufacturers  and  Wholesale  and  Retail  Dealers  in 


Xaths,  Pickets,  Posts,  Poles, 

Straight,  Circular  and  Elliptical  Mouldings, 

®if««v<ll>4»V!«M.«0    fit?*!. 



Office  138th  St.  opp.  Harlem  R.  R.  Depot, 

<ies  and  Lots  for  Sale,  Houses  to  Let,  Eents  Collected,  &c. 




1  3  8 1  ii    H  T  TMi:  e:  T , 

Near  Mott  Haven  Depot,  MOTT    HAVEN. 


Near  the  Post  Office,  MOHRISANIA,  N.  Y. 

ias  fixtufes  Fuffiished  and  Huog  at  Cily  Pfices, 


He  is  prepared  to  fit  wp  all  kinds  of  Buildings  in  a  thorough 
workman-like  manner,  with  dispatch,  and  at  the 
-Lowest  Prices,  and  Warranted. 

Steam  Pressed  Double-Glazed  Vitrified 

Drain  and  Sewer  Pipe, 

From  2  to  1§  iiiclies  in  diaiiietei*,  in  2  &  3  feet  leng^ths. 

A    Large  assortment  always    on  hand  with    the    necessary 
Fittings,  delivei't'd  in  this  County  at  the 


N,  B.— Dealers  Supplied  on  the  Most  Reasonable  Terms. 


Oilley  Edward,  broker,  N.  Y.,  ii  e  c  Wiiliani  &  Morris  pi 

Gillmore  Margaret,  wid.,  n  s  140tli  6tli  h  w  Willis  av 

Gilmore  William,  carpenter,  N.  Y.,  n  s  ISGth  3d  li  w  Willis  av 

Gilmore  Joliii,  drugs,  nee  138th  &  3d  av 

Gilmore  Hugh,  bakery,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Edsell 

Gibney  James  II.,  liquors,  nw  c  3d  av  &  (Joncord 

Gilfoil  &  Higgins,  tailors,  e  s  3d  av  let  h  n  144th 

Gibbons  ^SaIah,  wid.,  Port  Morris 

Gibbons  Granville,  Port  Morris 

Gibbons  John,  saloon,  s  w  c  Robbins  av  (Jc  Wr  Railroad 

Gillian  Andrew,  teamster,  w  s  139th  1st  h  e  3d  av 

Gillen  Patrick,  liquors,  e  s  3d  av  'Id  h  s  135th 

Gillen  Margaret,  Avid.,  n  s  Edsell  7th  h  w  3d  av 

Gillen  (^-atlierine,  wid.,  n  s  Edsell  7th  h  w  3d  av 

Gilmartin  Peter,  n  s  H^enrick  1st  h  w  3d  av 

Gilfoil  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  s  139t]i  1st  h  e  3d  av 

Gilbert  E.  W.,  house-mover,   n   s   Wr  Pailroad    1st  h  e  St. 

Ann's  av  * 

Gilhooly  James,  Ibr.,  w  s  R  E.  av  3d  h  n  Fourth 
Glencrosa  Wm.,  publisher,  N.  Y.,  n  e  c  Boston  rd  &  Sixth 
Glencross  David,  publisher,  N.  Y".,  nee  Boston  rd  &  Sixth 
Gloede  Charles,  varnisher,  n  s  Milton  3d  h  e  Gourtland  av 
Glebe  Jacob,  sash  &  blinds,  e  s  Gourtland  av  3d  h  s  Prospect 
Gluck  Wm.,  capmkr,  w  s  3d  av  Ist  h  n  Schuyler 
Glerchmann  Edw.,  tailor,  n  s  Springfield  2d  h  w  3d  av 
Glancey  James,  Ibr.,  n  s  Elton  4th  h  w  IMorris  av 
Glatzner  Charles,  tailor,  n  s  Elton  Ist  h  e  Morris  av 
Glasstater  John  C,  mason,  e  s  College  av  1st  h  s  Willow  pi 
Glacius  George,  boatman,  Harlem,  res  Passage  av  2d  h  s  Wr 

'Glacius  Jacob,  carpenter,  n  s  Lexington  1st  h  e  Robbins  av 
Gleason  Bridget,  dressmkr,  Port  ]^Iorris 
Gleason  Ann,  wid..  Port  Morris 
Golden  David,  bartender,  Fleetwood  Parlv,   ]■  JVtstoi!  rd  opp 

Goeltz  Henry,  jeweller,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Sixth 
Gougity  Andrew,  gardener,  e  s  R  R  av  3d  h  n  Fifth 
Goodw^in  John,  e  s  Fulton  av  4th  h  n  Seventh 
Gonzales  Henry,  carpenter,  n  s  Waverly  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Goodale  Edward,  clerk,  n  w  c  Wash'n  av  &  Seventh 
Goodmer  Frank,  cigarmkr,  e  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  n  Fifth 
Gosens  Catherine,  wid.,  seamstress,  w  s  Courtland  av    1st  h  s 

Goudar  Anton,  carpenter,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Mary 
Gorges  Nicholas,  carpenter,  s  s  Mary  Lst  h  w  Courtllmd  av 


GoMrttoin  Anj^us,  pianomkr,  <;  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Schuyler 
Goldie  Horatio,  sl\irt-])osoin  iiifr.,  s  b  8ohuylor  2d   h  vr  Court- 
land  av 
Gonnly  Jainos,  l})r.,  «;  ,s  11  11  av  Ist  ]i  n  Eltou 
Gorinly  Patrick,  Ibr.,  o  s  I?  R  av  1st  li  ii  Elton 
Golllioior  JSebastian,  tailor,  n  s  (iovorneur  1st  h  w  od  av 
Good  Jolm,  Ibr.,  sec  Morris  av  &  Governeur 
Gordon  Patrick  E.,  coachmkr,  8  s  145th  1st  h  e  Willis  av 
Gf>tt  WilHam  O.,  bookkoopor,  s  s  142d  2d  h  w  Willis  av 
Goldou  Michael,  iron  moulder,  ii  e  c  Hd  av  &  14ih]i 
Golden  Mark,  Ibr.,  o  s  ;id  av  5th  h  s  Grove 
(lolden  William,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  w  s  3d  av  od  h  n  Mott 
Gorman  Mrs.,  wid.,  R  li  av  1st  h  s  Van  tStoU 
Gorman  Thomas,  Ibr.,  e  s  R  E.  av  1st  h  n  Elton 
Govern  I^richaol.  Ibr.,  R  R  av  1st  h  s  Van  iSt'Al 
Goft'  John,  Ibr.,  \v  s  Passage  av  1st  h  n  148d 
Gorman  Adam,  e  s  Retreat  av  1st  h  s  Gerard 
Golding  John,  grocery,  s  av  c  College  av  &  Mott 
Goeller  George  C,  provisions,  N.  Y.,  n   s  Lowell  Ist  h  e   Col- 
lege av 
(iroebel  John,  blacksmith,  s  s  Westchester  I'd  3d  h  w  Clifton  av 
Gorman  Adajn,  boilermkr,  e  s  I^etreat  sly  1st  h  s  Gerard 
Greason  Jolm,  printers'  hik,  N.  Y.,  n  s  14od  2d  ]i  w  Willis  av 
Groves  Ro])ert,  iron  moulder,  w  s  od  av  0th  h  n  Concord 
Granz  (yharles,  shoemkr,  e  s  od  av  od  h  n  lo4th 
Greene   Joseph   TI.,   ins.    agent,    N.   Y^.,  n   s   PiTth  2d  h  w  S 

GREENE  CiEOlUTE  S.,  surveyor,  n  e  c  128tli  &nd  av.  r  s  s 

lo8th  :>d  h  e  8t  Ann's  av 
Gre(^n  Mary  H.,-  ^^-id.,  sec  College  av  &  Willow  pi 
Green  l''erdinand,  w  s  Boston  rd  od  h  s  Spring  pi 
Green  Lawrence,  finisher,  w  s  ^>d  av  2d  h  s  Elton 
Green  Hoelan,  Ibr.,  n  s  Schuyler  1st  h  w  Courtland  av 
(ireen  Jonas,  11)r.,  e  s  Robbins  av  5th  h  n  Uncas 
iireen  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  s  148th  2d  h  e  Retreat  av 
Greener  Thomas,  imnter,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Eirst 
(Jreening  Geo.,  carpenter,  N.  Y".,  n  s  Mary  2d  h  w  ('ourtland  av 
(rroenfrlder  (ieo.,  saloon,  n  s  Governeur  4th  h  w  M  av 
(Treenholgh  .lohn,  ])lachsmith,  n  s  Mott  2d  h  w  od  av 
(Jrassman  Julius,  bartender,  e  s  Retreat  av  bet  147th  &  Henry 
Groven  Paul,  cooper,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Concord  av  1st  h  s  Lexington 
<irotecloss  Edward,  n  e  c  R  R  av  &  IrA-ing  pi 
(indiam  A.  H.,  n  s  inoth  2d  h  w  Willis  av 

<Jraham   David,  musi<-ian,    N.    \.,    w   s   Eranklin    av    Ist  h  u 


Oraham  Robert,  boatman,  a  8  looth  3d  h  e  St.  Ann's  ar 
Graham  Andrew,  carpenter,  s  s  Denman  3d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Grey  \Vm.,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Eighth 
Gray  John,  machinist,  n  s  AVaverly  8th  h  w  Wash'n  uv 
Graif  John,  Ibr.,  w  s  od  av  1st  h  n  Eighth 
Griffith  Cyrus,  painter,  N.  Y.,  \v  s  Eranklin  av  4th  h  n  Fifth 
Graves  Mrs.  Ehza,  fancy  store,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Fifth 
Grave  George,  clerh,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Cottage  13th  h  w  College  ar 
Greve  John,  confectioner,  ^v  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Union  pi 
Grierick  Frank,  cooper,  n  e  c  R  R  av  &  Seventh 
Grasser  John,  upholsterer,  n  s  AVilliam  2d  h  vv  Wash'n  av 
Griffin  John,  teamster,  nee  Waverly  &  Wash'n  av 
Grieshaber  Matthew,  butcher,  s  s  Prospect  '2d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Grihn  John  H.,  clerk,  s  w  c  Wash'n  av  &  Fifth 
Graney  Mary,  wid.,  laundress,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Den- 
Grady  John,  Iirass  finisher,  s  s  Benson  2d  h  e  R  R  av 
Grady  Patrick,  coachman,  e  s  Robbins  av  2d  h  n  Pontiao 
Grady  Michael,  Ibr.,  nee  3d  av  &  Benson 
Grant  Jolm  C,  painter,  3d  av  nr  Courtland  av,  r  ?t  s  Mary  2d 

h  e  Morris  av 
Grimes  John,  Ibr.,  e  s  11  R  av  1st  h  n  Eito]i 
Grogan  James,  Ibr.,  s  s  Benson  2d  h  w  T'ourtlaud  av 
Grabler  Charles,  gardener,  w  s  Butternut  av  1st  h  s  Ella 
Groh  Jacob,  brewery,  e  s  Carr  av  2d  h  s  John 
Grandwell  Patrick,  mason,  n  e  e  Westchester  rd  &.  Benson  av 
Gross  Frederick,  grocer,  n  s  Wr  Railroad  3d  h  e  St.  Ann's  av 
Gross  Joseph,  pianomkr,  n  s  Uncas  2d  h  e  Robbins  av 
Grossman  Julius,  waiter,  s  w  c  3d  av  &  Benson 
Gumbert  Christopher,  saioon,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Third 
Guelihus  Hermann,  carpenter,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Fourth 
Gunden  Jacob,  pianomkr,  s  s  Denman  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Guest  August,  carpenter,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Governeur 
Guentling  John,  grocer,  w  s  Governeur  1st  h  w  Courtland  av 
Gunther  Bernard,  tailor,  n  s  Governeur  4th  h  e  Morris  av 
Gunther  Wm.,  pianomkr,  n  s  Governeur  4th  h  e  Morris  av 
Gunther  George  M.,  cabinetrnkr,  s  s  Springfield  10th  h  w  3d  ar 
Gulick  John,  peddler,  n  s  Springfield  9th  h  w  3d  av 
Gustaveson  Edward,  builder,  n  s  Van  Corlear  2d  h  w  3d  av, 

r  s  w  c  143d  &  Clifton  av 
Guyner,  n  s  134th  4th  h  w  WiUis  av 

Guersing  Joseph,  stair-builder,  e  s  Retreat  av  1st  h  n  West- 
chester rd 

4a  ^^OIuasANlA  diiiectoiiy; 


Hartley  Anthony,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  e  s  E  R  av  ad  h  r  Van  iStoU 

Hartley  Wm,,  mariner,  w  s  Courtland  av  Ijd  h  n  Milton 

Hartley  George,  minstrel,  w  s  Courtland  av  od  li  n  Milton 

Hartley  John,  laborer.  Port  -Morri.s 

Elartley  Francis,  laborer,  ]^ort  Morri*- 

Harlem  }5rid<:^e,  Fordliam  &  Morrisania  K.  li.  depot,  e  s  8d  aT 

Ist  h  n  S.  Boulevard 
Hallis  Thomas,  laborer,  vr  s  8d  av  3d  h  n  Mott 
Hazelbaum  John,  laborer,  8  w  c  3d  av  <&  Smeeman 
Hartmej'er  John,  painter,  e  s  od  av  5th  h  8  IBGth 
TIallett  James,  s  s  187th  1st  h  e  St.  Ann's  av 
Hare  Patrick,  gardener,  nee  S.  Boulevard  &  Division  ar 
Hadley  AVilliam,  gas  fitter,  s  s  147th  "1st  h  e  Mill  Brook 
Hall  Margaret,  wid.,  ^r  s  8d  av  0th  h  n  Smeeman 
Hall  Eobert,  contractor,  n  s  Concord  2d  h  w  College  av 
Hall  Mr.,  contractor,  nee  Concord  &  College  av 
Hall  James,  contractor,  n  s  Garden  2d  h  w  8d  av 
Hall  Alfred,  engraver,  X.  Y.,  n  s  Garden  (Jth  h  w  College  ar 
Hall  Wilbur,  clerk,  X.  Y.,  s  s  141st  1st  h  e  Alexander  av 
Hall  Edward,  clerk.  N.  Y.,  s  s  141st  let  h  e  Alexander  av 
Hall  AVilliam,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  s  s  141st  1st  h  e  Alexander  av 
Hall  Pobert  F.,  painter,  nee  185th  &  Willis  av 
Hall  II.  B.,  engraver,  s  s  George  bet  Forrest  av  &  Boston  rd 
Hall  II.  B..  jr.,  engraver,  s  s  Sixth  1st  h  w  Union  av 
Hall  Ernest,  law3-er,  office  s  s  Fifth  nr  AVash'n  av,  r  s  s  Spring 

pi  Ist  h  w  Boston  rd 
Hall  Theodore,  piano  mkr,  n  s  Prospect  2d  h  w  (Courtland  ar 
Hall  Henry,  caulker,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Milton  1st  h  w  Courtland  ar 
Hale  Charles,  s  w  c  Home  av  &  137th 
Hale  Henry,  publisher,  nee  Halsey  &  Morris  pi 
Hale  Oliver  P.,  stone  cutter,  s  s  Second  1st  h  e  R  K  av 
Hart  Bernard,  laborer,  n  s  144th  8d  h  e  3d  av 
Hart  ^lichacl,  laborer,  Port  ^Morris 

Hart  David,  carpenter,  N.  Y..  o  s  ("ourtlaud  av  3d  h  n  Mott 
Hart  I'hilip,  baker,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  b  F'ourtli 
Hart  James,  painter,  n  s  Second  3d  h  w  Waslvn  av 
Harris  James,  goldbeater,  s  s  Jefferson  1st  h  w  Clinton 
Harris  (tco.  E.,  goldbeater,  s  fl  Jefferson  1st  h  w  Clinton 
Harris  (icorge,  Ibr.,  s  w  c  3d  av  «fc  Governeur 
Harris  George,  express,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  8  Second 
Harris  Harry,  express,  e  s  3(1  av  2d  h  s  Spring  pi 
Harris  Benj.,  tailor,  s  8  New  Ist  h  w  Union  av 
Haley  Hewy,  carpenter,  s  s  !Main  5th  h  o  R  E  av 
Haley  John,  laborer,  s  s  143d  4th  h  w  Clifton  av 


Haley  John,  iron  moulder,  w  s  od  av  7th  h  n  Van  Stoli 

Haley  Patrick,  laborer,  e  s  od  av  3d  li  s  136th 

Harrison  David  B.,  e  b  Alexander  av  3d  h  s  139th 

Half  en  Henry,  carpenter,  e  s  Concord  av  1st  h  s  Lexington 

Haffen  Charles,  saloon,  w  s  Concord  av  Ist  h  s  Elm 

Haffen  John,  brewer,  n  s  Elton  10th  h  w  3d  av 

Haffen  Matthias,  brewer,  n  vv^  c  Courtland  av  &  Elton 

Haffen  John,  saloon,  w  s  Willis  av  1st  h  s  147th 

Harvey  John,  plumber,  s  s  Mott  2d  h  w  College  av 

Hawley  Mrs.  C.  L.,   wid.,  P.  0.  clerk,  r  w  s  Courtland  av  1st 

h  s  Ella 
Hazell  Thomas,   sewing  machines,  e  s   St.   Ann's  av   2d  h  s 

AVestchester  rd 
Hack  Godfrey,  baker,  n  s  Wr  Eailroad  3d  h  e  Robbins  av 
Haphy  Micliael,  mason,  s  s  Pontiac  3d  h  e  Tinton  av 
Haggerty  George  C,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  nee  College  av  &■  Garden 
Hanley  Winfield,  wid.,  s  s  145th  4th  h  e  3d  av 
Harry  John,  stair  builder,  n  s  144tli  4th  h  e  Willis  av 
Hayden  John,  carpenter,  s  s  143d  1st  h  w  Clifton  av 
Harper  Edward,  porter,  N,  Y.,  s  s  143d  4th  h  w  Clifton  ay 
Hargrave  AVm.  J.,  mason,  n  s  142d  Ist  h  w  Willis  av 
Haywood  Sydney,  bookkeeper,  n  s  140th  1st  h  e  Alexander  ar 
Halleck  AVm.  H.,  stair  builder,  n  s  134tli  3d  h  w  Yv^illis  av 
Haxtman  Fred.  AV.,  shoes,  es  Willis  av  4th  h  s  147th 
Hayden  Patrick,  iron  moulder,  s  e  c  141st  &  3d  av 
Haiglit  Ann,  ^\dd.,  n  av  c  3d  av  &  Garden 
Handron  Michael,  laborer,  Port  Morris 
Haines  Elizabeth,  wid.,  Port  Morris 
Hannigan  Henr}-,  engineer,  Port  Morris 
Hannigan  Michael,  laborer,  Port  Morris 
Harding  Michael,  laborer.  Port  Morris 

Hammond  Chas.,  eash  &  blinds,  s  s  Cottage  Ist  h  w  College  ar 
Hammond  Thos.  J.,  shoemkr,  w  s  Wash'n  av  Ist  h  n  First 
Hartig  W^alter,  iron  moulder,  n  s  Cottage  19th  li  w  College  ay 
Haigli  Joseph  Ij.,  wire,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Grove  1st  h  w  Macomb  av 
HAYS  &  IMMEN,  butchers,  3d  av  nr  Findlay 
Hays  Wm.,  butcher,  w  s  3d  av  Isth  s  William 
Hays  Agnes,  wid.,  sec  Main  &  Macomb  av 
Hays  Wm.,  agent,  N.  Y.,  nee  Grove  av  &  Cliff 
Hayes  Micliael,  gardener,  s  s  AVilliam  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Hase  Fred.   AV.,  bookkeeper,  N.    Y.,   n  s    Seventh   let  h    w 

Union  av 
Haydock  Pichard,  life  ins.,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Macomb  av  1 1th  h  s 

Handibode  Thomas,  coal,  n  s  Van  Stoll  3d  h  w  3d  av 


Hatch  George,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  11  II  av  3d  h  s  Yan  Stoll 
Ilaidevan  Joseph,  fitone  yard,  Mott  Haven,  h  s  Elton  '2d  h  vr 

Courtland  av 
Haidevan  &  Kline,  blue  stone  yard,  8  s  K>4th  lat  h  e  3d  ar 
Hankenson  Adolphu.s,  carpenter,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Melrose  4th  h  w 

AVash'n  av 
Hanish  John,  shoemkr,  e  s  Wasli'n  av  '2d  h  s  Melrose 
ilanck  Sebastian,  mason,  n  s  Springfield  4th  h  e  ("ourtland  ar 
Hanok  John,  saloon,  w  s  od  av  10th  h  s  Milton 
Hassett  Peter,  carpenter,  s  e  c  Courtland  av  &  Mary 
Harry  James,  stair  bdr,  N.  Y'.,  n  s  Mary  1st  h  w  Courtland  a«v 
Hantau  Fred.,  mechanic,  n  s  Elton  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Ilartman  Charles,  milkman,  b  s  Elton  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Hare  Edward,  mason,  n  s  »Schuyler  1st  h  w  Morris  av 
Hatfield  James  L.,  Ibr.,  n  s  Governeur  2d  h  w  8d  av 
Halsey  Daniel,  Ibr.,  s  s  Governeur  1st  h  e  Morris  av 
Halsoy  Isaac,  builder,  N.  Y.,  s  w  c  Grove  &  Wall 
Hackutt  Wm.,  dentist,  n  s  Denman  3d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Happy  Frank,  tailor,  3  s  Denman  4th  h  w  Courtland  av 
Hannah  Samuel,  stone  cutter,  s  s  Denman  7th  w  Courtland  av 
Harrison  Mary  J.,  s  s  Denman  4th  h  e  Morris  av 
Hannegan  Patrick,  Ibr.,  s  s  ]3enson  4tii  h  e  Morris  av 
Hake  Caspar,  clothier,  av  s  od  av  1st  h  n  Milton 
Harvey  I^'rank,  saloon,  ^v  s  3d  av  10th  h  s  Milton 
Hartwig  (Charles,  optician,  w  s  3d  av  14th  h  s  Milton 
fladgio  George,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Rose 
Hammer  Herman,  tailor,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Westchester  rd 
Hatter  Jolm,  shoemkr,  s  w  c  3d  av  &  Benson 
Hartling  E.,  painter,  n  s  Mott  4th  h  w  3d  av 
Hanag  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  s  Strong  3d  h  e  Forest  av 
Marriott  Joseph  li.,  scribe,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Forest  av  3d  h  n  AYalL 
Hatton  John  P.,  painter,  w  s  Forest  av  1st  h  n  Wall 
Ilarron  TJary  A.,  sec  Home  &  Forest  av 
Harpham  Mrs.  Mary  J.,  w  s  3d  av  2d  li  n  Eighth 
Harpham  John  H.,  carpenter,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Eighth 
Hahn  Henry,  driver,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Eighth 
Haag  Michael,  brewer,  w  s  3d  av  7th  h  s  Eighth 
Haag  Jacob,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  opp  Spring  pi 
Hauptman  John  H  ,  bookkeeper,  sec  3d  av  &  Seventh 
Hauptman  Wm.  L.,  painter's  supplies,  e  s  3d  av  1st  hs  Seventh 
riauptmau  Arthur  B.  jr.  ,  printer,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Seventh 
Hauptman  Arthur  B.,  justice,  ofhce  n  e  c  3d   av  &  Milton,  r  e 

s  3d  av  Ist  h  s  Seventh 
Hagennnan  John,  dry  goods,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Seventh 
Harvey  George,  tinsmitli,  w  a  3d  av  f)th  h  n  Third 


Hayden  P.,  trainer,  Fleetwood  Park,  e  8  3d  av  od  li  8  Spring  pi 
Hammer  Edward  C,  hotel,  n  w  c  3d  &  K  E  aves 
Hammer  Emma,  dressmkr.,  n  w  c  3d  &  E  E  ava 
Hammer  Louisa,  dressmkr.,  n  w  c  od  &  E  E  avs 
Halsted  Joseph  L.,  agent,  e  s  E  E  av  1st  h  n  Sixth 
Hartman  Casper,  flour  &  feed,  n  e  c  E  E  av  &  Seventh 
Hamlitshck  Alfred,  peddler,  e  s  E  E  av  1st  h  n  Seventh 
Hamil  John,  tailor,  w  s  Eulton  av  6th  h  s  Eighth 
Harder  Albert,  tinsmitli,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Melrose  Ist  h  e  Terrace  pi 
Hamilton  Wm.,  piano  mkr,  n  s  Prospect  Ist  h  e  Terrace  pi 
Hammon  Thomas  F..  cigars,  u  e  c  Courtland  av  &  Union 
Hanlon  Kate,  wid.,  n  s  Union  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Hanlon  Edward,  printer,  n  s  Union  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Hanlon  John,  plumber,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Milton 
Hanlon  Daniel,  tailor,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  !s  141st 
Hanlon  Luke,  carj^enter,  s  s  Wr  Eailroad,   bet  Eagle  &  Pas- 
sage avs 
Hallen  Ann,  Avid.,  s  s  Melrose  Ttli  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Hatch  George,  printer,  n  s  Union  Oth  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Harman  John,  paper  stainer,  w  s  Courtland  av  3d  h  s  William 
Halloran  James,  Ibr.,  e  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  n  Findlay 
TIannegan   Phili|»,  bookkeeper,    N.   Y.,  :a   s  Waveriy  Ist    h  n 

Courtland  av 
Habock  Wm.,  pianos,  x>i.  Y.,  s  >>  Findlay  1st  h  o  Courtland  av 
Ilarmann  Michael,  gardener,  n  s  Waveriy  lid  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Hance  James,  builder,  s  s  Milton  3d  h  \v  Co<lrtland  av 
Hagerman  Julius,  Ibr.,  a  w  c  Milton  ^S:  Wash'n  av 
Hamilton  AVilliam  A.,  Ibr.,  s  s  Milton  8th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Hankerson  Nancy,  wid.,  s  s  IVtilton  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Haynes  James,  carpenter,  N.  Y.,  s  e  c  William  &  Wash'n  av 
Haniion  Pat.,  driver,  e  s  AVash'n  av  2d  h  n  Seventh 
Hardwick  James,  builder,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Eighth 
Hard  wick  Albert  J.,  carpenter,  n  s  Third  4th  h  e  R  U  av 
Hafiher  John,  shoemkr,  n  s  Second  1st  h  w  Wasli'n  av 
Haas  Burkert,  furniture,  s  s  First  4th  h  ^v  3d  av 
Haas  Joseph,  cabinetmkr,  N.  Y.,  s  s  First  4th  h  w  3d  av 
Hassler  E.  H.,  coach  trimnjer,  N.  Y.,  a\-  s  Forest  av  1st  h  a 

Hay  August,  carpenter,  s  s  Clitf  1st  h  e  (xrove  a\- 
Hertoff  Joseph,  Ibr.,  s  s  Third  4th  h  w  AVash'n  av 
Hergert  Mary,  wid.,  seamstress,  s  s  Governeur  8th  h  w  Court- 
land  av 
Henecke  John  (Eev.,)  e  s  Morris  av  1st  h  s  Governeur 
Henraty  Patrick,  junk,  n  s  Denman  4th  h  w  Morris  av 
Henning  John,  tinsmith,  e  s  Courtland  ar  Ist  h  s  Denman 

44  ]^.I0K1U8ANIA  JJlIiEOTOKY. 

Henning  Peter,  Ibr.,  e  8  ^.>(1  av  od  li  s  Hose 
Henning  Henry,  leather,  s  s  Governeur  'Id  li  e  Courtland  av 
Herlicli  Peter,  ]>rinter,  N.  Y.,  e  s  M  av  4th  h  s  Milton 
Heilniau  (reorge,  Ibr.,  e  s  3d  av  Itst  h  ii  Orove 
Heynian  George,  liutcher,  ^v  s  od  av  2d  h  n  Elton 
Heiderman  Jacob  J.,  j)aper  hanger,  w  s  -M  av  8d  h  n  Elton 
Heidernian  Peter,  tassels,  n  s  Schuyler  5th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Heiderman  John,  tassels,  n  s  hJchuyler  5th  li  e  Courtland  av 
Merger  Christian,  saloon,  w  s  od  av  1st  h  s  Denuian 
Heins  I^ouis,  clerk,  nee  Courtland  av  &  Mott 
Herr  Christian,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Courtland  av  &  jSIott 
Henderson  John,  printer,  n  s  Mott  'Id  h  e  Morris  av 
Heisle  Adam,  blacksmith,  e  s  (courtland  av  od  h  s  Elton 
Hefele  Henry,  barber,  nee  .'kl  av  &   Westchester  rd,  r   s  s 

Elton  1st  h  AV  Courtland  av 
Hefele  Joseph,  florist,  w  s  8d  av  (ith  h  n  Third 
Hensel  &  Thomas,  dealers  in  second  hand  lumber,  nee  Court- 
land  av  &  William 
Hensel  Frederick,  nee  Coartland  av  &  Melrose 
Heisner  Salina,  wid.,  n  s  Melrose  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Hess  Jacob,  stone  cutter,  n  s  Melrose  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Herman  Ernest,  piano  mkr,  n  s  Mary  7th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Herman  Andrew,  carpenter,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Mary 
Hensinger  (.'harles,  dry  goods,  e  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  n  Mary 
Hecht  Baptiste,  cigar  mli%  e  s  C'ourtland  av  2d  h  n  Mary 
Hecht  Selig,  tailo^  s  w  c  ^d  av  &  Alott 
Hecht  Catherine,  washerwoman,  s  s  Waverly  1  st  h  e  ( Jourt- 

land  av 
Helm  Adam,  tailoi-,  s  s  Schuyler  Gth  h  e  Courtland  av 
Hebele  (.'harles,  grocer,  s  s  Schuyler  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Henneberger  Joiin,  painter,  n  s  Elton  2d  h  w  8d  av 
Henneberg  John,  painter,  w  s  AVash'n  av  1st  h  s  Fifth 
Heisner  John,  cal)inet  mkr,  n  s  Governeur  2dh  e  Courtland  av 
Heinbach  Elias,  dry  goods,  av  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Tnird 
Heller  Karl,  cigar  mfr,  s  s  Elton  7th  h  av  8d  av 
HeiTing  .lohn,  broAver,  n  av  c  Hd  av  &  Fourth 
Herring  William,  iron  moulder,  n  e  c  Willis  av  &  145th 
Heffcrman  Mrs.  ]\[aria,  e  s  Clinton  1st  h  n  Seventh 
Hebber  George,  grocer,  n  av  c  8d  av  &  Seventh 
Helter  George,  broAver,  e  s  8d  av  2d  h  s  Se\'enth 
HENKY  JOHN  A.,  Internal  Pe venue  Assessor,  s  s  Fifth  4th 

h  e  1\,  P,  av 
Henry  Pemi,  i machinist,  s  s  First  1st  h  av  od  av 
Henry  Hannah,  confectioner,  e  s  vkl  av  2d  h  s  Main 
Henry  WiUiam,  pap'cr  maclie,  N.  Y.,  e  s  »-^d  av  2d  h  s  Main 

Third  Avenue,  bet.  Third  and  Fourth  Streets, 



Foreign  and  Domestic  Fruits  and  Nuts, 


At  JS^ew  York  Frioes,  for  Cash. 


Gentlemen's  FurnisMng  Goods^ 



Base  Ball,  Fire  and  Parade  Shirts, 

Third  A-venne,  cor.  143d  Street, 

Branch  Staten  Island  Dyeings  Establishment. 




Neab  Fifth  Street,  MORRISANIA 

»lans,  Speci6cations  and  Estimates  Furnished.    Jobbing  promptly  attended  to. 


Music  Furnished  for  all  Occasions, 





Plans.  Specifications  and  Estimates  furnislied  for  Public  and  Private 

'^ The  Westchester  Times' 


JOB  PRLYTIJ^G  of  all  kinds,  Promptly,  Jfeatly,  and 
Oheaply  Executed. 


Near  Harlem  Railroad  Depot,  MORRISANIA. 


Henry  George,  papier  iiiaclie,  N.  Y.,  e  s  od  av  'id  li  s  Main 
HENAVOOD    HUUH,    physician,  e-  s  Tranklin  av  otli  li  n 

Henwood  Eiehard,  surveyor,  n  w  c  Wash'n  av  &  Sixth 
HeiTon  AVm.,  carpenter,  e  s  II  E  av  5th  h  n  Seventh 
Herbz  George,  carpenter,  n  s  Melrose  'id  h  e  Courtland  av 
Hertman  Gharles,  music,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Melrose  1st  li  e  Terrace  pi 
Herd  Nicholas,  police.  Prospect  1st  h  w  AVash'n  av 
Hehl  Louis,  ins.  agent,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  n  Melrose 
Hehl  Charles,  carpenter,  av  s  od  av  opp  Spring  pi 
Heberlein  Julius,   sash   cK:  blinds,  av  s   Courtland  av   '2d  h  w 

Hefierman  Patrick.  Ibr.,  n  s  Union  6th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Heyer  Ferdinand,  sec  Milton  &  Terrace  pi 
lletzel  Joseph,  surgical  ints,  s  s  ]Milt()n  :id  Ii  o  Terrace  ])1 
Ilerschmaniv  Conrad,  bookkeeper,  N.  Y.,  s   s  Milton  od   h  s 

Terrace  pi 
Hersehniann  John  J.,  piano  nikr,  K.  Y.,  s  s  Milton  od  h  e  Ter- 
race pi 
HeV)erlein  Amelia,  seamstress,  s  s  Milton  b^th  h  e  l-ourtland  av 
Heckel  John  J.,  furniture,  e  s  P  E  av  1st  h  n  Third 
llelmuth  &  Sielken,  furniture,  s  e  o  E  E  av  &  Fourth  ^K:  n  w  c 

od  av  &  Cottage,  r  e  s  E  E  av  Ist  h  s  Fourth 
Heilinger  John,  slioemkr,  n  e  c  Wash'n  av  &  Seventh 
Healy  Martin,  Ibr  ,  s  s  Third  4th  h  av  AYash'n  av 
Herger  Wm.,  baker,  n  e  c  Wash'n  av  &  Fourth 
Hedges  George,  conductor,  a\-  s  College  aA-  1st  h  n  ijoweli 
Healthy  John,  mason,  s  s  1-MHh  2d  h  e  (Tinton  av      ^^ 
Hennick  Laurenz,  brewer,  e  s  Willis  av  3d  h  s  14-7th'*# 
Henzler  Frederick,  musician,  e  s  Macond)  av  od  li  s  .Main 
Hemmer  F.  A.,  liquors,  X.  Y^,  Passage  av  opp  14;kl 
IlenshaAv  George,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Willow  pi  1st  li  w  -kI  av 
lleinrich  Eberhardt,  cigars,  e  s  '-'A  av  4th  h  s  14i>th 
Heinrich  .John  G..  baker,  e  s  od  av  7th  h  n  147th 
Hermanspan  Y/illiam,  frames,  av  s  -kl  av  lid  h  s  IMotl: 
Hesse  Ernest,  saloon,  Hupfels  broAvery,  s  e  c  Carr  av  &  C'liil" 
Heyer  Wm.  D.,  teacher,  s  s  \\'estchester  rd  oi>p  St.  Ann's  av 
Hechsting  EdA\-ard,  baker,  n  s  Westchester  rd  1st  li  a\-  Carr  uv 
Her]>st  lienry,  gardener,  s  s  Pontiac  4tiL  h  e  Tinton  av 
Hell  Frederick,"ll)r.,  n  s  Uncas  :2d  h  e  Eobbins  av 
Hennegan  John,  Ibr.,  s  w  c  Eobbins  av  &  Terrace  pi 
Hiltest" Augustus,  dairy,  e  s  M  av  od  h  s  Eiglith 
Hitchcock  Fred.,  driA'er,  av  s  od  av  2d  h  n  Eighth 
Hintz  Eo\iis,  saloon,  e  s  od  av  4ili  h  s  Seventh 
Hildebrandt  Henrv,  brcAver,  e  s  o  av  5th  li  s  Seventh 


Hincke  Lorenz,  grocer,  nee  Franklin  av  &  Sixth 
Hicks  Richard,  driver,  w  s  Hd  av  8d  h  s  Second 
Hillgrove  A.,  stationer,  e  s  8d  av  2d  li  s  Fifth 
Hite  Geo.  11.,  artist,  w  s  Franklin  av  Hd  li  s  Seventh 
Hines  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  P'irst  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Hines  ^Michael,  Ibr.,  n  s  Union  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
nigg:ins  Kol^ert,  miner,  n  s  William  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Higgins  Obadiah  K.,  w  s  Franklin  av  2d  h  n  Eighth 
Higgins  Marks,  iron  moulder,  s  s  Mott  1st  h  w  College  av 
Higgins  Allies,  Ibr.,  n  s  Heni-ick,  1st  h  w  8d  av 
Hill  David  A.,  \v  s  Fulton  av  M  h  n  Fifth 
Hill  Edward,  w  s  Franklin  av  opp  Jefferson 
Hill  Win.  H.,  brushes,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Schuyler  2d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Hille  Anthony,  s  s  Denman  2d  h  w  3d  av 
Hicks  David,  waiter,  N.  Y.,  s  w  c  3d  av  &  Denman 
Hipp  Peter,  teacher,  w  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  s  Mary 
Hipp  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  Governeur  4th  h  w  3d  av 
Hipp  Adam,  maps,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Elton  7th  h  \v  3d  av 
Hilke  Helen,  wid.,  s  s  Elton  4th  h  e  Morris  av 
Hiers  Wilham  F.,  collector,  n  s  140th  1st  h  e  Alexander  av 
Hickey  Patrick,  Ibr.,  s  s  Mott  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Hilderbrand  Ferdinand,  barber,  e  s  3d  av  5th  h  s  136th 
Hilbert  John,  dairy,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Eighth 
Hilbert  Henry,  pianomkr,  sec  Eetreat  av  &  Gerard 
Hittorff  Jos.,  lithograDher,  N.  Y.,  n  w  c  Wash'n  av  &  Third 
Hoyt  Mr.,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  \v  s  St.  Ann's  av  1st  h  n  146th 
Hoyt  Henry  M.,  n  s  136tli  1st  h  w  Willis  av 
Hoyt  J.  A.,  s  s  Willow  pi  Ist  h  w  College  av 
Howe  Elmira,  n  s  141st  1st  h  e  3d  av 
Holmes  Benjamin,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  Port  Morris 
Howell  George  C,  truckman,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Cottage  h  w  Col- 
lege av 
Hollohan  James,  mason,  s  s  Cottage  6th  h  w  College  av 
Hold  Chs.  J.,  s  s  (plottage  7th  h  w  College  av 
Hotaling  John,  stone-cutter,  11  E,  av  3d  h  s  Van  Stoll 
Howell  William  13.,  watchman,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  S  Boulevajxl 
Hook  Joseph,  boarding-house,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Edsell 
Hoffman  I'rank,  Ibr.,  s  w  c  3d  av  &  Smeeman 
Hoffman  Jacob,  brewer,  n  s  Eighth  1st  h  a  3d  av 
HoHman  Pudolph,  Ibr.,  w  s  Carr  av  Ist  h  s  156th 
Hoffman  ^Irs.  IMary,  nee  3d  av  t^  Spring  pl 
Hoffman  h'riid.  W.,  engraver,  u  h  Third  2d  li  w  3d  av 
Hoffman  John,  gardener,  n  s  143d  5th  e  3d  av 
Moffnum  John,  cooper,  s  s  Mary  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Hoffman  Edward,  upholsterer,  N.  Y.,  o  r  3d  av  3d  h  b  Henry 


Hoffman  August,  painter,  N.  Y.,  s  s  New  1st  h  w  Union  av 
Hoffman  E.,  perfumer,  n  w  c  Wash'n  av  &  Seventh 
HOTALING  DAVID,  blue-stone  yard,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  136th^ 

r  n  s  135th  bet  Alexander  &  Willis  avs 
Hopkins  John,  leather,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Alexander  av  3d  h  s  139th 
Hogan  John,  saloon,  s  s  Wr  Railroad  1st  h  e  Passage  av 
Hopper  Henry,  conductor,  e  s  Concord  av  3d  h  s  Lexington 
Hosenlopp  Phillip,  saloon,  sec  Mott  &  Courtland  av 
Hoerst  Gustave,  die-sinker,  N.  Y.,  s  w  c  Courtland  av  &  Mott 
Holines  John  H.  (Capt.,)  s  s  141st  5th  h  e  Alexander  av 
Hoeland  Nich.,  saloon,  s  w  c  Union  av  &  New 
Hoeland  Annie,  crockery,  s  w  c  Union  av  &  New 
Hoeland  Wni.,  8ec'y  German  Savings   Bank,  r  e  w  c  3d  av  & 

Hoeland  Nicholas,  tailor,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Spring  pi,  r  g  w  c 

Union  av  «fc  New 
Hoeland  Mrs.  Wm.,  crockery,  s  w  c  3d  av  &  First 
Hoppe  Charles,  gardener,  n  s  WilHam  Ist  h  e  Morris  pi 
Holder  V/m.,  Ibr.,  w  sEag-le  av  1st  h  s  Westchester  rd 
Holder  Eobt.  (Rev.,)  w  s  Boston  rd  3d  h  s  Seventh 
Honne  Michael,  liquors,  sec  Robbins  av  &  Willow 
Holloway  Michael,  Ibr.,  n  6  Strong  1st  h  w  Union  av 
Molloway  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  Strong  Ist  h  w  Union  av 

HOUCHIN     THOMAS     W.,     Manufactueer  of  Houch- 
in's  Patent  Specialties,  r  s  e  c  Wash'n  av  &  Seventh 
Houchin  Walter,  machinist,  s  e  c  Wash'n  av  &  Seventh 
Holtz  Harry,  actor,  N.  Y.,  n  s  George  bet  Villa,  pi  Union  av 
Hoppwood  Wm.,  toys,  s  s  Sixth  1st  h  rear  Boston  rd 
Hopwood  Mrs.  Elizabeth,  s  s  Sixth  1st  h  rear  Boston  rd 
Hogan  Wm.,  bookkeeper,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Cottage  pi  3d  h  n  Eighth 
Howell  Lemuel,  carpenter,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Eighth 
Howellljemuel,  jr.,  carpenter,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Eighth 
Howell  J.,  carpenter,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  e  Eighth 
Howell  Joseph,  carpenter,  s  s  Fourth  3d  h  e  R  R  av 
Howell  Lemeul,  carpenter,  w  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  s  Fifth 
Hover  Wm.  H.,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Eighth 
Hovey  George  F.  printer,  w  s  Franklin  2d  h  n  Fifth 
Horton  Henry  L.,  physician,  n  s  Fifth  bet  FrankUn  av  &   Bos- 
ton rd 
Holahan  Amelia,  crockerj^  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Spring  pi 
Holahan   Francis   F.,    physician,  N.  Y.,  e  8   3d   av   3d   h  8 

Spring  pi 
Holohan  Michael,  Ibr.,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Henry 
Hob  el  Wensel,  cigarmkr,  n  e  Union  pi  1st  h  e  R  R  av 
Hoffmire  Mrs.  Elizabeth,  w  s  R  R  av  9th  h  e  Eighth 


IIoii"iuirc;  Edward,  e  s  It  II  av  8d  li  ii  Eiftli 
Hogaii  Joseph,  carpenter,  ^v  s  K  li  av  4tli  k  n  Eighth 
Homaster  I'rank,  pianomkr,  s  s  Prospect  3d  h  e  (Joiirtland  av 
Hoy  Tliomas  IS.,  junk,  s  s  Eirst  4th  h  av  R  E  av 
Hottenroth  CUiristian  C,  harness,  n  s  Union   hst  h  e   Court- 
land  av 
HolloAvay  Thomas,  carpenter,  av  s  Courtland  av  4t]ihs  WiUiain 
Holding  George,  artist,  e  s  Terrace  pi  1st  h  s  AVaverly 
Homans  Charles^  pianomkr,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Milton  l^d  h  av  Court- 
land  av 
Houseman  John,  rag-picker,  s  s  AVaverlv  1st  h  e  (  ourtland  av 
Hogg  William,  leather,  X.  Y.,  n  s  Milton  1st  h  av  Wash'n  av 
Holiacker  Eertrand  J.,  printer,  e  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  n  Milton 
Hollock  Ered'k,  Ibr.,  av  s  AVash'n  av  1st  h  n  AVaverly 
Hofer    A.    Edmund,   upholsterer,    X:   Y.,   n  s   Third  lid    ]i   ^\• 

AVash'n  aA- 
Hofer  Wm.,  fitter,  sec  Courtland  av  &  Dennian 
Horn  George,  s  av  c  AVash'n  av  &  Third 
Horn  Henry,  junk,  s  s  GoA^erneur  'Id  h  e  K  II  av 
Hoen  Martin,  painter,  s  s  Third  lid  h  av  Wash'n  av 
Hock  Godfrey,  cigars,  X.  Y".,  s  s  NeAV  2d  h  av  Union  av 
Horbush  Martin,  grocer,  n  s  Mary  lUth  h  av  Vv''ash'n  av 
Hori'us  Philip,  carman,  s  s'Mary  '2d  li  e  Courtland  av 
Hogarth  George,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  av  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Spring- 
Hogarth  Henrv.  porter,  N.  Y..  av  s  AS'ash'n  av  1st  h  n  Sprii".:- 

Hote  Joseph,  shoemkr.  av  s  ^V'ash'n  av  1st  h  s  Springfield 
Hohink  Jacob.  Ibr.,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Schuylor 
Hoblatz    Philip,    upholsterer,    X.  Y.,    s  s  SchuyL>r    7th  h  av 

Wasii'ii  a\- 
Hofl'  li(4uhard,  luilknian,  n  s  Elton  1st  h  av  -kX  av 
Hornbergcr  Jacob,  cabinetmkr,  s  s  Elton  1st  h  e  Morris  ;'.' 
Hoeifig  3'higeibert,  mason,  av  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Gov(  i  iieur 
Housomau  John,  junk,  n  s  Govi'meur  Isth  e  P  P  av 
Hogaii  }4icha(4,  lln-.,  s  s  Benson  8th  h  e  Morris  av 
Horman  Christian,  Ibr.,  e  s  Courtland  av  od  h  s  Elton 
Horan  I'cter,  Ibr.,  e  s  ^)d  av  3d  h  s  Henry 
Hold  Ered.,  shoemkr,  n  s  Mott  ^d  h  a\-  Sd  i\y 
Holmes  James,  plumber,  n  s  ^lutt  1st  h  av  C«dlege  av 
Hutchings  tSauil.  \V.  basketmkr,  n  s  Enion  7th  h  wAVaslrnav 
Ilut(hings    Saml..    A\'..    )v..    baskctmk]-,  n  s  Union  Sth  h  a\ 

Wasli'n  av 
Hubner  Conrad,   saloon,   n  s    l-'oiirth    ist    li    w     3d    av,  r  s    s 
l'\nirth    1st  h  e  Wash'n  av 


BY  A;  H.    (VIYERS3 

Fifth  vStreet,  two  doors  East  of  Post  Office, 

emm$  &  Tieieiis 

All  liiy  Cigars  are  n'.;iviofactiired  especially  for  private  trade. 

iM:v.<iKal  mi  piirtiitiwal  :i,etttiiit, 

11   ll'TT   liXTI.wrTlT)  WITHOUT  PAIX  T  XDEP.  NrTlK)T-S  OXTTjK  OR 

Hraii I ' I'ul  Sei.^  of  Coiitiniioiis  (J urn  Tceili , 

;»jl.n.:tp  I';  ]\[r!!i!iii;il  Piv^by Leri-'iu  f:liu-./-li. 




La  'lc^beg.    3hades,    ]_ampwicks3.    (^c. 

Cor.  Seventh  Street  and  Washington  Avenue, 



Corner  of  Westchester  and  Boston  Heads. 

Open  Daily  from  10  A.  M.  to  3  P.  M  ;    Also  Monday  and  Saturday 
Evenings  from  5  to  8  o'clock. 

S'x   per  cent,    interest    free  of  Government  tax  allowed   on  all  sums  from 
$1  to  $5,000. 

All  deposits  made  on  or  before  the   20th  of  January,  April,  July  and  (Jc 
4)'l^r|\r|;Wi]}e|n% interest  from  ist  of  those  months. 

.>^pe/:;i|al-,a9coii|U!?  ,\v-ill.  be  opened,  and   interest  allowed  on  the  daily  bal- 
ances.    Checks  paid  at  sight,  and  without  the  pass-book  in  this  department 

''  ''"'^     AUV>,>    ..\\^v,Ns;  H.   F-  DeGRAAV,  Fr.s/dc'n/. 

,CMIftM#P&Y^-  SMITH, 

:itiot'iie|)-  Hill  -Ili.roiiii^fVkt  at  J,air, 


Mi-B  01/ll^1Hll?J— [DHOO.iA 

SILAS    D.    aiF^FORD, 

,AIK^Ac;MRej?„>^N'A,  N.  Y. 

^lOlililiSANlA  DIRECTORY.  49 

Huck  Georg'e,  jr.,  jeweller,  n  s  Third  od  li  w  Wash'n  av 
Hiick  George,  luacliiuist,  sec  Wasli'n  av  1st  li  Third,  r  n  s 

Third  od  li  av  AVash'ii  av 
Hull  Josiah,  11  s  Third  4th  h  e  E  II  av 
Hiisteii  Mrs.  M.  A.,  crockery,  s  s  Fifth  ."^th  h  w  'Id  ax 
Hurley  Miss  Margaret,  toy  store,  e  s  Wash'n  av  :2d  h  n  Third 
Hurley  Miss  Maria,  seamstress,  e  s  Wash'n  av  '2d  h  n  Third 
Hurley  Miss  Eleanor,  seamstress,  e  s  Wash'n  av  !2d  h  n  Third 
Hurley  Cornelius,  moulder,  w  s  od  av  3d  h  n  Third 
Hurley  Mrs.  Catharine  J.,  confectioner,  w  s  od  av  odh  n  Third 
Hiinard  Frank,  stone-cutter,  n  s  Melrose  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Hunsinger  Malachi,  ILr.,  n  s  Mary  9th  li  ^Y  Wash'n  av 
Hume  Alex.,  tailor,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Mary  5th  h  ^v  Courtland  av 
Hume  George,  tailor,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Mary  5th  h  w  Courtland  av 
Hunsted  George,  Ihr.,  s  s  R  E  av  1st  h  s  Springfield 
Hudson  Peter,  driver,  s  s  Denman  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Hubert  Bartholemew,  tailor,  n  s  Benson  1st  h  w  Courtland  av 
Hughes  James,  liquors,  s  s  Benson  5th  h  w  Courtland  av 
Hughes  Catherine,  wid.,  s  s  Benson  1st  h  w  CJourtland  av 
Hughes  Patrick,  peddler,  n  s  Mott  2d  h  w  Morris  av 
Hughes  John  (liev.,)  e  s  Alexander  av  1st  li  s  14Uth 
Humphrey  James,  ILr.,  n  w  c  3d  av  &  Waverlv 
Humphrey  J.  B.,  sash  &  blinds,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  lo9th 
Hutton  Miss  Jennie,  compositor,  s  s  Sixth  1st  h  w  Boston  rd 
Hutton  Mrs.  Deborah,  seamstress,  s  s  Sixth  1st  h  w  Boston  rd 
Hutchinson  Moses,  carpenter,  n  w  c  Concord  &  College  av 
Hulse  Joseph,  billiards,  N.  Y.,  n  s  143d  1st  li  ^y  Willis  av 
Huntington  William,  raer.,  N.  Y.,  s  s  139th  '2d  h  e  Willis  av 
Hunt  Theodore,  builder,  n  s  Sixth  nr  Wash'n  av,  res  Wash'n 

av  1st  h  n  First 
Hunt  Charles,  n  s  144tli  7  th  he  Willis  av 
Hunt  Eli  T.,  carpenter,  s  s  135th  12th  h  e  Alexander  av 
Hunt  Charles  (Capt.,)  nee  134th  &  Willis  av 
Hunt  Humphrey,  carpet  weaver,  n  s  138th  2d  h  w  -Ul  av 
Hunt  John  T.,  carpenter, nv  s  Spring  pi  opp  William 
Huber  John,  carpenter,  e  s  Willis  av  2d  h  s  146th 
Huntzmeyer  Frederick,  carjienter,  s  s   Cottage  5th  h  w  Col- 
lege av 
Humbart  Francis,  agent,  s  s  WiUiam  4th  h  e  Morris  pi 
Huckel  William  (Eev,)  St.  Ann's  av  &  138th 
Hurst  John,  jr.,  mason,  n  w  c  Eose  &  Eetreat  av 
Hurst  John,  mason,  n  w  c  Eose  &  Eetreat  av 
Huerstel  Thuerstel,  w  s  Butternut  av  2d  h  s  Ella 
Hupfel  Anton,  brewer}-,  sec  Carr  av  &  Chft* 
Hupert  John,  tailor,  o  s  Eetreat  av  let  h  »  Gerard 



Hyde  Leonard,  drj-goods,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Forest  av  3d  h  s  George 

Hyde  Miss  Sybil,  millineiy,  n  w  c  Wash'n  av  &  Sixth 

Hynard  Caleb,  stevedore,  n  s  Cottage  2d  h  w  3d  av 

Hyatt  George,  clerk,  e  s  Macomb  av  4th  h  s  Main 

Hyatt  Jonathan  D.,  teacher,  s  s  Westchester  rd  opp  Benson  ay 


Icker  Fred'k,  varnisher,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Springfield  3d  h  w  3d  av 

Iffla  Henry,  drugs,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Lowell 

Ignatz  August,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Henrick  3d  h  w  3d  av 

Illig  Geo.,  cabinetmkr,  w  s  Retreat  av  Sth  h  s  Grove 

Illig  Geo.,  jr.,  carriagemkr,  w  s  Retreat  av  5th  h  s  Grove 

IlUon  John,  Ibr.,  Port  Morris 

Hers  A.  F.,  s  s  135th  9th  h  e  Alexander  av 

Immen  John,  butcher,  n  s  Springfield  3d  h  e  Morris  av 

Ingraham  Moses,  hosier,  s  s  Union  5th  h  e  Courtland  av 

Irwin  John,  camian,  s  s  Henman  12th  h  w  Courtland  av 

Isaacs  Isidore,  restaurant,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Clifton  av  1st  h  s  143d 

Isaacs  Adolph,  cigars,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Beach  av  3d  h  s  Lexington 

Isler  Wm.,  brewer,  n  s  Seventh  1st  h  e  3d  av 

Iste  Andrew,  mason,  n  s  Seventh  1st  h  e  3d  av 

Ittmeyer  Henry,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Edsell 

Itzinger  Jacob,  fur  mfr,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Fourth 

Ives  Joseph  S.,  engraver,  N.  Y"".,  n  s  Second  1st  h  e  R  R  av 

Jarvis  Wm.,  gardener,  n  s  Milton  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Jacobi  Ludwig,  bookkeeper,  sec  Eighth  &  3d  av 
Jacques  Henry,  coachman,  n  8  Findley  3d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Jacques  Robert,  builder,  s  6  Melrose  3d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Janney  August,  gunsmith,  s  w  c  Seventh  &  Wash'n  av 
Jackson  Henry,  Ibr.,  s  s  Melrose  3d  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Jackson  Wm.,  Ibr.,  n  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Waverly 
Jackson  Wm.  H.,  bookkeeper,  N.  Y.,  w  s  3d  av  5th  h  n  Van 

-      Stoll 
Jackson  Joseph,  messenger,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Schu^'ler  5th  h  e  Court- 
land  av 
Jahn  Richard,  painter,  n  s  Schuyler  1st  h  w  Courtland  av 
James  Thomas,  tailor,  s  w  c  Morris  av  &  Springfield 
Janes  George,   banker,  N.  Y.,  n  s   143d   bet   Passage    «S:    St. 

Ann's  av 
Janes  Charles  B.,  banker,  N.  Y.,  n  s   143d  bet  Passage  &  St. 
Aim's  av 


Jaues  &  Kirtland,  foundry,  s  s  Westchester  rd  nr  Benson  av 
Jacobs  Mrs.  Lucinda,  wid.,  boarding-house,  s  s  Fourth  3d  h  e 

Jacobson  Adolph  &  Co.,  grocers,  sec  Morris  av  &  Elton 
Jacobson  H.,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  5th  h  n  Van  StoU 
Jauntry  Alexander,  iron  moulder,  n  s  Main  3d  h  e  R  R  av 
Jennings  Jane,  wid.,  w  s  Boston  rd  3d  h  s  Jefferson 
Jennings   Whittmore,    printer,  N.  Y.,  w   s  Boston  rd  3d  h  s 

Jennings  Geo.,  printer,  N.  Y".,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Spring  pi 
Jennings  Jamuel  B.,  printer,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Third  5th  h  e  R  R  av 
Jennings  Francis  A.   A.,   printer,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Third  5th  h  e 

Jennings  James  H.,  moulder,  n  s  Denman  '2d  h  e  Morris  av 
Jefferson  AVm.,   paper  stainer,    N.   Y.,  s  s  Denman  9th  h  w 

Oourtland  av 
Jeffreys  Arthur,  tobacconist,  w  s  College  av  3d  h  n  Concord 
Jenkins  James,  blacksmith  &  wheelwright,  s  s  Westchester  rd 

4th  h  e  Retreat  av 
.  Jimmerson  John,  teamster,  s  s  Mott  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Joupes  Jacob,  cigarmkr,  n  s  Union  pi  1st  h  e  R  R  av 
.Joyce  Patrick,  watchman,  nee  Union  &  Courtland  av 
Johnston  Jane,  wid.,  nee  Union  &  R  R  av 
Johnston  John,  mason,  nee  Union  &  R  R  av 
Johns- m  Wm.,  clerk,  s  s  Fifth  2d  h  e  R  R  av 
Johnson  Abram,  soda  water  factory,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Franklin  av  2d 

h  n  kSixth 
Johnson  Alfred,  machinist,  s  w  c  3d  av  &  Garden 
Johnson  John,  painter,  n  s  144th  5th  h  e  Willis  av 
Johnston  John,  gardener,  s  s  135th  1st  h  e  St.  Ann's  av 
Johnson  Johan,  cook,  s  w  c  3d  av  &  Smeeman 
Johnson  T.,  ice,  s  s  Edsell  5th  h  w  3d  av 
Johnson  James,  teamster,  s  s  Mott  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Johnson  Charles,  Ibr.,  w  s  Carr  av  1st  h  s  Rae 
Johnson  Eugenia,  dressmkr,  n  s  Elton  10th  h  w  3d  av 
Johnson  AVm.,  Ibr.,  s  s  Benson  8th  h  w  Courtland  av 
Johnson  Fred'k,  Ibr.,  s  w  c  3d  av  &  Governeur 
Johnson  Philip,  machinist,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Mott 
Joseph  Herman,  tailor,  s  s  Benson  7th  h  w  Courtland  av 
Joseph  John,  porter,  n  s  Schuyler  7th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Joost  Joseph,  cigars,  n  e  c  R  R  ifc  Wash'n  avs 
Jost  Bernard,  grocer,  nee  Courtland  av  &  Mott 
Joueserandot  Louise,  wid.,  n  s  Cottage  6th  h  w  College  av 
Jones  John  P.,  inspector,  n  s  Wall  2d  h  w  Union  av 
Jones  Andrew,  iron  moulder,  s  s  Edsell  3d  h  w  3d  av 


Jones  Adam,  carpojiter,  w  s  'M  av  od  li  n  Ilenrick 

Joofker  J.  IMrs.,  pliysiciaii,  ii  s  Lowell  2d  li  e  College  av 

,Torji;ers  Henry,  carpenter,  s  s  Tontiac  Ist  li  e  Tinton  av 

Julian  Wni.,  lijiuors,  s  w  c  Boston  rd  &  Seventh 

Jul>e  Thomas  N.,  i^lumber,  n  s  Milton  4tli  li  ^v  Wash'n  av 

JunoermauAViu.,  candies,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Marv  M  li  e  Conrtland  av 

Kating  John,  g-ardener,  e  s  Torest  av  2dh  n  New 

Katlenl»erg  Christian,  e  s  8d  av  5th  h  s  Seventh 

Katera  AN'enzel,  cigarnikr,  av  s  3d  av  8th  h  s  Fifth 

Kampman  Mr.,  prmter,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Franklin  av  od  h  n  Fifth 

Kassan  Christian,  carpenter,  n  w  c  od  av  &  Fourth 

Karasek  John,  saloon,  n  s  H  E  av  1st  h  s  AVash'n  av 

Kaney  Garrett,  Ibr.,  e  s  C(.)urtland  av  1st  h  n  First 

Kaiser  Elizabeth,  Avid.,  s  s  William  0th  h  av  AVash'n  av 

Kaiser  John,  machinist,  s  s  William  9th  h  av  Wash'n  av 

Kaiser  John,  cigars,  e  s  od  av  5th  h  n  140th 

Kay  Simon,  builder,  N.  1^.,  e  s  Terrace  i^l  1st  h  n  Waverly 

Kapart  John,  gardener,  s  s  First  Oth  h  av  3d  av 

Kanger  Ernest,  carpenter,  n  s  First  1st  h  e  AVash'n  av 

Kauger  Ernest,  carpenter,  n  s  First  5th  h  av  od  av 

Karel  Francis  (Eev.,)  n  s  Denman  2d  h  av  od  av 

Kasschau  Hans  C.  C,  T^nion  Hall,  n  e  c  Mary  &  Courtland  av 

Kahlman  Jacob,  Ibr.,  s  s  Springfield  2d  h  av  od  av 

Kaucher  Charles,  saloon,  n  s  Schuyler  1st  h  av  3d  av 

Kabel  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  iJenman  3d  h  e  Courtland  av 

Kantz  Adolph,  mounter,  s  av  c  Governeur  &  od  av 

Karst  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  Ikmson  3d  hAV  3d  av 

Kayser  John,  sash  &  blinds,  av  s  Courtland  av  od  h  s  Benson 

Kap  August,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  s  s  l-45th  4th  h  av  Clifton  av 

Kalsmacher  Karl,  musician,  s  av  c  3d  av  tS:  Smeeman 

Kavanagh  Luke,  peddler,  n  w  c  147th  &  Eetreat  av 

Kavanagli  ISlichael,  mason,  n  s  Ella  1st  h  e  Morris  pi 

Kavanagh  John,  mason,  av  s  3d  av  lOth  h  s  Milton 

Karl  Louis,  an  alter,  e  s  Eetreat  av  bet  147th  &  Henry 

Karl  Jolm  M.,  plasterer,  e  s  Eetreat  av  2d  h  n  Henry 

Karl  (*(»nrad,  teamster,  s  s  Mott  2d  h  av  Courtland  av 

Karl  Christopher,  carpenter,  n  s  Springfield  8th  h  vr  3d  av 

Karl  John,  plasterer,  e  s  Eetreat  av  2d  h  s  Gerard 

Kane  ^lary,  Avid.,  av  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  AVaverly 

Kane  Daniel,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  13tli  h  s  Milton 

Karn  AVni.,  shoemkr,  n  s  Westchester  rd  4th  h  e  Eetreat  av 

Kain  Peter,  liquors,  av  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Deninan 


Karns  Kinzelly,  Ibr.,  n  s  AVr  Eailroad  otli  h  e  Eol)bins  av 

Kauclier  AVm.,  Ibr.,  w  s  Carr  av  1st  h  s  156tli 

Kanter  E.,  importer,  N,  Y.,  s  w  c  R  E,  av  &  Irving-  pi 

Kennally  James,  e  s  od  av  'id  li  s  141st 

Keuzler  James,  Ibr.,  e  s  3d  av  id  h  s  141st 

Keil  Jacob,  pianomkr.,  n  e  c  od  av  &  146tli 

Keil  John  L.,  tailor,  e  s  3d  av  5tli  h  n  14()tli 

Kershaw  John,  cutter,  X.  Y".,  n  s  141st  5th  h  w  Willis  av 

Kershaw  Angelo,  musician,  n  s  141st  5tli  h  w  Willis  av 

Kershaw  James,  agent,  N.  Y".,  s  s  Prospect  3d  h  w  Wash'n  av 

Kerr  Thomas,  engraver,  N.  Y".,  n  s  141st  (ith  h  w  Willis  av 

Kelly  Miles,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  144th  &  Willis  av 

Kelly  Magaret,  wid.,  n  s  Cottage  15th  h  w  College  av 

Kelly  Julia,  wid.,  s  s  138th  id  h  w  8t.  Ann's  av 

Kelly  Ann,  wid.,  n  s  Garden  8th  h  w  College  av 

Kelly  Timothy,  carpenter,  n  s  Uncas  3d  h  e  Robbins  av 

Kelly  Henry,  Ibr.,  n  s  ]SIott  1st  h  w  3d  av 

Kelly  Henry,  moulder,  e  s  Morris  av  1st  h  n  Mott 

Kelly  Margaret,  wid.,  w  s  R  R  av  1st  h  s  Elton 

Kelly  Mary,  wid.,  boarding,  n  s  Findley  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 

Kennedy  l)avid,  carpenter,  n  s  144th  6tli  h  e  3d  av 

Kennedy  AVm.,  brass  finisher,  s  s  Mott  Otli  h  w  College  av 

Kennedy  Charles,  Ibr.,  n  s  Gerard  1st  h  e  Retreat  av 

Kennedy  Timothy,  peddler,  n  s  Melrose  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 

Kennedy  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  Elton  id  h  w  Morris  av 

Kenney  Patrick,  undertaker,  off.  od  av  nr  IJenuian,  res  3d 

av  1st  h  s  Westchester  rd 
Kenney  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  Uncas  1st  h  w  Tinton  av 
Kenney  Charles  G.,  hotel,  Port  Morris 
Keating  James,  boatman.  Port  Morris 

Keefer  Adam,  butcher,  N.  Y".,  n  s  Cottage  18th  h  w  College  av 
Kettle  John,  driver,  n  s  Division  av  1st  h  s  S  Boulevard 
Keys  Hugh,  driver,  n  s  14od  bet  Passage  &  »St.  Ann's  avs 
Kenopph  John,  gardener,  w  s  Robbins  av  0th  h  s  Lexington 
Kerbert  Geo.,  Ibr.,  n  s  Wr  Railroad  1st  h  e  Robbins  av 
Kellaham  Miles,  baker,  w  s  Eagle  av  id  h  s  Westchester  rd 
Keenan  Dennis,  liquors,  s  w  c  Westchester  rd  &  Eagle  av 
Keenan  John,  marble  cutter,  nee  Morris  av  &  Governeur 
Keenan  Peter,  blacksmith,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  »Springfield 
Kelsch  Frank,  tailor,  s  s  Governeur  id  h  w  Courtland  av 
Keelin  Patrick,  junk,  w  s  Morris  av  1st  h  s  Benson 
Keller  Philip,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  5tli  h  s  Milton 
Keller  Jacob,  tailor,  n  s  Mary  9th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Kerfort  James,  organ  builder,  e  s  Franklin  av  3d  h  n  Eighth 
Kegan  Daniel,  coachman,  w  s  Union  av  1st  h  s  Strong 


Kfir  Adaiu,  dn-oods,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Eighth  1st  li  w  Cottage  pi 

Kerrigan  James,  foreman,  N.  Y.,  e  s  :}d  av  '2d  h  n  Eighth 

Keidel  .lolni,  Ibr.,  w  s  -hi  av  1st  li  n  Eighth 

Kelioe  Wm.,  mason,  n  w  c  8d  av  cV  Seeond 

Kt-nnerly  Joseph,  tinsmitli,  w  s  3d  av  2dh  n  Fifth 

Kern  Morit/,  l)rewer,  w  s  M  av  1st  h  n  Fonrth 

Kest  Josepli,  l)aker,  w  s  3d  av  '2d  h  s  Fourth 

Kealer  NiehoLis,  l))r.,  sec  3d  av  »S:  Spring  pi 

KestkH'  Jacob,  gardener,  s  e  c  If  li  av  &  Sixth 

Kett  Gustave,  l)rewer,  e  s  Fulton  av  1st  h  w  Fifth 

Kestner  ^Irs.  Margaret,  washerwoman,  w   s  IJ   E  av   1st  h  s- 

Kent  AVm.  V.,  gilder,  n  s  Second  '2d  li  w  3d  av 
Kent  Stephen  A.,  car  builder,  n  s  Second  "id  li  w  3d  av 
Kent  Eobt.  L.,  plasterer,  n  s  Second  '2d  h  w  3d  av 
Kent  James  G.,  grinder,  e  s  St.  Ann's  av  1st  h  s  AVestchester  rd 
Kcmpf  John,  umbrellas,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Elton 
Kenipf  John,  tailor,  s  w  c  Courtland  av  cS:  Melrose 
Kempf  George,  grocer,  w  s  AVash'n  av  0th  li  n  Second 
Kempf  Conrad,  brewer,  n  s  Eighth  1st  h  e  3d  av 
Keep  Mr.,  s  s  Second  (Jth  h  e  li  E  av 
Keeler   Frank    H.,    salesman,    X.    Y..    n    s    First    -Ith    h    w 

Wash'n  av 
Keiser  Joseph,  tinsmith,  e  s  3d  av  '2d  h  u  Henry 
Keiser  Theodore,  cigarmkr,  n  s  Elton  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Keiser  Adam,  mason,  e  s  Courtland  av  4th  h  n  Schuyler 
Kesler  Adam,  shoemkr,  n  s  Schuyler  9th  h  w  3d  av 
Kensler  Frank,  tailor,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Wash'u  av  '2d  h  n  Schuyler 
Kclaher  John,  Ibr.,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Elton 
Kirby  IMichael,  mason,  w  s  Union  av  '2d  h  s  Home 
Kirby  Charles  II.,  salesman,  w  s  AVash'n  av  4th  h  n  Seventh 
KIEK  F1)AVAED,  .n:.,  stoves,  &  tinrooliug,  s  w  c  Wash'n  av 

&  F(uirth,  r  e  s  Forest  av  '2d  h  n  A^^Jlll 
Kirk  I'atrick,  Ibr.,  s  s  Benson  3d  h  e  E  E  av 
Kirk  Mrs.,  wid  e  s  Gerard  av  lid  h  s  Juliet 
Kirk  II.  IV,  mer.,  N.  Y.,  s  w  c-  Boston  rd  &  Fifth 
Kirk  Edward,  drygoods,  w  s  3d  av  r)th  h  n  Tliird 
Kirk  Charles,  tinsmitli,  w  s  3d  av  r)th  h  n  Third 
Kirk  Tliomas,  surveyor,  w  s  3d  av  r)th  h  n  Third 
Kiexer  IMiilip,  cigarmkr,  n  e  c  Forest  av  «S:  New 
Kittenocker  John,  liotel,  nee  3d  av  &  Fifth 
Kiver  Eobert,  driver,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Sixth 
Kimley  George,  tailor,  w  s  E  E  av  Sth  h  s  Eighth 
Kieskee  Julius,  patternnikr,  e  s  E  E  av  1st  h  s  Sixth 
Kiely  James,  carpenter,  s  s  Union  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 


Kiely  James,  jr.,  student,  s  s  Union  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Kinnersley  Jas.,  grain  measurer,  n  s  Prospect  1st  h  w  Court- 
land  av 
Kingston  John,  lather,  s  s  Third  -Ith  h  e  R  R  av 
Kingston  Wm.,  mason,  e  s  R  R  av  0th  h  n  Fifth 
Kingston  George,  mason,  n  s  Jefferson  lid  h  w  Boston  rd 
Kingston  George,  jr.,  lather,  n  s  Jefferson  2d  li  w  Boston  rd 
Kingston  Charles,  carpenter,  e  s  Forest  av  3d  h  s  Wall 
Kingston  Geo.  W.,  mason,  ^Y  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Governeur 
King  Michael,  ropemkr,  s  s  Third  2d  h  e  Wash'n  av 
King  N.  S.,  i>hysician,  n  vr  c  14Utti  &  Alexander  av 
King  Wm.  8.,  Ibr.,  n  s  First  1st  h  w  R  R  av 
King  John,  captain,  s  s  Union  2d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Kino-  Valentine,    basketmkr,   s   s  Governeur  8th  h  w  Court- 

land  av 
King  George,  Ibr.,  s  s  Benson  3d  h  e  Morris  av 
King  Edward,  Ibr.,  s  s  Benson  5th  li  e  Morris  av 
King  Robert,  mason,  s  s  Benson  Gth  h  e  Morris  av 
King  Henry,  sash  &  blinds,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Governeur 
Kirchoff  Peter,  brewer,  n  e  c  3d  av  &  AYestch ester  rd 
Kirwin  Francis  T.,  painter,  s  s  Mar}'  7th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Kilbourne  T.  Chas.,  contractor,  n  s  Cottage  14th  h  w  College  av 
Kist  Joseph,  baker,  n  e  c  Wash'n  av  cc  Fourth 
Kinner  Mrs.  Thaddeus  C,  s  w  c  Morris  pi  &  Helen 
Kinsella  John,  bricklayer,  e  s  av  C  1st  h  s  Cliff 
Kleeman  John,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Fifth 
Kleninknecht  Fred.,  tailor,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Eightli 
Klarer  Fred'k.,  brewer,  n  s  Findlay  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Klush  Peter,  brewer,  w  s  Wash'n  4th  h  n  Sixth 
Klotz  Herman,  physician,  w  s  Forest  av  1st  h  s  Clifi" 
Kline  John,  teamster,  s  s  145th  5th  h  w  Mill  Brook 
Klein  Karl,  pianomkr,  n  s  Elton  2d  h  w  3d  av 
Klein  Louisa,  w  s  Franklin  av  2d  h  s  Sixth 
Klein  Wm.,  stone  yard,   Mott  Haven,  r  n  s  Elton  5th   h  w 

Courtland  av 
Klein  John,  carpenter,  s  s  Governeur  4tli  h  e  Courtland  av 
Kleim  Henry,  finisher,  n  s  Governeur  2d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Kloes  Theodore,  pianomkr,  n  e  c  3d  av  &  Henry 
Klinger  Charles,  Ibr.,  s  s  Governeur  1st  h  e  Morris  av 
Kiensman  Frederick,  blacksmith,  n  s  Denman  1st  h  w  Court- 
land  av 
Klos  Jacob,  Bakery,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  145th 
Klinger  William,  cabinetmkr,  n  s  14()th  1st  .h  e  Willis  av 
Knorr  Valentine,  cooper,  e  s  3d  av  7th  h  s  Seventh 
Kniep  Louis,  bartender,  nee  William  cS:  Courtland  av 


Knoble  Eiiiil,  \hv.,  s  s  Findlay  :'>d  li  w  AVash'n  av 
Knoblock  Map;nus,  tailor,  n  s  Milton  oth  li  w  AVash'ii  av 
Knoblock  Undilla,  wid.,  s  s  Prospect  1st  h  e  ( 'oiirtland  av 
Knoblock  Thilip,  peddler,  ]i  s  Mary  Ttli  h  w  Wasli'n  av 
Knoblock  Peter,  peddler,  n  s  :Mdry  Stli  h  w  AVash'n  av 
Knoblock  Frederick,  peddler,  s  s  ^pringftiold  lltli  h  w  :^d  av 
Knaus  Conrad,  chairs,  s  w  c  Melrose  «S:  Wash'n  av 
Knaspie  Godfrey,  junk,  s  s  (Toverneur  1st  li  e  R  H  av 
Knapp  Alfred,  lumber,  r  e  s  Wash'n  av  I'd  h  n  Eighth 
Knapp  Wni.,  sec  Gerard  av  &  Juliet 
Knapp  AVright,  lumber,  r  s  s  Seventh  1  st  h  e  li  E,  av 
Knapp  A.  &  W.,  lumber,  s   s  M  av  nr   lo5th  &  11  R  av  opp 

Knapf  Charles  (Eev.,)  s  s  14<ith  1st  h  w  AVilUs  av 
Knauer  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  IMilton  4th  h  w  AVash'n  av 
Knoi)per  John,  tailor,  s  s  Fourth  1st  h  w  8d  av 
Knoeppel  John,  fancy  goods,  e  s  3d  av  1st  li  n  Henry 
Knoeppel  John,  foundry,  Harlem,  res  od  av  "id  h  n  14-lth 
Knoeppel  John,  builder,  n  vr  c  lletreat  av  &  Henry 
Knox  John,  carpenter,  av  s  AVillis  av  1st  h  s  14od 
Knowles  Eaymond,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  w  s  8  ]3oulevard  l^d  li  s  Ehn 
Kosch  Ernest,  brewer,  n  s  Eighth  1st  h  e  8d  av 
Koenig  George,  butcher,  w  s  8d  av  Gth  h  n  Fifth 
Koenig  Antony,  milkman,  s  s  145th  1st  h  av  Alilk  Brook 
Kozak  Christian,  cigarmkr,  e  s  od  av  opp  Fourth 
Kolb  &  Endress,  florists,  e  s  E  E  av  8th  h  n  Seventh 
Kolb  Henry,  florist,  w  s  8d  av  :2d  h  s  Sixth 
Kolb  Henry,  brewer,  e  s  8d  av  1st  h  s  Sixth 
Kolb  Jttseph,  blacksmith,  s  s  Alary  5th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Kolb  Jacob,  saloon,  w  s  od  av  '2d  h  s  Denman 
Kooney  Nicholas,  blacksmith,  nee  Union  &  E  E  av 
Kogan  Dennis,  Ibr.,  nee  AVaverly  &  AA^ash'n  av 
Koeler  John,  rag-picker,  s  s  AVaverly  2d  li  e  Courtlandt  av 
Koondorpher  Jacob,  shoemkr,  n  s  Alelrose  3d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Kostan  Carl,  painter,  s  av  c  Alary  »S:  Courtland  av 
Kohler  Lorenz,  saloon,  n  av  c  Schuyler  *S:  Courtland  av 
Koliler  David,  av  s  AVash'n  av  1st  h  n  First 
Kohlenberg(>r  Frank,  tailor,  s  s  Schuyler  1st  h  e  Alorris  av 
Koch  Frederick,  harness,  w  s  od  av  od  li  s  D(.'nman 
Kohn  Eicliard,  peddler,  av  s  od  av  od  h  s  Elton 
Kolkman  Otto,  jj:rocery.  Fort  Alorris 
Kolter  A^alentiiK^,  glue  factory,  e  s  Eetreat  av   4th   h  n  AVest- 

chester  rd 
Kreiser  Jolin  (J.,  bakm*,  n  e  c  AVaverly  &  Courtland  av 
Kreutzer  Jacob,  undertaker,  av  s  ( 'ourtland  av  1st  h  s  Frospect 
Kreitzer  Caspar,  tailor,  s  s  Schuyler  lid  h  e  Aforris  av 


Kristrivus  Leopold,  cig-anukr,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  li  n  Second 
Kretchiiiar  G.  H.,  pliysician,  n  s  Mott  Isth  w  3d  av 
Kremm  Eicola,  n  s  Mott  1st  h  w  Courtland  av 
Krobley  Nicholas,  carpenter,  s  s  JJenman  od  h  e  Courtland  av 
Kriegle  John,  slioemkr,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Denman 
Kronze    Gertrude,  wid.,  seamstress,   n  s  Governeur  4tli  h  w 

Courtland  av 
Kruet  John,  machinist,  s  s  Denman  4th  h  e  iVIorris  av 
Kronung  Edward,  shoenikr,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Schuyler 
Kromm  iVdam,  cigar  mfr,  w  s  AVash'n  av  '2  h  n  Schuyler 
Kriel  Philip,  carpenter,  s  s  Schuyler  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Krause  Jacob,  policeman,  s  s  Elton  '2d  h  w  Bd  av 
Krause  Charles,  cigarmkr,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Elton 
Krause  Martin,  cabinetmkr,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Rose 
Kramer  William,  chandeliers,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Elton  4th  h  e  Court- 

•  land  av 
Kramer  Peter,  carpenter,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Denman 
Kramer  Kasimer,  carpenter,  n  s  Springfield  3d  h  e  ]\Iorris  av 
Kramer  Peter,  painter,  n  s  144th  6th  h  e  3d  av 
Kramer  George,  shoemkr,  n  s  147tli  1st  h  e  3d  av 
Kramer  Stephen,  foreman,  nee  Carr  av  &  15()th 
Kray  Charles,  Ibr.,  e  s  Morris  av  1st  h  s  Governeur 
Kruger  Christoph,  shoenikr,  e  s  3d  av  5th  h  s  Milton 
Kratcli  Margaret,  grocery,  n  w  c  3d  av  &  Henrick 
Kraumacher  Jacob,  s  w  c  S  Boulevard  &  Grove 
Krewet  John,  gardener,  s  w  c  S  Boulevard  &  Elm 
Krump  Henry,  Ibr.,  n  ^v  c  Westchester  rd  &  Carr  av 
Krouse   Ludvvig,   blacksmith,   e   s  Retreat  av  l^d  h  n  West- 
chester rd 
Krug  Christian,  foreman,  nee  Carr  av  &  156th 
Kroncke  Henry,  cigarmkr,  n  s  Westchester  rd  1st  h  e  Ben- 
son av 
Kuhorn  John,  boots  &  shoes,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Fifth 
Kubin  J.,  furniture,  e  s  Fulton  av  l2d  h  w  Seventh 
Kuntz  Carl,  carriagemkr,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Courtland   av    1st   h   n 

Kuntz  Henry,  tailor,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  s  l*rospect 
Kuntz  Michael,  brewer,  s  w  c  Wash'n  av  &  Sixth 
Kuntz  J.  &  L.,  brewery,  nee  Sixth  &  3d  av 
Kuntz  Joseph,  brewer,  n  w  c  Fulton  av  &  Sixth 
Kuntz  Louis,  brewer,  s  w  c  Wash'n  av  &  Sixth 
Kudrna  Albert,  Ibr.,  s  s  First  !2d  h  w  R  R  av 
Kupferschmidt    Freauck,     saloon,     n    s    Prospect     1st    h   w 

Wash'n  av 
Kumah  Jacob,  gardener,  s  s  Prospect  3d  h  o  Courtland  av 


Kuelman  Isadore,  gardener,  e  «  3d  av  5th  h  8  Grove 

Kunkelly  Christina,  midwife,  s  s  First  4tli  li  av  od  av 

Kunze  George,  tailor,  n  s  Melrose  2d  h  ^v  Wash'n  av 

Kur/  Paul,  carpenter,  s  s  Deniiian  2d  h  w  od  av 

Kulm  Andrew,  grocer,  n  w  c  AVaverly  &  M  av 

Knhn  Valentine,  blacksmith,  av  s  (^ourtland  av  1st  h  n  Melrose 

Kiihn  Eudolph,  saloon,  w  s  -^d  av  od  h  n  Mott 

Kiitzler  George,  varnisher,  e  sl'ietreat  av  1st  h  n  Henr}- 

Laur  I^ndwig,  liquors,  N.  Y.,  n  av  c  Grove  av  &  First 

Lassig  EdAvard,  e  s  3d  av  8d  h  n  Fifth 

Laetz  Francis,  tailor,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Sixth  2d  h  e  Boston  rd 

Lanther  John  B.,  mfr,  w  s  3d  av  ^st  h  s  Seventh 

Lacy  Mrs.  Henry,  e  s  E  E  av  1st  h  n  Sixth 

Larken  Eat.,  gardener,  e  s  Fulton  av  1st  li  n  Fifth 

LaA'enus  AVarner,  salesman,  N.   Y.,  av   s  Fulton   av   12th  h  s 

L.         /'>ncli  Christian,  saloon,  s  s  William  Oth  h  av  AVash'n  av 
Laut ..roach  George,  upholsterer,  av  s  Cuurtlandav  od  h  s  Mary 
Lamb  Sarah,    Avid.,  Avasherwoman,  nee    AYilliam   tV:    Court- 
land  av 
LawJess  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  Teller  pi  2d  h  av  Courtland  av 
Latitch  Daniel,   cabinet  mkr.,   X.   Y'.,   s   s  Waverly    2d  h  av 

AVash'n  av 
Lanning  Eichard,  sash  &  blinds,  av  s  AVash'n  av  J  st  h  n  INiilton 
Lawrence  AVm.,  painter,  s  s  Milton  1st  h  w  Wash'n  aA' 
LaAvrence  Nancy  A.,  wid.,  n  s  Melrose  4th  h  e  Terrace  pi 
LaAvrence  DaAdd  F.,  s  s  AYash'n  aA^  2d  h  n  Seventh 
LaAvrence  Charles,  saloon,  s  w  c  Wash'n  aA'  &  Third 
Lawrence  Henry,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  s  s  140ih  2d  h  e  Alexander  av 
LaAvrence  George,  clerk,  N.  Y^.,  s  s  140th  2d  h  e  Alexander  av 
l^aAvrence  John,  saw  mill,  K.  Y'.,  s  s  140th  2d  h  e  Alexander  av 
LaAvrence  Henry,  iron  moulder,  s  av  c  od  av  &  Smeenian 
LaAvrence  Jacob,  coachman,  s  s  Gerard  2d  h  e  Eetreat  av 
LaAvrence  Edward  A.,  publisher,  N.  Y.,  n  e  c  Halse}'  «S:  ]\Ior- 

ris  pi 
Lazar  John,  cigar  mkr,  s  s  Milton  !^th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Lauber  Emil,  bookkeeper,  av  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Prospect 
Lankota  Jean,  piano  mkr,  n  s  Prospect  2d  h  av  Wash'n  av 
Lane  Silas,  carman,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Third  1st  h  e  AVash'n  av 
La  Wall  Eliza,  Avid.,  n  s  Second  2d  h  av  Wash'n  av 
Laycock  EdAvard  C,  hostler,  n  e  c  E  E  av  *5v:  Fiftli 
Lamparde  Jolm,  painter,  av  s  Wasli'n  av  2d  h  n  Sixth 


Lamparde  Mrs.  Amelia,  millinery,  w  s  Wash'ii  av  od  h.  n  Sixth 
Lahey  Thomas,  junk,  n  s  Denman  Ist  h  w  Morris  av 
Langhorne  Harriet,  wid.,  seamstress,  w  s  od  av  l^:>th  h  s  Milton 
Landgrebe  William,  tailor,  n  w  c  Governeur  <S:  Courtland  av 
Lawry  Charles,  coachman,  s  s  Marj'  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Lassinglightner  Frank,  wheelwright,  w  s  AVash'n  av  1st  h  a 

Lanzer  Peter,  frames,  N.  Y.,  s  s  142d  '2d  h  w  Willis  av 
Lanzer  Franz,  saloon,  w  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  s  Mary 
Law  Jesse  L  ,  machinist,  n  s  14:2d  4th  h  e  od  av 
Lange  Louis,  liquors,  N.  Y.,  n  vi  c  od  av  &  Cottage 
Lange  Ignatz,  teacher,  n  s  Uncas  3d  h  w  Tinton  av 
Laney  John,  laborer,  e  s  8d  av  1st  h  n  147th 
Laney  Michael,  laborer,  w  s  S.  Boulevard  4th  h  s  Elm 
Larrimore  Patrick,  laborer,  e  s  Hd  av  1st  h  n  147th 
Lawson  Given,  laborer,  s  w  c  od  av  &  Smeeman 
Lazenbach  Henry,  traveling  agt.,  n  s  137th  4th  h  w  S.  Boule- 
Lannon  George,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  od  h  n  Smeeman 
Langfeldt  Fred.,  cigars,  w  s  od  av  1st  h  n  Van  Stoll 
Latour  Jerome,  conductor,  w  s  od  av  2d  h  n  131)th 
Lakey  Bridget,  n  s  147th  Ist  h  c  od  av 

Larrinier  Bernard,  iron  moulder,  w  s  S.  Boulevard  4th  h  s  Elm 
LaCoste  James,  mason,  s  s  Garden  1st  h  w  College  a^' 
LaCoste  John,  painter,  s  s  Garden  1st  h  w  College  av 
LaCoste  Cornelius,  mason,  s  s  142d4th  h  w  Willis  nv 
Lambert  Fred.,  shoes,  s  s  Westchester  rd  4th  h  w  Clifton  av 
Lambert  Philip,  store,  s  s  Westchester  rd  2d  h  e  Petreat  av 
Lambert  Philip,  carpenter,  s  s  ISIelrose  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Lang  George,  rope  mkr.,  n  s  Seventh  2d  h  e  od  av 
Lang  Geo.,  iron  worker,  sec  Tinton  av  &  Pontiac 
Leach  Charles,  n  e  c  lo5th  &  AVillis  a^' 
Leach  Jolm,  Ibr.,  e  s  3d  av  7th  h  s  Milton 
Leary  Patrick,  laborer,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Mott 
Lefterts  Oscar,  cloths,  N.  Y^.,  e  s  Macomb  av  9th  h  s  ^lain 
Leslie  William,  gas  fitter,  n  s  loStli  1st  h  w  od  av 
Levick  Milnes,  actor,  s  s  138th  5th  h  e  St.  Ann's  av 
Levick  George,  actor,  s  s  13Sth  5th  h  e  St.  Ann's  av 
Legg  J.  H.,  wagon  mkr.,  n  s  Smeeman  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Leddy  Michael,  teamster,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Henrick 
Lennox  Geo.  K.,  n  e  c  Ella  &  Morris  pi 
Lester  Thomas,  clerk,  sec  Westchester  rd  &  3d  av 
Lebckal  Fred.,  milk,  e  s  Petreat  av  2d  h  s  Gerard 
Lechs  Anton,  crockery-,  n  s  Wr.  Pailroad  2d  h  e  Tinton  av 
Leahy  Michael,  switchman,  w  s  Morris  av  1st  h  s  Springfield 


Leonard  Peter,  cigar  mfr,  av  s  Conrtland  av  1st  li  n  Deiiman 

Ijcsoiird  Francis,  cook,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Dennian  4th  li  e  Morris  av 

r^egier  James,  tinsmith,  w  s  'id  av  2d  h  s  )Springlield 

]jemer  Ferdinand,  cigar  mfr,  e  s  Courtland  av  '2(1  \i  s  Dennian 

Leonard  Frank,  laborer,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Conrtland  av  1st  h  n  Mott 

Lenehan  Michael,  "svlieehvright,  n  s  Mott  4th  h  w  Conrtland  av 

Lee  ]>ernard,  ll)r.,  n  s  Mott  4th  h  e  Morris  av 

Lee  Joseph  T.,  telegrapli  operator,  e  s  Franklin  av'id  h  n  Sixth 

Ijee  A1)raliam,  Ibr.,  n  s  Schnvler  7th  h  e  Conrtland  av 

Lee  Jolm,  Ibr.,  n  s  Grovernenr  4th  ]i  w  3d  av 

Lee  Abrani,  driver,  n  s  Division  av  c  8.  Boulevard 

Ijee  James,  laborer,  n  s  Edsell  0th  h  w  8d  av 

Jjees  ]\ric]i*ael,  saloon,  ^v  s  od  av  1st  Ii  n  Conrtland  av 

Lewis  James,  Ibr.,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Schnyler  Otli  h  e  (,'onrtlandav 

n^ewis  Thomas,  sevdng  machines,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Seventh 

Lewis  Thos.,  white "svasher,  s  s  Governenr  1st  h  av  Conrtland  av 

Jjewis  Catharine,  Avid.,    seamstress,  av   s  Franklin  a\'  1st  h  s 

LcAvis  Jacob,  painter,  e  s  Franklin  av  1st  h  s  Seventh 
T^eA'y  Henry,  fancy  store,  w  s  3d  aA'  2d  h  n  Fiftli 
LcA^  GnstaA'ns,  lawyer,  N.  Y.,  s  s  WaA'erly  1st  h  e  Wash'n  av 
Lenerman  John  L.,  Ibr.,  n  s  William  5th  h  aa^  Wash'n  av 
Lehning  Edward,  carpenter,  s  s  AA^aA'erly  3d  h  aa^  Conrtland  av 
Lej-poldt  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  Tiiird  2d  h  e  E  E,  av 
Leypoldt  Fred'k,  publisher,  N.  Y".,  av  s  Boston  rd  1st  h  n  3d  av 
Lhota  J.,  cigar  mkr,  av  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Second 
Jjipps  Henry,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  141st 
Lindsay  James,  crockery,  av  s  3d  av  7th  li  n  Smeeman 
LiA^ermore  Benj.  ^I.,  agent,  X.  Y.,  s  s  William  1st  he  Morris  pi 
Jjittle  Anson,  bookkeeper,  N.  Y.,  av  s  Fulton  av  1st  h  s  Sixth 
Little  John  H.,  ins.,  N.  Y.,  av  s  Fulton  av  1st  h  s  Sixth 
Little  Wni.,  printer,  X.  Y.,  n  e  c  R  E  av  <S:  Fifth 
Little  AVm.,  Ibr.,  e  s  Courtland  2d  li  n  Findlay 
Little  Wm.    B.,  carriages,    X"".    Y.,   av^  s  AVash'n   av   r)th  l\   n 

Lightner  Frederick,  caqienter,  n  s  Findlay  2d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Lievesley  Eobert  H.,  hardware,  X^.  Y.,  n  s  Melrose  2d  h  e  Ter- 
race pi 
Lie\-esley  Jas.  1).  F.,  hardware,  X".  Y.,  n  s  Melrose  2d  h  e  Ter- 
race pi 
Linde  John,  painter,  s  s  Melrose  4t]i  h  e  Courtland  av 
Liebenau  Cliarles,  i)]iysician,  av  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Fifth 
Love  Samuel,  gard(Mier,  w  s  Union  av  1st  h  n  George 
LockAvood  AVm.,  salesman,  N.  Y.,  s  s  SeA-enth  Istli  e  Boston  rd 
Lockwood  Geor<>-e,  n  s  130th  4th  h  av  Willis  av 

M()EEI8AT<IA  L)IEE(  "TOliY.  01 

Ijoeble  I^aclore,  wheelwright,  w  s  od  av  -4th  h  s  Tliird 

Loeble  Theressa,  confr.  &  cigars,  w  s  3d  av  -itli  li  s  Tliird 

Loiidersock  Henry,  Ibr.,  e  s  'Sd  av  2d  h  s  Third 

Long  Geo.,  finisher,  e  s  Eetreat  av  1st  h  s  Westchester  rd 

Long  John,  carpenter,  s  s  Findh^y  4th  h  w  AVash'n  a^■ 

Long  Eobert,  Ibr.,  s  s  First  od  h  e  Conrtland  av 

Lowerre   Thomas    H.,    hatter,    Fifth,  Exchange   Building,    e 

A^'ash'n  av  and  e  s  od  av  'Jd  h  n  144tli,  r  s  s  Union  -!d  h  e 

AVash'n  av 
Lowerre  Thomas  H.,  jr.,  hatter,  s  s  William  2d  h  e  AVash'n  av 
Lowry  Eobert,  Ibr.,  n  s  Wr.  Eailroad  6th  h  e  Eobbins  av 
Logan  Hugh,  painter,  w  s  AVash'n  av  od  h  n  Milton 
Loomis  John  F.,  condensed  milk,  N.  Y.,    s    s  Prospect  -kl  h  e 

Terrace  pi 
Louler  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  s  Pontiac  Isi  h  e  Eobbins  av 
Long-street  Charles  H.  (Capt.,)  n  s  141st  4th  h  w  Willis  av 
Loyd  Charles,  stableman,  junction  Macomb  av'&  E  E  av 
Lodge  William,  fruit  dealer,  X.  Y.,  e  s  .Alexander  av  2d  h  u 

liorenze  Jacob,  carpenter,  s  s  Mott  od  h  w  Courtland  av 
Loughlin  James,  rubber,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Lowell  Gth  h  w  od  av 
Loughlin  Patrick,  Ibr.,  sec  Uncas  &  Eobbins  av 
Loughhn  Edw.  J.,  rubber,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Lowell  Gth  h  w  od  av 
Lohman  John  H.,  builder,  n  s  Springfield  8d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Loliner  George,  painter,  w  s  8d  av  5th  h  s  Milton 
liubker  Fritz,  grocer,  see  College  av  &  Main 
Lubker  Henry,  Ibr.,  s  w  c  Governeur  &  od  av 
Ludder  Frederick,  grocer,  e  s  Willis  av  1st  h  s  147th 
Lundy  Patrick,  mineral  water,  w  s  od  av  1st  h  n  Mott 
Lutz  Anton,  cabt  maker,  s  s  Mary  2d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Lutz  Nicholas,  varnisher,  w  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  s  Findlay 
Luengen  Henry,  jeweler,  e  s  3d  av  5th  h  s  Henry 
LUMMELL  JAME8,  shaving  &  hairdressing  saloon,  w  s  od  a 

5th  h  s  Fifth 
Lutherman  E.  A.  L,,  cigar  mkr,  w  s  od  av  1st  h  s  Third 
LudeAvig  Herman,  pianos,  N.  Y'.,  s  s  Findlay   1st  li  e   Court - 

land  av 
Ludwig  Fred.,  cabinet  mkr,  s  s  Stilton  8th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Ijudwig  Peter,  shoes,  w  s  od  av  od  h  h  Van  Stoll 
Ludwig  Ernst,  bar  tender,  e  s  od  av  3d  li  n  14(lth 
Luderman  John,  liquors,  sec  Wash'n  av  *!s:  Eighth 
Luderman  John,  clerk,  sec  AVash'n  av  &  Eiglith 
LYONS  JOHN,  Cromwell  creek  Bridge,  hotel 
Lyons  Michael,  mason,  w  s  Franklin  opp  Strong 
Ijyons  James,  mason,  w  s  Forest  av  od  h  s  Wall 


Lyons  Mary,  wid.,  washerwoman,  w  s  8d  av  4tU  h  n  Sixth 

Lyons  Thomas,  laborer,  e  s  R  R  av  1st  h  n  Elton 

LYONS  JOHN  S.,  coal,  s  s  R  R  av  bet  Wash'n  &  First,  r  w 

s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Third 
Lyon  Sam'l  E.,  lawyer,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Division  av  bet  S.   Boule- 
vard &  St.  Ann's  av 
Lyon  David,  lawyer,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Division  av  bet  S.  Boulevard 

&  St.  Ann's  av 
Lyon  Edward,  ins.  agt.,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Division  av  bet  S.   Boule- 
vard &  St.  Ann's  av 
Lyon  Chas.  E.,  coal,  w  s  Rider  av  opp  Henrick 
Lyon  John,  tailor,  e  s  Beach  av  2d  h  s  Lexington 
Lyon  Wni.  C,  clerk.  N.  Y.,  s  s  Melrose  4th  h  e  Terrace  pi 
Lynch  Matthew  T.,  builder,  nee  Forest  av  &  Wall 
Lynch  Michael,  hostler,  n  s  Teller  pi  2d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Lynch  Bart.,  (J.  P.  police,  s  s  l-lGth  1st  h  e  Mill  Brook 
Lynch  George,  iron  moulder,  s  s  142d  4th  h  w  WilUs  av 
Lynch  Richard,  shoes.  Port  Morris 

Lynch  Joseph,  engineer,  e  s  Passage  av  1st  h  s  Wr  Railroad 
Lynch  Ann,  wid.,  n  s  Concord  1st  h  w  College  av 
Lynch  Thomas,  laborer,  e  s  Morris  av  1st  h  s  Schuyler 
Lynch  Philip,  laborer,  w  s  Morris  av  1st  h  n  Denman 
Lynch  John,  grocer,  s  s  Benson  3d  e  Morris  av 
Lyddon  Wni.,  dentist,  office  «&  r  e  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Fifth 
Lynt  Chas.  E.,  car  builder,  w  s  R  R  av  '2d  h  n  Eighth 
LjTier  John,  n  w  c  Cottage  &  8d  av 

Lydecker  Peter  D.   W.,  piano  mkr,  N.   Y.,  s  s  Mary  -Sd  h  w 
Courtland  av 


^lagrath  Bernard,  Ibr.,  n  s  144th  4th  h  e  8d  av 

Malherbe  Arniand,  e  s  Willis  av  1st  h  n  185th 

Manly  John,  painter,  n  e  c  8d  av  &  Cottage 

Manly  James,  Ibr.,  s  s  Gerard  2d  h  e  Retreat  av 

Manley  John,  carpenter,  s  s  Findlay  1st  h  w  William 

!Madigan  John,  Ibr.,  Port  Morris 

^lathushek  Fritz,  pianomkr,  n  s  Cottage  1st  h  w  8d  av 

Mahan  James,  w  s  ^Macomb  av  j\inction  R  R  av 

Magee  &  Co.,  flour  &.  feed,  sec  8d  av  &  lo4th 

Magee  William,  Hour  &  feed,  r  n  s  184th  1st  h  e  8d  av 

Magee  John,  gardener,  n  s  ^lott  2d  h  w  8d  av 

^lagee  Henry,  gardener,  n  s  Mutt  2d  h  w  8d  av 

Magee  John  Avatchman,  N.  Y.,  n  w  c  8d  av  &  Smeeman 

Magoe  Mrs.  Margaret,  stationery,  w  s  8d  av  r)th  h  s  Eighth 


Madden  Patrick,  Ibr.,  s  w  c  3d  av  &  Smeemaii 

Madden  John,  ropemkr,  w  s  Wash'n  av  9th  h  n  Second 

Madden  Richard,  Ibr.,  n  s  Westchester  rd  3d  h  e  Robbins  av 

Mallen  James,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Elton 

Mallon  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  Mott  4th  h  w  College  av 

Mallon  Frank,  blacksmith,  n  w  c  3d  av  &  Smeeman 

Maud  George,  saloon,  n  e  c  3d  av  &  146th 

May  Sarah,  toys,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  146th 

May  William,  clerk,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  146th 

!May  William,  miner,  e  s  William  3d  h  s  Wash'n  av 

Malone  Daniel,  plumber,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  147th 

Malone  John,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  147th 

Malone  Mary  J.,  wid.,  laundress,  s  s  Denman  •2d  h  e  Morris  av 

Malone  Daniel,  plumber,  n  w  c  Benson  &  3d  av 

Mason  Henry,  sewing  machines,  w  s  3d  av  8th  h  s  Mott 

Mason  Silas,  lumber,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Alexander  av  3d  h  n  139th 

Mason  William,  carpenter,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  144th 

Mason  John  A.,  bookkeeper,  e  s  Franklin  av  2d  h  n  Third 

Mason  John,  R  R  porter,  s  s  Milton  6th  h  e  Courtland  av 

Mason  Henry,  tailor,  s  s  Melrose  1st  h  w  Courtland  av 

Mason  Martin,  Ibr.,  n  s  143d  9th  h  w  Willis  av 

Maher  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  s  Mott  6th  h  w  Morris  av 

Maher  Terence,  Ibr.,  R  R  av  1st  h  s  Van  Stoll 

Maher  Bridget,  house-cleaner,  n  s  147th  1st  h  e  3d  av 

Magher  Mrs.  Mary,  n  s  Second  3d  h  w  3d  av 

Mayer  Thomas  &  Son,  masons  &  house  movers,  off.  &  r  s  8 

Eighth  1st  h  e  3d  av 
Maj^er  Theodore,  mason,  s  s  Eighth  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Maier  Xaver,  mason,  s  s  Governeur  1st  h  e  Morris  av 
Maier  Xaver,  cigars,  s  s  William  3d  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Maier  Adam,  gardener,  e  s  Robbins  av    1st  h  n  Uncas 
Marcott  George,  Ibr.,  sec  Robbins  av  &  Lexington 
Marcy  Frank,  teamster,  e  s  Concord  av  3d  h  s  Elm 
Mansfield  Patrick,  s  s  Lowell  6th  h  w  3d  av 
Mainwaring  Wm.  F.,  printer,  e  s  College  av  1st  h  n  Lowell 
Marvin  James  R.,  lawyer,  N.  Y.,  sec  Boston  rd  &  Wall 
Marvin  Fred.  B.,  agent,  n  s  Prospect  2d  h  e  Terrace  pi 
Marrener  John,  coachman,  w  s  Forest  av  opp  Strong 
Macke  Michael,  shoemkr,  w  s  3d  av  7tli  h  s  Fifth 
Mh,ck  Terence,  ropemkr,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Milton 
Mack  Charles,  iron  moulder,  n  s  143d  3d  h  e  3d  av 
Mahong  Tim„  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Eighth 
Mang  Christian,  grocer,  n  w  c  3d  av  &  Seventh 
Mans  Henry,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  5th  h  s  Sixth 
Malam  John  W.,  stone  yard,  n  w  c  3d  av  &  R  R  av 


Maleke  Juliii  J.,  confectioner,  e  s  li  II  av  Lst  h  n  Fifth 
Markliani  John  H.,  machinist,  w  s  li  R  av  lst  h  n  Eighth 
Maring  Mrs.  Susan,  e  s  li  R  av  od  h  n  Seventh 
Manogue  ]\Iaftin,  Ibr.,  n  s  Union  4th  li  w  Wash'n  av 
Maginn  Michael,  Ibr-,  n  s  Findlay  4th  h  ^v  Wash'n  av 
Maiso  Henry,  carpenter,  s  s  Mekose  5th  h  e  (jourtland  av 
Mahonov  Ernest,  coach  builder,  N.  Y.,  w  s    R  R  av  '2d    h    s 

Mahoney  John,  11  )r.,  e  s  R  R  av  1st  h  n  Eiglith 
Mahoney  Daniel,  Ibr,  s  s  13enson  5th  h  w  Courtland  av 
Mapes  1).  T.  &  J.  L.,  townengrs.,  oil*.  Greorgi's  building,    w    s 

od  av  2d  h  s  First 
Mapes  1).  T.,  civil  engr.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Seventh 
Mapes  J.  L.,  civil  engr.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Seventh 
Matthies  AVilliam,  saloon,  s  e  c  od  av  &  147 rh 
]\[atthes  John,  builder,  s  s  Second  4th  h  e  R  R  av 
Matthes  Charles,  clerk,  s  s  Second  4th  h  e  R  R  av 
iSIatthes  Fred  L.,  carpenter,  s  s  Second  4th  h  e  R  R  av 
]S[arsh  Hubert,   bookkeeper,  N.  Y.,  ^v  s  AVash'n  av  4tli  h  n 

Marsh  Mrs.  Ann,  dressnikr,  n  s  Fourth  2d  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Marsh  Alfred  C,  bookkeeper,  e  s  od  av  opp  Fourth 
Magan  James,  carpenter,  n  e  c  Wr  Railroad  &  St.  Ann's  av 
IVIaikranz  Geo.,  machinist,  w  s  Robbins  av  5th  h   n  Wr  Rail- 
Martin  T.  I>wight,  U.  J).,  teacher,  N.  Y.,  s  s  William  4th   h  <■ 

^[orris  pi 
Martin  Nicholas,  drygoods,  e  s  od  av  5th  h  s  Rose 
Martin  Mary  A.,  laundress,  e  s  ^^d  av  '2d  h  s  Henry 
Martin  C'hristoph.,  chairs,  s  s  Mary  4tli  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Martin  James,  shoemkr,  n  s  Springfield  lOth  h  w  od  av 
Martin  John,  pianos,  s  s  Melrose  4th  h  e  Terrace  pi 
I^lartin  Samuel,  Ibr.,  av  s  Courtland  av  od  h  n  I'nion 
Martin  Edward,  plumber,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Ijowell  4th  h  av  od  av 
I^lalthen  Jerome,  saloon,  s  s  Elton  '2d  h  e  R  R  av 
Maguire  Pliilip,  ll)r.,  n  s  Elton  od  h  w  Morris  av 
Materne  Fredt^riitk  C,  apothecary,  n  av  c  Mary  &  Courtland  av 
Marsliall  Alexander,  Ibr.,  N.  Y'.,  n  s  Springfield  od  h  av  8d  av 
Marsliall  Robert,  brass  finisher,  av  s  3d  av  '2d  h  s  Milton 
Marshall  Mrs.  C.  C.,  e  s  Franklin  av  1st  h  n  Seventh 
Matherne  Joseph,  pianomkr,  n  av  c  Springfield  &  Courtland  av 
Mass  Ferdinand,  cabinetmkr,  n  s  Elton  lOth  h  av  >id  av 
Many  Jacob,  express,  s  s  Elton  '2d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Maukton  Charles,  Mason,  t»  8  Morris  av  1st  h  n  Schuyler 
Matthews  George,  tailor,  av  h  Courtland  av  lst  h  s  Govoineur 

PURDY    &    CO. 




l6rittetl§MIf  i©ttl©l  f  tmltet 







































Sardines,  Scotch  Ales, 


&C.,   &C.,   &.C.,   &c.,    &c  ,  &c., 

All  of  the  very  best  qualities  and  at  the  lowest  N.  Y.  pricf^-. 

k  ^A^j^Tsl^'i:^  pi'Oi^iptly  executed.     Goods  promptly  delivered   at 
residences  of  customers. 

'r^c^a^^pj^pi^  I^qa^.and  Third  Ave., 


Fordhaii;  Avenue,  above  Fifth  Street,  Monisania. 

Third  Avenue,  between  126th  and  126th  Streets,  Harlem, 

Tenth  Avenue,  between  167th  and  158th  Streets,  Carmansville. 

,/.  ZABTMSKI]  TioprletoT. 


ABKAM8  &  DANKim^T). 


I*^a,ixxt«    ^a.^<3.   Oils, 

Tin  A\^are.  Btair  Kcxls,  IHir,!  (\-iges\  J 

AND     .'.  1. 1.     IviMi  ■     0|- 

THini)    AVENUE ^ 


Maxwell  James,  stone-cutter,  n  s  Benson  1st  li  w  Courtland  av 
Maxwell  Wni.  H.,  clerk,  e  s  Macomb  av  7th  li  s  Main 
Mauhl  Henry,  baker,  e  s  3d  av  -ith  h  n  Eose 
March  Frederick,  cabinetmkr,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Eose 
Markart  Caspar,  wood,  w  s  E  E  av  !2d  h  s  "Wash'n  av 
Manogue  Patrick,  carpenter,  s  s  Benson  3d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Macarthur  Duncan,  broker,  N.  Y.,  s  s  George  1st  hw  Union  av 
MacDonald  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  146th  '2d  h  e  Mill  Brook 
Macdonald  Michael,  Ibr.,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Waverly 
Macdonald  Michael,  Ibr.,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Waverly 
McArdle  George,  mason,  s  s  Governeur  6th  h  w  Courtland  av 
McBrier  Eobert,  fish,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Second 
McBrier  Mr.,  Ibr.,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Spring  pi 
McBride  Charles,  broker,  N.  Y.,  s  w  c  Courtland  av  tS:  First 
McBride  Andrew,  blacksmith,  s  w  c  Westchester   rd  &  Eob- 

bins  av 
McCabe  Felix,  junk,  w  s  Boston  rd  opp  Union  av 
McCabe  J.,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Henrick 
McCabe  Thomas,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  8th  h  s  Milton 
McCunn  Patrick,  Ibr.,  w  s  Forest  av  4th  h  n  Strong 
McCullough  Mary,  dressmkr,  n  w  c  3d  av  &  Second 
McCarthy  Thomas,  cooper,  e  s  E  E  av  6th  h  n  Seventh 
McCarthy  Dennis,  Ibr.,  av  s  Courtland  av  3d(h  n  Union 
McCarthy  John,  street  commissioner.,  w  s  Eagle  av  1st  h  n  St. 

Ann's  av 
McCarthy  John,  watchman,  n  s  144th  4th  h  e  3d  av 
McCarty  Jerry,  Ibr.,  s  s  147th  4th  h  w  AVillis  av 
McCarty  James,  Ibr.,  s  s  147th  4th  h  w  Willis  av 
McCoy  Pat.,  trainer,  s  s  Third  4th  h  e  E  E  av 
McCann  John,  Ibr.,  sec  Benson  av  &  Eae 
McCormick  Bernard,  hats,  s  w  c  Westchester  rd  &  Eetreat  av 
McCormick  Dan.  H.,  painter,  s  s  142d  3d  h  e  3d  av 
McCormick  William,   carpenter,  n  s  Schuyler  2d  h  w  Court- 
land  av 
McCormick  Michael,  mason,  s  s  Denman  1st  h  e  Morris  av 
McCune  Thomas,  moulder,  w  s  Eagle  av  3d  h  s  Westchester  rd 
McCune  Henry,  carpenter,  nee  Wr  Eailroad  &  St.  Ann's  av 
McClain  Mr.,  carpenter,  s  s  145th  1st  h  w  Clifton  av 
McDougal  Hugh,  carpenter,  w  s  Wash'n  1st  h  n  First 
McDonough  Andrew,  Ibr.,  n  s  Union  6th  h  w  Courtland  av 
cDonough  Matthew,  Ibr.,  n  s  Union  6th  h  w  Courtland  av 
cDonough  Thomas,  mason,  s  s  Lowell  6  th  h  w  3d  av 
McDonough  William,  Ibr.,  esEEavlsthn  Elton 
McDonough  James,  Ibr.,  s  s  Governeur  1st  h  e  Morris  av 
McDermot  Dominick,  mason,  e  s  Willis  av  2d  h  a  147th 


McDennot  Edw.,  porter,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Denman  1st  h  e  Morris  av 
McDermott  Michael,  mason,  s  s  Elton  Ist  h  w  3d  av 
McDonald  Thomas,  Ibr.,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Spring  pi 
McDonald  Wm.,  machinist,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Denman 
McEwan  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  145th  1st  h  w  Willis  av 
McEntee  James,  moulder,  n  s  Denman  1st  h  w  Morris  av 
McFadden  Wm.  J.,  bookkeeper,  N.  Y.,    nee  Wash'n  av  & 

McFarlan  Andrew,  baker,  s  s  Elton  7th  h  w  3d  av 
McGrath  Thomas,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Sixth 
McGough  Henry,  liquors,  sec  Wash'n  av  &  Union 
McGovern  Wm.,  Ibr.,  e  s  Robbins  av  1st  h  n  Pontiac 
McGraw  Thomas,  watchman,  sec  Uncas  &  Tinton  av 
McGraw  Neil,  carpenter,  w  s  Macomb  av  2d  h  s  Van  Stoll 
McGraw  Bernard,  junk,  n  s  Benson  1st  h  w  Morris  av 
McGraw  Michael,  Ibr.,  n  s  Benson  1st  h  w  Morris  av 
McGowan  James,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  135th 
McGaw  Patrick,  watchman,  n  s  Mott  4th  h  w  Morris  av 
McGuinness  Thomas,  Ibr.,  n  s  Mott  3d  h  w  College  av 
McHugh  Terence,  Ibr.,  e  s  Willis  av  2d  h  s  147th 
McHuth  Daniel,  painter,  n  s  Governeur  3d  h  e  Morris  av 
Mclntyre  Kate,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  R  P  av 
McInt;yTe  &  Amos,  fancy  store,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  R  R  av 
Mclntyre  Patrick,  Ibr.,  s  s  William  7th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Mclntyre  Thomas,  contractor,  w  s  Carr  av  3d  h  s  Ray 
Mclntyre  Wm.,  carpenter,  w  s  Robbins  av  2d  h  n  Wr  Railroad 
Mclntyre  Mary,  wid.,  laundress,   w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n 

Mclntee  Michael,  hackman,  n  s  Lowell  1st  h  e  R  R  av 
Mclboy  S.  H.,  physician,  s  s  143d  Gth  h  e  3d  av 
McKeon  Mary,  wid.,  oils,  e  s  Wash'n  av  Isth  n  Waverly 
McKeon  Thomas,  Ibr.,  w  s  R  R  av  4th  h  n  Fourth 
McKeon  Patrick,  Ibr.,  s  s  Benson  4th  h  e  MoiTis  av 
McKellop  John,  agent,  N.  Y.,  s  o  c  Ella  &  Spring 
McKenniff  John,  Ibr.  n  s  Westchester  rd  4th  h  e  Robbins  av 
McKenny  Patrick,  Ibr.,  e  s  Robbins  av  2d  h  n  Pontiac 
McKenny  Margaret,  wid.,  e  s  Robbins  av  3d  h  n  Pontiac 
McKenny  Cornelius,  Ibr.,  s  s  Findlay  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
McKniff'  Barney,  gardener,  e  s  Beach  av  1st  h  s  Lexington 
McKenna  James,  Ibr.,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Henry 
McKenna  John,  moulder,  n  s  Benson  1st  h  w  3d  av  ^  J 

McKenna  Philip,  moulder,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Westchester  rd         ^ 
McKenna  Michael,  Ibr.,  s  s  Governeur  2d  h  e  Morris  av 
McKenna  John,  Ibr.,  w  s  AVash'n  av  1st  h  n  Schuyler 
McKena  Patrick,  Ibr.,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Milton 


McKiernan  Ann,  wid.,  laundress,  s  s  Denman  3d  h  w  Court- 
land  av 
McKennan  Martha,  wid.,  n  s  Benson  1st  h  e  Morris  av 
McKinley  Samuel,  carman,  n  s  Benson  1st  h  w  Courtland  ay 
McKirnan  Farrell,  gardener,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  li  s  Denman 
McLouglilin  Jane,  wid.,  w  s  Forest  av  5tli  h  n  Strong 
McLoughlin  Edward,  Ibr.,  w  s  Courtland  av  3d  h  n  Union 
McLoughlin  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  Wr  Railroad  1st  h  e  Robbins  av 
McLoughlin  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  144th  4th  h  e  Willis  av 
McLoughlin  J.,  publisher,  N.  Y„  s  s  13G  3d  h  e  St.  Ann's  av 
McLaren  James,  Ibr.,  n  s  Mott  1st  h  w  3d  av 
McMuUen  Bernard,  Ibr.,  s  s  First  3d  h  e  Courtland  av 
McMahon  Bernard,  junk,  n  s  Union  3d  h  w  Wash'n  av 
McMahon  William,  carpenter,  e  s  William  :2d  h  s  Wash'n  av 
McMahon  Dennis,  lawyer,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Walton  av  3d  h  s  Ella 
McMahon  Dennis,  jr.,  lawyer,  N.   Y.,  e  s  Walton  av  3d  h  s 

McMahon  Hamilton,  student,  e  s  Walton  av  3d  h  s  Ella 
McManus  Bernard,  Ibr.,  s  s  Denman  1st  h  e  R  R  av 
McManus  Michael,  Ibr.,  nee  Wr  Railroad  &  Tinton  av 
McNally  Patrick,  Ibr.,  e  s  Cottage  pi  4th  h  n  Eighth 
McNally  John,  Ibr.,  w  s  Courtland  av  3d  h  n  Union 
McNeeman  Peter,  peddler,  n  s  Findlay  3d  h  w  Wash'n  av 
McNeil  Ernst,  physician,  n  s  140th  6tli  h  w  WilUs  av 
McNulty  John,  mason,  s  s  Governeur  1st  h  e  Morris  av 
McPherson  John,  carpenter,  sec  Sixth  &  Fulton  av 
McPherson  Thomas,  carpenter,  w  s  Fulton  av  9th  h  s  Eighth 
McPherson  Wm.,  builder,  w  s  Fulton  av  9th  h  s  Eighth 
McParlan  Robert,  liquors,  nee  Fulton  av  &  Seventh 
McQuinne  Henry,  Ibr.,  n  s  Union  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
McShane  Hugh,  carpenter,  s  s  First  6th  h  w  R  R  av 
McSpeeritt  Michael,  Ibr.,  e  s  R  R  av  1st  h  n  Elton 
McVeigh  Peter,  liquors,  w  s  3d  av  10th  h  s  Milton 
Mee  Mary,  n  s  Mary  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Mee  John  S.,  boxmkr,  n  s  Mary  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Meyers  Frederick,  tinsmith,  s  w  c  Mary  &  Courtland  av 
Meyers  Frederick,  jeweler,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Benson 
Meyer  Catherine,  wid.,  w  s  Courtland  1st  h  s  Mary 
Meyer  Henry,  Ibr.,  s  s  Springfield  7th  h  w  3d  av 
Meyer  Henry,  carver,  n  s  Schuyler  1st  h  w  3d  av 
,  Meyer  Henry,  weaver,  n  w  c  Mott  &  Morris  av 
Meyer  Frank,  tailor,  s  s  Waverly  5  th  h  w  AVasli'n  av 
Meyer  Conrad,  carpenter,  s  s  Melrose  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Meyer  Conrad,  liquors,  nee  Westchester  rd  &  Benson  av 
Meier  Fritz,  Ibr.,  nee  156th  &  Carr  av 


Mess6rscliinidt  cS:  Heberleiii,  sasli  &  blinds,  w  s  >k\  av  1st  h  s 

MesserscLinidt  Joi^cpli,  sash  &  l)liiKb,  ii  s  Elton  5tli  h  ^y  Court- 
land  a^• 
Messerschniidt  Adam,  sasli  ^-  blinds,  n  s  Springfield  Ttli  h  ^v 

od  av 
Mcssersclmiidt  Adam,  carpenter,  s  s  Elton  Idth  li  w  -kl  av 
Messerselimidt  Mary,  vfid.,  s  s  Denman  1st  h  w  od  av 
Merrell  Martin,  rook,  s  s  Springfield  7th  li  ^v  od  av 
Merehofi'  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  Schuyler  7th  h  w  '>d  av 
Mercke  John,  mariner,  n  s  Schuyler  <)th  h  w  8d  av 
Meizer  Henry,  carpenter,  n  s  Elton  '2d  h  w  M  av 
Melch  Matthew,  carpenter,  e  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  s  Elton 
Merrick  Patrick,  Ibr.,  s  s  Benson  4th  h  e  Morris  av 
Meder  Francis,  tailor,  n  w  c  Elton  &  3d  av 
Mehlem  John,  saloon,  ^v  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Eose 
Melidy  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  Governeur  1st  h  w  Morris  av 
Messmach  John,  mason,  s  s  Denman  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Messing  Hannah  L.,  laundress,  n  s  Denman  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Menzies  James,  plumber,  s  s  Governeur  0th  h  w  Courtland  av 
Menches  John,  tailor,  n  s  Governeur  1st  h  e  Morris  av 
Mezger  John,  boots  cS:  shoes,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Fifth 
Mete  Phillip,  cooper,  n  s  Sixth  2d  h  w  Union  av 
Melius  Eoljert  H.,  physician,  sec  Franklin  av  &  Spring  pi 
Megerssecks  AVm.,  baker,  n  s  Franklin  av  5th  h  n  Sixth 
Meninger  Fred.,  driver,  w  s  3d  av  Oth  h  n  Fifth 
Medwed  Frank,  cigar  mkr,  n  s  E  E  av  1st  h  e  AVash'n  av 
Merritt  Mortimer  C,  architect,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Fulton  av  1st  h  n 

IMerritt  Samuel  H.,  painter,  n  s^Concord  5th  h  w  College  av 
Merritt  Samuel  H.,  builder,  s  s  142d  2d  h  e  3d  av 
!Medicus  Adam,  gardener,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Sixth 
Megan  Thomas,  Ibr.,  e  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  n  Findlay 
^lessinger  Jacob,  Ibr.,  s  s  AVaverly  5th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Metzler  John  P.,  carpenter,  s  s  Milton  7th  h  w  AVash'n  av 
!Meckle  John,  slu)es,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Fourth 
Megill  AVm.,  butcher,  e  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Second 
Menshausen  Henry,  w  s  Forest  av  2d  h  s  Cliff 
Meiner  Mathaus,  sailor,  n  s  Grove  1st  li  e  3d  av 
Meiner  Peter,  coachman,  n  s  Grove  Is  h  e  3d  av 
Meiner  Ixmis,  coachman,  n  s  Grove  1st  h  e  3d  av 
Meiner  Natlian,  seaman,  n  s  (irove  1st  h  e  3d  av 
Mehlen  Jacob,  Ibr.,  n  s  Carr  1st  h  w  Carr  av 
Meller  James,  stone  cutter,  s  av  c  College  av  &  Mott 
Meding  John,  pianos,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Concord  Gth  h  w  College  av 


Mead  John  W.,  turner,  s  s  College  av  ocl  h  s  Main 
Mead  John  J.,  turner,  n  s  l-i^th  '2d  h  e  od  av 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  nee  Willis  av  &  141st 
Meany  Peter,  n  s  1-lOth  5th  h  w  AVillis  av 
Meaney  Michael,  C.  P.  poKce,  ss  l-iGth  1st  h  w  Chfton  av 
Merton  William,  tinsmith,  e  s  od  av  Gth  h  n  IrlGth 
Mengoni  Giovanni,  confectioner,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Mott 
Mellen  Frank,  blacksmith,  e  s  od  av  3d  h  n  S.  Boulevard 
MELLER  &  SHEDDEN".,  cement  pipe,  w  s    3d  av  5th  h  n 

Meller  Greorge,  n  s  Edsell  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Menck  Patrick,  Ibr.,  s  s  13Gth  5th  h  e  St.  Ann's  av 
Mingham  Wm.,  shoemkr,  s  s  Milton  8th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Middle  ton  Alex.  A.,  tailor,  s  s  Fourth  1  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Miller  George,  painter,  e  s  R  R  av  7th  h  n  Seventh 
Miller  Henrj^,  carpenter,  s  s  Findlay  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Miller  Helen,  teacher,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Waverly  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Mills  George,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  5th  h  n  Third 
Mills  James,  rope  mkr,  s  s  Third  2d  h  e  R  R  av 
Mills  ^J^i's  Sarah,  n  s  Third  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Mills  John,  caterer,  n  s  First  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Mills  John,  blacksmith,  w  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  s  Third 
Miller  Adam,  brewer,  w  s  Wash'n  4th  h  n  Sixth 
Miller  John  M.,  physician,  s  s  Fourth  2d  h  e  Wash'n  av 
Miller  William,  teamster,  s  s  Melrose  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Miller  Henrj',  butcher,  s  s  Melrose  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Miller  Wm.,  grocer,  nee  Wr  Railroad  &  Robbins  av 
Miller  John,  n  w  c  AVr  Railroad  &  Rabbins  av 
Miller  Jacob,  moulder,  e  s  Tinton  av  3d  h  n  Uncas 
Miller  Christian,  iron  moulder,  w  s  College  av  1st  h  s  Cottage 
Miller  WilUam,  iron  moulder,  n  s  139th  4th  h  w  3d  av 
Miller  W.  IL,  physician,  e  s  Beach  av  1st  h  n  Lexington 
Miller  AVilliam,  piano  mkr.,  s  s  Elton  7th  h  e  Morris  av 
Miller  Jacob,  polisher,  s  s  Melrose  7th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Miller  Jacob,  tailor,  n  s  Springfield  3d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Miller  Senfert,  carpenter,  ^e  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  n  Mary 
Miller  Jacob,  boiler  mkr,  s  s  Melrose  7th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Miller  Chas.  L.,  barber,  n  s  Melrose  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Miller  George,  Ibr.,  n  s  Governeur  4th  h  w  3d  av 
Miller  Joseph,  tailor,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Governeur 
Miller  Valentine,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Mott  &  3d  av 
Miller  Frederick,  Ibr.,  n  s  Mott  Gth  h  w  Courtland  av 
Mitchell  Phillip,  milkman,  n  w  c  Tinton  av  &  Elm 
Mitchel  Jacob,  s  s  Uncas  2d  h  w  Tinton  av 
Miner  T.  T.  ^Y.,  clerk,  e  s  av  A  5th  h  s  Cliff 


Miner  Jacob  G.,  carpenter,  ^v  s  av  A  !2d  h  s  Cliff 
Milligan  Chester  T.,  drugs,  w  s  3d  av  5th  h  n  Concord 
Miles  Michael,  saloon,  w  s  od  av  1st  h  n  Smeenian 
Michael  Henry,  grocer,  w  s  od  av  5th  h  s  Mott 
Mohring  John  W.,  cigar  mkr,  w  s  3d  av  0th  li  s  Fifth 
Mohring  Susan,  seamstress,  w  s  3d  av  6th  h  s  Fifth 
MONAGHAN  H.  P.,  drugs,  s  w  c  3d  av  &  Fifth 
Monaghan  Thomas,  Ibr.,  n  e  c  Findlay  &  Wash'n  av 
Morlang  Wm.,  furniture,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Spring  pi 
Morlang  &  Kubin,  furniture  warerooms,  e  s  3d  av  opp  Fourth- 
Moulton  G.  J.,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Sixth  1st  h  av  Franklin  av 
Monghen  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  s  Union  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Mourer  Henry,  mason,  n  s  William  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Moneypenny  W.  C,  dyer,  X.  Y".,  w  s  R  E  av  1st  h  n  Sixth 
]Moger  Mrs.  Christina,  e  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Seventh 
Morgan  Thomas  W.,  cook,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Third  2d  ]i  e  R  R  av 
Molineux  Wilbur,  clerk,  n  s  First  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Monks  Charles,  nee  Morris  pi  &  Juliet 

Morton  A.  W.,  merchant,  N.  Y.,  av  s  R  R  av  1st  li  s  Irving  pi 
Morrissey  John,  machinist,  av  s  Carr  av  2d  h  s  Rae 
Moylan  Martin,  Ibr.,  n  s  NeAV  1st  h  av  Union  av 
Mohr  Charles,  crockery,  n  s  Uncas  3d  h  n  Tinton  av 
Mohrhart  Martin,  mason,  n  s  Uncas  3d  h  e  Robbins  av 
]\Iourit  EdA\'ard,  mason,  s  s  144th  7th  h  av  Mill  Brook 
Moadinger  W.  H.,  flour  &  feed,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  143d 
MOTT  'JORDAN   L.,  IRON   AVORKS,  av  s  3d  av  &  Harlem 

Mott  Jordan  L.,  av  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Mott 

Mott  Lawrence  1*.,  grocer,  N.   Y.,  s   s  135th   11th  li  e  Alex- 
ander av 
Mott  ^Irs.  A.  H.,  Av  s  3d  aA'  1st  h  s  I^nion  pi 
Mott  Frank  P.,  grocer,  a\'  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Union  pi 
Mooney  James,  e  s  Beach  av  2d  h  n  Lexington  av 
Mooney  John,  Ibr.,  av  s  Concord  aA*  opp  Elm 
Mooney  Arthur  J.,  saloon,  av  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Van  Stoll 
Mooney  William,  police,  e  s  3d  av  5th  h  n  S.  Boulevard 
Mooney  Mar}-,  saloon,  e  s  3d  av  5th  h  n  S.  Boulevard 
Mooney  James,  e  s  Macomb  av  lOth  h  s  Main 
Mooney  James,  liorseshoer,  e  s  3d  av  5th  h  n  Fifth 
Moody  Lauren,  s  s  135tli  1st  h  av  Alexander  av 
Moody  Winchester,  s  s  135th  1st  h  a\''  Alexander  av 
Montgomery  J.  S.,  clerk,  n  s  139th  2d  h  e  3d  av 
Montgomery  Johii,  contractor,  av  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Mott 
Montgomery  James,  n  s  130th  2d  h  e  3d  aA"- 
Moran  Patrick,  Ibr.,  s  av  c  3d  av  «&  Edwsell 


Moran  John,  mason,  s  s  Denman  6th  h  w  Courtland  ay 
Morris  Governeur,  St.  Ann's  av  s  134th 
Morris  Governeur,  jr.,  St.  Ann's  av  s  134th 
Morris  John,  Ibr.,  s  w  c  Schuyler  &  Courtland  av 
Morris  Thomas  S.,  crockery,  s  s  Fifth  2d  h  ^Y  3d  av 
Morrison  James,  Town  Hall  keeper,  s  R  R  av  1st  h  s  Union 
Morrison  Wm.,  engineer,  N.  Y.,  e  s  R  R  av  1st  h  s  Union 
Morrisania  Steamboat  Co.,  n  e  c  138th  &  3d  av 
Mole  tor  George,  finisher,  s  s  Schuyler  1st  h  w  Morris  av 
Moebus  Adam,  carpenter,  e  s  Courtland  av  -d  h  n  Sjiringfield 
Moebus  Adam,  jr.,  carpenter,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Spring- 
Moebus  John  A.,  carpenter,  e  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  n  Sprinfi- 

Modle  Wenzel,  tailor,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Springfield 
Moore  John,  steward,  s  s  Schuyler  5th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Moore  J.  B.,  teacher,  n  s  145th  2d  h  w  Willis  av 
Moore  John,  boss  Ibr.,  n  w  c  First  &  Courtland  av 
Moore  Thomas,  Ibr.,  n  s  Teller  pi  2d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Mosbach  Francis,  tailor,  n  s  Elton  3d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Moritz  Charles,  j^rocer,  n  w  c  Mott  &  3d  av 
Moritz  &  Sons,  grocers,  nee  William  &  Courtland  av 
Mortiz  Herman,  grocer,  n  e  c  AVillia.m  &  Courtland  av 
Mortiz  Henry,  grocer,  nee  William  &  Courtland  av 
Mortiz  George  C,  grocer,  nee  William  &  Courtland  av 
Murgetraugh  William,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  n  s  144th  4th  h  e  3d  ay 
Mulcare  Patrick,  saloon,  e  s  Willis  av  2d  h  s  147th 
Muella  Eliza,  wid.,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  146tli 
Murphv  Thomas,  liquors,  e  s  3d  av  opp  Mott,  r  e  s  3d  av  1st  h 

n  'l47th 
Murphy  Thomas,  pattern  mkr,  w  s  Westchester  rd  3d  h  o 

Retreat  av 
Murphv  James  J.,  Supt.  F.  A.  &  H.  R.   R.,  office  e  s  3d  av  lat 

h  n  Eighth 
Murphy  Richard,  rope  mkr,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Second 
Murphy  John,  hostler,  w  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  s  Third 
Murphy  Michael,  Ibr.,  n  s  Pontiac  1st  h  e  Robbins  av 
Murphy  Michael,  pattern  mkr,  n  s  Gerard  1st  he  Retreat  av 
Murphy  Dennis,  Ibr.,  s  s  Governeur  1st  h  e  Morris  av 
Murphy  John,  coachman,  e  s  3d  av  4th  "h  s  Milton 
Murphy  John,  foreman,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Mott  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Murphy  William,  Ibr.,  s  s  Benson  8th  h  w  Courtland  av 
Murphy  James,  Ibr.,  e  s  Robbins  av  2d  h  s  Lexington 
Mui-phy  Stephen,  moulder,  n  s  Governeur  5th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Murphy  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  Governeur  1st  h  e  Morris  av 


Murphy  Michael,  boiler  mkr,  sec  College  av  &  Lowell 
^lurphy  Ivedinond,  Ibr.,  n  s  Henrick  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Murphy  James,  Ibr.,  n  s  Henrick  1st  h  w  8d  av 
Murphy  Mary,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Mott 
Murphy  ^lartin,  ll)r.,  Port  Morris 
Murphy  John,  Ibr.,  Port  Morris 

jSfurray  P.  V.,  vet.  surg.,  s  s  Westchester  rd  1st  h  ^v  Ptobbins  av 
Murray  Barney,  feed,  s  w  c  Westchester  rd  &  Pobbins  av 
Murray  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  s  Wr  Eailroad  '2d  h  e  Robbins  av 
Murray  John,  blacksmith,  s  s  First  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Murray  Reuben,  porter,  N.  Y.,  e  s  3d  av  'id  h  s  Milton 
Mull  l^arney,  Ibr.,  n  s  Lowell  3d  h  e  R  R  av 
]\[uller  Christoph,  liquors,  nee  Springfield  &  Courtland  av 
Muller  Wm.,  butcher,  s  s  Miiton  Sth  h  e  Courtland  av 
Muller  John  P.,  saloon,  s  s  Milton  Sth  h  e  Courtland  av 
^luller  Mr.,  Ibr.,  nee  Carr  &  Benson  avs 
^luller  Anne,  wid.,  w  s  Carr  av  oth  h  s  15Gth 
Mullin  John,  carman,  w  s  Forest  av  5th  h  n  Strong 
Mullins  Patrick,  car  driver,  n  s  Springfield  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Miillens  John,  Ibr.,  nee  AVestchester  rd  &  ]3enson  av 
Mullens  Patrick,  mason,  w  s  Eagle  av  4th  h  s  Westchester  rd 
Mullen  Elizabeth,  fancy  store,  s  s  Fifth  4th  h  w  3d  av 
Mullhall  James,  tailor,  e  s  3d  av  '2d  h  s  141st 
Mulhall  John  II.,  mason,  n  s  Milton  '2d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Munson  Robert,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Cottage  (5th  li  w  College  av 
Munson  Henry,  Ibr.,  s  w  c  3d  av  &  Smeeman 
Murtha  Michael,  teamster,  n  s  Edsell  '2d  h  w  3d  av 
Murtlia  Edward,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  7th  h  n  Van  Stoll 
Mulligan  Ann  Jane,  saloon,  n  w  c  144th  »&  Willis  av 
Mulhgan  Patrick,  jiorter,  N.  Y..  e  s  College  av  l^d  h  s  Cottage 
MuUigan  Julia,  wid.,  w  s  Courtland  av  3d  h  n  Union 
Mulligan  Edward,  Ibr.,  s  s  Benson  3d  h  w  Courtland  av 
^Eueller  Peter,  horse  deal(-r,  n  s  139th  4th  h  w  3dav 
Mulhaney  I'atrick,  Ibr.,  s  s  13Mth  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Mulhaney  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  139th  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Mulholland  Charles,  mason,  e  s  Morris  av  3d  h  n  ]^enson 
]\Iulholland  Ann,  grocer,  e  s  Morris  av  1st  h  n  Mott 
Mullard  ^Michael,  mason,  e  s  Morris  av  2d  h  n  Benson 
Murgatroyd  WilUam,  machinist,  n  s  Benson  3d  h  e  ]\[orris  av 
Mulhorn  Patrick,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Sixth 
jNIulling  John,  carpenter,  e  s  R  R  av  Isth  s  Sixth 
Mulleny  AErs.  AIar3%  e  s  R  R  av  1st  h  s  Sixth 
Murdock  J.  W.,  mason,  n  s  Findlay,  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
^Iurtao;h    Bartliolemew,   contractor,    s    s    Prospect    r)th    h    w 
Wash'n  av 


Muhlker  Win.,  grocer,  s  w  c  Courtland  av  &  Waverly 
Mulbacker  Morbis,  slioemkr,  s  s  Third  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Muhrman  Fred.,  barber,  w  s  Wash'n  av  '2d  h  n  Second 
Munder  Louis,  Ibr.,  w  s  Eetreat  av  5th  h  s  Grove 
Myers  John,  book  binder,  w  s  3d  av  :^d  h  s  Van  Stoll 
Myers  Joseph,  saddler,  e  s  E  E  av  2d  h  n  Fifth 
Myers  Mary,  wid.,  boarding,  s  s  Union  4th  h  av  Wash'n  av 
Myers  A.  H.,  cigar  nifr,  s  s  Fifth  2d  h  e  E  E  av 
Myer  Charles,  carpenter,  e  s  Eetreat  av  1st  h  s  Gerard 
Myers  John,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  e  s  College  av  2d  h  s  Cottage 
Myer  Gebhardt,  shoemkr,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  144tli 


Nafis  Eobt.  H.,  engr.,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Boston  rd  opp  Wall 

Nash  F,  H.,  music  teacher,  e  s  Forest  av  4th  h  n  AVall 

Nackle  Fred.,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Seventh 

Naelson  Henry,  Ibr.,  n  s  Grove  Isth  e  3d  av 

Nagengast  John,  turner,  N.  Y.,  s  e  c  Denman  &  Courtland  av 

Nau  John,  moulder,  w  s  Courtla,nd  av  1st  h  n  Denman 

Neibuhr  Mary,  s  s  George  opp  Villa  pi 

Neilon  Edward,  grocer,  w  s  3d  av  4tli  h  n  Sixth 

Neabin  Charles,  butcher,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Third 

Nenstiehl  Henry,  fancy  goods,  w  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  s  Findlay 

Nevill  Eose,  laundry,  n  s  Findlay  2d  h  e  Courtland  av 

Needham  John,  cabinetmkr,  s  s  Fourth  2d  h  e  E  E  av 

Newton  Hiram  B.,  drygoods,  nee  Fifth  (Exchange  building) 

&  Wash'n  av,  r  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Sixth 
Newton  Thomas,  n  s  Milton  3d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Newman  Mary,  laundress,  s  s  Denman  3d  h  e  Morris  av 
Neihman  Clemens,  mason,  n  s  Melrose  3d  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Neus  Frank,  cigar  mfr,  n  s  Mary  6th  h  w  AVash'n  av 
Neusbahm  Daniel,  cigarmkr,  n  s  Elton  2d  h  w  3d  av 
New^ett  Thomas,  teamster,  e  s  Morris  av  1st  h  s  Schuyler 
Nesle  Philip,  carpenter,  n  s  Governeur  4th  h  w  3d  av 
Nehmehnann  Henry,  grocery,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  141st 
Neusman  Ellen,  milUnery,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  144th 
Nees  Frederick,  paper-hangings,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  145th 
Nehls  J.  H.,  confectionary,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  14Gth 
Neifmaker  Alexander,  e  s  3d  av  5tli  h  n  14Gth 
Nees  Henry  W.,  clerk.  Port  Morris 

Neil  Mary,  confectionery,  n  s  Cottage  3d  h  w  College  av 
Nelson  William,  hotel  s  w  c  3d  av  &  Smeeman 
Nelson  James,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Van  Stoll 
Nicholson  Eobert,  real  estate,  sec  AVilliam  &  Wash'n  av 


Nicholson  Wm.,  bookeeper,  sec  William  &  Wash'n  av 
Nicholson  Robert,  jr.,  foreman,  sec  William  &  Wash'n  av 
Nicholson  George,  police,  N.  Y.,  s  e  c  William  &  Wash'n  av 
Nicholas,  Martin,  cabinetmkr,  s  s  Schuyler  2d  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Nicholas  Isaac,  Ibr.,  s  s  Springfield  5th  h  w  -^d  av 
Niklies  Jacob,  barl)er,  n  s  Wr  Railroad  2d  h  e  St.  Ann's  av 
Nieder  Casper,  pianomkr,  e  s  St.  Ann's  av  8d  h  n  AVr  Railroad 
Nimphius  John  S.,  express,  e  s  Retreat  av  1st  h  n  Henry 
Nimphius  John,  grocer,  s  w  c  Benson  &  3d  av 
Niggeschmidt  Ignatz,  jeweller,  w  s  od  av  1st  h  s  Benson 
Niggesc'hmidt  George,  foreman,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Benson 
Nicoll  William,  brass  finisher,  n  s  Mott  3d  h  e  Morris  av 
Norris  Mrs.  Margaret,  Avasherwoman,  e  s  Clinton  2d  h   s  Jef- 
Norris  Thomas,  stationery,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Xan  Stoll 
Noble  James,  marble-cutter,   N.  Y.,  e   s   Cottage  pi  5th  h  n 

Nowtry  AVensel,  cigarmkr,  n  s  Union  pi  1st  li  e  R  R  av 
Nolan  Patrick,  Ibr.,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Findlay 
Nolan  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  Eighth  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Xolan  ]\Iichael,  Ibr.,  n  s  Wr  Railroad  2d  h  e  Robbiiis 
Nolan  Thomas,  Ibr.,  s  s  Tineas  1st  h  w  Tinton  av 
Nolan  Patrick,  ibr.,  s  s  WilloAv  1st  h  e  Robbins  av 
Nolan  James,  Ibr.,  e  s  Robbins  av  1st  h  n  Pontiac 
Nolan  Michael,  Ibr.,  s  s  Benson  3d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Nolan  John,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Willis  av  &  144th 
Nolan  John,  Ibr.,  Port  Morris 

Nolan  AVilliam,  gardener,  s  s  135th  2d  h  e  St.  Ann's  av 
Nolan  Martin,  Ibr.,  Robbins  av  2d  h  s  Wr  Railroad 
Nocre  Joseph,  cigarmkr,  w  s  AVash'n  av  3d  h  n  Second 
Norman  Wm.  S.,  grocer,  s  s  Westchester  rd  3d  h  w  Clifton  av 
Norman  Charles,  butcher,  n  s  Springfield  4th  h  e  Terrace  pi 
Norman  John,  butcher,  n  s  Springfield  4th  h  e  Terrace  pi 
Norman  George,  agent,  n  s  143d  1st  h  ^y  AVillis  av 
Norman  John  C.  H.,  broker,  s  s  140th  1st  h  w  Willis  av 
Nogel  Wm.,  Ibr.,  av  s  av  B  3  h  s  Cliff 

Nolkemper  AVilliam,  tinsmith,  n  s    Schuyler   1st  h   w   Court- 
land  av 
Norz  Martin,  grocery,  n  av  c  3d  av  &  Main 
Norz  John,  clerk,  n  av  c  3d  av  &  Main 
Nooney  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  I47th  1st  h  e  3d  av 
Noeger  Joseph,  iron  moulder,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  134th 
Nugent  Daniel,  mason,  av  s  Forest  av  1st  h  s  Wall 
Nuchtern  Geo.,  gardener,  CromAvell  Creek  bridge  n  s  Cedar 
Nuchtern  Adam,  gardener,  CroniAvell  Creek  bridge  n  s  Cedar 


Nunne  James,  Ibr.,  w  s  Eagle  av  1st  h  s  Wr  Railroad 


Oake  Charles,  jeweller,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Sixth 
Oaring  Charles.  Ibr.,  s  s  Schuyler  3d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Oatis  Richard,  lawyer,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Grove 
Oberglock  John,  baker,  e  s  Franklin  av  5th  h  n  Sixth 
Oberglock  Chris.,  baker,  e  s  Franklin  av  5th  h  n  Sixth 
Obenauer  Matthew,  stoves,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Third 
Obermeyer  Louis,  painter,  w  s  R  R  av  3d  h  s  Eighth 
Obenteufel  Anton,  teamster,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Prospect 
Oberbeck  J.  S.,  builder,  s  s  Arcularius  pi  1st  h  e  Gerard  av 
Oberteifer  Reise,  dry  goods,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Passage  av   1st  h   n 

Obbett  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  Elton  4tli  h  w  3d  av 
O'Brien  John,  carpenter,  w  s  3d  av  '2d  h  n  Waverly 
O'Brien  Daniel,  Ibr.,  s  s  Governeur  1st  h  e  Morris  av 
O'Brien  James,  Ibr.,  n  s  New  1st  h  e  Forest  av 
O'Brien  Edward,  builder,  res  Boston  rd  opp  Wall 
O'Brien  Philip,  lather,  n  w  c  Milton  &  Wash'n  av 
O'Brien  John,  Ibr.,  nee  Westchester  rd  &  Benson  av 
O'Brien  Patrick,  Ibr.,  nee  Westchester  rd  &  Benson  av 
O'Brien  Matthew,  mason,  s  s  Gerard  4th  h  e  Retreat  av 
O'Brien  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  Gerard  3d  h  e  Retreat  av 
O'Brien  Patrick,  Ibr.,  s  s  Gerard  3d  h  e  Retreat  av 
O'Brien  Ann,  ^^'id.,  n  s  147th  1st  h  e  3d  av 
O'Connor  Michael,  mason,  n  s  144th  5th  h  e  3d  av 
O'Connor  H.  C,  dentist,  s  w  c  Fulton  av  &  Seventh 
O'Carroll  Peter,  bartender,  R  R  av  1st  s  Union 
Ochen  Jacob,  Ibr.,  w  s  Retreat  av  5th  h  s  Grove 
O'Connei  Patrick,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Denman  10th  h   w  Court- 
land  av 
O'Donnell  James,  mason,  s  s  144th  2d  h  w  Willis  av 
O'Donnell  Patrick,  mason,  s  s  144th  2d  h  w  AVillis  av 
Oechs  A.,  wines,  N.  Y".,  s  w  c  Ella  &  Morris  pi 
Oecks  William,  moulder,  n  s  Denman  2d  h  e  Morris  av 
Offen  Michael,  carpenter,  n  s  Governeur  2d  h  w  Courtland  av 
O'Hallaren  Michael,  Ibr.,  n  s  New  1st  h  w  Union  av 
O'Hare  Thomas,  stone  cutter,  w  s  Forest  av  4th  h  s  Wall 
O'Hara  James,  Ibr.,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Union 
O'Hara  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  s  Union  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
O'Hara  Michael,  Ibr.,  n  s  Union  3d  h  w  Wash'n  av 
O'Hara  John,  plasterer,  s  s  Third  4th  h  e  R  R  av 
O'Hara  Pat.,  mason,  s  s  Third  1st  h  e  R  R  av 


Ohern  Thomas,  hostler,  e  s  od  av  3d  h  s  Westchester  rd 
Olwell  Hugh,  Ibr.,  nee  Forest  av  &  Strong 
Olney  Daniel,  carpenter,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Findlay 
Olney  Eichard,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  w  s  8d  av  4th  h  n  Henrick 
Oliver  T.  Mason,  freight  agent,  n  w  «  8d  av  &  Bronx 
O'Mara  Dennis,  Ibr.,  e  s  8d  av  1st  h  n  14Gth 
Onderdonk  John,  carpenter,  n  s  141st  Gth  h  w  Willis  av 
Onderdonk  William,  carpenter,  s  s  140th  3d  li  w  Willis  av 
O'Neil  Daniel,  painter,  e  s  Clinton  1st  h  s  Jefferson 
O'Neil  Francis,  cooper,  e  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  First 
O'Neal  James,  tailor,  n  s  Gerard  8d  ]i  e  Eetreat  av 
O'Neill  James  Ibr.,  s  s  Benson  Sth  h  e  Morris  av 
O'Neill  John,  Ibr.,  e  s  Conrtland  av  2d  h  n  Mary 
Ortt  Fred'k,  mason,  e  s  Wash'n  av  8d  h  n  ^Milton 
Orchard  Francis,  plate  glass,  N.  Y.,  s   s   13oth   7th  h  e  Alex- 
ander av 
Ortli  Christian,  saloon,  s  s  Schuyler,  5th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
O'Eourke  Malachi,  painter,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Concord 
O'Eourke  J.,  picture  frames,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  14(3 th 
Ostrander  AVilliam,  pattern  maker,  s  s  145th  1st  h  e  3d  av 
Osbarhr  Henry,  confectioner,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Mary  3d  h  e  Court- 
land  av 
Osterburg  Andreas,  milk,  av  s  Eetreat  av  3d  h  s  Grove 
Ott  George,  tailor,  s  s  Melrose  1  st  h  e  Courtland  av 
O'Toole  John,  clerk,  s  s  Fourth  3d  h  e  E  E  av 
Otten  Christian,  grocer,  n  w  c  Mott  &  ^lorris  av 
Over  George  B.,  Ibr.,  w  s  Forest  av  3d  h  n  Strong 
Overington  Thomas,  builder,  Harlem,  r  n  s  Concord  6th  h  w 

College  av 
Owens  William,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  n  s  130::h  Ud  h  e  3d  av 

Pausewein  Wm,,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Fifth 
Pausewein  Adelia,  dressmkr,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Fifth 
Panlisch  Charles,  car  builder,  n  w  c  3d  av  &  Seventli 
Pabst  Geo.,  gymnasium,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Sixth 
Pabst  ^Ir.,  glassware,  N.  Y.,  s  w  c  Beach  av  &  Lexington 
Parshatl  James  L.,  real  estate,  off.  nee  Wash'n  av  &  Fifth,  r 

w  s  Fulton  av  4th  h  n  Fifth 
Paulus  Wm.,  milkman,  s  s  AVilliam  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Paulus  Christina,  wid.,  s  s  William  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Paulus  Fritz,  milk,  w  s  Juliet  nr  Gerard  av 
Paul  John,  grocer,  e  s  Wasli'n  av  2d  h  s  ]\tilton 
Paul  John,  cigars,  e  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  s  ]\filton 


Paul  Henry,  barber,  e  s  AVash'n  av  4th  h  s  Milcon 
Paul  Christian,  butcher,  nee  Benson  &  Courtlandnv 
Paul  August,  butcher,  nee  Benson  &  Courtland  av 
Pasenecker  Christopher,  tailor,  s  s  Prospect  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Palmer   Wni.    H.,  telegraph   operator,  n    s    Eighth    1st  h  w 

Wash'n  av 
Parkerton  George,  silver  plater,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n 

Parisette  Fred.  W.,  grocer,  w  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  s  Third 
Parker  Andrew  J.,  chemist,  N.  Y.,  s  w  c  Eighth  &  Wash'n  av 
Parker  George,  mason,  e  s  Tinton  av  1st  h  n  Uncas 
Parker  Albert,  sealworks,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Morris  pi  1st  h  s  Ella 
Parker  George,  s  s  145th  4tli  h  e  od  av 

Palmer  Harris,  iron  worker,  N.  Y.,  s  s  New  1st  h  e  Forest  av 
Paff  Henrich,  Ibr.,  s  s  Uncas  1st  h  e  Tinton  av 
Patterson  Alex.,  trainer,  s  s  Irving  pi  2d  h  w  P  P  av 
Patterson  David,  shoemkr,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Smeeman 
Patterson  Mary,  laundress,  s  s  Governeur  1st  h  w  Courtland  av 
Paltz  Andrew,  brewer,  s  s  147th  '2d  h  e  Clifton  av 
Paesly  Frederick,  pianos,   N.  Y.,  n  s    Cottage  5th  h  w  Col- 
lege av 
Pausen  AVilliam,  boatman,  w  s  3d  av  'id  h  n  Mott 
Pawson  John  W.,  surveyor,  s  s  Edsell  4th  h  w   3d  av 
Payn  John  G.,  Sure  Eaising  Flour,  o  s  3d  av  '2d  h  s  13Gth 
Paulson  Peter,  carpenter,  N.  Y.,  s  s  139th  2d  h  w  3d  av 
Payne  AVilliam  0.,  coachman,  s  s   Schuyler  6th  h  e  Court- 
land  av 
Paris  Henry,  Ibr.,  s  s  Schuyler  3d  h  e  Morris  av 
Panzer  Franz,  blacksmith,  s  s  Denman  3d  h  e  Coyrtland  av 
Panzer  Joseph,  photographer,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Denman 
Pagen  Mary,  laundress,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Denman 
Parsons  AVilliam,  carpenter,  e  s  William  1st  h  s  Wash'n  av 
Petz  Joseph,  w  s  Fulton  av  4th  h  w  Seventh 
Petsch  Chris.,  cap  mfr,  N.  Y.,  e  s  E  E  av  1st  h  s  Eighth 
Pennell  Francis,  mason,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Fourth 
Pennell  Thomas,  designer,  N.  Y'.,  s  s  Governeur  9th  h  av  Court- 
land  av 
Pet  Maria,  hair  dresser,  w  s  3d  av  5th  h  n  Fifth 
Perrer  Uder,  cigarmkr'  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Third 
Pearl  John,  mason,  w  s  Union  av  2d  h  n  George 
Peter  Rudolf,  weaver,  s  s  First  2d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Peterson  Tederman,  liquors,  n  w  c  Waverly  &  Courtland  av 
Peterson  Oscar,  carpenter,  n  s  144th  6th  h  e  3d  av 
Peat  John,  machinist,  sec  Waverly  &  Wash'n  av  ' 

Peco  Wm.,  coachman,  n  s  Milton  1st  h  w  3d  av 


Penning  Henry,  grocer,  e  s  Coiirtland  av  8d  h  s  Prospect 

Peattie  Robert,  carpenter,  w  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Pirst 

Petit  E.,  florist,  n  w  c  Union  av  &  New 

Perry  Levi  (Rev.,)  s  s  141st  2d  h  e  Alexander  av 

Pemberton  William,  iron  moulder,  n  e  c  8d  av  146th 

Pemberton  Albert,  saloon,  s  e  c  3d  av  «&  136th 

Peters  Timothy,  watchman,  w  s  Macomb  av  1st  h  s  Van  StoU 

Peters  Ann,  wid.,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Smeeman 

Peters  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  Elton  1st  h  w  3d  av 

Peters  John,  liquors,  n  w  c  Benson  &  Courtland  av 

Peifer  Antoine,  mason,  s  w  c  3d  av  &  Smeeman 

Pendar  Catharine,  wid.,  n  s  Springfield  3d  h  w  3d  av  . 

Pfeiffer  Gustavus,  picture  framer,  n  w  c  Cliff  &  Forest  av 

Pfeiffer  Henry,  turner,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Elton  8th  h  w  3d  av 

Pfeffermann  Edward  W.,  saddler,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Eifth 

Pfluger  Joseph,  barber,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Seventh 

Pfan  John,  gardener,  e  s  Courtland  av  3d  h  s  Prospect 

Pfund  Clemens,  weaver,  n  s  Westchester  rd  1st  h  e  Retreat  ar 

Phelan  Patrick,  carpenter,  w  s  Courtland  av  6th  h  n  Union 

Phelan  Sarah,  wid.,  n  s  Ella  2d  h  e  Morris  pi 

Phillips  Daniel  F.,  bridge  house,  e  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Eirst 

Phillips  Henry,  agent.  Port  Morris 

Phillips  Rinaldo,  clerk,  N.  Y''.,  Port  Morris 

PhilHps  Wesley,  engineer,  e  s  Passage  av  1  st  h  s  Wr  Railroad 

Pickard  Joseph,  bookkeeper,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Boston  rd  1st  h  n 

Pink  G.,  painter,  s  s  Fourth  3d  h  e  R  R  av 
Pilger  Peter,  baker,  w  s  Retreat  av  1st  h  s  Rose 
Pinckney  Capt.,  Port  Morris 
Pierce  Richard,  Ibr.,  s  s  Denman  3d  h  e  R  R  av 
Platner  Adoli^h,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Fulton  av  3d  h  s  Eighth 
Platz  Peter,  boots  &  shoes,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  146tli 
Plattman  Louis,  locksmith,  n  s  Springfield  3d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Plander  Catharine,  laundress,  s  s  Elton  2d  h  w  3d  av 
Piatt  Charles,  mariner,  s  s  od  av  1st  h  n  Rose 
Pollock  Julius,  chemist,  w  s  Boston  rd  2d  h  s  Spring  pi 
Pollock  Henry,  printer,  w  s  Boston  rd  2d  h  s  Spring  pi 
Poulston  John  M.,  baker,  e  s  Franklin  av  5tli  h  n  Sixth 
Poulston  Walter,  steward,  w  s  Franklin  av  1st  h  n  Sixth 
Pond  Robt.  J.,  jeweller,  N.  Y".,  e  s  Franklin  av  3d  h  n  Sixth 
Potts  Arthur  (Rev.,)  w  s  Boston  rd  4th  h  s  Spring  pi 
Powers  John,  rigger,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Forest  av  3d  h  s  Wall 
Potter  Thomas  J.,  bookeeper,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Franklin  av  3d  h  s 

Potter  Chas.  H.,  Ibr.,  s  s  Schuyler  hth  h  e  Courtland  av 


Poison  Wm.,  carpenter,  n  s  William  1st  h  w  Wasli'n  av 
Powers  James,  Ibr.,  nee  William  &  Courtland  av 
Popp  John,  saloon,  nee  Fifth  &  E,  E,  av 
Post  John,  painter,  (rear)  e  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Fourth 
Poore  Fanny,  dressmkr,  n  s  144th  5th  h  e  3d  av 
Porter  William,  mason,  e  s  Willis  av  1st  h  s  147th 
Porter  James,  marble  cutter,  s  s  Denman  3d  h  e  Morris  av 
Pope  David,  police.  Port  Morris 

Pouder  Alxeander,  book  binder,  s  s  Mary  1st  h  e  Morris  av 
Pouder  Geo.  W.,  painter,  s  s  Mary  1st  h  e  Morris  av 
Polk  Mary,  laundress,  s  w  c  Governeur  &  3d  av 
Pollak  Gustave,  peddler,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Henry 
Poff  John,  mason,  n  s  Mott  1st  h  w  Courtland  av 
Provost  Peter,  pianomkr,  w  s  3d  av  5th  h  s  Fifth 
Provost  Reuben  M.,  e  s  Franklin  av  1st  h  s  Jefferson 
Provost  Joseph  W.,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Franklin  av  1st  h  s  Jef- 
Prutting  John,  shoemkr,  n  s  Seventh  2d  h  n  3d  av 
Preiser  John,  mason,  s  s  Milton  6th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Pi-eiser  Charles,  paper  boxes,  n  s  Schuyler  3d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Proal  Arthur  B.,  banker,  N.  Y.,  n  s  William  1st  h  e  Morris  pi 
Pressner  John,  shoemkr,  e  s  Benson  av  4tli  h  n  Westchester  rd 
Pratt  Theophilus,  sewing  machines,  N.  Y.,  n  s  141st  2d  h  w 

Willis  av 
Pratt  Franklin  E.,  n  s  Concord  1st  h  w  College  av 
Pry  or  Richard,  boatman.  Port  Morris 
Prophet  &  Co.,  grocers,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  134tli 
Prass  WiUiam,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Henrick 
Prass  Louis,  barber,  n  w  c  3d  av  &  130th 
Prescott  David,  bookkeeper,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Alexander    av  4th  h  s 

Preussuer  0.,  jeweller,  N.  Y.,  e  s  College  av  4th  h  s  Main 
Prince  Joseph,  porter,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Schuyler  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Pruder  Phitalis,  basketmkr,  e  s  Courtland  av  3d  h  s  Elton 
Prunty  Michael,  Ibr.,  w  s  Morris  av  Isth  s  Schuyler 
Pregenzer  Philip,  ice  cream,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Milton 
Pregenzer  Peter,  chair  caner,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Rose 
Prew  Charles,  moulder,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Elton 
Pult  Edward,  tailor,  s  s  Findlay  2d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Putnam  Jas.  R.,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  e  s  R  R  av  1st  h  n  Fourth 
Pulley  John  C,  caterer,  n  s  Third  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
PURDY  &  Co.,  grocers,  sec  Westchester  rd  &  3d  av 
Purdy  Stephen,  carpenter,  s  s  147th  3d  h  e  Clifton  av 
Purdy  Wilson,  mason,  n  s  Mott  1st  h  w  Courtland  av 
Purdy  Frederick,  mason,  n  s  Mott  1st  h  w  Courtland  av 


Purtell  Jolin,  Ibr.,  n  s  AV'estcliestor  rd  Istli  e  liobbius  av 

Puhr  Nicholas,  peddler,  a\'  s  Betreat  av  1st  h  n  140tli 

Public  ^School  No.  1,  n  w  c  Willow  &  College  ax 

Public  8cliool  No.  2,  Higlibridgevillo 

Public  School  No.  o,  e  s  i^d  av  bet  Seventh  cS:  Eighth 

PuT)lic  School  No.  4,  e  s  od  av  nr  Milton 

Public  School  No.  5,  s  s  Concord  av  1st  h  s  Ehu 


Quinn  AVm.,  Ibr.,  av  sEorest  av  opp  Strong 
Quinlisk  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  William  'Id  h  a\'  Wavcrlv 
Quick  Millicent,  wid.,  s  s  Eindlay  Ud  h  w  AVash'ii  av 
Quesse  August,  gardener,  w  s  Petreat  av  fHli  h  n  Westches- 
ter rd 
Quackenbush  Henry,  moulder,  e  s  Petreat  av   1st  h  s  West- 
chester rd 
Quimby  Aaron  J.,  wagon  nikr,  w  s  College  av  1st  h  n  Cottage 


Pate  Edward,  piano  inkr,  w  s  od  av  5th  h  u  Third 

Eandall  S.  S.,  w  s  Franklin  av  3d  h  n  Seventh 

Randall  Sidwell,  teacher,  w  s  Eranklin  av  od  h  n  Seventli 

Pay  Erederick,  physician,  e  s  od  av  1st  h  s  Fifth 

Pay  John,  car  builder,  w  s  P  P  av  opp  Eighth 

Pay  Augustus,  car  builder,  w  s  P  P  av  opp  Eighth 

Pay  Mrs.  Henrietta,  w  s  P  P  av  opp  Eighth 

Pay  Joseph,  Ibr.,  s  e  c  3d  av  &  141st 

Pay  Patrick,  Ibr.,  s  s  Penman  6th  h  w  Courtland  av 

Pae  Thomas,  real  estate  agent,  nee  188tli  &  od  av,  r  n  w  c 

Alexander  av  &  lo8th 
Pae  John,  pianos,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Main  2d  h  e  College  av 
Pae  David,  carpenter,  s  s  Lowell  8d  h  w  3d  av 
Pae  John,  farmer,  n  s  Mary  1st  h  e  Morris  av 
Pae  Charles,  iron  moulder,  e  s  Passage  av  1st  h  s  Wr  Pailroad 
Panter  Julius,  guilder,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Melrose  3d  h  e  Terrace  pi 
Patz  George,  lamplighter,  s  s  First  1st  he  Wash'n  av 
Panger  Stephen,  printer,  N.  Y.,  w  s  P  P  av  opp  Sixth 
Pau  Frederick,  tailor,  n  s  143d  3d  h  e  3d  av 
Pau  John,  tailor,  n  s  143d  3d  h  e  3rd  av 
Pauh  Micliael,  carpenter,  n  s  Elton  4th  h  e  Morris  av 
Packloff  Adam,  shoe  mkr,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  14Gth 
Paba  Fritz,  dyer,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Mott 
Paleigh  Joseph,  engineer,  w  s  3d  av  2d  li  s  Mott 




Near  Washington  Avenue,  MOREISANIA, 


.  T00L8,  Builders'  Hardware, 

House  Furuisliing  Goods  Dealer  in  Stoves,  &c., 

East  side,  bet   Fifth  St.  and  Spring  Place,  MORRIS ANl  A. 

glRCHALL  &  chapman, 




MOTT  HA  YEN,  near  3d  Ave.  Bridge, 


ro3t  Office  address,  MOREISANIA,  N.  Y. 

All  orders  promptly  executed."^j| 

^^  CHISHOLM,  Jr.,  &  CO.," 


Fine  Teas,  Wines  and  Groceries, 


Kear  Third  Avenue,  MO^RISANIA. 


Branch  .Store,  THIRD  AVENUE,  bet.  144th  and  145th  Sts. 

Mai.ufactuier  of  Silk  and  Cassimere  Hats.     Dealer  in  Ladies'  Furs,  Um- 
brellas, and  Pa])er  Collars.     On  hand  the  latest  stvles  of 


Builder's  Hardware^ 


Opposite  Westchester  Road,  MSllSiS'^JISa 


White  Lead  and  Zinc  Paints,  Colors,  Oils,  Varnishes,  Brashes,  Window  Glass,  &c. 

]>ir  orris  aula    ]Bxj>i*ess    Co. 


67  Courtland  and  4-4  Beehman  Streets,  Xeiv  York, 
Branch  Offices.— No.  81  ^Barclay  Street,  220  and  254  Pearl  Street,  30 

Liberty  Street,  and  70  Bowery. 
Morrisaiiia  Office. — Fordham  Avenue  opposite  Fourth  Street. 
Branch  Offices. — Post  Oflice,  Fifth  St.,  and  Carpenter's  Hotel,  opposite 

the  Depot. 
MoTT  Havex. — Byrne's  liquor  store,  Carr's  feed  store,  atid  Gilmore's  drug 

store,  138th  stivet. 
\^^  Furniture  and  Pianos  carefully  removed  at  any  time. 

1^.     I.     IBItOAVlV, 

gcal  (!P!5tatc  and  |n$iit<mce  Jgeut, 


Ne:ir  Harlem  Railroad  Depot  and  Pest  Office,  M0EEI8ANIA. 

Ri^al  Estate  bousht  and  sold  imd  Insured.    Houses  let  and  Eents  collected. 
iSST  Satisfaction  will  always  be  given.  "^301 


Raloigh  Walter,  n  s  Westchester  rd  3(1  h  e  Retreat  av 
Raief  Ernst,  peddler,  sec  Mott  &  R  R  av 
Ranneau  Erancis,  waiter,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Courtlaiid  av  Is  h  s  Mel- 
Rautenhausen  John,  Ibr.,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Springfield 
Ramsey  Philip,  peddler,  s  s  Elton  od  h  w  Morris  av 
Rauss  John  Gr.,  mounter,  w  s  (^ourtland  av  1st  h  n  iJenman 
Rabbitt  Edward,  moulder,  s  s  Governeur  7th  h  w  (.'ourtland  av 
Raber  AVenz,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Denman 
Raught  Charles,  mason,  e  s  Courtland  av  4th  h  n  Mott 
Rainyard  Frank,  Ibr.,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Melrose 
Renmstrich  Paul,  brewer,  w  s  od  av  ;>d  h  s  Sixth 
Reeves  Obadiah,  bookkeeper,  o  s  Eranklin  av  1st  h  n  od  av 
Rehfeldt  AVm.  E.,  printer,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Erankhn  av  4th  h  n  Sixth 
Reusch  Wm.,  brewer,  s  w  c  od  av  &  First 
Reynolds  James  II.,  (contractor,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Fulton  av  11th  h  » 

Reynolds  Patrick,  Ibr.,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Findlay 
Reagan  Pat.,  porter,  e  s  ^d  av  bet  Clilt'  &  First  pi 
Renz  Gustave,  physician,  w  s  od  av  opp  Spring  pi 
Retz  Charles,  piano  mkr,  e  s  Courtland  av  *2d  h  s  Milton 
Reichman  Chas.  F.,  artist,  s  s  First  'Jd  h  w  od  av 
Reagan  Mrs.  Hannah,  s  s  Third  4th  h  e  li  R  av 
Reaser  Rudolj^h,  cigar  mkr,  n  e  c  Wash'ji  av  &  First 
Rennoaux  Wm.,  carpenter,  w  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Second 
Reil  Wm.,  carpenter,  s  s  Third  !id  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Reinken  John,  grocer,  s  w  c  Wash'n  av  «!v:  Fiftli 
Reynard  Henry,  conductor,  N.  Y.,  s  s  New  opp  Forest  av 
Renhaas  Johannes,  Ibr.,  e  s  Gerard  av  lid  h  s  Juhet 
Reily  James,  Ibr.,  n  s  Wr  Railroad  f>tli  he  Robbins  av 
Reiliy  James,  Ibr.,  av  s  Robbins  av  4th  h  n  Wr  Railroad 
Reic  Adam,  tailor,  e  s  Robbins  av  )ld  h  n  Uncas 
Reins  Sarah  ISL,  wid.,  teacher,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Ella 
Reisfenheuser  Frank,  carpenter,  e  s  Robbins  av  r)thlin  Uncaa 
Reisfenheuser  John,  carpenter,  e  s  Ro)>bins  av  r)t]ih  n  Uncas  . 
Reisfeuheuser  John,  carpenter,  e  s  Robbins  av  ^ith  h  n  Uncaa 
Reitield  Frederick,  tailoi',  n  s  144tli  M  h  e  od  av 
Revere  Andrew,  painter,  n  s  14od  3d  h  e  od  av 
Reftbrd  J.  S.,  painter,  N.  Y.,  n  s  140th  ;kl  h  w  Willis  av 
Reisse  William,  bakery,  e  s  Wilhs  av  M  h  s  14Tth 
Relyea  George,  mason.  Port  Morris 
Renshaw  John,  Ibr.,  Junction  Macomb  &  R  li  avs 
Renahaw  J.,  paints,  e  s  lid  av  5th  h  n  Fi9th 
Reineg  Philip,  Ibr.,  s  s  Melrosa  7th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Reed  William,  butcher,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Mary  Id  h  w  AVash^n  av 



Rehls  John,  Ibr.,  e  s  Courtland  1st  h  n  Mary 
Reddy  George,  Ibr.,  s  s  Schuyler  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Renk  Dorothea,  widwife,  w  s  Wasli'n  av  1st  h  s  Springfield 
Renk  John,  Ibr.,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Springfield 
Renk  Jacob,  stone  cutter,  s  s  Schuyler  2d  h  e  Morris  av 
Reiss  Alwise,  painter,  s  s  Schuyler  6th  h  w  Courtland  av 
Reider  Joseph,  piano  mkr,  s  s  Schuyler  !2d  h  e  Morris  av 
Reinhard  Geo.,  shoe  mkr,  n  s  Governeur  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Reinhard  William,  saloon,  nee  Elton  &  Morris  av 
Reinhart  Louis,  grocer,  nee  8d  av  &  Seventh 
Regan  Michael,  Ibr.,  s  s  Governeur  1st  h  e  Morris  av 
Regan  Owen,  Ibr,,  s  s  Benson  9th  h  w  Courtland  av 
Rehm  Bernard,  crockery,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Rose 
Reindl  Joseph,  carpenter,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Benson 
Rickersfeld  August,  w  s  Wash'n  av  5th  li  n  Fourth 
Richardson  Geo.  W.,   merchant,   N.   Y.,  w  s  Boston  rd  opp 

Richardson  Joseph  Ij.,  bookkeeper,  N.  Y.,  s  w  c  Boston  rd  & 

Rigney  Mrs.  P.  H.,  wid.,  n  s  Home  opp  Villa  pi 
Riker  Robert,  builder,  e  s  Clinton  od  h  s  Jefferson 
Riker  Robert,  jr.,  carpenter,  e  s  Clinton  od  h  s  Jefferson 
Riker  \Vm.,  carpenter,  e  s  Clinton  od  h  s  Jefferson 
Riker  Thos.,  carpenter,  e  s  Clinton  3d  h  s  Jefferson 
Rider  James  M.,  painter,  n  s  William  3d  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Rider  &  Conklin,  real  estate,  s  s  Van  StoU  1st  h  w  Canal 
Ritter  Washington,  physician,  e  s  Franklin  av  1st  h  n  Fifth 
Ritter  Henry,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Franklin  av  1st  h  s  Eighth 
Rivinius  Charles,  brewer,  w  s  Fulton  av  4th  h  n  Sixth 
Riordon  John,  Ibr.,  e  s  R  R  av  6th  h  n  Seventh 
Rieck  Fred'k,  agent,  n  s  Jnion  2d  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Riley  Michael,  Ibr.,  w  s  Courtland  av  od  h  n  Union 
Riley  Edward,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Third 
Riley  Richard,  peddler,  w  s  Morris  av  2d  h  s  Schuyler 
Rifey  Thomas,  Ibr.,  s  s  Denman  3d  h  e  Morris  av 
Riley  ]^Iargaret,  wid.,  laundress,  s  s  Benson  3d   h  w   Court- 
land  av 
Riley  Patrick,  Ibr.,  o  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Findlay 
Riley  Wm.,  Ibr.,  nee  Waverly  &  Wash'n  av 
Rielly  James,  police,  s  w  c  Carr  av  &  Rae 
Rinert  Charles,  carpenter,  w  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Second 
Ring  Eugene,  towm  clerk,  office  Town  Hall,  r  s  e  c   Morris  pi 

&  Catharine 
Richards  Edward,  piano  mkr,  n  w  c  Gerard  av  &  Juliet 
Richards  Joseph,  engineer,  8  w  c  Cedar  &  Walton  av 


Richards  F.,  bookkeei)er,  N.  Y.,  n  w  c  Gerard  av  &  Juliet 
Rittler  Ernst,  cigars,  s  s  145th  1st  h  e  Mill  Brook 
Rivers  Frank,  Ibr.,  n  s  14-4th  4th  h  e  3d  av 
R'chard  Frederick,  s  s  141st  4th  h  e  Alexander  av 
Rieger  Charles,  cabinet  mkr,  e  s  Willis  av  1st  h  n  144th 
Ripley  Lindsay,  cierk,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Macomb  av  2d  h  Van  Stoll 
Richardson  Joseph,  dry  goods,  w  s  od  av  3d  h  n  Garden 
Ringle  Christian,  piano  mkr,  s  s   Springfield  4th  h  e  Court- 
land  av 
Ritzer  Henry,  moulder,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Schuyler 
Riderman  Henry,  butcher,  e  s  Morris  av  1st  h  n  Governeur 
Rice  Sophia,  wid.,  n  s  Schuyler  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Rice  Michael,  shoe  mkr,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  n  First 
Rice  Peter,  baker,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  First 
Rice  Joseph,  baker,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  First 
Rice  Piiillip,  boots  &  shoes,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  n  First 
Rico  Andrew,  leather  &  findings,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  n  First 
Rice  John,  tailor,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Prospect 
Rice  John  F.,  tailor,  n  w  c  Courtland  av  &  Prospect 
Rice  John,  policeman,  n  s  Benson  4th  h  w  Courtland  av 
Rice  John,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Waverly 
Rice  Lawrence,  tailor,  n  s  Mutt  Isth  w  Courtland  av 
Rich  Franklin,  pattern  mkr,  w  s  3d  av  7th  h  s  Milton 
Ripple  John,  varnisher,  nee  Springfield  &  Courtland  av 
Rover  Anthony,  carpenter,  s  s  143d  2d  h  e  3d  av 
Roinherst  Henry,  painter,  n  s  143d  3d  h  e  3d  av 
Robertson  Henry  H.,  w  s  Macomb  av  4th  h  s  Grove 
Robertson  AVilliam  N.,  w  s  Macomb  av  4tli  h  s  Grove 
Robertson  Milton,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Macomb  av  4th  h  s  Grove 
Robertson  Henry,  n  s  Concord  7th  h  w  College  av 
Robertson  James,  grocer,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  lo9th 
Robertson  John,  ice,  n  s  Henrick  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Robinson  George,  conductor,  Port  Morris 
Robinson  George,  lumber,  N.  Y.,  s  s  139th  1st  h  e  Willis  av 
Robinson  Elizabeth,  wid.,  seamstress,  s  s  First  3d  h  e  Court- 
land  av 
Robinson  John,  waiter,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Findlay 
Rod  an  Nicholas,  teamster,  Junction  Macomb  av  &  R  R  av 
Rodecker  Frank  S.,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Edsell 
Rodecker  Emanuel,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Edsell 
ROBBINS  GEORGE  B.,  gravel  roofing,  w  s  3d  av  5th  h  n 

Robbins  Geo.  B.,  gravel  roofor,  s  s  136th  3d  h  e  Alexander  av" 
Robb  Mary,  wid.,  n  s  146th  2d  h  e  Willis  av 
Robb  Edward,  ice,  s  s  Mott  7  th  h  w  College  av 


liohl)  < ,  harlH.s,  ^ard*'iier,  n  s  »Schuvler  5tli  li  »^  Moitis  av 

Kobl)  Elizabeth,  n  8  14Gtli  1st  h  e  AVillis  av 

Robb  (.'barlejj,  ice,  e  s  ^{(1  av  '2d  li  n  I4Gth 

RoAv  John,  biitclier,  s  a\  c  od  av  *fc  Henriclv- 

Homan  (,'atholie  Scliool,  ii  e  c  loTtli  &  Alexander  av 

lioh  Jacob,  shoemkr,  e  s  Concord  av  lid  li  .s  ]jexinjj;ton  av 

]\*osa  l\udol])li,  .siirvfnor,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Garden  4th  li  Av(Jolloge  av 

Ivool^woJK ']iarli>s  11.,  bookkeeper,  N.  Y..  n   s  Concord  2d  li  w 

'U\  av 
li(H'  Anna,  e  s  Walton  av  lid  h  s  KUa 
lioe  James  ]).,  mercliant,  n  s  Tlalsey  1st  ii  <>  M«»rrls  pi 
Jlov  A\'ni.,  clerk,  n  s  IJalsey  1st  li  i\  ISf orris  pi 
Ivoe  Aj^iiistus  C,  clerk,  e  s  Walton  av  2d  h  s  Ella 
liows  James,  blacksmith,  n  s  Westchester  rd  ))d  li  e  Iletreat  av 
Ixoeder  (luirles,  ch'i'k,  n  s  Gerai'd  tith  h  e  Hetreat  av 
Ivoeder  Adam,  c{ir])euter,  n  e  c  AFary  I'v:  Conrtland  i\\ 
Jvobetzeck  I)a\id,  china  works,  s  s  Willo^v  2d  h  e  Itobbins  av, 

r  s  s  Fncas  2d  h  «>  bobbins  av 
liolx'tzeck  (Instave,  clerk,  s  s  Ifncas  2d  h  e  Liobbins  a\ 
l'l«>betzeck  Aaron,  av  s  l«obbins  av  1st  h  n  Wr  Hailroad 
Eonrke  I'at.,  driA-er,  e  s  li  R  av  1st  li  s  8ixth 
Rourke  John,  contractor,  w  s  Union  av  Isth  w  George 
Eonrki'  Ann,  av  s  Union  av  od  h  n  George 
Ronrke  Michael,  driver,  \v  s  ITnion  aA'  ^Id  hn  George 
Koberts  JNlary,  n  s  Wall  1  st  h  w  Union  av 
lloberts  JNtilton,  clerk,  n  s  Wall  Ist  h  av  Union  av 
Ivoberts  Alex.  1'.,  ch-rk,  n  s  Wall  1st  h  ^v  Union  av 
liobt'rts  Ste})ln^n  J.,  carpenter,  n  s  WiUiam  1st  h  av  Wash'n  av 
Eoberts  James,  (Jerk,  s  s  UOth  .'{d  h  a\-  AVillisav 
Ikommenstein  Christian,  brcAViT,  e  s  JJd  av  od  h  w  Sixth 
l{<»s('nthal  Conrad,  hairdresser,  av  s  .'>d  av  5th  h  n  Fifth 
KOWKX  JAMKS,  harness  mkr,  av  s  ;ld  av  U  h  n  R  R  av 
l'0A\an  AYm.,  printer,  s  s  I'indlay  2d  h  av  AN'ash'n  av 
Ivowan  (ieo.  W.,  harness,  s  s  I'nion  4th  h  w  AVash'n  av 
Eoude  I'atrick,  Ibr,,  n  s  Kirst  2d  h  e  (Jonrtland  nv 
Eoletter  JN'ter,  cooper,  s  s  AN'illiam  r)th  h  av  AN'ashVn  av 
l\ooT»e  Henry,  tailor,  av  s  Wash'n  av  Ist  h  s  I'rospect 
Roos  .Jucob,  stone  cntter,  e  s  AN'ash'n  aA*  5th  li  s  Milton 
Roos  .lacob,  taih)r,  e  s  Conrtland  aA'  1st  h  s  ]\lelrose 
Rose  Wm.  II.,  carpenter,  n  s  I'rospect  od  h  a\-  Wash'n  av 
Ronner  LcAvis,  engineer,  IS.  Y.,  n  s  Second  Jld  h  e  Wash'n  av 
Ronner  Mrs.  William,  .>>  e  c  Fulton  uv  »S:  Seventh 

av  2d  h  s  Fifth 
Ro«H  George,  Ibr.,  s  «  Arenlurius  pi  1st  h  e  Gerard  ar 


Rohl  Oharlos,  <2;ardener,  n  s  Eila  4th.  ]i  e  Morris  pi 
Rolirey  John,  liarness  mkr,  s  s  Westchester  rd  3d  h  av  (JHftou  av 
Roschild  E.,  dry  goods,  s  s  Westcliester  rd  'Jd  h  w  CUftou  av 
Rotlischild  Henry,  b(jots  &  shoes,  av  s  od  av  2d  li  n  Gardeu 
Rogers  Thomas,  lawyer,  s  w  c  Ella  «fc  Spring- 
Rogers  8.  N.,  shoe  mkr,  t;  s  av  C  2d  h  s  Clilf 
Rogers  John,  waiter,  N.  Y.,  e  s  av  0  3d  h  s  Clift' 
Rogers  George,  driver,  o  s  3  av  4th  h  s  Eight!  i 
Rogers  Fred.,  billiard  saloon,  e  s  3d  av  Mh  h  n  Fiftli 
Rogers  Mrs.  Mary  A.,  e  s  13oston  rd  bet  Ilonie  &  George 
Rogers  John,  hostler,  u  s  First  3d  h  e  Courthmd  a\- 
Rogers  Henry,  agent,  s  e  c  (Jottago  it  ( 'ollege  av 
Rogers  Ellen,  wJiite  goods,  sec  Cottage  &  College  av 
Rogge  John,  liquors,  n  w  c  Benson  &  3d  av 
Rogge  John  (J.,  L.,  n  s  Benson  1st  h  \v  3d  av 
Rooney  Michael,  Ibr.,  n  s  Westchester  rd  2d  li  <■  Rcjbbins  av 
Roderka  Gustavo  A.,  grocer,  n  w  c  Springliold  il<:  (^ourtland  av 
Romans  Bernard,  Ibr.,  av  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Schuyler 
Rousseau  David,  mfr,  X.  Y.,,s  s  Elton  (Jtli  li  e  Morris  av 
Rosencrans  Eli,  varnisher,  \v  s  (Jourtland  av  1st  h  s  Governeur 
Roche  Claude,  furrier,  n  s  G(^verneur  2d  h  av  ^torris  av 
Roubicek  LudAvig  A.,   hardAvnrc,  >,   s   Benson  "tli  li  av  Court- 
land  av 
Rodney  Michael,  liquors,  av  s  3d  av  1st  h  e  William 
Rodenheiser  John,  moulder,  a\^  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Elton 
Roland  Wm.,  butcher,  av  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  n  See«jnd 
Roland  Peter,  butcher,  av  s  3  av  2d  h  s  Henry 
Roth  John,  carpenter,  n  s  Elton  -Ith  h  av  3d  av 
Rothe  Louis,  shoe  mkr,  n  s  Mott  1st  h  av  3d  av 
Rothe  William,  iron  railings,  nee  Mott  ct  Courtland  av 
Russell  Mrs.,  Avid.,  e  s  Forest  av  1st  li  s  Wall 
Russell  Lorenzo,  printer,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Home  opp  Villa  pi 
Russell  Laura,  Avid.,  e  s  Willis  av  1st  h  s  14(>th 
Russell  Fred.  E.,  clerk,  s  s  Milton  2d  k  av  Courtland  av 
Ruser  Fred.,  As^heelwright,  av  s  R  R  av  5th  h  s  Eiglith 
Ruck  Fredericka.   Avid.,  dress  mkr,  nee  William  tS:  Court- 
land  av 
Rudolph  August,  cooper,  s  s  Waverly  3d  h  av  Courtland  av 
Rudolph  Martin,  shoe  mkr,  n  s  Springfield  3d  h  av  3d  av 
Ruff  John,  mason,  n  s  Milton  4th  h  av  Wash'n  av 
Rundell  Wm.  H.,  ice,  s  s  Second  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Rumble  Wm.,  surveyor,  office  n  s   Fifth  opp  Post  Office,  res 

3d  av  opp  Third 
Rumble  ^Irs.  Elizabeth,  n  s  Fourth  1  st  h  e  R  R  av 
Rutler  Abram,  dry  goods,  N.  Y.,  s  s  1 36th  2d  h  e  Alexander  av 


Itunge  Adah,  artist,  e  s  8d  av  od  h  n  144th 

Huddiinan  Wni.,  furniture,  w  s  8d  av  '2d  h  s  Mott 

Rungin  Charles,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  n  w  c  M  av  &  Edsell 

Eimge  John  F.,  artist,  s  s  Garden  8d  h  w  College  av 

Kutten  Jolm,  carman,  n  s  Schuyler  1st  li  e  Morris  av 

Eudden  Edward,  Ibr.,  n  s  Elton  2d  h  w  Morris  av 

Euss  William,  tinsmith,  n  s  Governeur  4th  h  e  Morris  av 

Eumpelton  Frederick  J,,  clerk,  e  s  M  av  1st  h  w  St.  Ann's  av 

Eyan  Eichard,  cari^enter,  e  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Fourth 

Eyan  John,  mason,  e  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Fourth 

Eyan  Mrs.,  wid.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Fourth 

Eyan  James,  peddler,  n  w  c  Governeur  &  Morris  av 

Eyan  James,  Ibr.,  s  s  Benson  4th  h  e  Morris  av 

Eyan  AVilliam,  Ibr.,  s  s  Benson  7  th  he  Morris  av 

Ever  Carl,  mason,  s  s  Schuyler  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 


Sanger  Fred.,  paiuomkr,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Clinton  2d  h  w  Seventh 
Sandstein    Samuel   M.,  cigar  mfr,  N.  Y.,  w  s  3d  av  8th  h  n 

Sanford  Henry  P.,  shoe  mfr,  w  s  Franklin  av  4tli  h  s  Sixth 
Sasche  John,  shoemkr,  n  s  Milton  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Sasche  Paul,  tailor,  n  s  Melrose  2d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Sauer  Christoph.,  grocer,  e  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  s  Milton 
Sauvan  John  J.,  painter,  w  s  Union  av  2d  h  New 
Saiivan  Henry,  painter,  n  s  First  Sd  h  e  Wash'n  av 
Sauvan  Eobert,  mason,  s  s  Ncav  Bd  h  e  Forest  av 
Samson  Adam,  Ibr.,  w  s  Courtland  av  4th  h  n  Union 
Sackett  Margaret,  s  s  Findlay  2d  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Sayers  John,  grocer,  s  s  Fifth  4th  h  e  E  E  av 
Sayers  Harry,  carriagemkr,  N.  Y.,  s  s  New  od  h  w  Forest  av 
Sanson  John  S.,  sup't.  Janes  &  Kirtland's  foundry,  e   s  Eagle 

av  1st  h  s  Westchester  rd 
Sanson  John  S.,  jr.,  clerk,  e  s  Eagle  av  1st  li  s  Westchester  rd 
Sanson  Eugene,  clerk,  e  s  Eagle  av  1st  h  s  Westchester  rd 
Santos  vfc  Gibney,  liquors,  n  w  c  od  av  &  Concord 
Santos  Joseph,  stevedore,  N.  Y".,  s  s  Mary  4th  h  w  Courtland  av 
Sautalini  Antoine,  Ibr.,  s  av  c  8d  av  &  Smeeman 
Sadlier  Denis,  publisher,  N.  Y".,  Wilton 
Samuels  S.  Capt.,  n  w  c  Passage  av  &■  148d 
Saxton  Harriet,  school,  n  s  loOth  od  h  e  M  av 
Salmon  Patrick,  gas  titter,  s  s  Willow  pi  2d  h  w  College  av 
Sanderson  M.,  wid.,  n  s  Garden  7th  h  w  College  av 
Sauter  Jacob,  butcher,  e  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  a  Courtland  av 


Sauter  Vincent,  carpenter,  w  s  Courtland  av  3d  h  s  Springfield 
Sauter  John,  tailor,  n  s  Prospect  7th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Sauter  Louis,  carpenter,  s  s  Melrose  5th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Saunders    Simon   M.,    mer.,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Pranklin  av  Gth  h  n 

Saunders  Benj.,  g-ardener,  n  s  Findlay  3d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Saunders  Benj,,  cutter,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Seventh 
Saunders  Ann,  laundress,  n  s  Schuyler  9th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Saunders  Catherine,  n  s  Melrose  f^th  h  e  Courtland  av 
CRONEY,  LENT  &  CO.,  753  BROADWAY,  N.  Y.,  s  w 
c  Elton  &  Courtland  av 
Scott  Emma,  laundress,  s  s  Melrose  8th  h  w  AVash'n  av 
Schwenk  John,  carver,  N.  Y.,   s   s   Springfield  Gth  h  e  Court- 
land  av 
SchaAvannecke  Henry,  physician,  nee   Springfield  &  Court- 
land  av 
Schledorn  Henrietti,  wid.,  n  s  Springfield  2d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Schulter  David,  painter,  sec  Mary  &  Courtland  av 
Scherbert  Frank,  mason,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Schuyler 
Schaelles  Henrv,  tailor,  n  s  Schuvler  3d  h  e  Courtland  av 
SCHMIDT  HENRY,  liquors,  s  e  c  Grove  &  3d  av 
Schmidt  John  F.,  pianomkr,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Melrose  3d  h  e  Ter- 
race pi 
Schmidt  George,  fiour  &  feed,  N.  Y.,  n   s  Waverly  1st  h  w 

Courtland  av 
Schmidt  George,  mason,  n  s  Findlay  4th  h  ^v  Wash'n  av 
Schmidt  Richard,  Ibr.,  s  s  Mary  1st  h  w  Courtland  av 
Schmidt  Jo]m,  crockery,  e  s  3cl  av  2d  h  n  147th 
Schmidt  Charles,  mason,  n  s  147th  1st  h  e  3d  av 
Schmidt  Barbara,  wid.,  s  s  Benson  2d  h  e  R  R  av 
Schmidt  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  Milton  5th  h  av  Wash'n  av 
Schmidt  Adam,  tailor,  n  s  Prospect  Gth  h  e  Courtland  av 
Schmidt  Henry,  car  builder,  av  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  s  Third 
Schmitt  John,  Ibr.,  sec  Tinton  av  &  Pontiac 
Schmitt  Moritz,  pianomkr,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Uncas  1st  li  e  Robbins  av 
Schmidt  Henry,  painter,  n  s  Prospect  Gth  h  e  Courtland  av 
Schmidt  Henry,  finisher,  n  s  Schuyler  8th  h  w  3d  av 
Schmidt  Joseph,  Ibr.,  av  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Schuyler 
Schmidt  Felix,  tailor,  n  s  Springfield  4th  h  w  3d  av 
Schmitt  Adam,  tobacconist,  e  s  3d  a\'  2d  h  n  Rose 
Schulze  Charles,  sash  &  blinds,  s  s  Springfield  7th  h  w  3d  av 
Schulz  John,  butcher,  n  av  c  Findlay  &  Courtland  av 
Schulz  Julia,  seamstress,  av  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  s  Springfield 
Schulz  Fred.,  tailor,  s  s  Fifth  1st  h  a\^  2d  av 


tSchulz  Casper,  butclier,  N.  Y.,  n  w  c  Wasli'n  av  &  Second 
iScharf  Keiuhard,  iiiacliiiiist,  n  s  Schuyler  Htli  li  e  Coiirtland  av 
kSchlcifer  George,  cig-annkr,  n  s  Elton  lid  h  w  od  av 
JSchanz  Emil,  Ibr.,  s  «  Elton  Sth  li  w  3d  av 
Schwabius  George,   varnisher,  8  s  Schuyler    Iht  h   w   Court- 
land  av 
Scheifele  John,  book  binder,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Elton  '2(\  h  e  Morris  av 
Schefiier  John,  Hhoenikr,  s  s  Elton  oth  h  e  Morris  av 
Schlunii)  Henry,  pianonikr,  s  s  Elton  7th  h  e  Morris  av 
Schrenck  Andre^\',  carpenter,  s  e  c  Governeur  &  Courtland  av 
Schlaehter  Elizabeth,  wid.,   niiUiner,  sec  J)eninan  &  Court- 
land  av 
Schott  John,  tailor,  s  s  Governeur  4th  h  w  Courtland  av 
Sclu'llung  Philip  E.,  Ibr.,  s  s  Dennian  '2d  h  e  Morris  av 
Schrader  William,  grocery,  nee  Willis  av  &  145th 
Schnap  Ciiristian,  carpenter,  s  s  144th  1st  h  w  Willis  av 
Schaninier  Frederick,  s  s  142d  Oth  h  w  Willis  av 
Schiebler  Jacob,  cai-penter,  e  s  AVillis  av  2d  h  s  14(Jth 
Schilling  John  H.,  grocery,  w  s  8d  av  2d  h  n  Courtland  av 
Schetzler  Andrew,  e  s  od  av  5th  h  n  14(Jth 

Schrictzloner  Henry,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  s   s  Cottage  loth  h  w  Col- 
lege av 
Schuh  Frederick,  saloon,  o  s  3d  av  8d  h  n  lo4th 
Schneidle  Antoin,  saloon,  nee  147th  «Iv:  8d  av 
Schopper  Henry  13.,  sewing  machines,  e  s  8d  av  5th  h  n  147th. 
Scotiold  Ann,  wid.,  w  s  od  av  Gth  h  s  Mott 
Schatier  Christian,  Karls'  Park,  e  s   Petreat  av  bet  147th  & 

Schalfer  William,  manager,  e  s  Petreat  av  bet  147th  &  Henry 
Scliafer  I'eter,  uianomkr,  s  s  S])ringlield  '2d  h  e  Morris  av 
Schafer  Michael,  Ibr.,  s  «  Schuyler  8d  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Schafer  W' illiam,  tailor,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Milton 
Schatier  Jacob,  blacksmith,  N.  Y".,  n  s  Third  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Schafer  John,  cigarmkr,  s  w  c  Gerard  av  &  Juliet 
Shat'er  ^lartiu,  s  s  William  3d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Shafer  Seuferth,  mason,  n  s  Governeur  4th  h  w  3d  av 
Schaefer  George,  builder,  e  s  Franklin  av  2d  h  n  Eighth 
Schledom   Charles,   lithographer,   N.  Y.,  s  w  c   Mott  &  Com*t- 

land  av 
Schh^dom  Juhus,  lithographer,  N.,  Y.,  s  w  c  Mott  *S:  Court- 
land  av 
Scranton  W.  B.,  broker,  N.  Y.,  s  s  :Mott  5th  h  w  College  av 
Schulbery,  Fred.,  Ibr.,  a  s  Denman  2d  h  o  ^Morris  av 
Schaonbuer  Anton,  carpenter,  e  s  P  P  tw  2d  h  n  Denman 
Schafner  Fred.,  caq^enter,  s  h  Dennum  2d  h  e  P  P  av 


Schussler  Kaspar,  saloon,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Benson 
Schillhorn  Richard,  teamster,  w  s  'Id  av  tith  h  s  Milton 
Schuarman  Louis,  barber,  e  s  8d  av  J>d  h  s  Grove 
Schussler    Ferdinand,  cigar   mfr,   e   s   od  av    1st    li    n    West- 
chester rd 
Schlosser  Gebhard,  tailor,    e  s  oil  av  Ut  li  s  DcuiiiavL 
Scliool  Louis,  butcher,  sec  Gerard  *fc  8d  av 
Schwarz  Margaret,  Avid.,  s  s  Melrose  0th  h  \\-  Wash'n  av 
Schwartz  Joseph,  saloon,  e  s  od  av  Ith  h  s  Jlenry 
Scarderfield  Henry,  gilder,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Lensori  Iwt  h  w  od  av 
8chubz  Catliarine,  wid.,  n  w  c  Mott  <t  Courtland  av 
Scherding  Christian,  butcher,  e  s  od  av  od  h  n  Grove 
Schoppaul  Christian,  butcher,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Mary 
Schilling  Fred.,  Ibr.,  s  s  Milton  5th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Schauferberger  Frederick,  shoemkr,  s  s  Milton   Ist  ii  w  Court- 
land  av 
Schiet  Caspar,  tailor,  n  s  Prospect  2d  h  m'  Courtland  av 
Schott  Jacob,  pianonikr,  n  s  Prospect  Hd  h  w  Courtland  av 
Schoenleber  Andrew,  baker,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Melrose 
Schrutel  Jacob,  milkman,  s  s  Melrose  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Sohuhman  George,  carpenter,  s  s  Melrose  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Schuhman  Andrew,  saloon,  sec  Melrose  &  Courtland  av 
Schuman  Jacob,  apothecary,  e  s  8d  av  Gth  h  s  Rose 
Schiesser  John,  shoemkr,  n  s  Melrose  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Schepp  John,  vinegar,  n  s  Melrose  lid  h  e  Courtland  av 
Schunk  Simon,  peddler,  s  s  First  Hd  h  w  R  R  av 
Schroff'  John  G.,  shoemkr,  s  s  First  7th  w  R  R  av 
Schroff  Charles  T.,  painter,  n  s  First  1st  h  w  R  R  av 
Schubert  John,  framer,  s  s  First  2d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Schaup  Isadore,  Ibr.,  s  s  William  oth  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Schroeder  Adam,  musician,  w  s  Wash'n  av  Ist  h  n  Melrose 
Schroder  August,  cigannkr,  n  s  First  1st  h  e  Wash'n  av 
Schroder  George,  cigarmkr,  e  s  3d  av  Ist  h  n  Governeur 
Shroeder  John  F.,  grocery,  n  w  c  College  av  &  Garden 
Schroeder  Benj.,  Ibr.,  s  s  William  Gth  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Schroeder  John,  gardener,  s  s  William  Gth  h  w  AVash'n  av 
Schertel  Andrew,  tailor,  n  s  Courtland  av  2d  li  s  Findlay 
Schneider  George,  tailor,  s  s  Waverly  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Schneider  Christian,  cabinetmkr,  s   s  Waverly  2d  h  w  Courts- 
land  av 
Schneider   William,    caii)enter,    s  s  Waverly  2d  h  w   Court- 
land  av 
Schneider  Jacob,  mason,  c  Sixth  &  Union  av 
Schneider  Julius,  joiner,  sec  Elton  «&  Morris  av 
•Schneider  John,  Ibr.,  n  8  Schuyler  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 


Schneider  George,  Ibr.,  n  a  Schuyler  5th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Schneider  Charles,  skewers,  e  s  Courtland  av  od  h  n  Mott 
Schneider  Fred.,  blacksmith,  w  s  Courtland  av  Isth  n  Melrose- 
Schneider  Charles,  pickle  mfr,  n  e  c  R  li  av  &  Wash'n  av 
Schneider  Louis,  mer.,  N.  Y.,  s  w  c  Fulton  av  &  Fifth 
Schowppe  Augustus,  pianomkr,  N.   Y.,  w  s   Clinton  3d  h  n 

Schender  Adam,  watchman,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Eighth 
Schweir  Wra.,  grocer,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Third 
Schumacher  Otto,  Ibr.,  w  s  Retreat  av  4th  h  s  Grove 
Schumacher  John,  engr.,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Eighth 
Schatzle  Anton,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Third 
Schnaufer  C.  H.,  butcher,  nee  3d  av  &  Spring  pi 
Schoeppler  ISIicks,  shoemkr,  s  e  c  3d  av  &  Spring  pi 
Schoustal,  cigarmkr,  n  s  R  R  av  1st  h  e  AVash'n  av 
Schul  Charles,  harness  mkr.  w  s  3d  av  Ttli  h  s  Fifth 
Schuyler  Spencer,  mer.,  N.  Y.,  e  s  3d  av  bet  Cliff  &  Fii^st  pi 
Scheurmann  Philip,  shoemkr,  nee  Wash'n  av  &  Seventh 
Schoettle  Fred.,  dairy,  w  s  R  R  av  2d  h  n  Fifth 
Schonduev  Andrew,  mer.,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Wash'n  3d  h  }i  Seventh 
Schlosler  George,  nee  Seventh  &  Wash'n  av 
Schappert  Henry,  carver,  n  s  Second  1st  h  e  AVash'n  av 
Schwatz  August,  wheelwright,  sec  Retreat  av  &  Gerard 
Schmeder  A.,  Ibr.,  s  w  c  Union  av  &  New 
Schellkopf  Jacob,  Ibr.,  nee  156th  &  Carr  av 
Schwab  Fred.,  carpenter,  e  s  Tinton  av  3d  li  n  Uncas 
Schwab  Adam.  Ibr.,  N.  Y".,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Prospect 
Scliwab  August,  cabinetmkr,  w  s  Robbinsav  1st  h  s  Lexington 
Schellenberg  !Moritz,  wheelwright,   s  s   Pontiac  2d  ]i  e  Tin- 
ton  av 
Schwinge  John,  n  w  c  Tinton  av  t^  Uncas 
Schwinge  Albert,  driver,  n  w  c  Tinton  av  &  Uncas 
Schmieder  Xaver,  watchman,  w  s   Robbins-  av   5tli   h   n   Wi' 

Schmieder  Lorenz,  tailor,  sec  Donman  &  Courtland  av 
Schmiederer  Michael,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Van  Stoll 
Seals  Hiram,  boots  &.  shoes,  N,  Y.,  w  s  Boston  rd  4th  h  n  Fifth 
Seip  Wm.,  brewer,  n  s  Eighth  2d  h  e  3d  av 
•  Seitz  Amer,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Eighth 
Seiber  Wm.,  leather  findings,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Eighth 
Seifelder  Michael,  tailor,  n  s  Findlay  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Seiler  Joseph,  peduler,  nee  Robbins  av  &  Uncas 
Seemann  Hermann,  crockery,  n  s  l^ncas  1st  h  e  Robbins  av 
Seiz  Gotlib,  currier,  e  s  Retreat  av  (Jth  h  n  Westchester  rd 
Seiz  Charles,  currier,  e  s  Retreat  av  Gth  h  n  Westchester  rd 


Seling  John,  weaver,  n  s  144tli  9th  h  e  od  av 

Searing  Joseph,  fireman,  Port  Morris 

Seward  Wni.  A.,  painter,  s  s  Cottage  4th  h  w  College  av 

Sears  Peter  J.  harness,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  S  Boulevard 

Sears  James  C,  porter,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Mary  3d  h  e  Courtland  av 

Semel  Louis,  mer.  tailor,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Courtland  av 

Seufert  Mary,  wid.,  laundress,  e  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  n  Mary 

Seufert  Charles,  conductor,  sec  Main  &  College  av 

Seeder  August,  tailor,  n  s  Schuyler  7th  h  w  3d  av 

Seuferth  Joseph,  painter,  s  s  Schuyler  7th  h  e  Courtland  av 

Seuferth  John,  gardener,  e  s  3d  av  5th  h  s  Henry 

Seybold  Frederick,  framer,  n  s  Schuyler  5th  h  w  Courtland  av 

Seabold  Margaret,  wid.,  w  s  E  R  av  3d  h  s  Wash'n  av 

Seikes  Christopher,  carpenter,  n  s  Benson  od  h  w  Morris  av 

Seidl  Wulfgang,  trimmings,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Milton 

Shappert  Lewis,  blacksmith,  n  s  Second  2d  h  e  Wash'n  av 

Shots  George,  baker,  n  s  Second  3d  h  w  3d  av 

Sheldon  Gaylor,  n  s  Ella  2d  h  e  Morris  pi 

Sheldon  Clarence,  n  s  Ella  2d  h  e  Morris  \)l 

Sheldon  Augustus,  n  s  Ella  2d  h  e  Morris  pi 

Sheldon  I).,  mer.,  Is".  Y.,  n  s  Ella  3d  li  e  Morris  pi 

Shaw  Henry  W.,  artisan,  Ts.  Y.,  w  s  Morris  pi  1st  h  s  Helen 

Sheeren  James,  Ibr.,  e  s  Tinton  av  1st  h  n  Wr  Railroad 

Sheeren  James,  plasterer,  e  s  Tinton  av  1st  h  n  Wr  Railroad 

Sheeren  John,  lathing,  e  s  Tinton  av  1st  h  n  AYr  Railroad 

Sheehan  Patrick,  horseshoer,  e  s  3d  av  5th  h  n  Fifth 

Shrempt  John,  brewer,  s  s  145th  3d  h  w  Clifton  av 

Shaw  Lucinda,  dressmkr,  e  s  Willis  av  1st  h  s  146th 

Schnette  Henry,  Ibr.,  Port  Morris 

Shewell  James,  Ibr.,  Port  Morris 

Shewart  Margaret,  grocery,  n  s  Cottage  7th  h  w  College  av 

Sheriff  Richard,  foreman,  n  s  Cottage  19th  h  w  College  av 

Sharkey  John  K.,  hardware,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  8  Boulevard 

Sheppard  Antoine,  express,  n  s  Edsell  3d  h  w  3d  av 

Shepperd  Frank,  peddler,  s  s  First  Stli  h  w  R,  R  av 

Shaffen  Patrick,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Edsell 

Shay  Tim.,  Ibr.,  n  av  c  Seventh  &  Fulton  av 

Shay  Michael,  Ibr.,  Port  Morris 

Shay  John  W.,  iron  foundry,  N.   Y.,   .^   s  13<Stli   2d  h  e  St. 

Ann's  av 
Shellaberger  Anton,  book  binder,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Courtland  av  2d  h 

n  Schuyler 
Shellaberger  Matthew,  teamster,  n  s  Schuyler  5th  h  w  (Court- 
land av 
Shuhenz  Gindar,  cigarmkr,  s  s  Schuyler  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 


Sliutto  Aup:ust,  «2;rooer,  s  o  c  Govorneiir  »&  Courtland  av 
»Sliatzabel  llerinaii,  blacksmith,  n  e  e  Benson  &  Courtland  av 
*Shaui)  Andrew,  lithographer,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Molt  0th  li  w  Court- 
land  av 
Sheridan  IJartlioh'mew,  contractor,  n  w  c  Courtland  av  &  Tel- 
ler pi 
Slieridan  James,  mason,  s  s  Denman  1st  h  w  jSEorris  av 
Sheriden  James,  ll)r.,  o  s  ('linton  av  1st  h  s  Jefferson 
Slieridiin  Jolm,  Ibr.,  n  o  c  William  &  Courtland  av 
Slierwood  Geo.  ¥.,  carpenter,  av  s  Clinton  1st  h  n  Seventh 
Slierwood  Henry  A.,  builder,  av  s  Hd  av  3d  h  s  Sixth 
Slier \voc»d  ISIrs.  Mary  A.,  fancy  store,  w  s  3d  av  8d  h  s  Sixth 
Sherwood  R.  R,,  crockery,  n  w  c  AVash'n  av  &  Seventh 
Sherwood  Niles,  carpenter,  n  s  Seventli  1st  h  w  Clinton 
Sherwood  Geo.  E.,  biiilder,  n  s  Sev(?ntli  1st  h  w  Clinton 
Slierwood  Silas  B.,  carpenter,  n  s  Ei<>;lith  4th  li  w  Wash'n  av 
Sherwood  Cliauncey,  carpenter,  s  s  Fourtli  od  h  e  R  R  av 
Slierwood  AV.  H.  H.,  keeper,  nee  Gerard  av  &  Juliet 
Sherwood  S.  J.,  s  w  c  Cedar  &,  Walton  av 
Sherwood  Alatilda.  wid.,  n  s  Cottage  7th  h  w  College  av 
Sherwood  Thomas,  mason,  s  s  Benson  1st  h  w  Morris  av 
Shultz  Fred.,  Ibr.,  e  s  Forest  av  3d  h  n  New 
Sherring  Jacob,  gardener,  e  s  3d  av  5th  h  s  Fifth 
Sheack  Fhillip,  butcher,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Spring  pi 
Shandly  Michael,  Ibr.,  e  s  R  R  av  1st  h  s  Second 
Shears  Jacob,  e  s  R  R  av  1st  h  s  Second 
Shell  George,  toy  nifr,  e  s  R  R  av  ()th  h  n  Fifth 
Sliets  George,  gardener,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Sixth 
Shoert  Martin.,  umbrella  repairer,  w  s  R  R  av  opp  Seventh 
Shi«d  John,  carpenter,  w  s  Fulton  av  3d  h  s  Eighth 
Shiel  ICdward,  coachman,  n  w  c  Courtland  av  »S:  AVavorly 
Sheiflen  IMiili]),  w  s  Fulton  uv  oth  li  s  Sixth 
Shop  Joseph,  Ibr.,  w  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  s  Milton 
Short  Wm.,  gilder,  N.  Y.,  n  »>  c  William  ».t  AVash'n  av 
Short  ( 'harles,  gilder,  N.  Y.,  nee  Wilham  &  Wash'n  av 
Sheringer  Alicliael,  stair  builder,  s  s  Union  3d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Shields  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  William  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Shelbert  Anne,  laundress,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  li  n  Milton 
Shlichmayer  David,  ])rewer,  s  s  Sixth  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Sheak  Tlieo.  A.,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Eighth 
Shea  Richard.  ll)r.,  nee  Vir  Railroad  &  Tinton  av 
Si(^r(;k  ( 'harles  W.,  painter,  n  s  Eiglith  2d  Ii  e  3d  av 
Sigel  Wm.,  driver,  o  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Seventh 
Sigel  Jacob,  engr.,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Seventli 
Sigel  Franz,  e  s  av  B  1st  h  s  Cliff 


^imondes  Alonzo  D.,  agent,  N.  Y.,   e  s  Franklin   av  i!d  h  n 

Sinclair  Mrs.  Selina,  milliner,  e  s  Franklin  av  2d  h  8  8eventli 
Sinheimer  Z.,  tailor,  sec  od  av  &  Spring  pi 
Simmons  George,  gardener,  av  s  »id  av  4th  li  n  SixtJi 
Siering  Niegand,  tailor,  n  s  AVaverly  Sth  h  n  Wasli'n  av 
Simpson  AVilson,  pawnbroker,  N.  Y'.,  n  ^v  c  Cedar  cS:  Sprinf^; 
Singer  Antony,  n  s  Ella  ik\  h  e  Morris  pi 
Siller  Herman,  teamster,  s  s  145tli  otli  h  v,-  Mill  Urook 
Simons  George  B.,  carpenter,  n  s  1 4'Jd  1st  h  e  od  av 
Sidney    Oliarles,  rubber   goods,  N.    Y'.,  n    s   lo4t]i    1st   Ir   w 

Willis  av 
Sienies  Louis,  butclier,  w  s  ^>d  av  (3tli  li  n  Concord 
Siebold  John,  bridge  tender,  n  s  Mott  '2d  h  av  8d  av 
Simmer  Samuel,  butcher,  s  s  iJiltli  '2<l  h  e  St.  Ann's  av 
Singer  JSIartin,  cooper,  n  s  Sjiriugfield  1  st  h  e  Courtland  aA^ 
Sichling  Philip,  painter,  n  s  Melrosr  od  h  av  Wash'n  av 
Sichling  Michael,  butclier,  n  e  c  J)eniiiaii  cNJ  Courtland  a\ 
Sikenthaler  Henry,  painter,  n  s  Elton  lid  h  w  ."id  ax 
Siegman  Karl,  painter,  n  s  Elton  Dtli  li  av  ;)d  av 
Sienmiering  Jolm,  grocer,  n  s  Schuyler  (Hh  h  (^  i\[orris  av 
Skane  John,  gardener,  h  av  c  l-'ranklin  nx  ik  Eiglith 
Skellon  James,  plumber,  n  s  Gerard  '2d  h  c  Ivctroat  aA" 
Skelley  William,  contractor,  n  s  I4()th  1st  h  e  '-kl  av 
Sicven  Patrick,  pahiter,  n  s  I'nion  Ttli  li  e  Courtland  av 
Slodon  Michael,  ll)r.,  av  s  (-ourtland  iiv  ')d  ii  n  Union 
Sloane  Wm.,  Avaiter,  e  s  \Valton  av  ^Id  h  s  Ella 
SloAor  John,  Ibr.,  Port  i\[orris 

Sliet  l£enrv,  cabinetinkr,  s  s  Springhrld  ^'dh  h  p  ( 'ourtland  av 
Slink ert  .Vntliony,  Ibr,  s  s  J^lton,  4tli  li  e  ^torris  av 
Slattery  Thomas,  Ibr.,  n  s  Denman  1st  h  e  R  ](  av 
Slattery  Ellen,  Avid.,  J'ort  Mon-is 

Slatterj-  Thomas,  Ibr.,  s  s  Lexington  1st  h  e  llobbins  av 
Smith  Louis,  broAver,  n  s  J''ighth  1st  h  e  od  av 
Smith  James,  boarding  liouse,  av  s  ^>d  av  4th  li  u  l^ighth 
Sniith  Geo.  H.,  s  e  c  ^M  aA'  &  J'^iflli 

Smith  Alfred  B.,  luerchaut,  e  s  od  av  bet  ('litt'  «1-  First  pi 
Smith  Ghauncey,  lawyer,  n  e  c  A\'ash'n  av  c'c  Fifth,  r  n  e  c  U 

11  av  «fc  First 
Smith  A\'m.  S.,  insurance,  n  e  c  AV'ash'n  av  &  Fifth,  r  n  e  c  Iv 

E  av  .^  First 
Smith  AndreAv,  carpenter,  av  s  II II  av  opp  Seventh 
Smith  Michael  C.,  builder,  N.  Y'.,  s  s  Se\'enth  opp  Clinton  av 
Smith  John  R.,  stone  cutter,  av  s  Courtland  av  2d  h  s  Waverly 
Smith  John,  gardener,  av  s  Wash'n  av  1  si  h  s  Prospect 


Smith  Warren  W.,  conductor,  nee  Wash'n  &  Milton 
Smith  Tliomas  ]5.,  (Rev.,)  w  s  Wasli'n  av  let  h  n  Third] 
Smith  W.,  bookkeeper,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Third 
Smith  Jas.  A.,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  li  n  Third 
Smitli  Mrs.  Sarah  A.,  fancy  store,  w   s  Wasli'n  av  1st  h  n 

Smith  George,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Seventh 
Smith  Nich.,  gardener,  n  s  Westchester  rd  1st  h  w  Union  av 
Smith  John,  Ibr.,  w  s  av  C  2d  h  s  Cliff' 
Smith  Elizabeth,  grocer,  s  s  14(3th  2d  h  e  od  av     • 
Smith  Sarah,  wid.,  s  s  146th  2d  h  e  3d  av 
Smith  Soloman  P.,  carpenter,  n  s  142d  1st  h  e  3d  av 
Smith  AViUiam,  builder,  s  s  141st  1st  h  w  Willis  av 
Smith  Peter,  grocer,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Garden 
Smith  George,  plumber,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  145th 
Smith  John,  gardener,  s  s  135th  2d  h  e  St.  Ann's  av 
Smith  J.  E.,  printer,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Main  Gth  h  e  R  R  av 
Smitli  Frederick,  peddler,  n  s  Concord  1st  h  w  College  av 
Smith  John  C,  house  smith,  n  s  Mary  7th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Smith  Jolm  J.,  shoe  mkr,  n  s  Melrose  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Smith  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  Elton  2d  h  w  Morris  av 
Smith  John,  painter,  n  s  Elton  2d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Smith  Jolm,  Ibr.,  s  s  Denma,n  2d  h  \v  Morris  av 
Smith  Wm.  0.,  newspapers,  e  s  3d  av  Gth  h  s  Westchester  rd 
Smith  John,  gardener,  n  s  Mott  2d  h  w  Morris  av 
Smith  Mary,  wid.,  laundress,  n  s  Mott  5th  h  w  Courtland  av 
Snyder  Jolm,  tailor,  e  s  Fulton  av  1st  h  n  Fifth 
Snyder  Robert,  tailor,  w  s  R  R  av  Gth  h  s  Eighth 
Snowden  Eliza,  wid.,  w  s  Fulton  av  4th  h  s  Eighth 
Snellgrove  James,  sexton,  nee  Findlay  &  Terrace  pi 
Snovb  John,  Ibr.,  w  s  Robbins  av  2d  h  s  Lexington 
Snape  James,  carpenter,  s  s  Melrose  4tli  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Sneckenberger  Marcus,  mason,  sec  Schuyler  &  R  R  av 
Sodeii  Ann,  seamstress,  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Waverly 
Soesman  Isaiah  J.,   salesnian,   N.  Y.,  n  s  Prospect  8th  h  w 

Wash'n  av 
iSolt  Thomas,  gardener,  w  s  av  B  2d  h  s  Cliff 
Sohn  John,  grocer,  s  s  Westchester  rd  1st  h  e  St.  Ann's  av 
Soth  ^lichael,  peddler,  n  w  c  13Gth  &  Lincoln  av 
Sohl  Frederick,  Ibr.,  e  s  3d  av  7th  h  s  13Gth 
Soule  Charles  E  ,  lawyer,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Grove  av  1st  h  n  First 
Sobischik  Anton,  shoe  mkr,  n  s  Union  av  1st  h  e  R  R  av 
Sommerfield  Anna,  wid.,  w  s  R  R  av  1st  h  n  Seventh 
Soicg  E.,  cigar  mkr,  s  s  Seventh  1st  he  Fulton  av 
Sobischek  E.,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  Ist  h  b  Third 


South  worth  S.  S.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Seventh 

Sonig  Jacob,  Ibr.,  n  s  Melrose  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 

Sorgs  John,  mason,  s  s  Springfield  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 

Specker  Jacob,  Ibr,,  w  s  Second  1st  hn  Wash'n  av 

Sponsel  Andrew,  hardware,  e  s  3d  av  6th  h  s  Fifth 

Spratley  Henry,  clerk,  e  s  K  R  av  2d  h  s  Eighth 

Spratley  Mrs.  Ann,  e  s  R  R  av  2d  h  s  Eighth 

SproU  Seaman,  brewer,  n  s  Seventh  4th  h  e  3d  av 

Sprague  Valentine,  n  s  Second  3d  h  w  Wash'n  av 

Spaeth  John,  music  teacher,  w  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Second 

Speck  Adolph,  music  teacher,  w  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  s  Second 

Sporry  Rudolph,  Ibr.,  n  s  Carr  opp  Benson  av 

Spilker  Mrs.  F.,  wid.,  s  s  145th  Gth  h  w  Mill  Brook 

Spindle  Charles,  shoe  mkr,  s  s  144th  1st  h  w  Willis  av 

Spillner  George,  shoe  mkr,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Garden 

Spaugenberg  F.,  Walton  av  1st  h  s  Grove 

Spiehler  Tony,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Lowell,  r  s  s  Lowell 

1st  h  w  3d  av 
Spaulding  Emma,  wid.,  w  s  3d  av  Gth  h  s  Mott 
Sparrow  William  T.,  carpenter,  n  s  Sprin<j;field  7th  h  w  3d  av 
Spath  Jacob,  mason,  s  s  Springfield  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Spangberg  Jacob,  Ibr.,  e  s  3d  av  5th  h  s  Grove 
Spitz  Richard,  gunsmith,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Schuyler 
Strickler  Henry,  stone  cutter,  n  s  144th  Gth  h  e  3d  av 
SterHng   Richard,    weigher,  N.    Y.,  n   s    140th   2d  h  e  Alex- 
ander av 
Sterling  Hannah,  school,  N.  Y.,  n  s  140th  2d  h  e  Alexander  av 
Sterling  ^Margaret,   school,   N.   Y.,  n   s   140th  2d   h  e  Alex- 
ander av 
Stacey  J.,  s  s  140th  4th  h  e  Alexander  av 
Stonebridge  Charles,  watchman,  n  s  139  th  1st  h  W  Willis  av 
Stohl  Joseph,  carpenter,  e  s  Willis  av  3d  h  s  147th 
Streunne  C.  W.,  butcher,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  145th 
Still  Stephen  C.  iron  moulder,  n  s  Cottage  3d  h  w  College  av 
Stumpf  Bartholemew,  n  s  Cottage  2d  h  e  R  R  av 
Stevens  James,  Grove  &  Harlem  River 
Stockell  Andrew,  e  s  Macomb  av  2d  h  s  Main 
Steinsmark  Wm.,  s  w  c  3d  av  &  Smeeman 
Steele  George,  plumber  &  gasfitter,  e  s  3d  av  5th  h  n  139th 
;Stafford  Frederick,  physician,  sec  140th  &  Alexander  av 
.Stoul  Henry  H.,  broker,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Alexander  av  Gth  h  s  140th 
Stout  Charles  H.,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Alexander  av  Gth  h  s  140th 
Stevenson  Wm.  N.,  s  s  Willow  pi  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Stradinger  John,  butcher,  w  s  3d  av  Gth  h  s  Mott 
.Staff  Karl,  piano  mkr,  w  s  3d  av  Gth  h  s  Mott 


f^t.  Aiui'rt  Epir^copiil  ( 'hiirch,  w  s  St.  Aiin'M  av  'id  h  n  J>>>^tli 
8t.  Msirv'rt  Kpiscopal  Church,  h  s  Gardoii  h  w  vid  av 
Stoiii^Tt  ,Tohn,  earponter,  n  .s  Elton  r>tli  h  w  -Jd  av 
StcMiicrt  Adam,  Ijarber,  w  «  Courtlarid  av  Ist  hn  Milton 
Sinnnif  Henry,  niasun,  h  s  Mi^lrosc  Uli  h  w  AVasli'n  av 
Stunjj)f' ( 'aspar,  tailor,  n  ><  Elton  <)tli  Ji  w  ^>d  av 
8tuni]»f'  Josi  pli,  mason,  w  s  od  av  Jjd  h  n  Elton 
8talil  Curolin<',  laundross,  n  s  Mnry  Sth  li  av  Wash'n  av 
Stalil  Philip,  clcv^yman,  s  8  Springfield  Ith  h  w  od  ua 
Stolat  .IJun.s,  piano  mkr,  n  s  Mary  Stli  h  av  AVasltn  a\ 
Stoineckort  Adam,  piano  mkr.  o  s  C'ourtland  av    1st   h  s  Mel- 
Stofkdale  ,loIin,  -'arponter,  s  s  Springfield  'Id  h  e  Courtland  av 
Sturtz  ( 'hristopli,  ])iano  mlcr,  .s  s  Springfield  1st  k  o  ^lorris  a^- 
Strnes  .John,  carpenter,  N.  V.,  n  s  Springiield  r)th  li  e  ]\[orris  av 
Stickler  John  (.'.,  carpenter,  av  s  Washington  av  lid  h  s  Mary 
Stressinger  I'eter  J.,  s  s  Melrose  r>tlL  h  e  Conrtland  a\- 
Stalanhurg  Philip,  n  s  Mary  ^Id  h  av  AV'ash.n  av 
Stranh  Aiiton,  shoe  mkr.  n  s  Mary  'id  h  e  Courtlajid  nv 
Struckman  .lohn,  grocer,  s  av  c  Melrose  »S:  Conrtland  aA 
Stuhlman  .John,  l)utcln'r.  av  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  jSIary 
Strack  Henry,  })Utcher,  av  s  (Vnirtland  av  Jst  h  s  Mary 
Strr'ckfus  Caroline,  wid..  s  s  S})ringtield  r>th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Stroh  Jolm,  locksmith,  s  s  Elton  iHh  h  av  od  av 
Staub  .John,  earpenter,  n  s  Elton  Sth  h  av  od  av 
•Strep  .lohn.  taih»r,  s  s  iilton  :>d  li  e  Courtland  av 
Stadmiller  Jlenr\,  gardcjier,  n  s  Schuyler  1st  h  av  Morris  av 
Staat/l)erg  August,  carpenter,  n  s  Schuyler  1st  h  e  Morris  av 
StellleAv  Ignat/,  jeweler,  N.  Y..  s  s  Elton  8th  h  e  Morris  av 
Stone  John,  stone  cutter,  s  s  Deunian  r)th  li  av  Courtland  av 
STOLZ  FL'ANCrS,  tinsmith,  e  s  'M  av  1st  h  n  Pose 
Streid  Alois,  Ibr.,  e  s  ^>d  av  2d  h  n  Pose 
Stockert  Frank,  grocer,  n  s  ISIott  'Id  h  av  ^kl  av 
.Steurer  I>avid,  eigar  mlr,  n  s  Mott  od  h  w  'Ad  av 
Sturm  (hiirian,  Itrass  linisher,  n  s  Mott  'id  h  e  j\h)rris  av 
Steinbaeh  .1.  W.,  slon(!  cutter,  av  s  Wasli'n  av  '2d  h  s  AN'averlv 
Stark   Madison,   brush    mkr,    X.    V.,   w   s    Wash'n  av  'Jd  li  >> 

Stark  Christian,  baker,  e  s  -Wl  a\    tth  h  n  Pose 
Stark  .Tdhn,  wagons,  !s  s  Kenson  2d  h  w  -Id  av 
Starke  (.'aspar,  harness,  e  s  od  av  -Uh  h  s  Westchester  rd 
Stowart  Isaac,  waiter,  X.  Y.,  8  s  Milton  2d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Steinert  Killian.  carpenter,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Milton 
Stein  i'hilip,  brass  iinisher,  a^-  h  Wasli'n  av  1st  h  s  i'rospect 
Stnphen  Adam,  saloon,  ac  8  Wash'n  av  2d  h  s  Prospect 





INCORPORATED   MAY  22,   1871. 

Capital,  $100,000. 



For  burning  Alcohol.      A  Saving-  of  SEVENTY-FIVE 



Various  styles  from  Eigliteen  inches  to  Forty  feet  long.     By 

the    use   of    these    TORCHES    a    child    can 

safely    Hght   the    highest    burner 

while  standing  on  the 




in  Boxes  containing  25,  50  and  100  Tapers,  half  yard  long. 



MODELS  and  MACHINEEY  of  every  description  made  to 
order.     Instructions  given  for  the  procure- 
ment of  Patents. 

Particular  attention  paid  to  the  Manufacture  of 
Patented  Articles. 




ItlORRISANIA,  JVew  York. 

Xeiv  York  Office^  with 


8  COLLEGE  PLACE,  N.  Y.  City. 


8tedman  J.  M.,  iron  founder,  8  a  Prospect  Ist  h  w'n  ar 

Stickert  Henry,  Ibr.,  n  3  Melrose  -ith  h  e  Courtland  av 

8ternecker  Fred.,  carpenter,  nee  Eindhy  &  Courtland  ar 

Stokeni  Elisha,  police,  N.  Y.,  n  e  c  Wash'n  av  &  Milton 

Stokem  Oliver,  carpenter,  nee  Wash'n  av  &  Milton 

8tacey  Frederick,  gardener,  n  s  Wiiverly  6th  h  w  Wash'n  av 

Sternicker  Greorge,  gilder,  N.  Y.,  n  e  c  Findlay  &  Courtland  av 

Steed  Joseph,  w  s  Wash'n  av  '2d  h  n  Sixth 

kStillman  Edward,  printer,  r  n  s  Sixth  1st  h  av  Wash'n  av 


CHESTER  COUNTY  JOURNAL,  n  w  c  Wash'n  av  & 

Stockinger  Andrew,  dairy,  e  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Second 
Sturges   Chas.    A\\,    painter,    N.  \^,  e   s  AVash'n  av  JJd  Ji  n 

Stroll  John,  saloon,  n  w  c  Wash'n  av  &  Second 
Start  jVL's.  Henrietta,  s  s  Second  1st  h  e  R  R  av 
Strang!  Joseph,  cabinet  mkr,  w  s  Wash'n  av  Ith  h  s  Third 
Stucke  Louisa,  washerwoman,  n  s  8d  av  7th  h  s  Fifth 
Stoughton  Charles,  tea  broker,  N.  Y.,  nee  Boston  rd  &  Wall 
Stone  AVni.,  stevedore,  N.  Y'.,  e  s  Forest  av  8d  h  n  Strong 
Stoker  Richard,  hide  «S:  Tallow,  s  ^\'  c  Wash'n  «Jc  R  R  avs  r  s  s 

First  pi  1st  h  e  Boston  rd 
Stinihauser  Henry,  In'ewer,  n  s  Eighth  1st  he  od  a^' 
Steaniberg  Henry,  saloon,  w  s  od  av  od  li  n  Eighth 
Still  Iiol)t.,  e  s  od  av  2d  h  s  Eighth 
Straus  B.,  machinist,  e  s  -Ul  av  Ith  h  s  Eighth 
Stewart  John,  sash  6:  blinds,  r  e  s  Franklin  av  2d  h  n  Seventh 
Stewart  «S:  lUauvelt,  sash  «fc  blinds,  n    s  Sixth  nr  Wash'n  av 
Stewart  ALrs.  jNtary,  w  s  Wash'n  av  5th  h  n  Second 
Stewart  T.,  merchant,  N.  Y.,  s  w  c  Walnut  av  &  Juliet 
Stroud  Henry,   merchant,    X.   Y.,   e    s   Franklin    av  Ith  h  s 

Stauss  Edward,  brewer,  n  s  Fifth    nr  ^kl  av,  r  w  s  od  av  •  d  h 

s  Sixth 
Stauss  Grabriel,  brewery,  n  s  Fiftlt  2d  h  w  od  av 
Steinmetz  Yalentine,  grocer,  e  s  od  av  1st  h  s  Spring  pi 
Stucke  Herman,  w  s  8d  av  1st  h  s  Sixth 
Stab  Adam,  crockery,  e  s  Terrace  pi  2d  h  n  Wr  Railroad 
Stach  lie  wis,  moulder,  w  s  Rob  bins  av  5th  h  n  AVr  Railroad 
SUTTON  THOMAS  E.,  printer,  s  w  c  :Jd  av  &  AVaverly,  r  n  » 

Wall  1st  h  e  Boston  rd 
Sutton  Charles  J.,  saloon,  e  s  8d  av  2d  h  n  S.  Pjoulevard 
Sutton  Andrew  J.,  gold  beater,  s  s  Edsell  1st  h  w  od  av 
Sullivan  Thos.,  horseshoer,  av  s  >>d  av  Itlih  n  Fifth 



8ulUvau  .Tosi^ph,  w  8  R  R  av  Ist  }i  s  Eighth 

Sullivan  Eugene,  Ibr.,  ii  s  Wr.  Railroad  2d  h  e  Robbins  av 

Sullivan  John,  teamster,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Mary  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 

Sullivan  Charles,  boarding  house,  e  s  R  R  av  Ist  h  n  Elton 

Sullivan  James,  Ibr.,  s  s  Governeur  2d  h  w  Morris  av 

Sullivan  Matthew,  Ibr.,  e  s  Morris  av  Ist  h  s  Benson 

Sutter  Frederick,  tailor,  e  s  iid  av  6th  h  n  14(5th 

Suseman  George,  varnisher,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Mary 

Suhre  William,  Ibr.,  n  s  Schuyler  6th  h  w  8d  av 

Suttliffe  Robert,  shoemkr,  n  s  Benson  1st  h  w  Courtland  av 

Svatoseh  Joseph,  cigar  mkr,  w  s  R  R  av  3d  h  s  Wasn'n  av 

Swift  J.  B.,  ship  carpenter,  N.  Y.,  n  s  140th  3d  h  e  3d  av 

Swacjk  John,  teamster,  s  s  145th  1st  h  w  Clifton  av 

Swaitz  Henry,  barber,  e  s  3d  av  5th  h  s  136th 

t^ann  Mrs.  Charlotte,  dressmkr,  n  w  c  3d  av  &  Union  pi 

Swift  William,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  146th 


Tappan  Frank  D.,  dentist,  w  s  Boston  rd  4th  h  s  Seventh 
Tappan  Francis,  lawyer,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Boston  rd  4th  h  s  Seventh 
Taylor  James  0.,  collector,  e  s  3d  av  opp  Third 
Taylor  William,  dry  goods,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Prospect  3d  li  w  Court- 
land  av 
Taylor  James  R.  C.  II.,  broker,  s  s  Cottage  1st  h  e  R  R  av 
Taylor  E.  F.,  actor,  s  s  138th  1st  h  w  Home  av 
Taylor  Isaac  C,  grocer,  s  s  Schuyler  4th  h  e  Morris  av 
Tacinette  Francisco,  butcher,  N.  Y.,  w  s  R  R  av  opp  Sixth 
Tallon  James,  saloon,  w  s  Robbins  av  1st  h  s  Wr  Railroad 
Teasdale  Geo.  R.,  hat   block  mfr,  N.  Y.,  n  e  <•  l^oston  rd  & 

Teasdale  Wm..  liat  block  mfr.  N.  Y.,   w  s  Fulton  av  1st  h  n 

Terrall  John,  Ibr.,  e  s  Forest  av  4th  h  n  New 
Terhune  David,  carpenter,  w  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  n  Sixth 
Tekwerk  Jos(^ph,  cigarmkr,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Second 
Toxdor  Joseph,  shoemkr,  nee  Seventh  &  Wasli'n  av 
Telh'r  Richard  H.,  n  s  William  3d  h  e  Mrjrris  pi 
Teadoro  Stephen,  groc»r,  e  s  Robbins  av    4th  h  n  Uncas 
Teitch  Alexander,  carpenter,  s  s  145th  2d  h  av  Clifton  av 
Tenbrook  Rcnsalaer,  agent,  s  s  136th  1st  h  e  Alexander  av 
Teator  Nicliolas,  crockery,  e  s  3d  av  6th  h  n  147th 
Terhune  James,  Ibr.,  8  w  c  3d  av  &  Edsell 
Tenny  Mary,  wid.,  s  s  Elton  1st  h  w  Morris  av 
Thomas  James,  porter,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Mary  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 


Thomas  Mrs.  Margaret,  e  s  R  R  av  -Ith  h  n  Seventh 
Thomaa  Ferdinand,  liquors,  w  s  Courtland  av  4th  h  s  William 
Th(»mas  John,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Main 
Thorburn  Wm.  M.,  ins.,  w  s  Forest  av  Ist  h  s  George 
Thiel  Bernard,   blacksmith,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Eighth  2d  h  w  Cot- 
tage pi 
Thiel  Nicholas,  mer.  tailor,  e  s  3d  av  2d  li  s  147th 
Thompson  Hugh,  boiler  mkr,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Milton  3d  h  w  Court- 
land  av 
Thompson  James,  boiler  mkr,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Milton  3d  h  w  Court- 
land  av 
Thompson  Henry,  porter,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Milton  1st  h  n  3d  av 
Thompson  Geo.,  Ibr.,  w  s  E,  E,  ap  opp  Sixth 
Thompson  N.  B.,  drugs,  sec  Westchester  rd  &  Retreat  av 
Thompson  Jonathan,  sec  Westchester  rd  &  Retreat  av 
Thompson  Fred.,  painter,  e  s  av  C  4th  h  s  Cliff 
Thompson  John,  coachman,  e  s  Walton  av  2d  h  s  Ella 
Thompson  Rufiis  J.,  bridge  builder,  n  s  Cottage  12th  h  w  Col- 
lege av 
Thompson  John,  iron  moulder,  n  s  Henrick  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Theis  Michael,  Ibr.,  e  s  Benson  av  4th  h  n  Westchester  rd 
Thornhill  Samuel,  stair  builder,  s  s  143d  4th  h  o  3d  av 
Thurber  George  W.,  engraver,  N.  Y.,  n  s  135th   1st  h  e  Alex- 
ander av 
Thistleton  Henry,  carpenter,  N.  Y.,  nee  139th  &  3d  av 
AL NEWS  COMPANY,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Franklin  av  3d  h  n 
Timpson  Jared  A.,  bookkeeper,  N.  Y.,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Third 
Tibbs  Miss  Charlotte,  dressmkr,  e  s  3d  av  7th  h  s  Eighth 
Timber  John,  shoemkr,  n  s  Seventh  2d  h  e  3d  av 
Tierney  Patrick,  liquors,  w  s  Courtland  av  6th  h  n  Union 
Tierney  John,  mason,  n  s  Elton  6tli  li  w  Courtland  av 
Tice  John,  driver,  e  s  Benson  av  1st  h  n  Westchester  rd 
Tierney er  John  II.,  grocer,  s  w  c  3d  av  &  Garden 
Tinker  Julian,  carriage  lamps,  N.  Y.,  e  s  3d  av  5tli  li  n  14(>tk 
Tinken  Richard,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Edsell 
Tier  James,  butcher,  s  w  e  3d  av  &  Van  Stoll 
Timms  Benjamin  J.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  s  ^Melrose 
Tien  Martin,  shoemkr,  s  s  Schuyler  5th  h  w  Courtland  av 
Timnions  Paul,  mason,  s  s  Schuyler  2d  h  w  ^Morris  av 
Towart  Mrs.  Margaret,  e  s  R  R  av  1st  h  n  Seventh 
Toman  Frank,  tailor,  s  s  William  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Townsend  Francis,  hostler,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Findlay 
Townsend  Jas.  F.,  carpenter,  n  s, Eighth  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 


Townseiul  Adeline,  dres.smkr,  w  8  College  av  Ist  hn  Concord 
Townsend  Joliii,  iron  moulder,  n  s  144th  9th  h  e  Willis  av 
Townsend  Egbert,  Ijuilder,  n  s  142d  'Jd  h  e  'id  av 
Towunend  Sarah,  laundress,  s  s  Melrose  8d  h  ^v  W'ash'n  av 
Toop  Julius,  cabinetmkr,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Second  od  h  e  Wash'n  av 
Tompkins    AVarren   T.,   lumber,   N.  Y.,   n  s    loiith   .'vth  ^h  ^v- 

Willis  av 
T<tmplvins  David,  iron  moulder,  n  s  Cottage   llth   k   w  JCol- 

It'ge  av 
Tompkins  Nicholas,  shoes,  ^v  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Milton 
Todd  H.  r>.,  ice,  w  s  Macomb  av  1st  h  n  Van  Stoll 
Tobin  John,  Ibr.,  I'ort  Morris 

Toniier  Nicholas,  baker,  sec  Elton  \S:  Courtland  av 
T'onner  John,  tailor,  e  s  Courtland  av  1  st  h  s  Elton 
Tomo  Anton,  tailor,  n  s  Governeur  3d  h  e  (Jourtland  av 
Tooubet  John,  carpenter,  w  s  3d  av  <)th  h  s  Milton 
Tourney  l^ridgct,  wid.,  w  s  3d  av  13th  h  s  JStilton 
Tomliuson  Ixosanna,  wid.,  s  s  Governeur  4th  h  e  Morris  av 
Trainer  C)wen,  Ibr.,  w  s  Forest  av  'Id  h  n  Strong- 
Trainer  James,  conductor,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Eighth 
Traynor  John,  painter,  n  w  c  Benson  <S:  Courtland  av 
'I'rayuor  Joseph,  mason,  s  s  Benson  5th  h  av  Courtland  av 
Tracy  Mrs.  Anna,  drossmkr,  n  s  Jelierson  1st  li  w  Boston  rd 
Travis  JSLrs.  Anna  M.,  seamstress,  w  s  3d  av  3d  li  s  Sixth 
Travis  Da^id  Y.,  carpenter,  n  s  Gerard  3d  li  e  IJeireat  av 
Trott  Philip,  e  s  E  R  av  1st  n  Seventh 
Trillcr  Henry,  carpenter,  n  s  Milton  ^)d  h  w  \\'asii'n  a\' 
Trod  J''ritz,  carpenter,  s  s  ]\lelrose  1st  h  e  ( 'ourtland  av 
Truston  Benj.  1.*.,  Ibr.,  s  s  Third  -'kl  li  e  11  1'  av 
Tiice  Isadore,  carriagemkr,  s  s  Elton  1st  h  w  3d  rx 
Tiinner  John,  cigar  mfr,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  (h'ove 
Trockel  Josejih,  tuilor,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Rose 
Truckcubrodt  Casper,  gardener,  w  s  R  R  av  3d  h  s  Seveuth 
Truckenbrodt  Henry,  gardener,  n  e  v.  Wash'n  av  &  Second 
Trowbridge   A\'m.  ('.,  coal,   N.  Y.,   s  s   13.')th   .'>tli  h  e  Alex- 
ander av 
Trowbridge  A\'m.  ( '.,  jr..  cierk,  N.  Y..  s  s    bvjth  .")th  h  e  Alex- 
ander a\' 
Turner  John,  carpenter,  w  s  Boston  rd  opp  AN'all 
Turner    llenry,  organ  mkr,  N.    Y..  e    s    Terrace    pi    -d    h  n 

Turner  AN'm.,  real  estate,  n  e  c  AN'ash'n  av  &  Eighth 
T'urner  ^[artin  J.,  mer.,  N.  Y'.,  n  e  c  Wash'n  av  &  Eighth 
Turner  l*et(^v,  moulder,  e  s  Robl>ins  av  3d  h  n  I'neas 
Turner  AVilliam,  teamster,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Eltou 


Turner  Fred'k,  grocer,  w  s   3(1  av  t2d  h  s  Willow  pi,  r  n  s  145th 

l?d  h  e  3d  av 
Turner  Malcolm,  banker,  N.  Y.,  s  w  c  Macomb  av  &  Grove 
Turner  Mary,  wid.,  s  w  c  Macomb  av  &  Grove 
Turney  A.  M.,  teller,  N.  Y.,  e  s  R  R  av  2d  n  Seventh 
Turney  William,  stereotyper,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Waverly  1st  h  e  Ter- 
race pi 
Turney  Hugh,  hostler,  w  s  AVash'n  av  3d  li  s  Third 
Tuttle  Josiah,  gardener,  e  s  R  R  av  7th  h  n  Seventh 
Tuttle  Joseph  J.,  carman,  e  s  R  R  av  7th  h  n  Seventli 
Tuttle  Albert  F.,  gardener,  s  s  New  lid  h  w  Union  av 
Turpin  Nelson  (Rev.,)  n  s  Milton  2d  h  e  Terrace  pi 
Tucker  Henry,  coachman,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Findlay 
Tucker  John,  paper  boxes,  n  s  Schuyler  3d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Tuomey  Edward,  liquors,  n  s  Westchester  rd  3d  h  e  Retreat  av 
Tushy  Thomas,  Ibr.,  sec  Denman  &  Moms  av 
TURLEY  DAVID,  liquors,  n  w  c  3d  av  &  Garden 
Tuomy  Michael,  n  s  Edsell  8th  h  w  3d  av 
Twing  Alvi  J.,  (Rev.,)  n  w  c  Seventh  &  Franklin  av 
Twiggs  Cornelius  L.,  engineer,  n  s  Prospect  6th  h  w  Wash'n  aT 
Tyrrell  George,  grocer,  n  s  Edsell  5th  h  w  3d  av 
Tj'rrell  Thomas,  Ibr.,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Findlay 
Tyre  R.  F.,  n  s  Concord  3d  h  w  College  av 
Tyrnan  Edward,  Ibr.,  e  s  Forest  av  2d  h  n  Strong 


Ubelher  John,  tailor,  n  s  William  3d  h  w  Wash'n  av 

Ubel  Conrad,  tailor,  n  s  Waverly  2d  h  w  Courtland  av 

Ubley  Adam,  carver,  n  s  First  1st  h  e  Wash'n  av 

Uble}'  Michael,  caiwer,  n  s  First  1st  h  e  Wash'n  av 

CJdet  August,  drugs,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Main 

Uffelmann  Richard,  clerk,  s  s  Fifth  1st  h  w  3d  av 

IJhl  John,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  e  s  3d  av  6th  h  s  136th 

Uhls  Frederick,  saloon,  nee  Henry  &  3d  av 

Underwood  Wm.  J.,  blacksmith,  s  s  Union  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 

Underwood  AVilliam,  machinist,  n  s  Union  7th  h  e  Courtland  av 

Ungeboch  Jacob,  butcher,  w  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  n  Second 

Underbill  Abram.  C,  s  s  Catharine  Ist  h  e  Morris  pi 

Underbill  Daniel  O.,  clerk,  s  s  Catharine  1st  h  e  Morris  pi 

Upson  Lucas,  framemkr,  s  s  140th  1st  h  w  Willis  av 

Utter  John,  gardener,  e  s  Robbins  av  4th  h  s  Lexington 

Ursuline  Convent,  n  s  Westchester  rd  nr  Carr  av 

Ursiadt  George,  milk,  8  s  Schuyler  3d  h  w  Wash'n  av 

Urstadt  Peter,  ahoemkr,  s  8  Schuyler  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 


Urstadt  Tlonry,  blacksmith,  n  h  Elton  M  h  w  M  av 
ITrstiMlt  George,  milk,  e  8  .-Jd  av  Int  h  s  Grove 
IJsheck  John  M.,  machinist,  n  h  Mary  r)th  h  e  Courtland  a\ 
Usher  James,  pianomkr,  n  s  Uenman  3d  h  w  8d  aT 
Uttemach  Henrj ,  tailor,  s  s  Elton  i')th  h  w  8d  av 


A'an  Horn  John,  base  ball  mfr,  w  s  Boston  rd  opp  Wall 

Van  Horn  George,  w  s  Boston  rd  opp  Wall 

Van  Horn  Thomas,  w  s  Boston  opp  Wall 

Vanfleet  Henry,  printer,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Villa  pi  2d  h  n  George 

Van  Cott  Charlotte  A.,  wid.,  n  s  Sixth  1st  h  e  Fulton  av 

Van  Tine  Samuel,  collector,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Sixth  1st  h  w  Franklin  av 

Valentine  Daniel  1).,  bookkeeper,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Clinton  lid  h  n 

Valentine  Andrew  J.,  soda  water,  s  s  Third  1st  h  w  od  av 
Vandorvoort  Richard,  mason,  s  s  Sixth  4th  h  e  Boston  rd 
VanderUp  Geo.  M.,  merchant,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Grove  av  opp  First 
Valois  Edward,  lithographer,  s  s  Waverly  1st  h  w  Courtland  av 
Vagts  John  N.,  clerk,  s  w  c  Waverly  &  Courtland  av 
Van  Schaik  Dominick  L.,  pianos,  s  s  Melrose  od  h  w  Court- 
land  av 
Valor  Wm.,  Ibr.,  s  s  Third  od  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Vaughen  Wm.,  liquors,  n  s  Westchester  rd  2d  h  e  Retreat  av 
Van  Arden  J.  II.,  coal,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Seventh  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Vance  Tliomas,  gardener,  s  s  Fifth  4th  h  w  3d  av 
Vance  vSusan,  dress  mkr,  n  s  Si^ringfield  9th  h  w  od  av 
Vandassan  Valentine,  upholsterer,  n  s  Third  1st  h  e  R  R  av 
Vankersen  Edward  R.,  carriage  mfr,  w  s  AVash'n  av  1st  h  a 

Vanderest  Geo.  W.,  merchant,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Butternut  av  1st  h  s 

V'allender  Charles,  n  s  William  od  h  e  Morris  pi 
Van  Brunt  I*.  H.,  contractor,  n  s  143d  0th  h  w  Willis  av 
Van  Cleef  Margaret,  n  s  144th  2d  h  e  3d  av 
Van  Doren  Charles  A.,  lawyer,  n  w  c  Willow  pi  &  3d  av 
Van  Riper  Cliarh's,  hardware,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Main 
Van  Riper  J.  P.,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Main 
Van  Felt  A.  IL,  broker,  N.  Y.,  n  s  134th  2d  h  w  Willis  av 
Vande water  ( 'harles,  diver.  Port  Morris 
Vandorbe»;k  David,  hotel,  e  s  Macomb  av  1st  h  w  R  R  av 
Vanzjindt  Mary,  fancy  goods,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  140th 
Vanzandt  Henry,  confectionery,  e  s  3d  av  od  h  n  140th 
Vasquez  Ernst,  cook,  e  s  Robbins  av  5th  h  s  Lexington 


Varian  Charles,  teamster,  n  s  Main  5th  h  e  li  li  av 

Vaupel  Frank,  varniaher,  n  8  Springfield  Ist  h  w  Courtlandav 

Vant  Charles,  cabinet  mkr^  s  8  Elton  Gth  h  w  3d  av 

Vakay  George,  carpenter,  n  s  Elton  4th  h  w  Court  land  ar 

Valine  Andreas,  shoemkr,  e  s  Morris  av  1st  h  s  Governeur 

Vanduza  James,  peddler,  n  w  c  Mott  &  8d  av 

Verlander  Philip  W.,  w  s  Franklin  av  1st  h  n  Fifth 

Vester  Charles,  Ibr.,  w  s  8d  av  2d  h  n  Seventh 

Vetter  John,  carpenter,  n  s  Milton  lat  h  w  Courtland  av 

Vetter  Frank,  blacksmith,  s  s  Penman  1st  h  w  Courtland  av 

Venvill  Wm.,  lawyer,  N.  Y.,  n  w  c  Ella  &  Walnut  av 

Veitch  Richard,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  n  s  143d  3d  h  w  Willis  av 

Verplanck  Louisa,  s  s  137th  1st  h  w  S.  Boulevard 

Vett  John,  engineer,  s  e  c  Springfield  «&  Courtland  av 

Veth  John,  saloon,  n  s  Schuyler  6th  h  e  Courtland  av 

Veth  Jacob,  saloon,  n  s  Elton  4th  li  w  3d  av 

Vine  Joseph,  furs,  n  s  Governeur  2d  h  e  Morris  av 

Vollbracht  Robert,  bookkeeper,  N.  Y.,  n  w  e  Cliff  &  Forest  av 

Von  Minden  Reinhard,  musical  insts,  N,  Y.,  s  s  AVaverly  6th  h 

w  Wash'n  av 
Volkommer  Peter,  feed,  s  s  Prospect  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Volkommer  Peter,  store,  sec  (Courtland  av  &  Prospect 
Vogn  Jacob,  carriage  factory,  n  s  Westchester  rd  5th  h  e  Re- 
treat av 
Von  Gerichten  &  Stark,  carriage  repositor\-,  v,  s  Willis  av  2d  h 

s  147th,  mfy   w  s  3d  av  nrMott 
Von  Gerichten  Michael,  e  s  3d  av  6th  h  s  Henry 
Voss  Henry,  painter,  s  w  c  Springfield  &  Courtland  av 
Vogler  George,  tailor,  s  s  Elton  3d  h  e  Morris  av 
Vossing  Clementina,  wid.,  s  w  c  Denman  &  3d  av 
Vreeland  Charles  W.,  grocer,  w  s  3d  av  7th  h  s  Eighth 
Vreeland  H.,  clerk,  n  e  c  Franklin  av  &  Sixth 


Wakeling  Joseph,  florist,  w  s  Union  av  bet  Wall  &  Strong 
Wakeling  Joseph  W.,  florist,  w  s  Union  av  bet  Wall  &  Strong 
Wall  John,  Ibr.,  w  s  Union  av  1st  h  s  Strong 
Waddingham  Geo.,  mason,  s  s  Wall  bet  Union  &  Forest  avs 
Watson  &  Turner,  real  estate,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  R  R  av 
Watson  Charles,  tailor,  n  w  c  3d  av  &  Union  pi 
Watson  David,  saloon,  n  w  c  Clifton  av  &  144th 
Watson  Charles  H.,  auctioneer  &  real  estate  broker,  s  s  Wil- 
liam 2d  h  e  Morris  pi 
Walsh  James,  Ibr.,  s  s  Benson  1st  h  e  Morris  av 


Walnh  Lawrence,  peddler,  e  s  M  av  4i]\  h*: Henry 
Waterson  Arthur,  coUeetor,  w  s  Cottage  pi  i«t  h  n  Kighth 
Waterson  Mary  A.,  dressmkr,  w  s  Cottage  pi  Isth  n.  Eighth 
Wait  Edgar  ¥.,  inerohaiit,  X.  Y.,  w  s  'M  av  1st  h  u  First 
Wait  Josei)h,  printer,  s  s  Prospect  2d  hw  Wash'n  av 
Wagner  Joseph,  turner,  s  a  Melrose  2d  h  w  Courtland  av  . 
Wagner  Daniel,  baker,  n  s  Cottage  2d  h  e  It  R  av 
Wagner  Mrs.,  dress  mkr,  e  s  8d  av  1st  h  s  H4th 
Wagner  John,  })aker,  w  s  Courtland  av  Hd  h  s  8priiiglield 
Wagner  John,  cooper,  w  s  ^>d  av  1  st  h  s  Tliii'd 
Wagner  Igrnatz,  cabinet  mkr,  s  s  Findlay  oth  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Wancick  Kinsel,  cigar  mkr,  w  s  *W  av  opp  8i)ring  pi 
Ware  Mr.,  n  s  Sixtli  1st  h  e  Franklin  av 
Warren  Wm.,  miner,  n  s  William  1  st  h  w  Wasli'n  av 
Wachter  Christian,  carpenter,  n  s  Findlay  1st  h  av  Wasli'n  av 
Wakerler  Margaret,  seamstress,  n  w  c  Miltou  &  Wash'n  av 
Wangelein  Charles,  cabinet  mkr,  n  s  Milton  2d  li  w  Wash'ai  av 
W^aldron  Jacob,  Ibr.,  e  s  Terrace  pi  1st  h  n  Melrose 
Walther  John,  u  s  tSecond  2d  h  e  R  R  av 
Warner  Edward,  shoemkr,  s  s  Third  2d  h  e  Wash'n  av 
Walkenshaw  John,  merchant,  N.  Y.,  n  w  c  Ella  &  Morris  pi 
Watenberry  W.,  carriage  mkr,  e  s  av  A  4th  h  s  Clitf 
Waters  James,  n  w  c  188th  &  Alexander  av 
Waters  William,  grocer,  s  s  140th  8d  h  w  AVilUs  av 
Waters  John,  surveyor,  s  s  140th  8d  h  w  Willis  av 
Ward  Henry,  glass  cutter,  N.  Y".,  e  s  Terrace  pi  1st  h  s  William 
Ward  Benp,  coachman,  w  s  Robbins  av  8d  h  n  Wr  Railroad 
Ward  Caleb,  R  R  av  M  h  s  A'an  Stoll 
AVard  I^ouis,  nurse,  N.  Y.,  n  s  ^Melrose  2d  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Ward  Julia,  dress  Tiikr,  n  s  Elton  3d  h  w  Mon'is  av 
Ward  Horace,  hotel,  R  R  av  3d  li  s  Van  Stoll 
Ward  Andrew,  Ibr.,  s  s  Benson  2d  h  w  Morns  av 
Ward  Patrick,  blacksmith,  s  s  Benson  2d  li  w  Morris  av 
Warden  James,  R  R  av  3d  h  s  Van  Stoll 
Warner  John,  shoe  mkr,  s  s  Edsell  1st  h  w  3d  av 
Walker  Mary  A.,  grocer,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Edsell 
Walker  John,  painter,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Van  Stoll 
Warrimont  Frank,  e  s  Retreat  av  bet  147th  &  Henry 
Wall  Samuel,  lumber,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Alexander  av  3d  h  n  13^h 
Wall  T.  S.,  architect,  e  s  S.  Boulevard  opp  Grove 
Walter  Philip,  tailor,  n  s  Benson  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Walter  liOuis,  Ibr.,  h  s  Springfield  4th  h  w  3d  av 
Walter  Charles,  finisher,  s  s  143d  3d  h  e  3d  av 
Walton  Hiram,  waiter,  N.  Y'^.,  w  8  Wash'n  av  let  h  n  Spring- 


Walter  Louis,  pardoner,  s  s  Prospect  4th  li  w  Wasli'n  av 
Wallace  Frank,  painter,  e  s  R  R  av  'Jd  h  n  Schuyler 
Wallace  John,  painter,  e  s  R  R  av  Ist  h  n  Schuyler 
Wallace  Peter  J.,  bookkeeper,   N.   Y.,  e  s  R  R  av   Ist  h  n 

Schuyler  ■ 

Wallace  John,  Ibr.,  s  sDenman  11th  h  w  C^ourtland  av 
Wallace  William,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  n  s  141st  3d  h  e  Alexander  av 
Wallace  Thomas,  postmaster,  s  w  c  141st  &  Willis  av 
AVallace  John  H.,  moulder,  s  s  Melrose  3d  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Wallace  Michael,  machinist,  n  s  Mott  1st  h  w  College  av 
W^ahl  George,  carpet  weaver,  e  s  3d  av  lid  h  s  Rose 
AV^eintz  Conrad,  carpenter,  n  s  Mary  2d  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Werner  Stephana,  laundress,  n  s  Springfield  6th  h  w  3d  av 
Weinheimer  Louis,  tailor,  n  s  Springfield  5th  h  e  Morris  av 
Weitz  Anton,  shoemkr,  nee  Schuyler  &  Courtland  av 
Wetz  Charles,  machinist,  s  s  Schuyler  8th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Weibert  Charles,  sash  «fc  blinds,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Mary 
Wenner  Charles,  carpenter  n  s  Schuyler  4th  h  e  Morris  av 
Wetterer  Anthony,  ropemkr,  s  s  Schuyler  7  th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Werner  Caspar,  shoemkr,  n  w  c  Waverh^  &  3d  av 
W^ells  James,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  s  Milton 
Wells  Jacob,  w  s  3d  av  lid  h  e  William 

Wells  John  L.,  publisher,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Boston  rd  Ist  h  s  Seventh 
Wells  Emily  A.,  w  s  Boston  rd  1st  h  s  Seventh 
Wells  Peter,  carpenter,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Main  3d  h  e  R  R  av 
Wells  AValter,  cai-penter,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Melrose  3d  h  w  Court- 
land  av 
AVerthman  Fritz,  Ibr.,  m'  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Elton 
AVeitzel  John,  grocer,  s  w  c  Governeur  &  3d  av 
AVeitzel  Henry,  Ibr.,  s  w  c  Governeur  &  3d  av 
AVein  Charles,  tailor,  w  s  3d  av  lid  h  n  Mott 
Weisbrod  Frederick,  carpenter,  n  s  Mott  7th  h  w  Courtland  av 
AVeis  Martin,  tailor,  n  s  Melrose  7th  h  e  Courtland  av 
AVeis  John,  tailor,  n  8  Melrose  8th  h  e  Courtland  av 
AVeiss  John,  dairy,  e  s  R  R  av  lid  h  n  Fifth 
AVeise  John,  confectioner,  N.  Y.,  n  s  144th  5th  h  e  AVillis  av 
AVeise  George,  carpenter,  w  s  Retreat  av  2d  h  s  Henry 

PUBLISHER,  8  8  Fifth  nr  R  R  av 

Courtland  av 
WESTCHieSTER    COUNTY   JOURNAL,   James    StiUman, 

editor  and  publisher,  n  s  Fifth  nr  Wash'n  av 
Wenz  Charles,  shoemkr,  n  s  New  lid  h  e  Forest  av 
Weed  Augu»tu8  G.,  broker,  N.  Y.,  w  e  Villa  pi  1st  h  n  George 


Weber  John,  carpenter,  nee  Forest  av  &  Ne\r 

Weber  John,  tailor,  e  8  3d  av  '2d  h  s  Eighth 

Weber  George,  brewer,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Sixth 

Weber  Jacob,  tailor,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  s  Fourth 

Weber  Peter,  baker,  N.  Y.,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  8  Sprinqj  pi 

Weber  Jjouis,  blacksmith,  w  s  Fulton  av  6th  h  8  Eighth 

Weber  George,  shoenikr,  e  8  Concord  av  2d  h  s  Lexington 

Weber  Philip,  saloon,  e  s  3d  av  5th  h  s  Grove 

Weikert  Michael,  gardener,  e  s  3.1  av  5th  h  s  Fifth 

Weireter  John,  liquors,  n  w  c  3d  av  &  Fifth 

Westerman  Henry,  blacksmith,  w  s  3d  av  6th  h  s  Fifth 

Weinan  Charles,  Ibr.,  w  s  Franklin  av  1st  h  n  Seventh 

Wellig  Frank,  mason,  s  s  William  2d  h  e  Courtland  av 

Welsh  Thomas,  Ibr.,  n  s  Teller  pi  2d  h  w  Courtland  av 

Welsli  Horatio  C,  brush  mfr,  s  s  Sixth  1st  h  e  Boston  rd 

Welsh  James,  Ibr.,  e  s  R  R  av  1st  h  n  Elton 

Welch  James  H.,  revenue,  N.  Y.,  n  e  c  3d  av  &  First  pi 

Wentzler  Louis,  grocer,  s  s  Milton  2d  h  w  Wash'n  av 

Wengler  Andreas,  mason,  s  s  Milton  5th  h  w  Wash'n  av 

Weiner  Joseph,  tailor,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  n  Melrose 

We^'man  Charles,  i)ainter,  s  s  Melrose  2d  h  w  Courtland  av 

Weyand  P.,  blacksmith,  e  s  3d  av  5th  h  s  Sixth 

Webber  Fred.,  butcher,  sec  Wash'n  av  &  Fifth 

Weiler  Jacob,  brewer,  s  s  Sixth  1st  h  w  3d  av 

Weiss  Chas.  J.,  jeweller,  e  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  n  Second 

Wessell  Fred.,  Ibr.,  s  s  Third  3d  h  w  Wash'n  av 

Webster  Wm.,  inventor,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Fourth 

Webster  Joseph M.,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  hs  Fourth 

AV'ebster  Stephen,  mer.,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Grove  opp  Second  pi 

Webb  Titus,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  s  Fourth 

Westervelt  P»enj.,  carriage  trimmer,  e  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  s  Fiftle 

Werthof  Mr.,  tailor,  e  s  Eobbins  av  1st  h  n  Tineas 

Weberg  Theodore,  e  s  Benson  av  3d  h  n  West<jhester  rd 

Wentling  George,  gardener,  w  s  Butternut  av  4th  h  s  Ella 

Westerfield  M'm.  (Rev.,)  e  s  Grove  av  2d  h  n  Cliff 

Weaton  George,  n  s  1 42d  3d  h  e  3d  av 

Weeks  George  S.,  nuisician,  n  s  140th  1st  h  w  Willis  av 

Weeks  Helen,  wid.,  s  «  141  st  Ist  h  w  Willis  av 

Weeks  Dewitt  ('.,  builder,  e  s  Walton  av  5th  h  a  Ella 

Weeks  Frank  M.,  e  s  Walton  av  5th  h  s  Ella 

Weeks  Charles  A.,  painter,  o  s  3d  av  opp  Third 

Weekly  Marv,  wid.,  miUiner,  s  w  e  Courtland  av  &  Tliirdi 

Weldon  John,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Willis  av  &  144th 

Weldon  John,  gardener,  w  s  Macomb  av  Ist  h  n  Grove» 

West  Caroline  dry  goods,  w  s  3d  av  Ist  h  n  145th . 


West  Francis,  driver,  n  s  First  1st  h  e  li  R  ar 

Weirst  Karl,  Ibr.,  »  w  c  3d  av  &  Smeeman 

Weisheimer  John,  Ibr,,  w  s  od  av  2d  h  n  Henrick 

Whitty  Anna,  wid.,  w  s  Fulton  av  4th  h  a  Eighth 

Whittey  Joseph,  stair  builder,  n  s  William  4th  li  w  Wash'n  av 

Whitting  Charles,  tinsmith,  s  s  Third  2d  h  w  Wash'n  a^ 

Whiting  Mary,  e  s  Walton  av  2d  h  s  Ella 

White  Charles  W.,  lumber,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Boston  rd  2d  h  n  Sixth 

White  Joseph,  engr.,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Forest  av  1st  h  s  Strong 

White  Wm.  P.,  vender,  w  s  Forest  av  2d  h  s  Wall 

White  John,  grocer,  w  s  8d  av  od  h  s  Third 

White  Edward  Ij.,  w  s  od  av  od  h  s  Third 

White  James,  iron  finisher,  n  s  Union  5th  h  av  AVash' n  av 

White  Charles  F.,  feed,  s  \v  c  Union  &  Wash'n  av 

White  Geo.,  whitewasher,  N.  Y.,  n  s  WaA  erly  7th  h  w  Wash'n  av 

White  James  C.  W.,  harness,  n  s  Prospect  7th  h  w  Wash'n  av 

White  Charles  H.,  carpenter,  n  s  Prospect  7th  h  w  Wash'n  av 

White  Thomas  W.,  harness,  n  s  Prospect  7th  h  w  Wash'n  av 

White  Charles,  carpenter,  w  s  Forest  av  M  K  s  Cliff 

White  Mrs.,  wid.,  e  s  av  A  5th  h  s  Cliff 

White  Alexander,  machinist,  n  s  144th  8d  h  e  AVillis  av 

White  George,  piano  stools,  n  s  144th  3d  h  e  Willis  av 

VV^hite  Randolph,  piano  mkr,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Mary   5th  h  w  <  'ourt- 

land  av 
Whealen  James,  plumber,  n  w  c  William  &  (Jourtland  av 
Whealen  Charles,  plumber,  n  vf  c  William  «&  Courtland  av 
Whealen  J.  &  Bro.,   plumbers,  n  w  c  William  &  Courtland  av 
Whealen  Patrick,  Ibr.,  e  s  Robbins  av  4th  h  n  Tineas 
Wheat  Wm.  J.,  painter,  w  s  Courtland  av  Ist  h  n  AVa^erly 
Whitcouski  Julius,  e  s  College  av  1st  h  s  Garden 
Whitman  Jacob,  moulder,  s  s  Denman  8th  h  w  Courtland  av 
Wheeler  John,  teamster,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Bon- 
Wilhelm  Nicholas,  mason,  s  s  Mary  5th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Wilcox  Henry  C,  sewing  machines,  N.  Y".,  n  s  Springfield  1st 

h  e  Morris  av 
Wiegand  Taugott,  grocer,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  s  Springfield 
WilHs  Samuel,  whitewasher,  n  s  Schuyler,  9th  h  w  3d  av 
WiUis  John  H.,  painter,  w  s  l^  R  av  opp  Seventh 
Winder  Philip,  machinist,  n  s  Schuyler  9th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Witt  August,  pianomkr.,  n  s  Schuyler  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Wilz  Frank,  tailor,  s  s  Elton  4th  h  w  3d  av 
Wismarth  Michael,  driver,  s  s  Elton  2d  h  e  Courtland  n\ 
Williams  Edward  M.,  bookkeejier,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Yilla  pi  1st  h  n 


WJUiaiiiH  Lemuel  J.,  trav.  agentj  n  s   Schuyler  1st  li   w  Court- 
land  av 
Williams  Josephine,  Mid.,  laundress,  h  w  c   Schuyler  &  Conrt- 

land  av 
Williams  Charles," porter,  "iv  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  n  Schuyler 
Williams  Henry,  liquor,  w  s  Boston  rd  opp  Union  av 
Williams  Benj.,  driver,  e  s  K  K  av  1st  h  s  Second 
Williams  John,  Ibr.,  w  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Union 
Williams  Cornelius,  carpenter,  e  s  Wash'n  av  l->d  h  n  Eighth' 
Williams  Jas.  H.,  porter,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Third  "Id  h  e  li  P.  av      ' 
Williams  James  (Kev.,)  n  s  144th  1st  li  e  Willis  av 
Williams  Frederick,  bakery,  w  s  o«l  av  'id  h  n  Bronx 
Williamson  Smith,  clerk,  sec  ColU^ge  av  »S:  AVillow  pi 
Williamson  llug-h,  tinsmith,  e  s  AVasli'n  av  1st  h  s  Melrof^e 
Winter  John,  tailor,  n  s  Governeur  4th  h  w  ( 'ourtland  av 
Wiell  John,  Ibr.,  w  s  Hd  av  oth  h  s  Milton 
Wllhelm  John  A.,  tailor,  e  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Grove 
Wichner  Conrad,  Ibr.,  n  s  ^Mott  4th  h  w  od  av 
AVinigen  Henry,  carriage  mkr,  n  s  Mott  3d  h  w  itorrls  av 
Wink  Martin,  shoomkr,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Mott 
Wiley  Joseph,  grocer,  w  s  Boston  rd  1st  h  s  Jefferson 
Wild  James,  s  w  c  Boston  rd  k  Seventh 
Wilsey  Edward,  paper  hanorer,  e  s  Forest  av  lid  h  s  George 
Wilkenson  Gef)rge,  clerk,  w  s  od  av  3d  h  s  Sixth 
Wiswell  Horatio,  pianomkr,  Brooklyn,  n  s  Eighth  1st  h  w  Cot- 
tage pi 
Wilson  Mrs.  Anna,  e  s  II  R  av  Sth  h  n  Seventh 
Wilson  James,  stone-cutter,  e  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Melrose 
AVllson  Gilbert,  clerk,  s  s  14lid  6th  h  w  Willis  av 
Wirth  John,  cigarmkr,  w  s  R  R  av  3d  h  s  Eighth 
Wilkins  Theodore,  upholsterer,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Fulton  av  ^)t\\  h  n 

Winkler  Nicholas,  shocmkr,  s  s  William  1st  h  e  Courtland  av 
Wibben  Henry,  mason,  n  s  Waverly  6th  h  e  (courtland  av 
Wiberly  Thomas,  mfr,  e  w  R  R  av  3d  h  n  Fourth 
Wiberly  Thomas  J.,  clerk,  e  s  R  R  av  3d  h  n  Fourth 
Windemuth  George  (Rev.,)  e  s  AVash'n  av  6th  h  s  Milton 
Windish  Frederick,  Ibr.,  n  s  Wilham  'Jd  h  e  Courtland  av 
Wicks  Thomas,  n  s  First  lid  h  w  3d  av 
Wiltshaw  Wm.,  painter,  s  s  Third  3d  li  w  Wash'n  av 
Wilt  AVm.  li.,  planer,  sec  Eighth  &  Wash'n  av 
Witter  Ik-nj.,  brewer,  w  s  av  A  4th  h  s  Cliff 
Winter  Lewis,  machinist,  w  s  Tinton  av  2d  h  n  Wr  Railroad 
Wiegand  Jacob,  gardener,  n  a  Wr  Railroad  Tith  h  e  Bobbins  av 
YViemos  Joseph,  Ibr.,  e  s  St.  Ann's  av  4th  h  n  Wr  Railroad 

mobrikSania  directory.  loa 

Wicisig  George,  butcher,  e  s  Retieat  av  4th  h  n  Westchester  rd 
Willow  Stephen,  tailor,  s  s  14nth  1st  e  3d  av 
Wiegans  Guy,  milkman,  s  s  145th  Ist  h  e  Mill  Brook 
Wiley  John,  Ibr.,  s  s  14od  6th  h  w  Clifton  av 
Wimpress  Wm.  jr.,  carpenter,  s  8  143d  7th  h  e  3d  av 
Wimpress  Harriet,  dry  goods,  e  s  od  av  4th  h  n  144t]i 
Wimpress  William,  shoemkr,  e  s  College  av  1st  h  s  Garden 
Willard  Geo.  A.,  lumber,  N.  Y.,  s  s  139th  3d  h  e  WiUis  a\- 
Wightman  Wm.,  clerk,  X.  Y.,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Willow  pi 
Woods  Joseph  1*.  (Rev.,)  nee  Jefferson  &  Franklin  av 
Wood  John,  mason,  w  s  Boston  rd  opp  Union  av 
Woods  James,  umbrellas,  N.  Y^.,  n  w  c  Boston  rd  »S:  »Sixtli 
Woods  D.  N.,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  n  ^v  c  Boston  rd  »S:  Sixth 
Woods  William,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  n  w  c  Boston  rd  &  Sixth 
AVoodward  Charles,  brass  founder,  sec  AN'aslt  n  av  &  Seventli 
A\'o<»druff  William,  glass  blower,  av  s  3d  av  1st  li  n   130t]i 
Woodruff  IVroscs,  carman,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  s  Fifth 
Wolff'  John,  shoe  mkr,  w  s  3d  av  4t]i  h  n  Fiftli 
Wollen  Stephen,  brewer,  aa*  s  3d  av  7th  h  s  Eiglith 
AVoehlo  i\[rs.,  Avasiierwoman,  s  s  Third  3d  li  av  Wash'n  av 
Woelz  Mrs.  Catharine,  grocery,  s  s  Third  lid  h  av  3d  av 
Wolgcniued  MicliaeL  dri\er,  s  s  Westchester  rd  nr  Eagle  av 
Wolford  George,  carpenter,  N.  Y.,  s  s  137th  '2d  h  av  3d  nv 
Worthington  James,  n  s  Concord  oth  h  a\'  College  aA^ 
Wodrup  AMlliam  S.,  porter,  N.  Y.,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  s  Milton 
Worster  Frederick,  Ijaker,  av  s  Courtland  a\'  3d  h  s  Benson 
AVriglit  Wm.,  II.,  carpenter,  n  s  Springfield  r)th  h  e  Morris  av 
Wrinlit  Stephen   J.,  builder.   N.  Y.,  n   s  Springfield   7tli  li   •• 

jNlorris  av 
AN'right  Isaac  E..  builder,  K.  Y.,  n  s  Sprin;2,field  SiJi  ]\  v  Mm'- 

ris  aA' 
A\'right  William,  mason,  av  s  3d  av  Sth  h  s  ]\[ilton 
A\'right  Green,  eontractor,   s  e  c  Westchrstcr  rd  *S:  Eagle  av 
AVriglit  Theodore  A.,  mer.,  N.  Y.,  ^\  s  Spring  opp  ILelcn 
Wright  I'hili}),  fisli,  s  s  M'estchester  rd  1st  h  e  St.  Ann's  av 
AVriglit  Sinu)n,  contractor,  s  s  Milton  3d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Wright  John  J.,  oils,  N.  Y.,  n  s  141st  1st  h  e  Alexander  av 
AVrede  AndrcAv,  n  s  Wr  Railroad  ()th  h  e  Robbins  aA' 
Wragg  Joseph,  rope  mkr,  e  s  Wash'n  av  5th  h  n  Second 
AVidf'ertli  A\'m.,  cabinet  mkr,  s  s  Milton  1st  h  e  (.'ourtland  av 
Wunderlich  John,  cigar  mkr,  s  s  First  5th  h  av  3d  av 
Wurm  August,  cutter,  s  s  Third  2d  h  e  R  R  av 
Wuif  ^lina,  Avid.,  e  s  Rob1)ins  av  1st  h  n  Wr  Railroad 
Wulf  AndrcAv.  Ibr.,  s  s  Schuyler  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Wulf  Hans  C.,  saloon,  av  s  3d  av  "id  h  s  Mdton 


Wuensch  August,  paper  box  mfr,  n  s  Schuyler  let  h  w  Court- 
land  av 
Wuscliert  Peter,  Ibr.,  e  s  8d  av  Gtli  h  s  Henr}' 
Wynne  Jjockland,  liquors,  w  s  3d  av  5th  h  n  Eighth 
Wynne  Andrew,  Ibr.,  w  s  8d  4th  h  n  Eighth 
Wylis  Georgt',  butcher,  N.  Y.,  n  e  c  8d  av  &  Seventh 
Wylie  Samuel,  engineer,  w  s  Hd  av  4th  h  n  Mott 

Yard  Henry,  Ibr.,  s  s  Governeur  1st  w  Courtland  av 

Yates  J,,  superintendent  iron  works,  e  s  Macomb  av  Ist  h  n 

Van  Stoll 
Yenney  Joseph,  peddler,  h  s  Eirst  8th  h  w  R  R  av 
Yenney  John,  peddler,  s  s  First  8th  h  w  R  R  av 
Yeaty  AJolph,  iron  moulder,  n  s  139th  4th  h  w  3d  av 
Young  John,  blacksmith,  n  s  Waverly  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Young  James  R.,  builder,  e  s  Benson  av  2d  h  n  Westchester  rd 
Young  A.  C,  merchant,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Irving  pi  1st  h  w  R  R  av 
Young  Isabella,  wid.,  s  s  146th  *2d  h  e  Willis  av 
Young  Adam,  gardener,  s  s  Elton  3d  h  e  Courtland  av 
Young  Christina,  laundress,  e  s  3d  av  8th  h  s  Milton 
Young  Joseph,  bookkeeper,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Denman  4th  hw  Court- 
land  av 
Younger  George,  carpenter,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Bronx 
York  John,  undertaker,  sec  145th  &  3d  av 
York  William,  saloon,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Bronx 
Yoecker  Edward,  saloon,  e  s  Willis  av  2d  h  s  146th 


Zabinski  Adolph,  boots  &  shoes,  e  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Fifth 
Zapp  ]\fatthew,  cab  mkr,  n  s  Elton  3d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Zander  Charles,  tailor,  s  s  Schuyler  6th  h  w  AVash'n  av 
Zeumer  Francis,  (Rev.,)  s  av  c  Springfield  &  Courtland  av 
Zeuschner  George,  physician,  e  s  Courtland  av  1st  h  n  Elton 
Zeltner  llenr}',  brewer,  sec  Eighth  &  3d  av 
Zeltner's  Brewery,  n  s  I^^ighth  bet  3d  ct  Franklin  avs 
Zelliiig  Fred.,  grocer,  s  w  c  Franklin  av  &  Seventh 
Zclliiig  Elizabeth,  seamstress,  w  s  Franklin  av  1st  h  s  Seventh 
Zelliiig  Henry,  goldbeater,  w  s  Franklin  av  1st  h  s  Seventh 
Z(nssig  Alex.,  door  mfr,  \v  s  Forest  av  1st  h  s  Clitf 
Zell  Henry,  Ibr.,  n  s  Mott  3d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Zell  Henry,  jr.,  Ibr.,  n  s  Mott  3d  h  w  Courtland  av 
Ziechman  Martin,  tailor,  s  s  Schuyler  8th  h  w  Wash'n  av 


Zilch  Henry,  shoe  mkr,  n  a  Mott  1st  h  e  Morris  av 
Zimnierniann  Reiiihard,  saloon,  w  s  8d  av  8d  h  n  Henrj' 
Zimmermann  Wm.,  cigars,  w  s  od  av  2d  h  s  Westchester  rd 
Zink  John,  shoe  mkr,  n  s  Governeur  4th  h  w  8d  av 
Zink  Godi'red,  jr.,  stone  cutter,  s  s  Uncas  Ist  h  e  Tin  ton  av 
Zink  Ixodired,  stone  cutter,  s  s  Uncas  1st  h  e  Tinton  av 
Zink  Thomas,  grocer,  n  w  c  Governeur  &  Morris  av 
Zink  Ludwig,  druggist,  w  s  3d  av  opp  Spring  pi 
Ziechler  Martin,  tailor,  n  s  Prospect  bd  h  e  Oourtland  av 
Ziegler  &  Bro.,  boots  &,  shoes,  e  s  8d  av  1st  h  s  144th 
Ziegler  William  S.,  e  s  3d  av  Ist  h  s  144th 
Ziegler  George,  Ibr.,  s  s  {Schuyler  5th  h  w  Courtland  av 
Zimmerman  Bernard,  varnisner,   n  s  Milton  5th  h  e  Court- 
land  av 
Zimmerman  John  Q.,  cigars,  s   s  Westchester  rd  8d  h  e  Re- 
treat av 
Zimmerman  Chas.  H.,  cigar  mkr,  s  s  Westchester  rd  8d  h  e 

Retreat  av 
Zimmerman  Charles,  baker,  w  s  Wash'n  av  8th  h  n  Second 
ZoUnger  Bernard,  tiiiisuer,  s  s  Mott  7th  h  w  College  av 
Zorer  Louis,  painter,  e  s  College  av  2d  h  s  Mam 
Zorn  Charles,  grocer,  s  s  Pro&pect  4th  h  e  Courtland  av 
Zum  Buehl    Clias.,    tancy   goods,  w   s   Courtland   av  1st  h  s 

Zurlowen  ±erdniand,  n  s  Springfield  11th  h  w  od  av 
Zurlowen  l^VetlericK,  cigar  ma*,  u  s  Springfield  llttih  w  od  av 
Zugner  Joseph,  painter,  e  s  od  av  5th  h  s  Heury 
Zuguer  LoUrens,  undercaker,  e  s  8d  av  5th  h  s  Henry 
Zugeher  August,  iDr.,  \v  s  »ia  av  1st  h  n  Dennian 
Zwinge  Xavior,  saioou,  s  w  c  Westchester  rd  ik,  Clifton  av 
Zwickert  Antuouy,  oliutj  mkr,  sec  Ruse  &  8d  av 
Zwickert  Anciioiij ,  jr.,  saloon,  e  s  od  av  4th  li  s  Rose 
Zwmk  John,  iiuih.,  w  s  R  R  av  4th  h  s  Wash'n  av 


Anderson  H.  A.,  wid.,  w  s  Central  av  8d  h  s  Anderson  av 
Anderson  J.  S.,  w  s  Central  av  od  h  s  Anderson  av 
Arcularius  Geo.   P.,  Jerome    Park   Hotel,  junction   Central  & 
Gerard  avs 



Baxter  .Tolm,  ll)r.,  Orchard  nr  Anderson  av 

Bowie  I'eter,  blacksmith,  n  w  c  Sodjj^wick  nv  A:  Devoe 

Brion  Michael,  Underelifl*  Hotel,  sec  Sed^^wick  av  &  Depot  pi 

Brady  Thomas,  ihr.,  u  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 

Brady  James,  ibr.,  n  s  Devoe  4th  h  w  Hip^hltridj^-e  av 

Broughton   S..    Woodbine   T'ottage,    u    \s-    c    Sedgwick    av    & 

Depot  pJ 
Burke  Washington,  carpenter,  e  s  Lind  av  oth  h  s  Beach 
Burns  Tliomas,  liquors,  nee  Beach  »fc  Highbridge  av 
Byrne  John,  clerk,  s  s  Beacli  1st  h  -nv  Highbridge  a\ 
Byrne  L*.,  liquors,  s  w  c  Highbridge  a.y  &  T'uion 


( 'abot  I'hilliji  J.,  carpenter,  e  s  Central  av  opp  Anderson  av 

Casey  John,  ll)r.,  n  s  I)evoe  -d  h  w  Highbridge  av 

Clark  ^\'m.,  drugs,  w  s  Central  av  1st  h  s  Anderson  av 

Classen  Fred.,  gardener,  e  s  Lind  av  od  li  s  Beach 

Connors  iVlartin,  Ibr.,  ii  w  c  Sedgwick  av  tS:  Devoe 

Corsa  P)ros.,  feed,  ^v  s  Sedgwick  av  nr  AVolf 

Couse  Isaac,  Jeronip    l*ark  carriage   factory,  s   w  c   Central  & 

(rcrard  avs 
Conrad  &  (rciger,  hotel,  ( '< Mitral  l^»ri<lge 
Craft  Wni.,  bartender,  .Icvome   Park    Hotel,  junction  Central 

&  Gerard  a^  s 


D'Arcy  l.awrence,  Ujr.,  s  s  lieacli  1st  h  w  Highbridge  av 
Daly  I'atrick,  contractor,  n  s  Devoe  lM  ]l  av  lliglibridge  av 
Daly  .lolm,  Ibr.,  n  av  c  Sedgwick  iiv  S:  De^oe 
])aley  Iverns  !>.,  merchant,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Highbridge  av   1st  h  n 
( 'eutral  aA- 

Dalev  \'aleiitine,  merdiant.  X.  Y..  e  s  Higlibridg<'   av  bst  h  n 


(  entrai  av 
Davis  Chas.  W.,    bartender,  l-leetwood    ( 'ottage  Hotel,   c  Cen- 
tral cS:  Anderson  avs 
Darney  Win.,  Ibr..  e  s  Lind  av  'Id  h  s  Beach 
Dexheimer  .lacob,  Humboldt  House,  Central  av  opj)  .lames 
Denny  Daniel,  merchant,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Lind  av   1st  li  s  BeacIi 
I)evlin  John,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  tS:  Devoe 
Deuring  .lames,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  l)evoe 
Dilsrer  Frank,  bartender,  Central  av  c  Seda'wick  av 


Dimon  Charles,  Ibr.,  e  s  Lind  av  od  h  n  Devoe 
Dillahid  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
Divlin  John,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedg^vick  av  &  Devoe 
Dolaa  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
Dougherty  Mrs.,  wid.,  w  s  Highb ridge  av  '2d.  h  n  Central  av 
Donelly  James,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
Dollen  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
Donavan  Thomas,  Ibr,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
Donnell  Wm.  M.,  clerk,  w  s  Highbridge  av  Ist  h  n  Devoe 
Donges  Christian,  carpenter,  w  s  Highbridge  av  8th  h  n  Devoe 
Drummond  John  B.,  s  e  c  Highbridge  &  3d  av 
Dugan  Edward,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 


Elwes  C.  F.,  w  s  Highbridge  av  2dh  n  Devoe 

Faley  Dennis,  Ibr.,  n  s  Devoe  2d  h  w  Highbridge  av 
Ferguson  James,  Ibr.,  e  s  Highbridge  av  1st  h  n  Devoe 
Fitzpatrick  Francis,  Ibr.,  e  s  Highbridge  av  4:th  h  n  Beack 
Fitzpatrick  James,  Ibr.,  e  s  Highbridge  av  8d  h  n  Beach 
Fitzpatrick  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
Fitzsimmons  James,  coachman,  w  s  Central  av  1st  h  s  Ander- 
son av 
Fletcher  Samuel,  grocer,  n  w  c  Beach  &  Highbridge  av 
Flinn  John.,  ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
Flannery  James,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 


Gaynor  Peter,  coachman,  e  s  Highbridge  av  Ist  h  n  Devoe 
Galagher  Edward,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
Galagher  Michael,  Ibr.,  n  w^  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
Gillen  Edward,  Ibr.,  e  s  Lind  av  od  h  n  Devoe 
Gleason  Michael,  Ibr.,  e  s  Highbridge  av  1st  h  n  Devoe 
Goebel  Geo.  S.,  ice  dealer,  e  s  Anderson  av  "Jd  h  e  2d  av 
Gorman  Michael,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Devoe  &  Highbridge  av 
Gray  F.,  boarding-house,  e  s  Lind  av  3d  h  n  Devoe 


Hart  William,  carpenter,  n  s  Devoe  1st  h  w  Highbridge  ar 
Hartley  William,  bartender,  Parker  house,  s  w  c  Sedgwick  ar 
&  Wolf 


Hall  John,  Ibr.,  w  s  Anderson  av  1st  li  s  2d  av 
Hall  H.  C,  carpenter,  av  ^  Anderson  av  Isth  s  '2d  av 
Hammond  Eobt.,  waiter,  s  w  c  Central  &  Gerard  avs 
Hennessey  John,  carpenter,  nee  Beach  &  Highbridge  av 
Hebdin  E.  Y.,  clerk,  w  s  Highbridge  av  1st  h  n  Devoe 
Holmes  James,  hostler,  sec  Cromwell  &  l2d  avs 


Ivins  Joseph,  hostler,  Conrad's  Hotel,  Central  Bridge 


Kafney  Thomas,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Lind  av  1st  h  n  Devoe 
Karl  John,  Eamble  Cottage,  Highbridge 

Kemp  John  H.,  mer.,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Highbridge  av  3d  h  n   Cen- 
tral av 
Keating  Thomas,  Ibr.,  e  s  Highbridge  av  opp  Devoe 
KeUing  John,  Ibr.,  e  s  Lind  av  3d  h  n  Devoe 
Kenney  Patrick,  Ibr.,  e  s  Lind  av  3d  h  n  Devoe 
Kenny  Michael,  Ibr.,  e  s  Lind  av  1st  h  n  Devoe 
Kehoe  Charles,  Ibr.,  e  s  Lind.  av  3d  h  n  Devoe 
Ketchum  Eonald  A.,  builder,  e  s  Beach  1st  h  e  Sedgwick  av 
Ketcham  Edgar,  jr.,  lawyer,    w  s   Central  av  2d  h  s  Ander- 
son av 
Kemp  Aaron,  mer.,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Highbridge  av  4th  h  n  Cen- 
tral av 
Kealy  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  Devoe  2d  h  w  Highbridge  av 
Kennedy  Thomas,  police,  s  w  c  Union  &  Lind  av 
Kennedy  Thomas,  carpenter,  nee  Beach  &  Highbridge  av 
Kern  Wm.,  Ibr.,  Highbridge  av 
King  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
Kogen  John,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
Kyle  Matthew,  Kyle's  Cottage,  Highbridge 


Leary  James,  Ibr.,  e  s  Lind  av  3d  h  n  Devoe 
Lynch  John,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
Lennon  Michael,  liquors,  Highbridge  2d  h  n  4th  av 


Mahan  Martin,  Ibr.,  e  s  Lind  av  3d  h  n  Devoe 
Mack  John,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwi<5k  av  &  Devoe 
Maxwell  Mrs.,  And.,  e  s  Highbridge  av  1st  h  n  Beach 


Merritt  John  H.,  painter,  N.  Y.,  w   s  Higlibridge  av  od  li  n 

'Meier  Edward,  gardener,  w  s  Lind  av  1st  h  s  Beach  , 
McCormick  Bernard,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
McGormick  Chris.,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
McCaffrey  James,  Ibr.,  e  s  Lind  av  3d  h  n  Devoe 
McDonald  James,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
McGrann  Edward,  Ibr.,  w  s  Highbridge  av  10th  h  n  Devoe 
McGraw  Alex.,  hostler,  s  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Wolf 
McGinnis  Win.,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
McGovern  Hubert,  Ibr.,  e  s  Highbridge  av  1st  h  n  Devoe 
McLoughlin  John,  hostler,  w  s  Central  av  1st  h  s  Clark 
McLoughlin  Wm.,  hostler,  w  s  Central  av  1st  h  s  Clark 
McLeod  David,  builder,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Highbridge  av  opp  Devoe 
McNalletty  John,  Ibr.,  e  s  Lind  av  od  h  n  Devoe 
Mierisch,  grocer,  w  s  Highbridge  av  9th  h  n  Devoe 
Moore  Eichard,  carpenter,  n  w  c  Highbridge  av  &  Orchard 
Morrison  Eugene   C.,  engineer.,  w  s   Highbridge    av  2d   h  n. 

MOONEY  JAMES  J.,  PAEKEE  HOUSE,  s  w  c  Sedgwick  & 

Murray  Welwood,  importer,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Highbridge  av  1st  h  n 

Central  av 
Murray  Matthew,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
Muller  Marx,  n  s  Devoe  2d  h  w  Highbridge  av 
MuUer  Gustave,  shoenikr,  sec  Beach  &  Highbridge  ar 
Muller  Eobert,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
Mulligan  James,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
Muran  John,  Ibr.,  e  s  Lind  av  3d  h  n  Devoe 
Murphy  Dennis,  Ibr.,  w  s  Lind  av  1st  h  n  Devoe 
Murphy  John,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 


I^icholson  Murtha,  laborer.,  e   s  Hif!:hbridge  av  Ist   h  n  De- 
J^icholson  Murtha,  gardener,  e  s  Lind  ar  3d  h  n  Devoe 


■O'Connell  Ann,  wid.,  e  s  Highbridge  av  2d  h  n  Beach 
O'Brien  Patrick,  Ibr.,  e  s  Hi8:hbridge  av  1st  h  n  Devoe 
O'Brien  Christopher,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
O'Donnell  Patrick,  Ibr.,  e  s  Lind  av  3d  h  n  Devoe 
Otting  John,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 



Paschke    Otto,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  w  s   Higlibridgje    av  4tli  li  n  De- 

Paschke  Theodore,  engiueer.,  w  s  Highbridge  av  4th  h  n  De- 

Post  Adam  II.,  grocer,  e  s  Andersou  av  1st  h  e  2d  av 


Quinn  Patricia,  mason,  e  s  Lind  av  od  h  n  Devoe 
Quick  Maria,  wid.,  e  s  Highbridge  av  od  h  n  Beach 


Pigley  Patrick,  masou,  e  s  Lind  av  od  h  n  Devoe 
Pielley  Thomas,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
PielleV  Michael,  plumber,  w  s  Highbridge,  av  9th  h  n  Devoe- 
Bittermann  Israel,  nee  Gerard  av  &  Arcu'.arius  pi 
Pooney  Michael,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
Pussell  Henry  A.,  agent,  e  s  Anderson  av  3d  h  s  2d  av 
Pvan  Patrick,  Ibr.,  e  s  Lind  av  od  h  n  Devoe 

Savor  John,  butcher,  e  s  Lind  av  4th  h  n  Devoe 

ScuUey  James,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 

Sheriden  Patrick,  Ibr.,  e  s  Lind  av  od  h  n  Devoe 

Sheridan  John,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  SedgAvick  av  «&  Devoe 

Sheppard  Edward,  watchman,  s  s  Union   3d  h  w  Highbridge 

Smith  William  E.,  Eleetwood  Cottage,  c  Central  «&  Anderson 

Smith  Edward,  Ibr.,  e  s  Lind  av  3d  h  n  Devoe 
Spelman  John,  watchman,  sec  Lind  av  &  Beach 
Spelun  Patrick,  Ibr.,  e  s  Lind  av  od  h  n  Devoe 
Spoerry  Geo.,  lawyer,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Anderson  av   1st  li  w  Cen- 
tral av 
Sullivan  Daniel,  11  )r.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 


Tierney  Thomas,  hostler,  e  Central  &  Anderson  avs 
Tierney  James,  hostler,  e  Central  &  Anderson  avs 
Toker  James,  Ibr.,  n  w  e  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
Tracoy  Jerry,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 


Weintzel  George,  sash  &  blinds,  n  s  Devoe   1st  h  w  High- 
bridge  av 
Welch  James,  Ibr.,  ii  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
Welch  Michael,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Sedgwick  av  &  Devoe 
Welch  Martin,  Ibr.,  e  s  Lind  av  3d  h  n  Devoe 
Wilkinson  Thomas,  Ibr.,  e  s  Highb ridge  av  4th  h  n  Beach 
Wright  John,  supt.,  s  s  Beach  1st  h  w  Lind  av 
Wilhams  Jerry,  waiter,  Conrad's  hotel.  Central   Bridge 


Akin  James,  w  s  Myrtle  av  5th  li  s  Yaleiitine  av 

Akin  Edward,  carj^enter,  w  s  Myrtle  av  3d  li  s  Mott 

Akin  Alexander,  carpenter,  w  s  Myrtle  av  8d  li  s  Mott  ' 

Ahvary  Francis,  teacher,  w  s  ocl  av  4th  h  n  Eleventh 

Allen  Adelia,  wid.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  od  h  n  Eleventh 

Albro  Geo.    H.,  Principal  ►Sclioo  INo.  1,  e  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  s 

Andrus  H.  W.,  agent,  w  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  s  Fitch 
Arras  Eobert,  painter,  w  s  Myrtle  av  3d  h  s  Valentine  av 
Ayres  Albert,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Twelfth 


Bathgate  Alex.,  farmer,  w  s  3d  av  Cth  h  n  Eighth 

Bathgate  James,  physician,  w  s  3d  av  6th  h  n  Eighth 

Babch  Christian  L.,  jewelry,  N.  Y.,  e   s  Wash'n  av  lat  h  a 

Barry  Michael,  Ibr.,  Myrtle  av  1st  li  s  Mott 
Bany  J^mes,  moulder.  Myrtle  av  1st  h  s  Mott 
BaiTy  John,  plumber,  Myrtle  av  1st  h  s  Mott 
Barry  Barney,  drug  clerk.  Myrtle  av  1st  h  s  Mott 
Barndollar  Charles,  roller  mki*,  N.   Y.,  n   s  Marble   1st  h  w 

Wash'n  av 
Bender  Jacob,  wheelwright,  N.  Y^.,  s  e  c  E  E  av  &  Fitch 
Behrens  Henry  J.,  machinist.  Myrtle  av  4th  h  s  E'itch 
Beames  James  F.,  piano  mfr,  N.  Y^.,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Morris 
Bendick  Penderson,  carpent^  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Monroe 
Bendick  Eobert,  cuii)enter,  -^  3d  av  n  w  c  Monroe 
Beck  Jacob,  carpenter,  w  s  Madison  av  5th  h  n  Twelfth 
Becker  ( 'arl,  tailor,  n  s  Morris  nr  3d  av 

Bedell  AVm.  A.,  bookbinder,  N.  Y^.,  nee  Fitch  &  Madison  av 
Bedell  John,  merchant,  N.  Y".,  e  s  Madison  av  1st  h  n  Fitch 
Bedell  George,  merchant,  N.  Y''.,  e  s  Madison  av  1st  h  n  Fitch 
Bogart  Wm.  11. ,  police,  w  s  Myrtle  av  1st  h  s  Valentine  av 
35oyd  Daniel,  agent,  N.  Y'.,  a  s  Mott  5th  h  w  Myrtle  av 
Bowen  Mr.,  grocer,  n  w  c  Ninth  &  Wash'n  av 



1^.    j>roi>i:TrT>i:<;>T'r, 




Coii!-ilaiill>'    Oil    liaiicl 

3alli  Tubs,  Water  Closets  Wash  Basins, 



K'itilro:td  Avenue,  osiijosate  Depot,  Treiiioiit,  IV.  V. 

Jobbing-  promptly  attended  to.     Estimates  furnished. 

HELLO!    WHA_T'S    THIS!! 



Dressing,  Beautifying  and  Preserving  the  Hair. 

Try  one  bottle  and  be  convinced. 
Jji^ok  at  tlic  price,  thirty-tive  cents.  Ir  nuike.-i  the  hair  grow. 

It.  cleans  and  nourishes  the  scalp.  It  slops  the  hair  trorn  falling  out. 

It  renders  the  hair  soft  and  giosriv. 

^ui.ibj  •■"^'"'■■'•'Q^fi  y  HENKY,  Agent,  8  College  Place,  N.  Y. 

(CAREY    D,    STEARNS,    Agent,) 



Orders  received  for  Job  Vruitni'J  of  all  kuids. 



O/j/joslte  lirvrleni  Eaili'ua'l  hr/jrjt. 

(  h  ,  ;(  I,   !I:)ri>-     Tiiii]  in  A.  IM .      l";-iii   7    ;il!   :i   J'     AI . 


Queens  Glass,  Wood  and  Willow  Ware, 

Ileal  M-^i^tt  Mmkmr 


Real  Estate  for  Sale.     Houses  to  Rent, 

Office  of  HERRING  &  SAMPSON,  Morris  Street, 

Davidson^s  New  M  Gfoceff  arid  him  Slofe, 

Railroad  Avenue,  cor.  Morris  Street, 

Canned  Fruits  and  Vegetables  of  all  kinds. 


Ham,  Fish,  Eggs.  Appies  and  Fruit  of  all  kinds, 


y^LEs    WiNfc:s,    (^c,    FOH    Family    (Jse, 


Bonfils  S.  D.,  glass  ware,  N.  Y,,  e  s  Wash'n  av  s  e  c  Eleventh. 

Bowers  Henry,  carpenter,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Twelfth 

Boss  Luclwig,  saloon,  s  w  e  3d  av  &  Morris       « 

Braken  Henry,  carpenter,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Marble 

Brey  James  J.,  asst.  station  agent 

Brown  Paul  E.,  (Eev.,)  w  s  Wash'n  av  5th  h  s  Monroe 

Burridge  Thomas,  accountant,  N.  Y.,  e  s  E  E  av  2d  h  s  Tenth 

Butler  Thomas,  blacksmith,  w  s  3d  av  s  w  c  Tenth 

Butters  William   T.,    -oiinter,    N.  Y".,  w  s  AVash'n    av  2d  h.   s 

Burris  Benjamin,  carpenter,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Monroe 


Carpenter  Samuel,  sp.  det.,  N.  Y.,  e  s   Madison   av  5th  h  n 

Cam  John,  carj^enter,  e  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Monroe 
Carmer  Maria,  wid.,  w  s  Wash,n  av  2d  h  s  Tenth 
Cannon  Nicholas,  merchant,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Morris  1st  h  e   Madi- 
son av 
Chapman  John,  bookkeeper,  N.  Y.,  e  s  E  E  av  1st  h  s  Fitch 
Chesterman  Edwin,  w  s  Madison  av  1st  h  n  Fitch 
Clark  Eichard,  clerk,  N.  Y".,  e  s  E  E  av  6th  h  n  Eighth 
Clark  Francis,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  e  s  E  E  av  6th  h  n  Eighth 
Clark  Carl,  Ibr.,  e  s  Madison  2d  h  n  Mott 
Clock e  G.  D.  W.,  lawyer,  e  s  E  E  av  nr  Mott,  r  Grand  av  nr 

Central  av 
Conlon  Patrick,  laborer,  e  s  Madison  av  1st  h  n  Monroe 
Collins  Cornelius  H.,  driver,  w  s  Madison  av  1st  h  n  Mott 
Cornell  Mark,  w  s  Madison  av  1st  h  s  Tenth 
Cofiee  John,  laborer,  e  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  n  Ninth 
Connor  Daniel,  merchant,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  n  Ninth 
Costolo  John,  Ibr.,  w  s  Madison  av  1st  h  s  Mori  is 
Couenhoven  Eobt.  E.,   pianofortes,  N.   Y.,  s  s  Fitch  1st  h  w 

Madison  av 
Condon  James,  Ibr.,  e  s  E  E  av  2d  h  n  Morris 
Coen  John,  Ibr.,  Myrtle  av  1st  h  s  Mott 
Cooper  Mrs.,  physician,  n  e  c  E  E  av  &  Eleventh 
Crawford  Charles,  painter,  s  e  c  E  E  av  &  Fitch 
Crewitt  Bros.,  hardware,  n  w  c  Wash'n  av  &  Fitch 
Crewitt  A.  B.,  hardware,  r  w  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  n  Marble 
Crewitt  J.  D.,  hardware,  r  w  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  n  Marble 
Crewitt  A.  H.,  hardware,  r  w  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  n  Marble 
Cranston  Geo.,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Eleventh 
Crotty  Patrick,  hotel,  n  w  c  3d  av  «&  Morris 



Davis  Amelia  P.,  wid.,  w  s  Madison  av  1st  h  n  Monroe 
Davison  Wni.,  grocer,  e  s  AVash'n  av  4th  h  n  Fitch 
Davidson  W.  J.,  grocer,  s  e  c  E,  R  av  &  Morris 
De  AVilde  Fred'k  A.,   clerk,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Madison  av  1st  h  n 

Ditniering  Geo.,  tailor,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Eleventh 
Donohiie  Anna,  wid.,  n  s  Fitch  2d  h  w  Myrtle 
Dodge  Peter,  carpenter,  Myrtle  av  1st  h  s  Fitch 
Dodge  Wm.,  carpenter.  Myrtle  av  1st  h  s  Fitch 
Doughty  John,  civil  eng.,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  s  Monroe 
Donohue  John,  Ibr.,  w  s  od  av  2d  hw  Monroe 
Doyle  Patrick,  Ibr.,  w  s  Madison  av  1st  li  n  Tenth 
Doyle  Michael,  tailor,  e  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Mott 
Dorf  Elias,  fancy  store,  s  s  Morris  2d  h  e  Wash'n  av 
Druhe  Francis,  butcher,  sec  Mott  &  Wash'n  av 
Droz  H.  E.,  importer,  N.  Y.,  Myrtle  av  4th  h  s  Mott 
Druisel  G.  C,  coppersmith,  n  s  Eleventh  1st  h  e  P  R  av 
Dutting  Henry,  piano    mkr,  N.  Y.,  e  s   P  P  av  7th  h  n  Tenth 
Dunn  Michael,  carriage  mkr,  n  w  c  Wash'n  av  &  Eleventh 
Duare  Thomas,  ibr.,  s  w  cElevdnth  &  od  av 
Dugan  Patrick,  milkman,  ^v  s  Madison  av  od  h  n  Marble 
Dunham  Albert,  carpenter,  w  s  Madison  av  1st  h  n  Twelfth. 
Dunham  Peter  P.,  mason,  sec  Madison  av  &  Fitch 
Dunham  Thomas  N.,  printer,  sec  Madison  av  &  Fitch 


Eberle  Peter,  blacksmith,  e  s  P  P  av  1st  h  n  Tenth 
Egglesden  John,  carpenter,  e  s  P  P  av  2d  h  n  Morris 
Etting  F.  Y.,  physician,  s  s  Mott  4th  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Engelmann  Carl,  musician,  n  e  c  Fitch  &  Wash'n  av 
Eymer  Matthias,  cigars,  w  s  8d  av  od  h  n  Mott 

Farroll  Henry  A.,  painter,  e  s  Madison  av  4th  h  n  Tenth 
Ferdon  J.  J.,  butcher,  e  s  R  P  av  7th  h  n  Mott 
Ferber  Ferdinand,  grocer,  e  s  od  av  4th  h  n  Locust  av 
Fincke  M.  IL,  painter,  e  s  P  P  av  M  h  n  Eighth 
Fincke  Wm.,  grocer,  n  w  c  Yalentine  av  &  Harlem  P  P 
Fincke  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  Fitch  1st  h  w  Alyrtle  av 
Finger  Henry,  w  s  Myrtle  av  8d  h  s  Mott 
Fincke  Carl  &  Pros.,  grocers,  n  w  c  Eleventh  &  od  av 
Fisher  Henry  F.,  grocer,  n  e  c  P  P  av  &  Tenth 


Flink  Nicholas,  bakery,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  li  s  Marble 
Flicker  Andrew,  caiTiage  mkr,  sec  Morris  &  Madison  av 
Eox  Thomas,  horseshoer,  n  s  Morris  1st  h  e  AVash'n  av 
Eord  Henry  J.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Eleventh 
Toiler  Oscar  J.,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Wash'n  av  Gth  h  n  Ninth 
Foulke  Charles  T.,  station  agent,  s  s  Mott  4th  h  w  Myrtle  av 
Folz  Fred.,  dry  goods,  N.  Y.,  n  w  c  Wash'n  av  &  Twelfth 
Francis  E.  C,  saddles  &  harness,  R  R  av  opp  Harlem  R  E 

Eraser  Mrs.  M.,  dry  goods,  R  R  av  opp  Harlem  R  R  depot,  r 

w  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Marble 
Fraclel  Charles,  musical  composer,  N.   Y.,  e  s  AVorth  av  Ist  h 

s  Mott 
Freisprig  Lorenz,  Ibr.,  e  s  od  av  2d  h  n  Monroe 
Franklin  Morris,  e  s  AVash'n  av  5th  h  n  Twelfth 
Frazer  Mrs.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  s  Mott 

Gade  George,  b  arber,  e  s  R  R  av  4th  h  n  Mott,  r  s  e  c  Mott  & 

Wash'n  av 
Gardener  Fred.,  pattern  mkr,  n  w  c  Monroe  &  od  av 
Gaul  Michael,  painter,  nee  Mott  &  Madison  av 
Garrison  John,  constable,  w  s  Madison  av  1st  h  s  Tenth 
Gilier  Edward,  machinist,  e  s  R  R  av  1st  h  n  Marble 
Gleason  Michael,  Ibr.,  e  s  R  R  av  4th  h  n  Eighth 
Gleitz  August,  piano  mkr,  Myrtle  av  3d  h  s  Fitch 
Gilhooly  Patrick,  Ibr.,  s  s  Fitch  1st  h  ^v  Myrtle  av 
Grove  W.  A.,  grocer,  nee  R  R  av  &  Fitch 
Gray  James  R.,  car  builder  s  s  R  R  av  1st  h  n  Fitch 
Gray  AVm.,  architect,  s  s  R  R  av  1st  h  n  Fitch 
Grobecker  Wm.,  drugs,  s  e  c  R  R  av  &  Mott 
Griffin  Abner,  agent,  N.  Y^.,  w  s  AVorth  av  let  h  s  AEorris 
Gregory  George,  e  s  AVash'n  av  2d  h  s  Fitch 
Griswold  A.  D.,  mer.,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Fitch  Ist  h  e  Wash  n  av 
Gross  Frank,  lather,  e  s  Madison  av  2d  h  n  Eleventh 
Grogan  Owen,  Ibr.,  e  s  8d  av  opp  Monroe 


Haskins  George,  carpenter,  Vv^  s  Madison  av  2d  h  n  Fitch 
Haas  Ferdinand,  carpenter,  e  s  Madison  av  2d  h  n  Mott 
Harris  Thomas  R.,  [Rev.,]  e  s  Wash'n  av  5th  h  n  Eighth 
Harde  Thomas,  merchant,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Washington  av  1st  h  n 


Hall  Thomas,  Ibr.,  e  s  E  E  av  4th  h  n  Eig:hth 
Harris  George,  Ibr.,  e  s  E  E  av  4th  h  n  Eighth 
Haunon  John  W.,  tinsmith,  e  s  E  E  av  7th  h  n  Tenth 
Hannegan  Thomas,  plumber.  Myrtle  av  1st  h  s  Mott 
Hawloy  H.  D  ,  agent,  s  w  c  AVash'n  av  &  Fitch 
Hamann  M.  A.,  grocer,  s  w  c  Tenth  &  AVash'n  av 
'Helle  Conrad,  cabinet  mkr,  w  s  8d  av  8th  h  n  Eighth 
Health  Francis,  w  s  3d  av  8d  h  n  Twelfth 
Hemburger  John,  basket  mkr,  s  w  c  Mott  &  3d  av 
Herrman  Andreas,  saloon,  s  w  c  Monroe  &  3d  av 
Hencklel  Jacob,  saloon,  e  s  3d  av  4tli  h  n  Monroe 
Heath  David,  e  s  Madison  av  2d  h  n  Fitch 
Held  Jacob,  nee  TAvelfth  &  Wash'n  av 
Heinz  Gottleib,  boots  &  shoes,  nee  Madison  av  &  Mon'is 
Herring  Wm.,  lawyer,  n  w  c  Wash'n  av  &  Mott 
Herring  &  Sampson,  lawyers,  s  s  Morris  nr  E  E  av 
Hielbeck  E.  W.,  shoemkr,  e  s  E  E  av  •2d  h  n  Tenth 
Hillman  Gottleib,  stone  cutter,  w  s  3d  av  4th  h  n  Morris 
Hill  Anna,  wid.,  n  w  c  I^inth  &  Wash'n  av 
Hohn  Christopher,  Ibr.,  n  w  c  Eleventh  &  3d  av 
Howie  Eobt.,  carpenter.  Tenth  nr  Wash'n  av,  r  Wash'n  av  3d 

h  n  Ninth 
Hojer  Georjje,  painter,  sec  Morris  &  Wash'n  av 
Hollacher  Michael,  saloon,  e  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Morris 
HOUSE    OF    EEST    FOE    CONSUMPTIVES,    Morris   bet 

Wash'n  &  E  E  avs 
Hoert  Wm.,  saloon,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Fitch 
Hobe  C.  T.,  s  s  Eleventh  2d  h  e  E  E  av 
Hunt  John  L,  s  w  c  Fitch  &  3d  av 
Hughes  John,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Munroe 
Hupfeldt  Julius  W.,  drugs,  s  s  Morris  2d  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Hyde  James  P.,  turner,  N.  Y.,  s  s  IMott  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 


lUium  AVm.,  butcher,  s  s  Morris  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Ingham  Eebecca,  wid.,  w  s  Madison  av  1st  h  n  Eleventh 
Ittner  Ileinrich,  boarding  house,  w  s  3d  av  5th  }i  n  Monroe 
ITTNEE'S   JOHN,  Villa,  Mvrtle    av  opp  Depot  &  restaurant 
lOG  Grand,  N.  Y 


Jenkins  James,  carriage  dealer,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Wask'n  av  8th  h 

n  Eighth 
Johnson  James,  Ibr..  n  w  c  Eleventh  &  3d  av 

Fifth  Street,  near  Post  Office, 


Loaves  Moi-risania  o*iice  at  8  o'clock,  A.  M.  and  the  2sew  York  offices  at  2.30  P,  M. 

Baggasje  will  be  delivered  to  all  the  New  York  Eailroad  Depots  and  Steamboat 

Checks  for  Baggage  lelt  at  either  of  the  OflEices  named  below  will  receive  prompt  at- 

!>1f°  Furniture,  Piano-,  &c.,  carefully  removed. 

General  Oftiees.  — Morrisania,  between  First  and  8ei!ond  streets   Fordham  avenue. 

New  York— 01  William  street,  GG  Courtland  street  cor.  of  Washington,  222  Wash- 
mt^ton  street,  corner  tit  Barclay,  and  88  Franklin  street. 

ISranch  Oftices.— New  York.-  3  Burling  Slip,  Jube's  Hardware  Store,  83  BoA:ery. 

Mott  Mavt-n.— Magee's  Feed  Score,  Boston  lload,  corner  134th  street. 

Melrose.— Purdy'.s  Grociry  Store,  Westchest'^r  Road. 

Morrisania.— Chisholru  &  Go's  Lfrucery  Store,  Fitth  street,  A.llen"s  Drug  Store, 
Sixth  .street  cor.  Franklin  aventie  '  G.  HARRIS. 

mmm  $mimm  edNi 

oi^^  ivioimiHA.:xxA. 

.i^  IS.  :H2  '  SS    O  OJEV  !»■  E3  I=L . 

Cor.  Milton  Street  and  Boston  Road,  Melrose. 

Bank  open  Daily  from  10  A.  M.  to  3  P.  M. 

Monday  and  Saturday  Evenings  from  6  to  9  P.  M.    Deposits  received  trom  10  cpnta 

to  f 5,000.    Six  per  cent,  interest  allowed  on  all  sums  Irom  ?5  to  *5,000  free  from 

Government  Tax. 


11  XJ  f-S   X" 

x^  i:  ©  : 



1\  F.  15RUGMAN, 









F.  A.  HEMAIEJ:, 






(;en.   FRANZ.   SI(;FL,    \st   VucPrcndcnt. 
F.    HEVER,   2d   Vicc.rrcsident. 
A.  J.   RRAUDLACIIT,    Treasurer. 
W.M.    IIdeland,    Cashier  and  Secretary. 

<i  .   r»  1?"  e:  1 1?"  1 "  13  Ti , 



P^or trait  &  Fictnre  Frames, 

Gilt,    ^^alnut     and     Rosewood     /Mouldings, 

wholesale  and  rj-'/fail. 


jYo.  101)  Fultori  St.,  and  o2  Ann  St.,  ,X.  Y. 

Cor.  Cliff'  St.  and  Concord  ^Vvenne, 



Cor,  Sixth  St.  and  Washington  Ave., 


Residence,  Washington  Avenue,  between  First  and.Secoud  Street?-, 
Sole  Agents  forTorry's  Improved  Patent  Weatlier  Strip?. 


Jones  Wm.,  tailor,  e  s  E  E  av  5th  h  n  Mott,  r  Myrtle  av  2d  h 
n  Mott 


Kearney  Daniel,  Ibr.,  e  s  E  E  av  1st  li  n  Morris 

Keal  James  S.,  agent,  e  s  E  E  av  1st  h  s  Marble 

Keal  Joseph,  carriage  nikr,  e  s  E  E  av  1st  h  s  Marble 

Kennedy  Michael,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  6th  h  n  Eleventh 

Kenyon  Jno.  S.,  merchant,  N.Y.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  n  Tenth 

Keyser  Peter,  e  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  n  Twelfth 

Kennard  Wm.  J.,  Principal  School  No.  4,  e  s  Wash'n  avCthh 

n  Twelfth 
Keogh  Peter,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Marble 
Kimball  Charles,  agent,  s  s  Mott  5th  h  w  E  E  av 
Kirby  John,  cary)enter,  w  s  Madison  av  1st  h  s  Monroe 
Kiug  Peter,  saloon,  e  s  3d  av  6th  h  n  Locust  av 
Knudel  Gottlieb,  cabinet  mkr,  w  s  3d  av  8th  h  n  Eighth 
Knapp  Margaret,  wid.,  nee  Eleventh  &  Madison  av 
Koch  George,  lumber,  s  av  c  Tenth  &  Wash'n  av 
Kuntz  Peter,  shoemkr,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Mott 
Kuntz  Peter,  jr.,  butcher,  w  3  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Mott 
Kuntz  Frederick,  butcher,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Mott 
Kraus  Andrew,  shoe  mkr,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Morris 

Lent  Wm.  G.,  Justice  of  the  Peace,  office  n  e  c  E  E  av  &  Mott,. 

r  w  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  s  Morris 
Lewis  Francis,  civil  engineer,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  s  Monroe 
Leithenser  George,'  tailor,  e  s  Madison  av  3d  li  n  Mott 
Leininger  Philip,  barber,  s  s  Morris  2d  h  w  Madison  av 
Lippe  C.,  physician,  e  s  E  E  av  next  Post  Office 
Loudon  Eobt  H.,  bookkeeper,  N.  Y.,  e  sE  E  av  6th  h  n  Tenth 
Loux  Hermann,,  painter,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Monroe 
Lyons  James  A.,  real  estate,  office  n  e  c  3d  av  &  Locust  av,  rn 

s  Fitch  3d  h  e  AVash'n  av 
Lyons  James,  iron  foundry,  N.  Y.,  n  s  Fitch  3d  h  e  Wash'n  av 


Macgarithe  James,  s  w  c  11th  &  3d  av 
Maconnell  James,  w  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  s  Tenth 
Maderstein  George,  saloon,  e  s  E  E  av  1st  h  s  Tenth 
Macduf  James,  cabinet  mkr,  w  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Monroe 
Manel  Frank,  cabinet  mkr,  w  a  Wash'n  av  2d  h  s  Mott 


Maher  Patrick,  Ibr.,  n  s  Ninth  let  h  e  K  R  av 

Maker  Micliael,  Ibr.,  n  s  Ninth  1st  li  e  K  Rav 

McCue  Patrick,  Ibr.,  s  w  c  K  R  av  &  Mott 

MeConnell  AVni.,  confectioner,  w  s  AVasli'n  av  4th  h  s  Mott 

McDermott  P.,  phimber,  e  s  R  R  av  'Id  li  n  Mott,  r  Valentine 

av  nr  Myrtle  av 
McDade  Wni.,  painter,  e  s  R  R  av  Bd  h  n  ^lott 
McDermott  Thomas,  Ibr,  Myrtle  av  8d  h  s  Fitch 
McFarland  Mr.,  w  s  Wash'n  av  5th  h  s  Fitch 
McGrath  Thomas,  Ibr.,  n  s  Ninth  lid  h  e  R  R  av 
McGraw  John,  Ibr.,  e  s  R  R  av  5th  h  n  Eighth 
McGraw  Owen,  Ibr.,  n  s  Ninth  1st  h  e  R  R  av 
McGraw  Michael,  Ibr.,  n  s  Ninth  1st  h  e  R  R  av 
McKinstry  Andrew,  merchant,  e  s  R  R  av  'Id  h  n  Fitch 
McLoughlin  Patrick,  n  s  Morris  'kl  h  w  Wash'n  av 
McLewee  Frederick,  merchant,  w  s  od  av  '2d  h  n  Twelfth 
McManus  C,  wid.,  store,  e  s  R  R  av  1st  h  n  Morris 
Metcalf  Elizabeth,  wid.,  w  s  Madison  av  2d  h  n  Fitch 
Melhiy  Dexter  W.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Twelfth 
Meyers  Ferdinand,  n  s  Valentine  1st  h  w  R  R  av 
Meyers  Gustavus,  musical  instrument  mkr,  n  w  c  Valentine  & 

R  R  avs 
Mierisch  John  M.,  grocer,  s  w  c  Twelfth  &  8d  av 
Miller  James  B.,  carpenter,  e  s  R  R  av  3d  h  n  Tenth 
Miller  J.  C,  bookbinder,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Wash'n  av  od  h  s  Mott 
Middleton  Wm.  B.,  dentist,  w  s  Wash'n  av  3d  h  s  Eleventh 
Mor]-is  Henry,  carpenter,  w  s  od  av  9th  h  n  Eighth    . 
Morrison  Samuel,  painter,  e  s  R  R  av  1st  h  n  Tenth 
Morse  Mrs.,  wid.,  e  s  R  R  av  4th  h  n  Tenth 
Morrissey  Michael,  Ibr.,  n  s  Valentine  av  od  h  n  Myrtle  av 
Murry  Andy,  Ibr.,  e  s  od  av  5th  h  n  Locust  av 
Muiry  Pat'k,  Ibr.,  e  s  Madison  av  1st  h  n  Munroe 
Murphy  Timothy,  Ibr.,  e  s  Madison  av  1st  h  s  Tenth 
^fuller  Fred'k,  saloon,  sec  Madison  av  &  Morris 
Mullen  J.,  Ibr.,  e  s  R  R  av  4th  h  n  Eightli 
Muldoon  J^arney,  Ibr.,  s  w  c  R  R  av  «S:  Mott 


Nagel  Joseph,  piano  mkr,  av  s  od  av  Otli  h  n  Marble 
Nesbitt  Alex.,  (Rev,,)  e  s  AVash'n  av  '2d  h  s  Twelfth 
Nicholson  James,  fish  dealer,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Fitch 


O'Brien  J.  A.,  merchant,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Madison  av  3d  h  n  Fitch 


Odell  John,  carpenter,  s  s  Mott  ocl  h  w  Myrtle  av 
Osborn  Wni.  W.,  police,  w  s  od  av  od  h  n  Morris 

P  ^ 

Palmer  Ferris,  watcliman,  s  s  Pitch  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 

Parsons  L.  D.,  s  s  Eleventh  1st  h  e  E  E  av 

Perkins  John,  jeweler,  N.  Y.,  Myrtle  av  1st  h  s  Spring 

Petri  Joseph,  baker,  w  s  od  av  5th  h  n  Eleventh 

Pett  Joseph  B.,  painter,  sec  Madison  av  &  Morris 

Peake  John  L.,  n  s  Pitch  nr  Wash'n  av 

Phelps  B.  N.,  carpenter,  N.  Y.,  n  w  c  Madison  av  &  Eleventh 

Pinker  John,  watchman,  s  w  c  Eleventh  &  od  av 

Porter  James  W.,  w  s  Wash'n  av  Tth  h  n  Eighth 

Porter  James,  e  s  Madison  av  5th  h  s  Tenth 

Proli'en  Erederick,  furniture,  w  s  3d  av  1st  h  n  Mott 

Pubhc  School  No.  1,  e  s  3d  av  bet  Eleventh  &  Twelfth 


Eace  Stephen  TL,  carpenter,  e  s  E  E  av  1st  h  s  Tenth 
Eandall  James,  moulder,  w  s  Myrtle  av  Tth  h  s  Valentine 
Eau  Eudolph,  salesman,  N.  Y.,  s  w  c  Worth  av  &  Mott 
Eae  Alice,  wid.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Ninth 
Eappleyea  J  as.,  undertkr,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Eleventh  nr  Madison  av 
Eeilly  Michael  E.,  insp.  of  buildings,  N.  Y.,  o  s  E  E  av  Tth  h 

n  Eighth 
Eeynolds  Wm.,  stevedore,  N.  Y.,  s  s  Pitch  l^d  h  w  Myrtle  av 
Eeid  Alfred,  furniture,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Eleventh 
Eeid  Alfred,  jr.,  furn'r,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Eleventh 
Eimington  jMatthew,  superintendent,  N.  Y^.,  s  e  c  E  E   av   & 

Eieners  Charles,  blacksmith,  e  s  E  E  av  1st  h  n  Tenth 
Eiedinger  Louis  N.,  tinsmith,  n  s  Morris  od  h  w  3d  av 
Eobbins  A.  W.,  Ijrush  factory,  w  s  ISlyrtle  av   -Ith   h   s   Valen- 
tine av 
Eockwell   Lucius,   bookkeeper,  N.  Y.,  n    s    Twelfth    1st   h  w 

Wash'n  av 
Eobertson  Wm.  IL,  painter,  s  w  c  Marble  &  3d  av 
Eobertson  Bertha,  wid.,  sec  Twelfth  &  AVash'n  av 
Eoe  Charles,  clocks,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Madison  av  4th  h  n  Eleventh 
Eose  Philip,  turner,  e  s  Madison  av  3d  h  s  Tenth 
Euggles  Elniira,  wid.,  e  s  Madison  av  1st  h  n  Tenth 


Saring  J.  S.,  bookl;eei)«-,  N.  Y.,  w  s  AA'asli'n  av  -id  h  s  Monroe 


vSayxker  Charles,  cigar  mkr,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  s  Marble 
Sawin  AVm.  J.,  drygoods,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Wash'n  av  5th  h  n  Ninth 
Schell  Alex.,  nee  Twelfth  &  Madison  av 
8chall  Michael,  Ihr.,  w  s  od  av  4th  h  n  Marble 
Schnabel  Fred'k,  shoe  mkr,  sec  Mott  &  Madison  av 
Schulz  Christian,  Ibr.,  n  s  Morris  od  h  w  od  av 
ISchulz  Gotfreid,  grocer,  s  w  c  Madison  av  &  Morris 
S(^,hrieier  Charlotte,  wid.,  e  s  E.  E,  av  5th  h  n  Tenth 
Schrelmeir  Peter,  shoe  mkr,  n  w  c  Myrtle  av  &  Mott 
Seaman  John  F.,  mer.,  N.  Y".,  e  s  Madison  av  8d  h  n  Fitch 
Sharkey  Joseph,  cigar  mkr,  e  s  E  E  av  4th  h  n  Tenth 
Shaw  &  Stacey,  stoves,  e  s  E  E  av  6th  h  n  Mott 
Shaughnessy  Simon,  Ibr.,  e  s  E  E  av  2d  h  n  Morris 
Shaw  W.,  tinsmith,  w  s  Myrtle  av  5th  h  s  Valentine  av 
Sheehan  John,  Ibr.,  n  s  Ninth  1st  h  e  E  E  av 
Shove  Oliver  P.,  carpenter,  n  e  c  E  E  av  &  Tenth 
Smith  James  B  ,  blacksmith,  e  s  E  E  av  4th  h  n  Tenth 
Smith  James,  Ibr.,  s  s  Mott  1st  h  w  E  E  av 
Smith  Abel  H.,  n  s  Fitch  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Smith  J.  D.,  mer.,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Wash'n  av  5th  h  s  Twelfth 
Smith  Martin,  boots  &  shoes,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Eleventh 
Smart  D.,  marble  works,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Madison  av  2d  h  n  Tenth 
Smart  Wm.  J.,  stationer,  e  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  n  Fitch 
Smart  Wm.  J.,  clerk,  s  s  Fitch  nr  AYash'n  av 
Sorg  Heinrich,  mer.,  N.  Y.,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Eleventh 
Springhorn  Henry,  painter.  Myrtle  av  3d  h  n  Eighth 
Sprunt  Isabella,  wid.,  e  s  Madison  av  6th  h  n  Eleventh 
Speaights  J  J.,  mer.,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Wash'n  av  6th  h  n  Eighth 
Stacey  James,  tinsmith,  w  s  3d  av  7th  h  n  Eigthth 
Station  House,  w  s  Madison  av  1st  h  n  Morris 
Steers  Henry  V.,  police  sergeant,  w  s  Madison  av  3d  h  n  Morris 
Stein  Charles,  mer.,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Madison  av  3d  h  n  Eleventh 
Starbuck  Geo.  F.,  mer.,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Madison  av  2d  h  n  Tenth 
Stearns  Daniel  J.,  doctor,  e  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  n  Twelfth 
Steams  Thomas,  clerk,  N.  Y.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  2d  n  Twelfth 
Stearns  Carry  I).,  real  estate,  off.  s  s  Morris  nr  Wash'n  av,  r  « 

s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  n  Twelfth 
Stanton  James  P.,  n  s  Twelfth  nr  Madison  av 
Streaver  Howard   M.,    stationer,   N.   Y.,   s    s   Twelfth    1st    h. 

w  Wash'n  av 
Sullivan  John,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Monroe 
Sullivan  Patrick,  carpenter,  e  s  Madison  av  1st  h  s  Tenth 
Summerfield  Meta,  wid.,  w  s  AVash'n  av  let  h  n  Tenth 



Tape  Eobt.  M.,  gilder,  e  s  Madison  av  4tli  li  s  Tenth. 
Tarbox  Hiram,  2d,  postmaster,  li  R  av  opp  H  E,  E,  depot 
Tarbox  Hiram,  jeweller,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  s  Morris 
Tarbox  Cliarles  W.,  clerk,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  li  s  Morris 
Thomson  Wm.  J.,  piano  mkr,  w  &  Wash'n  av  4th  h  s  Fitch 
Thomson,  Theodore,  carpenter,  w  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  s  Fitch 
Thomas  Lewis,  pilot,  s  s  Fitch.  1st  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Thine  John,  Ibr.,  e  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Monroe 
Thwaites  Joseph,  w  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  n  Ninth 
Tilley  Edward  J.,  marble  works,  E  E,  av  opp  H  E  E  depot,  r 

Prospect,  Fairmont 
Tompkins  George,  moulder,  e  s  E  E  av  6th  h  n  Tenth 
Townsend  Wm.,  butcher,  e  s  E  E  av  8th  h  n  Tenth 
Trainer  John,  mason,  e  s  Madison  av  1st  h  n  Twelfth 
Treadbar  Charles,  clerk.,  N.  Y.,  s  w  c  Worth  ay  &  Morris 


Van  Anden  Henry  A.,  e  s  E  E  av  8th  h  n  Tenth 
Vaupel  Christian,  shoe  mkr,  n  s  Morris  3d  h  w  3d  av 
Vinton  &  Sons,  piano  factory,  w  s  E  E  av  nr  Valentine  av 
Vinton  C.  A.,  pianos,  w  s  Myrtle  s  w  c  Valentine  av 
Vinton  H.  A.,  pianos,  w  s  Myrtle  s  w  c  Valentine  av 
Vinton  Fred.  H.,  pianos,  w  s  Myrtle  s  w  c  Valentine  av 


Washington  James,  painter,  e  s  E  E  av  3d  h  n  Tenth 

Ware  Mi-s.,  wid.,  nurse,  w  s  Myrtle  av  2d  h  s  Valentine  av 

Waterman  S.,  wid.,  dry  goods,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  s  Marble 

Waterman  George,  piano  mkr,  w  s  Wash'n  av  2d  h  s  Marble 

Wacker  Geo.,  carpenter,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Eleventh 

Walb  James  P.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  n  Fitch 

Webb  Elizabeth,  wid.,  w  s  Madison  av  4th  h  n  Twelfth 

Weber  Wm.  V.,  e  s  Wash'n  av  1st  h  s  Fitch 

Weecks  John  H.,  police,  n  s  Mott  1st  h  e  Wash'n  av 

Welch  John,  Ibr.,  w  s  3d  av  2d  h  n  Monroe 

Weiner  Nicholas,  painter,  w  s  3d  av  3d  h  n  Marble 

Webb  Wm.  W.,  plumber,  w  s  Wash'n  av  4th  h  s  Monroe 

Weeks  John,  w  s  Myrtle  av  6th  h  s  Valentine  av 

Weeks  Jackson,  w  s  Myrtle  av  6th  h  s  Valentino  ";" 

White  George,  e  s  Madison  av  3d  h  s  Eleventh 

White  Geo.,  jr.,  teacher,  N.  Y.,  w  s  AVash'n  av  5th  h  n  Eighth 


White  Charles  F.,  Monroe  ur  Orchard 
Wiune  Joseph,  blacksmith,  e  s  K  R  av  5th  h  ii  Tenth 
AVielkeile  Charles,  dyer,  N.  Y.,  s  w  c  Worth  av  &  Mott 
Wirdnam  Richard,  mason,  s  s  Mott  lid  h  w  Wash'n  av 
Wilkins  Morris,  auc'r,  N.  Y.,  w  s  Wash'n   av  4th  h  s  Twelfth. 
Willing  Henry,  blacksmith,  w  s  3d  av  Gth  h  n  Eleventh 
Wilde  Thomas,  e  s  Madison  av  5  th  h  n  Fitch 
Wick  Christopher,  Ibr.,  w  s  Madison  av  5th  h  n  Twelfth 
Wilt  John,  blacksmith,  e  s  Madison  av  2d  h  s  Tenth 
Wilson  Francis  F.,  teacher,  e  s  Wash'n  av  od  h  n  Fitch 
AVood  N.  K.,  hardware,  Harlem,  e  s  R  R  av  8th  h  n  Eighth 
Woolley  Daniel,  iron  moulder,  w  s  od  av  -ith  h  n  Eleventh 

Y'oiind  Fred'k,  butcher,  ^v  s  Mvrtle  av  3d  h  s  ^lott 



Supervisor— William  Cauldwell,  corner  Boston  rd  and  George 

Town  Clerk — Eugene  King,  Morris  Place,  West  Morrisania. 

Street  Commissioner — John  McOarty. 

Receiver  of  Taxes — Wm.  Turner,  Town  Hall. 

Overseer  of  the  Poor — John  York,  Boston  road,  North  New 

Inspector  of  Lamps  and  Gas — John  Immens,  opposite  Town 

Assessors — Wm.  Hoeland,  Boston  road,  Momsania ;  John 
Mehlem,  Boston  road,  near  Elton  street.  South  Melrose ;  Jas. 
H.  Gibney,  Third  av  and  Concord. 

Collector  of  Assessments — George  P.  Arcularius,  Town 

Con'stables — John  Mehlem,  Melrose;  John  Savor,  High- 
bridgeville ;  Wm.  H.  Rose,  Morrisania ;  George  H.  Dellett, 
Morrisania  ;  Thomas  Brown. 

Town  Sealer — Arthur  B.  Hauptman,  cor.  Seventh  street  and 
Third  avenue.  Morrisania. 

Pound  Masters — M.  Stadmiller,  Melrose  ;  Henry  Donohue, 
Morrisania  ;  Thomas  Hughes,  Mott  Haven. 


Justice  Hauptman,  Mondays  and  Thursdays. 

Justice  Fullen,  Tuesdays  and  Fridays. 

Justice  Flanagan,  Wednesdays  and  Saturdays. 


Clerk — Eugene  Ring,  West  Morrisania. 
President — H.  F.  L.  Bunting,  Mott  Haven. 
Supervisor — Wm  Cauldwell. 
First  Ward — T.  Mason  Oliver,  H.  F.  L.  Bunting. 
Second  Ward — John  F.  Rice,  Patrick  Mullins. 
Third  Ward— Ernest  Hall,  Geo.  R.  Teasdale. 
Fourth  Ward — David  McLeod,  Geo.  P  Arcularius. 



Finance — Messrs.  Teasdale,  Cauldwell,  Mullins  and  Rice. 

Highways  and  Bridges — Messrs.  Oliver,  Arcularius,  Mullin* 
and  Hall. 

Legal  Questions — Messrs.  Cauldwell,  Rice,  Arcularius  and 

Public  Health — Messrs.  McLeod,  Oliver,  Arcularius  and 

Printing — Messrs.  Arcularius,  Mullins,  Teasdale  and  Hall. 

Lamps  and  Gas — Messrs.  Rice,  Oliver, Cauldwell  and  McLeod. 

Temporary  Relief  of  the  Poor — Messrs.  Hall,  McLeod,  Rice 
and  Oliver. 

Town  Officers — Messrs.  Mullins,  Oliver,  Arcularius  and  Hall. 

Repairs  and  Supplies — Messrs.  Rice,  Mullins,  Teasdale  and 

Regular  meetings  of  the  Board,  Pirst  Tuesday  of  eacK 
month,  at  4:30  p.  m. 

The  Standing  Committees  meet  every  Tuesday  evening. 


President — T.  Mason  Oliver. 
Secretary — John  Planagan. 
Treasurer — Louis  Diehl. 
Clerk — John  J.  Clarke. 

Samuel  R.  Davis,  James  M.  Stedman,  James  Pinegan,  Ed- 
ward Kirk,  Jr. ;  Thomas  W.  Timpson,  Robert  McParlan. 


Finance — John  Planagan.  James  M.  Stedman,  Robert  Mc- 

Buildings,  Repairs  and  Supplies — Robert  ]McI*arlan,  Jjouia. 
Dielil,  James  Pinegan. 

Rules,  Regulations  and  J3y-Laws — Thomas  AV.  Timpson^ 
Samuel  R.  Davis,  Edward  Kirk,  Jr. 

Teachers — John  Planagan.  Robert  McParlan,  Louis  Diehl. 

On  Normal  School — John  Planagan,  Robert  McParlan,  Louis. 



School  No.  1 — Messrs.  Flanagan,  Uiehl  and  Davis. 
*'         "    2 — Messrs.  Timpson,  Kirk  and  Flanagan. 
"         "    3 — Messrs.  McParlan,  Diehl  and  Davis. 
"         "    4 — Messrs.  Finegan,  Stedman  and  McFarlan. 
''         '*    5 — Messrs.  Diehl,  Kirk  and  Timpson. 

Regular  meetings  of  the  Board  are  held  on  the  Second  Mon- 
day of  each  month  at  4  o'clock  P.  M.,  in  the  Board  room, 
School  house  No.  4,  Melrose. 


OllGANIZED  APRIL  12x0,    1856. 

President' — John  Van  Horn. 
Vice-President — Wm.  M.  Bogert. 
Secretary — Robert  Danfield,  Jr. 
Treasurer — P.  Mullins. 


John  J.  Blauvelt,  Lawrence  McGrath,  George  B.  Birch. 


E.  W.  Albro,  Louis  Falk,  John  McCarty. 


Chief — John  Van  Horn. 
Assistant  Chief — Adam  Hipp. 
Assistant  Chief — Fred.  Geecks. 


President — John  Van  Horn. 

Vice-President — Wm.  M.  Bogert. 

Secretary — Robert  Danfield,  Jr. 

Engine  No.  1. — Wm.  Bolmer,  Ed.  Austin. 

Engine  No.  2 — Peter  Keene,  John  McCiisker. 

Engine  No.  4 — Luke  O'Hanlan,  Francis  McDonough. 

Engine  No.  5 — Wm.  M.  Bogert,  Geo.'  W.  Brower. 

Hose  No.  1 — Mike  Von  Greitchen,  Qoo.  Schueman. 

Hose  No.  2 — Geo.  H.  Dyer,  John  Van  Horn.  Jr. 


Hose  No.  8 — Adam  Rice,  John  Mullins. 

Hook  and  Ladder,  No.  1 — Martin  Endress,  Andrew  Stock- 

Hook  and  Ladder,  No.  2 — John  Kershaw,  James  Quinn. 

Engine  Co.  No.  1 — Located  on  east  side  Fulton  avenue,  be- 
tween Fiftli  and  Sixth  streets.  Foreman — John  M.  Campbell ; 
Assistant  Foreman — John  Royal. 

Engine  Co.  No.  2 — Located  on  Westchester  Railroad  street, 
between  Eagle  and  Passage  avenues.  Foreman — James.  C. 
Clark  ;  Assistant  Foreman — James  Tallon. 

Engine  Co.  No.  4 — Located  on  Boston  road  near  Mott 
street.  Foreman — Luke  O'Hanlan  ;  Assistant  Foreman — Jas. 

Engine  Co.  No.  5 — Located  on  Washington  avenue  near 
Mary  street.  Foreman — John  Nimphius,  Jr ;  Assistant  For- 
eman— John  Condon. 

Hose  Co.  No.  1 — Located  on  Elton  street  near  Boston  road. 
Foreman — Martin  Kraus ;  Assistant  Foreman . 

Hose  Co.  No.  2 — Located  on  Fourth  street,  between  Third 
aud  Washington  avenues.  Foreman — Geo.  H.  Dyer ;  Assist- 
ant Foreman — Frank  P.  Mott. 

Hose  Co.  No.  3 — Located  on  Lexington  street,  near  Passage 
avenue.  Foreman — Edward  Irwin;  Assistant  Foreman — 
Charles  Wilhelm. 

Hook  and  Ladder  Co.  No.  1 — Located  on  Fourth  street  near 
Fordham  avenue.  Foreman — Wm.  McGill ;  Assistant  Fore- 
man— George  Castle. 

Hook  and  Ladder  Co.  No.  2 — Located  on  Bronx  street  near 
Boston  road.  Foreman — John  Robertson  ;  Assistant  Foreman 
— ^lichael  Finigan. 


First  District,  comprising  all  that  portion  of  the  Town 
bounded  on  the  East  by  Willis  Avenue;  on  the  North  by  Cot- 
tage street,  extending  westerly  to  Harlem  river ;  and  on  the 
south  and  Avest  by  Harlem  river. 

Second  District,  bounded  on  the  west  by  Willis  avenue  ;  on 
the  north  by  147th  street  to  St.  Ann's  avenue  and  Westchester 
Railroad  street ;  and  on  the  south  and  east  by  the  town  line, 
East  river  and  Harlem  river. 

Third  District,  bounded  on  the    south  by  Grove  street ;  on 


the  east  by  the  Harlem  Eailroad  and  Mill  Brook ;  on  the  west 
by  the  Harlem  river ;  and  on  the  north  by  the  town  line. 

Fourth  District,  bounded  on  the  south  by  Cottage  street ;  on 
the  east  by  Boston  Eoad  or  Third  ave. ;  on  the  north  by  Mary 
street ;  and  on  the  west  by  the  Harlem  Eailroad. 

Fifth  District,  bounded  on  the  south  by  Westchester  Eail- 
road street,  and  147th  street ;  on  the  east  by  the  town  line  ; 
on  the  west  by  Third  avenue  ;  and  on  the  north  by  Cliff  street. 

Sixth  District,  bounded  on  the  south  by  Mary  street ;  on 
the  north  by  Mill  Brook ;  on  the  east  by  Third  avenue  ; 
and  on  the  west  by  the  Harlem  Eailroad. 

Seventh  District,  bounded  on  the  south  by  Mill  Brook  and 
Cliff  street ;  on  the  west  by  Mill  Brook  ;  on  the  north  by  Fourth 
street,  Springy  Place  and  George  street ;  and  on  the  east  by 
the  town  line. 

Eighth  District,  bounded  on  the  south  by  Fourth  street,. 
Spring  Place  and  George  street ;  on  the  west  by  Mill  Brook; 
and  on  the  north  and  east  by  the  town  line. 


Westchester  County  Journal,  (Independent,)  James  Still- 
man,  Editor  and  Publisher.     Established  April,  1852. 

Westchester  Times,  (Eepublican,)  D.  B.  Frisbee,  Editor  and 
Publisher.     Established  January,  1865. 

Westchester  Deutsche  Zeitung,  (Democratic,)  1).  Biermas- 
ter,  Pubhsher.     EstabUshed  May,  1868. 


Episcopal  (St.  Paul's). — Fordham  ave.,  above  Eighth  street. 
Bev.  Thomas  E.  Harris,  Eector.  Services  at  10:30  a.  m.,  7:30 
p.  m.     Sunday  school  at  3  p.  m. 

Trinity  Church. — George  street  near  Boston  road.  Serv- 
ices every  Sunday  at  10:30  a.  m„  and  3:30  p.  m.  Sunday 
school  at  2  p.  m. 

St.  Mapcy's  Church. — Garden  street.  The  Eev.  Chas.  S. 
Knapp,  Eector.  Services  at  10:30  a.  m.  and  7:30  p.  m.  Sun- 
day school  at  9  a.  m. 

St.  Ann's,  (Episcopal.) — 138th  street,  cor.  St.  Ann's  avenue. 
Eev.  W.  Huckle.  Services  at  10:30  a.  m.  and  4  p.  m, 
Sunday  school  9:15  a.  m. 


Potts  Memohial  Presbytekian. — Washin(2:ton  avenue,  bet. 
Fifth  and  Sixth  streets.  Rev.  Arthur  Potts.  Services  at  10:30 
a.  m.  and  3:30  p.  m.     Sunday  school  at  3:30  p.  m. 

First  M.  E.  Church — Cor.  Willis  avenue  and  141st  street. 
Rev.  L.  P.  Perr> .  Services  at  10:30  p.  m.  and  7:30  p.  m. 
Sunday  school  at  2:30  p.  m. 

Methodist  Episcgpal. — Washington  avenue,  cor.  Fourth 
street.  Rev.  T.  B.  Smith.  Services  at  10:30  a.  m.  and 7  p.  m. 
Sunday  school  at  2  p.  m. 

Methodist  Episcopal,  (German.) — Washington  avenue,  op- 
posite ^[elrose  street.  Rev,  J.  Meyer.  kServices  at  10:30  a.m. 
and  7:30  p.  m. 

St.  Paul's  A.  M.  E.  Church. — Washington  avenue,  corner 
Springfield   street.     Preaching  at  3   p.  m  and  7:30  p.  m. 

Reformed  Dutch. — Boston  road  and  Cottage  street.  Rev. 
llasbrouck  DuBois.  Services  at  10:30  a.  m.  and  3:30  p.  m. 
Sunday  school  at  9  a.  ni. 

Dutch  Reformed, — Washington  avenue,  bet.  Melrose  and 
Prospect  streets.  Rev.  George  AVindemuth.  Services  at  10:30 
•a.  m  and  7:30  p.  m.     Sunday  school  at  2  p.  m. 

German  Evang.  Lutheran  (St.  ^Iatthews.) — Courtland  ave., 
bet.  Mary  and  Springfield  streets.  Rev.  E.  G.  Zeumer.  Serv- 
ices at  10:30  a.  m.  and  7:30  p.  m,      Sunday  school  at  1:30  p.  m. 

First  Congregational. — Washington  avenue,  bet.  Third 
and  Fourth  streets.  Rev.  W.  W^esterfield.  Services  at  10:30 
a.  ni.  and  7:30  p.  m. 

Second  Congregational  Church. — Milton  street,  near  Wash- 
ington avenue.  Rev.  Chas.  Ritter.  Services  at  3  and  7:30  p. 
m.     Sunday  school  at  2  p.  m. 

St.  Augustine's,  (Roman  Catholic) — Jefferson  street,  corner 
Franklin  avenue.  Sunday  services.  Masses  at  8  and  10:30 
a.  m.  Sunday  school  at  2:30  p,  m.  Vespers  at  3:30  p.  m. 
Rev.  J.  Woods. 

Roman  Catholic,  (German. )Denman  street,  between  Boston 
road  and  Courtland  ave.  Rev.  Francis  Karel.  Masses  at  8 
and  10  p.  m. 

Baptist, — Cor,  Courtland  av  and  Milton  street.  Services  at 
10:30  a.  m.  and  7:30  p.  m.     Sabbath  school  2  p.  m. 

Baptist,  (Pilgrims.) — Boston  road.  Rev.  Mr.  Lincoln. 
Services  at  10:30  a.  m.  and  7:30  p.  m. 

Christian  Meeting-IIouse. — Seventh  street,  bet.  Fulton  and 
Franklin  avenues.     Seats  free.     C.  Abercrombie,  preacher. 



Pkesbyterian. — Washington  avenue,  between  Twelfth  and 
Fitch  streets.  Rev.  Alex.  Nesbitt.  Services  at  10:30  a.  m.  and 
7:30  p.  m.     Sunday  school  at  2:30  p.  m. 

House  of  Rest  eok  Coxsuaiptives. — Episcopal. — North  side 
of  Morris  street,  between  Washington  and  Railroad  avenues. 
Services  with  sermon  every  Sunday  afternoon  at  3:30  p.  m. 

Mehodist  EpiscorAL. — Washington  avenue,  bet.  Morris  and 
Mott  streets.  Rev.  Paul  R.  Brown.  Services  at  10:30  a.  m. 
.and  7:30  p.  m.     Sunday  school  at  2:30  p.  m. 


Crystal  Stream  division  No.  <S1,  S.  ofT.,  organized  Oct.  16. 

1866.  Edw.  Mount,  W.  P. ;  Smith  Williamson,  R.  S.  Meets 
Monday  evenings,  in  Braun's  hall,  north  side  113d  street  near 
Third  avenue. 

Crystal  Spring  Division,  No.    89,  S.  of  T.     Organized  Dec. 

5,  1868.  W.  P.,  Prank  T.  Kirwin ;  R.  S.,  E.  D.  Davis. 
Meets  Wednesday  evenings  in  Hake's  hall,  corner  Third  ave- 
nue and  Milton  street. 

MoRRisANiA  Division  No.  317,  S.  of  T.,  organized  March  12, 
1868.  George  Bell,  W.  P.  ;  Gfeorge  J.  Brown,  R.  S.  Meets 
Thursday  evenings,  in  Odd  Pellows'  hall.  Fifth  street,  between 
Railroad  and  Washington  avenues. 

Pocahontas  Lodge   No.  234,   I.  0.  of  G.   T.,  organized  Dec. 

6,  1870.  E.  D.  Bassett,  W.  C.  T.  ;  R.  B.  Austin,  Secretary. 
Meets  Thursday  evenings,  in  Braun's  hall,  north  side  143d 
street  near  Third  avenue. 

Covenant  Lodge  No.  27,  I.  0.  of  G.  S.,  and  D.  of  S.,  organ- 
ized Feb.  8,  1870.  T.  B.  Buxton,  ^Y.  C.  ;  Wm.  Rehfeld,  R.  S. 
Meets  Friday  evenings,  in  Hake's  hall,  corner  Third  avenue 
and  Milton  street. 

Tremont  Division,  No.    188,    S.    of  T.     Organized  Ivlav  20, 

1867.  W.  P.,  William  McDade  ;  R.  S.,  Miss  Sarah  Tarbox. 
Meets  Monday  evenings  in  Firemens'  hall,  Morris  street,  be- 
tween   Railroad  and  Washington  avenues. 

G.  A.  R. 

Post  Oliver  Tildp:r  No.  96,  organized  May  24,  1869.  Com- 
mander, Geo.G.  Chase  ;  Adjutant,  Wesley  Farrington.  Meets 
on  Tuesday  evenings,  in  Schutzen's  hal)  Third  avenue,  between 
Fourth  and  Fifth  streets. 



LifA-  Lodge  No.  'M2,  F.  &  A.  M.  Meets  the  First  and  Third 
Tuesday  of  each  Month  at  Morrisania  hall,  Railroad  avenue^ 
between  Fourth  and  Fifth  streets.  Officers — John  McGuire^ 
W.  M. .  Robert  R.  Sherwood,  S.  AV.  ;  George  S.  Bell,  J.  W. ;. 
Jos.  Santos,  Treas.  ;  Thomas  W.  Timpson,  Sec'y. 

Ivy  ChaptekNo.  288,  R.  A.  M.,  meets  the  First  and  Third 
Tuesday  of  each  Month  at  Morrisania  hall,  Railroad  avenue 
between  Fourth  and  Fifth  streets.  Officers — Edward  Kirk,  Jr., 
High  Priest;  John  E.  Comfort,  M.  D.,  King;  Rol^ert  R.  Sher- 
wood, Scribe  ;  Henry  Schmidt,  Treas. ;  George  E.  Sherwood, 

Gavel  Ijodge,  No.  703,  F.  &  A.  M.,  meets  every  Friday 
eveninof  at  7:30  P.  M.,  at  their  hall,  143d  street  near  Third 
avenue^  Officers— S.  H.  Mcllroy,  M.  ;  J.  H.  G.  Blythe,  S.  W. ;. 
C.  S.  Roder,  J.  W. ;  G.  A.  J.  Norman.  Secretary  ;  I.  W.  Duns- 
more  Treasurer. 

AViELAXD  Lodge,  F.  &.  A.  M.,  U.  D.,  meets  every  Wednesday 
evening  at  their  rooms  in  Georgi's  building.  Third  avenue  near 
First  street.  Officers — Augustus  Freudel,  W.  M. ;  Henry 
Schmidt,  S.  W. ;  Jacob  Held,  J.  W. ;  JohnEichler,  Treasurer - 
Peter  AVeyand,  Secretary. 

Guiding  Stab,  No.  56.'^,  F.  &  A.  M.,  meets  Second  and  Fourth 
Tuesday  at  Masonic  hall,  corner  of  Railroad  avenue  and  Mott 
street,  Tremont.  Officers — R.  Leigh  Anderton,  Jr.,  W.  M.  ; 
AVilliam  Herring,  S.  ^Y. ;  Richard  Hillman,  J.  W.  ;  William 
A.  (xre^-e.  Treasurer :    Carey  I).  Stearns,  Secretary. 


MoRiiisAxiA  Lodge,  No.  171,  I.  0.  of  0.  F.,  Meets  every 
AVednesday  evening  in  Odd  Fellows  hall,  Fifth  street,  between 
Railroad  and  AVashington  avenues.  Officers — Richard  A. 
Cooke,  N.  G.  ;  John  R.  Smith,  V.  G. ;  AVilliam  Man  waring, 
R.  S.  ;  John  H.  Markham,  P.  S. ;  AA'm  R.  Collins,  Treasurer. 

Goethe  Lodge,  193,  I.  0.  of  0.  F..  Meets  every  Tuesday 
evening  in  Odd  Fellows  hall.  Fifth  street  between  Railroad 
and  AVashington  avenues.  Officers — R.  Zimmermann,  N.  G.  i 
John  lUiuer,  \.  G. ;  Robert  A'ollbrach,  R.  S.  ;  Joseph  Buhler,. 
P.  S.  ;  John  Kuhorn,  Treasurer. 



Harlem  Bridge,  Morrisania  and  Fordham  Eailway  Company. 
President,  Harford  B.  Kirk ;  Treasurer,  William  Cauldwell ; 
Secretary,  John  B.   Haskin ;  Superintendent,  Jas.  J.  Murphy. 

Directors  : — John  B.    Haskin,  Abraham  B.  Tappen,  Henry    ^ 
E.    Eemson,    William   Eemson,    Harford   B.    Kirk,   William 
Cauldwell,  Horace  P.  Whitney,  Albert  B.  Whitney,  Matthew 
B.  Wynkoop,  John  J.  Hallenbeck,  Eichard    M.  Hoe,  Phineas 
T.  Barnum,  Cornelius  Bogart. 

Morrisania  Steamboat  Company.  Office,  corner  188tli  street 
and  Third  avenue.  President,  H.  H.  Eobinson  ;  Treasurer, 
Thomas  Eae  ;  Secretary,  John  Hopkins  ;  Superintendent,  C. 

Westchester  County  Gas  Light  Company,  organized  July  18, 
1859.  Authorized  Capital,  $500,000.  Office,  Mott  Haven. 
Works,  Port  Morris.  President,  Eobert  Campbell ;  Secretary 
and  Superintendent,  AVm  E.  Beal ;  Treasurer,  E.  A.  Brick. 

Board  of  Directors  : — Eobert  Campbell,  John  J.  Crane,  S. 
D.  Gifford,  Edward  Willis,  Eiley  A.  Brick,  William  E.  Beal, 
Charles  Bathgate,  Charles  Stillman. 

Suburban  Gas  Light  Company,  organized  June  11,  1870. 
Authorized  Capital,  $125,000.  Office,  Eailroad  avenue  near 
Mott  street,  Tremont.  Works,  on  Bronx  river,  West  Earms. 
President,  Charles  W.  Bathgate;  Secretary  and  Consulting 
Engineer,  Wm  E.  Beal ;  Treasurer,  E.  A.  Brick. 

Board  of  Directors ; — Cliarles  W.  Bathgate,  Frederick  Grote, 
Philip  Duffy,  Wm  Herring,  Eiley  A.  Brick,  Wm.  E.  Beal, 
James  Cummings. 

German  Savings  Bank,  Hake's  building,  corner  Milton  street 
and  Third  avenue.  Bank  cpen  Daily  from  10  A.  M.,  to  3 
P.  M.  Monday  and  Saturday  evenings  from  6  to  9  P.  M.  De- 
posits received  from  10  cents  to  $5,000.  Six  per  cent  interest 
allowed  on  all  sums  from  $5  to  $5,000  free  of  Government  tax. 
President,  Gustavus  Pfeiffer  ;  1st  Vice-President,  Gen.  Eranz 
^igel ;  2d  Vice-President,  F.  Heyer ;  Treasurer,  A.  J.  Braud- 
lacht ;  Cashier  and  Secretary,  Wm.  Hoeland. 

Morrisania  Savings  Bank,  corner  Westchester  road  and 
Third  avenue.  Open  Daily  from  10  A.  M.,  to  3  P.  M.,  also  on 
Monday  and  Saturday  evenings   from   5    to   8  P.  M.     Six  per 


rent  interest  free  of  Government  tax  allowed  on  all  sums  from 
$1  to  $5,000.  President,  H.  P.  DeGraaf ;  Treasurer,  Alfred 
Knapp  ;  Secretary,  Eugene  Eing. 


Janes  &  Kirtland,  Manufacturers  of  Ornamental  Iron  Work. 
Foundry,  Westchester  Eoad  near  Benson  avenue.  Warerooms, 
Nos.  6,  8,  10  and  12  Eeade  street,  N.  Y.  John  S.  Sanson, 

The  Jordan  L.  Mott  Iron  Works.  Foundry,  Third  ave.,  and 
Harlem  Bridge.  Warerooms,  98  Beekman  street,  N.  Y. 
Superintendent,  John  Demarest. 

Dunham  &  Co.,  Piano  Factory,  Morrisania,  between  Mary 
&  Melrose  streets.     Warerooms,  881  Broadway,  N.  Y. 

The  Arion  Manufacturing  Company,  Westchester, 
Eaiboad  street,  between  Eetreat  &  St.  Ann's  avs.  Wm.  Simp- 
son, jr..  President ;  Geo.  C.  Manner,  Superintendent. 

P  A  E  K  S  . 

Karl's  Park,  Eetreat  avenue,  between  147th  &  Henry  streets. 
Christian  Schftffer,  Proprietor. 

Sylvan  Park,  foot  of  Fifth  street,  oj^posite  H.  E.  E.  depot. 
Henry  Fried  gen.  Proprietor. 




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